Stop the steady state cardio today! Trust me...



  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    lovelovelove interval training! I'm impatient so it gives me the.most bang for my buck the soonest. What I do is when I'm on the elliptical I do 5 minutes on a moderate speed then 1 minute "wading through molasses" and I continue this for about 26-31 minutes. During my 1 minute of hell I close my eyes and spell things like " I W-A-N-T T-O B-E A S-I-Z-E F-O-U-R" and usually by the timw i open my eyes and have finished my motivational spelling my minute is over and I have burned 20 extra calories, by spelling!

    It may sound downright silly but it works for me!

    Also, never seen so many good looking guys crammed in one thread before. hubba hubba! :love:
  • VeganZombie13
    I enjoy my cardio workouts, Very relaxing ... Don't really see the point in changing ... I enjoy keeping my heart in shape, I'm sure HIIT is fine. I just like my cardio ..
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Did my first HIIT on Monday this week and feeling like I've done one-legged squats tonight (Tuesday)! Thought "I'm never doing this again" yesterday but now I'm looking forward to my next spring/walk-run session on Thursday. Addictive.

    I think I will still want to do a regular barefoot steady state run along the beach or through the woods, but that will be more to celebrate rather than improve my health and performance.
  • kevinvs
    kevinvs Posts: 17 Member
    save for later reading
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Unless you're training to run for distance, why waste so much time doing steady state cardio?

    I enjoy it.
  • Martoch
    Martoch Posts: 166
    While HIIT is definitely superior for body composition, steady state cardio still has it's place. Saying steady state cardio useless is just wrong.

    Agreed and I would never say it is useless. I didn't have enough characters in the title to specifically target people that complain about long, boring runs (treadmill or otherwise). I've seen plenty of posts here about it in the week that I've been here and I get asked about it in person frequently.

    I wasn't trying to turn this into a running vs HIIT battle...just opening up some new doors for people that are still not aware.

    Back off, fireballs! Haha!
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you :flowerforyou: Great information!!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If you're doing steady state cardio and love it and are happy with your results. Carry on.
    If you're doing steady state cardio and are bored or not getting results you want...change it up. HIIT's are awesome.

    There is no one supreme work out. Customize your workouts to your needs and use variety if your like me and get bored easily!
  • maureenfarren
    Totally agree with you. Of course eating right goes with it. I love interval training. I sweat my booty off to Insanity and other DVD's along with using weights. I am always changing my workouts around. It works for me!! thanks for the advice.
  • mrsna
    mrsna Posts: 195 Member
    Unless you're training to run for distance, why waste so much time doing steady state cardio? I just saw a thread about a woman running for an hour on the! I'm not judging, so please don't get me wrong. You guys seriously need to look into HIIT! So many benefits!!!
    A few...
    ~ Takes much less time
    ~ Burns MORE calories...yes, more!
    ~ Increased metabolism
    ~ More fat loss vs muscle loss

    Don't take my word for are a few links to get your motivated.

    13 HIIT Articles

    8 Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    You're welcome!

    ~ Mike

    Obviously what you are doing works for you!

    I think they each have their place. I love me some HIIT but I also love to go pound out a good run on the weekends when I have more time. I think the key is that everyone should do what they like and will be able to stick with.

    Keep up your good work! You are setting a great example for your kids!
  • Martoch
    Martoch Posts: 166
    Yes...a lot of hot guys in this glad I started it! lmao! (I'm looking at the women though)
    I'm friending everyone in here, btw...I enjoy good debates and don't take anything personally.
    I enjoy my cardio workouts, Very relaxing ... Don't really see the point in changing ... I enjoy keeping my heart in shape, I'm sure HIIT is fine. I just like my cardio ..

    Obviously I'm copying/pasting from a HIIT article on we could both find articles to support whatever point we're trying to make. I'm just providing some friendly info.

    3. Healthier Heart
    Most people aren't used to pushing into the anaerobic zone (that lovely place where you can't breathe and you feel like your heart is trying to jump out of your chest). But in this case, extreme training produces extreme results. One 2006 study found that after 8 weeks of doing HIIT workouts, subjects could bicycle twice as long as they could before the study, while maintaining the same pace.
    Totally agree with you. Of course eating right goes with it.

    Excellent point! Eating right will always be #1...period.
  • hekeepsme
    hekeepsme Posts: 1 Member
    I guess what ever floats a person boat... as for me I do believe running then walking and running again works and it has worked for me.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Unless you're training to run for distance, why waste so much time doing steady state cardio?

    I enjoy it.

    Love walking. Hate HIIT.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    hmmm that healthier heart post sounds enticing? killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.

    so far I am enjoying running and am trying to increase my speed and stamina, so the steady state is working for me.
    however, the info in this thread is intriguing and I will definitely consider working some intervals into my routine as i get further along.
  • jodiebarrette
    jodiebarrette Posts: 43 Member
    I love love love HIIT on the treadmill! And at the track! I still do steady state distance runs just because I like running with friends as well as entering races...15k this weekend as a matter of fact. Doing HIIT has taken minutes off of my race times too! Plus its good for my heart! So many benefits! :)
  • FossilPeddler
    FossilPeddler Posts: 3 Member
    How do you log your HIIT sessions in MFP?
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I enjoy running for an hour do it every day at my lunch hour. Sometimes Ill run 16 miles about 2 hours becouse I enjoy it. And while running My HR is at about averages 165 BPM for my runs. When I go up hills ill kick it in a bit to keep it going. My max HR is 176 so I maintain (steady state an anywhere between 80 and 90 percent of my max).
  • Martoch
    Martoch Posts: 166
    hmmm that healthier heart post sounds enticing? killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.

    so far I am enjoying running and am trying to increase my speed and stamina, so the steady state is working for me.
    however, the info in this thread is intriguing and I will definitely consider working some intervals into my routine as i get further along.
    Love how open minded you are!
    I love love love HIIT on the treadmill! And at the track! I still do steady state distance runs just because I like running with friends as well as entering races...15k this weekend as a matter of fact. Doing HIIT has taken minutes off of my race times too! Plus its good for my heart! So many benefits! :)

    I've increased my distance speeds with HIIT as well and it's great to run with a friend for sure.
    Good luck this weekend! (or did you mean this past weekend?)
  • Martoch
    Martoch Posts: 166
    How do you log your HIIT sessions in MFP?

    I don't know...I don't actually log anything any more as I know what works for me after years of changing things up.
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    Ok so I have heard about this HIIT workout. Can it be done in a gym? I see where it has a plan for the workout but doesn't specify exercises so how do us NOOBS know what to do??:huh: I thought about going to buy like insanity that is HIIt I think but those workouts are too intense I end up flailing about feeling as though I have accomplished nothing :sad: