1200 calorie friends?



  • benandgillsmom
    benandgillsmom Posts: 15 Member
    I am also trying to stick to 1200 :) I log everyday and diary is open! Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • xoalynnxo
    xoalynnxo Posts: 200 Member
    i'm aiming for a NET calorie of 1200-1350. i say NET because this subtracts your exercise and allows you to eat more. i believe in this method because it prevents your body from consuming too few calories. Ex: your daily calories are 1200 and you burn 500 exercising. you would allow yourself 1700 calories that day because 1200 + 500 = 1700. good luck gettnig to goal!
  • simonsayzeat
    simonsayzeat Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is 1128calories but I workout so I get anywhere from 400-1000 calories added to it. Feel free to add me
  • I'm 1200 calories as well. :) I do eat all of my exercise calories back, though. Also prior to this week, I usually took 2 days a week to eat whatever, but I've decided to stop doing that, as my weight loss stopped. My diary is open, but I do have a lot of my own recipes in!
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Im at 1200 :)
    Feel free to add me
    My Goal is to lose 40lbs
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    I'm right around 1200 - and usually make my goals. Feel free to add me, everyone!!
  • I am on 1,230 a day (MFP), try to eat back exercise calories. Sometimes I go over, sometimes I don't.

    Anyone can add me :)
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Im doing 1200 calories plus I eat my exercise calories back. Feel free to add me if you want. A lot of people on mfp hate on the 1200 cal people. Do what works for you.
  • I am with you on that 1200 cal a day thing. I only use it for a guide. Basically I eat more protein then they say because that works for me. Every body is different and you need to find what work for you. Its all good!!
  • add me, I fluctuate between 1000 and 1200. I don't starve, I constantly eat just eating the "right" things and lots of liquids.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    1200 calories will not put you into starvation mode. I went to a hospital weight loss program that is run by the dietitians.....and that is what I was put on after they did a body assessment . So no.....1200 won't make that happen. I need 1267 calories to maintain.....do I have to up my exercise to lose my weight. Just saying what I was just told. Not everyone is the same.....we are all different. What works for one will not work for another person. Do what works for you. Just my 2 cents worth.
  • Hi I was wondering how short are you? I am 5'2 and weight 140. I excercise 5 days a week.
  • I am at the 1200 Calorie per day diet. Just started today, feel free to add me.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I'm currently at 2500 calories, recently decreased from 3000. My diary is open. Fellow 2500 people, feel free to add me.


    Whoops, wrong thread. Sorry about that.

    *leaves quickly*

    Feel about as awkward as walking in on a bunch of ladies in the restroom talking about their periods and you giving advice on your jock itch? It helps to read the sign on the door. :wink:

    There is something positively reassuring to see urinals on the wall when I walk into a restroom.

    Lol, I can understand that.
  • kaceelawlor
    kaceelawlor Posts: 184 Member
    What is your goal by consuming only 1200 calories per day?

    Did you know that eating too-few of calories can actually cause our bodies enter starvation mode? The thyroid hormones needed to fuel your metabolism can’t be produced and our metabolism starts slowing down. Our bodies start clinging to fat stores as a source of energy and we become sluggish.

    The ideal caloric intake is based off an equation that first calculates your BMR to include your height, weight, age, gender.


    Once this number is established, the next step adds in your activity level in the Harris Benedict equation.


    This final number is what you should be consuming on a daily basis. The ideal plan for your body is 40/40/20, meaning 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat. This keeps your body in fat-burning mode while allowing the gain of lean muscle. It also allows your body to maintain a higher energy level and feel full longer!

    I hope this helps, feel free to add me :)

    I actually did this, then multiplied the final number by 7 (for weekly calories needed to maintain) subtracted 3500 (to lose 1lb a week without any exercise, even though I do work out 2-3 times a week) and divided by 7 to see daily calories needed to lose. It came out to 1,199. I'm currently trying the 1200cal/day thing and so far so good. If I did the same process as above and subtracted 2000 instead (to account for the days I work out), my daily caloric intake is about 1400. I DO try to eat anywhere between 12 and 1400 a day, so my advice is do what works for you and use this stuff as a baseline. PS they say to calculate your BMR every 5lbs lost to make sure you're eating the right amount.

    Yes it's true 1200cal/day isn't best for everyone and your body could go into starvation mode, but as long as you do your research and a little trial and error to see what works best for you, and you're well informed (not just the pros, not just the cons), stick with it and best of luck.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    ...are you all doing 1200 *plus* exercise or just 1200?

    My maintenance level without exercise is around 1700, so 1200 gives me a 1 pound loss. I still have 50 more pounds to lose, so if I burn another 250-500 per day and don't eat them back, then I can lose between 1.5 and 2 pounds per week. It works for me. I don't find that I am any hungrier on high workout days, but sometimes I might want a little treat and don't feel guilty about going over 50-100 calories on occasion.

    Some people exercise so that they can eat more. I exercise so I can lose more. Of course we both get the strength and cardio benefits.

    Whatever works for you.
  • I've literally just rejoined MFP after months away... Apparently 1200 cals per day for me too... eek! Feel free to add me, I could use the advice ha!
  • kdt000
    kdt000 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm on 1230 and I eat back what I work off at the gym. It's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    ...are you all doing 1200 *plus* exercise or just 1200?

    My maintenance level without exercise is around 1700, so 1200 gives me a 1 pound loss. I still have 50 more pounds to lose, so if I burn another 250-500 per day and don't eat them back, then I can lose between 1.5 and 2 pounds per week. It works for me. I don't find that I am any hungrier on high workout days, but sometimes I might want a little treat and don't feel guilty about going over 50-100 calories on occasion.

    Some people exercise so that they can eat more. I exercise so I can lose more. Of course we both get the strength and cardio benefits.

    Whatever works for you.

    Whatever works for you? Exactly. So tired of people worrying about what others are eating.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Thanks for that... very interesting. I have just started this weekend.

    Could you advise please... my target intake is 1470 calories and I ate 1246, but then I cycled 60 minutes which added 1132.
    Therefore I have only used a net if 114.

    Is this a problem re starvation mode?


    How are you figuring your calories burned, do you use a heart rate monitor with a chest strap? Or do you plug it in to MFP and use that number? I ask, because MFP was giving me about 700 calories for 60 minutes on the bike. My husband, who is a competitive cyclist, burns around that same amount when he is racing at 25-30 mph with a heartrate in the 190s, so he suggested I get a HRM to see if my burn amounts were correct. I got the HRM and found out I burn less than half the number MFP shows. Now, I can see what my HR is and get an accurate count. I can also shoot to increase my intensity so I can increase my burn numbers.

    So 1132 for 60 minutes sounds like an awfully high number, unless your HR is maxed out the whole time and you are climbing some major hills.