200+ (Week 21) Fling Into Spring



  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I broke down. I bought a dozen DD donuts to work and had 2 this morning. I just had to have donuts today. Oh well. I'll just work it into my day and do a little treadmill tonight.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I broke down. I bought a dozen DD donuts to work and had 2 this morning. I just had to have donuts today. Oh well. I'll just work it into my day and do a little treadmill tonight.

    At least it happened first thing in the day so you have time to make up for it throughout the rest of the day.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Just droping in; I too had a donut this am, and a bagel w cream cheese. I felt like pigging out, so I did, plus I got my rag..
    I weighed in at 213.8 with my entire outfit on, so I'm hoping its really 211!!! I'll weigh in offish on Saturday.. Maybe tomorrow.
    Last night I finally was able to get some food down, but it was mcdonalds.. I was out, and just couldn't wait to get home cause i didn't eat for 2 days... my emotions are everywhere...
    I spent 250 bucks on myself and some household things I am gonna take this time & be productive; redecorate my house, add more accessories.. All that good stuff!! & today I am going out & buying more!! SHOPPING THERAPY IS THE BEST THERAPY; ATLEAST I'M NOT SHOVINGG MY FACE..LOL
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Seriously... are we all cycling together? I know women who live together can end up on a similar cycle, but I didn't know chatting constantly on the internet did the same thing! *sends hormones via 'net*
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Funny, earlier in this thread I thought I had been late, but now that I am looking back I should be due for TOM any day now. It is funny how close our TOM schedules are. Actually it's scary.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I completely think we are are cycling about the same time, except I think i lead it all of about a week ahead of time....Sorry ladies:huh:

    After reading through the posts, I have to say once again...how inspiring each of you are. I can not believe how lucky we got finding this post together. And the girl who started it, isn't even here anymore.....Anyone know what happened to her? I tried messaging her a couple of times, but never got a response. Ohh well.

    Today I am going to get in a decent treadmill workout...gonna shoot for 3 miles once again. two seemed to kill me tuesday, I've been going without stopping at all like all you fabulous ladies. Then I am off to the beauty store to try to find a straightening adapter so I can try to straighten my hair from time to time. I still can't believe I found someone I love and will move away. I seriously may schedule an appointment with her every time I come down...lol. And, I will take your advice Kristina (i think it was yours, I seriously don't know how you guys remember who said what half the time...yet another way you amaze me)...anyways, I may take your advice and just bug total strangers about who cuts their hair. My Mother in law has offered her stylist....but, well....there is nothing nice I can say here. I do love my mother in law though.....lol

    Deb, curly hair sisters unite!!! It is a blessing and a curse. My husband stared at me wierd all night, but told me this morning (with bed head) how incredibly hot I looked. so, i guess he just needs to get used to it.

    Kendall....have fun on your walk. Ahh...new love interests......So happy for you!!!

    So is everyone else here married or dating? Let's get into that, I love you ladies!!! How long and all that. My hubby and I have been married 6 years this August. Met in 2003, got married in 2004, and have been happily married ever since.

    What is it with doughnuts? I snuck one too yesterday.

    Random idea, let me know if you think it is crazy. There is this man who rides his bike around lunchtime every day up and down my street. It started in January, and I see him all the time, and he has lost so much weight. I totally want to make a sign for him and put it up on the telephone pole to tell him WAY TO GO MR BIKE MAN!!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!

    Do you think it will weird him out??:indifferent:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439

    Deb - I think you're posts are great and very supportive. I feel bad that person seemed offended. If it really bothers you, ask him to send you the post that upset him. You will drive yourself crazy trying to figure out the mind of someone else. PS put some ice on your shoulder. I loved your warning.

    I agree. have him send you the offending post. To me, it would feel good to write back...."um.....sorry your upset, but that's not me".
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    Random idea, let me know if you think it is crazy. There is this man who rides his bike around lunchtime every day up and down my street. It started in January, and I see him all the time, and he has lost so much weight. I totally want to make a sign for him and put it up on the telephone pole to tell him WAY TO GO MR BIKE MAN!!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!

    Do you think it will weird him out??:indifferent:

    I think that would be so sweet of you....and I bet it would light up his day!!!! :bigsmile: , would me if someone noticed!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh My....what is with the doughnuts??? My son asked me to make them for breakfast this morning...and I usually leave them be...this morning...I had 2.... I make them out of bisquits...have any of you tried?...I heat an inch of olive/canola mix oil up in a fryer and then just fry them quickly a minute or so on both sides...the puff up pretty quick...then I drain them and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar ..oh my they are yummy warm.

    I'm married.
    I met my husband in 1987, but I was in the middle of a nasty divorce (yes I married young and too early the first time around!) I didn't want anything to do with guys at that time. I went out with my now husband a few times in early 1988 and on a third date, he told me he loved me...scared the crap right out of me...and like a dork...I went running the other way.....I don't know how I got so lucky....but he waited on me to get myself together. I knew I made a mistake and New Years Eve 1988...I asked him out and we have been together ever since. He is the love of my life. We got married in December of 1990.

    I love this group too...all of you are so supportive...never negative...I so love that!

    Pinbot, I did ice the arm and it is feeling better....I still haven't exercised yet, but my oldest is on her way out and she said she'd like to walk...so I think I'll work out with her today...and maybe get a little extra elliptical tonight...last chance workout! I am just coming off of my TOM.. AKA....weird, I agree what is with that???.:laugh: :laugh: so fingers crossed smiley...I hope I see something!

    CDS....woo-hoo.... "incredibly hot".:glasses: ..now those are some magic words there!!!! Run and get that attachment quick!!:bigsmile:
    Kendal...hope your able to get out for that walk....:flowerforyou:

    Just got a text...the grandkids are 20 minutes away....I better get going.....

    I'll check in with everyone later....have a great Thursday.....
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    A quick update on that guy....I did write him and asked him what I said, and he just replied...said he couldn't remember...but that I said something about "Come on ladies" ....well if I did say that, it was probably because I was posting on either this group or the womens40+ group.....so if he's stalking me:laugh: :laugh: , he might need to notice the groups I belong too....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I usually don't get involved in to many other posts...but I do read them....I usually only post if I know the OP, or if it is weight loss photos....I love those!!
    After reading his profile...I feel bad for him, sounds like he was an army ranger and then had an accident and is now paralized or something like that...even said he was hit by cars 2 more times.....talk about bad luck....and now he is a secretary...he just must be super sensitive.....
    Really have to go.......talk with you later!!
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Wow...so much has been going on that I don't even know where to start. You guys are all great and show me that anything I want can be done!!!

    I do have to agree on TOM...It seems that even the internet can make your cycle mess up...Oh well! At least I know what's going on now.

    I am also a curly haired girl...and I understand that losing a hairstylist is horrible! I dunno what I'll do when mine leaves or quits...she's been around for 7 years.

    I am engaged!!!! Our wedding date is October 9th, 2010!! I am so ready to be his wife! He's an amazing man. We've been together for 3.5 years!

    Funny thing about donuts is that I went by Krispy Kreme last night and got a dozen for work today...I've been good so far and just ate a piece of one last night.....SOOOOO GOOOD!!!

    I am going to be starting the c25k program on Monday...I'll have to remember to post more so that ya'll know how that's going. I have been horrible about working out this week...I just haven't had the energy or time!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Deb--that is so sad about that guy. I have a huge soft spot for any military person. I think their sacrifice is so noble. Probably one of the things I love about my husband so much. Boy do I miss seeing him in the AF uniform. HOT!!!!!!

    Ejm--Seriously, doughnuts!!! what is wrong with all of us......lol??

    Well, i'm off to the beauty supply store. did my hair curly today, and i definitely like it straight better. i may end up going back to her so she can show me how to blow it straight.

    love, hugs, support and thanks to all!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    All this talk about donuts is making me crave one!

    ejm- good luck with c25k- it totally works!

    As for a relationship- I'm perpetually single. I do not like this. No lovin' for Kristina.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good God you all are busy on here!! I can't keep up this week..

    Things have been insanely crazy. Not a good week at work and its been hard to get past but I feel better today. Because of the work issues, which are super rare for me, I took two days off exercise to wallow in self pity and haven't worked out since Monday. Today at the gym might just suck, but I have to do it and do it well to make up for not going.
    Monday was hard enough because I only worked out twice this week, I bet today is harder. Maybe I will try running a bit but my knee is still all poppy and stuff so maybe not.

    I had TOM two weeks ago now I think.

    My daughter Gracie has curly hair. She HATES having it washed or combed, so we literally wash it twice a week and comb it out maybe 3 times if that. Luckily if you dampen it a bit and scrunch it you can't really tell that it is all birds nesty underneath. Thank God. I mean she literally screams like a newborn if you do too much with her hair. Not worth it. So we work around it. Not sure where exactly she got all these curls from. I have straight hair, Jeff has wavy hair and there are others in the fam that have wavy hair, but not this spiral curl hair my kiddo has.

    For about a week now I've been fighting sinusy coldy type head feelings. Everything is blooming and I am like a sinus factory, it sucks. It will make working out harder but I will get over it.

    The muscle in between my index finger and thumb is twitching and has been for a few days. It is driving me NUTS! LOL..

    Okay, gotta log the pizza I just ate. Definitely have to go to the gym tonigh!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Emj starting c25K inspired me to check this...

    how many of us have graduated from that?? me, aka, deb, pinot.....anyone else? who's doing it right now??
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    You asked about husbands. We went to high school together but didn't start dating until college. Married 19 years now - eekkkkk -that makes me feel old. Staying married is hard work but worth it. Gotta run - he is out taking the hot tub covers off!!! Time to soak:)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    You asked about husbands. We went to high school together but didn't start dating until college. Married 19 years now - eekkkkk -that makes me feel old. Staying married is hard work but worth it. Gotta run - he is out taking the hot tub covers off!!! Time to soak:)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm tired and going to bed early, so you know what that means:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD TIME!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Be on the lookout for "200+ (Week 22) Fling into Spring!"

  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Great week for me, lost 5. 2 lbs, woo hoo. Work was a pressure cooker all week long and that's where I get out of control but I managed pretty well this week. I stayed out of offices where I know they keep the good food and kept my door locked most of the week, lol!!! They must think I've lost my mind!! However it's the other end I want to lose. Whoosh!!!

    I can't tell you all how inspiring you've been to me all week. When I felt weak, I opened up my MFP link and read a line or two and got back on track with wonderful results!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend

    Oh and to the demographic portion, I'm married, 5. 8 years now. We met when I was in my 40s ( online dating) and we've been together ever since. He's a great guy and so supportive. He does all the cooking and has been seaching out recipes of things he knows I love that he can cut calories on so I wont' feel like I'm ON A DIET. My family has an extensive history of heart disease in the women, nearly all my female relatives had some form of heart disease and he knows I want to avoid that if possible. All around good guy...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    llyndon- see my above post. this thread is closed for the new week's thread. please don't post here anymore and go to the new one:
