Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen Leona- Glad to hear that your recovery is going so well. Just remember that PT will be a challenge for those muscles and it will help to increase the strength in them.

    Well, I am heading to the rock wall tonight after a somewhat relaxing day. The Christmas directions are up outside since it was warm outside.

    Have a great day and enjoy the weekend.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hello all,
    I would love to join your thread as I have over 100 lbs to lose. I was on another thread, but the ladies on the other thread only needed to lose 20 lbs, big difference, different challenges. Anyway, all advice and encouragement is very welcome. I used to be very active in sports and working out, but now I am a couch potato. I have a new treadmill that I haven't even used in 6 months, I need some help.
    You encourage me, I'll encourage you. Together we can do this.

    Welcome Lori!! I've been on MFP since August. This is the only thread that follow and everyone is so positive and supportive. You found a great group! It takes baby steps so start the treadmill. Even if it's only for 10 minutes, you just have to start. Do some kind of movement every day. You can do this!! Enjoy Robin's Thread!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends here!!

    Did my turkey trot in 35:59!!! Amazing since I've been sick and stayed out until midnight last night! Really happy with that time as it is a PB for me! My previous was 37:30.

    Need to head to the MIL's for dinner, so I will check back and do personals tonight.

    Congrats!!! What a great time especially after being sick and staying out late. Good for you!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Karen-Congrats on your PB and for finishing after having been sick.

    I completed my first 5K today and I had a wonderful time. I did the run/walk in 53 minutes but the time is not important to me since I just did it for fun. I started out with my SIL and her friend both of whom are runners. We keep getting separated. So I ended up walking with another person and that the event very enjoyable. It was crowded so that made moving to fast difficult. I would have jogged a little more but the sidewalks were not conducive to running since they are uneven, bricks and they are slippery. I will most likely do another one in the near future. Thanks to everyone who keep promoting the 5Ks it provided the motivation I needed to try one.

    Hope everyone had a very relaxing and restful day. Enjoy your shopping experiences tomorrow.

    Congrats on completing your first 5K!! I did my first one last Saturday, which I did a little run but mostly walk. It was the Color Me Rad 5K. It seemed to go so fast as we were sprayed with paint along the way. I'm doing my next one a week from Saturday, which is the Great Santa Run. There's like 10,000 of us running in Santa suits - it should be a hoot!!! Great job and way to get out and try something new!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well belatd Happy Thanksgiving I hope you all had a great day. I had alot of fun at my sisterinlaws. Most of the family was there and I love being surrounded by family. Christina I hope your sister feels better soon I am sending best wishes her way. congrats to all the people who did the 5ks you guys are all such an inspiration. I am very thankful for all of you here. This is the longest I have maintained this level of comittment ever and I attribute it all to the syupport and motivation I ger here. So cheers to all of you :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, but I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Whether you were celebrating Thanksgiving or just having a great Thursday I hope it was a great day!!

    Thursday Truth: Thanksgiving was so nice. We celebrated with our new friends since we couldn't be with family. This was our first official Thanksgiving in Las Vegas and it was a fun day! I was over my calories, but I still ate much less than I did last year. I also got in an AM walk so it was good to get a little movement in too.

    Friday Fitness: Walking is my main form of exercise. When I started MFP back in August, I was just walking 20 minutes to get started. Today I'm walking 60 minutes, which is about 3.5-4 miles at least 5 days each week. I was pretty steady 20 minute miles, but today I'm down to 16 minutes. I would like to lose another 20 lbs then I'm going to start the C25K program. I just need a little more weight off so my knees do not hurt so much. So far I'm feeling pretty good.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--thanks! I was really happy w/ my time on the 5k. Glad you and your son had a nice Thanksgiving w/ friends--it can be tough to be away from family during the holidays, but good friends make it so much more manageable. The santa run sounds like fun. I've thought about doing one, but I'm such a baby about running in the cold, that I haven't tried one yet. A friend of mine does a winter 5k obstacle run that she tried to get me to do last year, but running through snow and ice just doesn't sound fun to me. I'm sure out in Vegas, you will have decent weather for yours. As far as c25k, I loved that program. I also walked regularly to build up some strength before I started running. When I started c25k I think I weighed in the 230's and I had to go really, really slow, but it worked and now I'm at an 11.5 minute mile pace for my 5k time, which I never imagined when I started "running" at a 15 minute mile.

    @tammy--glad you had a nice holiday. I feel the same way about this site and this thread in particular. I've been at this for over a year and a half :noway: which is definitely the longest I've maintained a healthy lifestyle. Not that I haven't had my slip-ups and periods of low motivation, but this group always gets me through those.

    Graded a little at starbucks--my only goal this weekend is those AP essays, so:

    11/49 AP essays completed

    I am giving blood tomorrow, so I will try to get in a good workout beforehand. My legs are sore from my race, so I may go to the gym and lift and ride the stationary bike instead of running.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    Friday Fitness: Walking is my main form of exercise. When I started MFP back in August, I was just walking 20 minutes to get started. Today I'm walking 60 minutes, which is about 3.5-4 miles at least 5 days each week. I was pretty steady 20 minute miles, but today I'm down to 16 minutes. I would like to lose another 20 lbs then I'm going to start the C25K program. I just need a little more weight off so my knees do not hurt so much. So far I'm feeling pretty good.

    what great progress you have made!!! keep it up and your knees will be thanking you
  • lmackbethl
    @susan - nice walking!
    @robin - (well-behaved) kids definitely add to the fun of the holidays = enjoy your great nephews!

    So beautiful here today! I really enjoyed my time on the river - so unexpected this time of year! Plus, the hot tub is cleaned, filled, and heating -- should be ready for soaking tomorrow. Life is good today!!

    It's supposed to get cold tomorrow, so for weekend fitness, I hope to pull out the Wii Fit. Dealing with leftovers by getting extra burn in... hope it does the trick.... at least I got some friends to eat a couple pieces of pie (too bad they wouldn't take it home with them)... need to freeze some of the leftovers, so I'm not tempted to keep eating holiday meals every day...
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @lmackbethi -- ahah! That's it... I run because I'm grumpy, it's not that I'm grumpy because I run... I just got Zumba Core for the Wii; I love the way I can exercise in lots of different ways on the Wii no matter what the weather is like.
    @Lauriek -- congrats on the 5k!
    @Kaye -- well done on keeping on target on Thanksgiving, and I'm glad to hear that you're walking for half an hour without a cane now.
    @Karenleona -- Glad to hear that you're recovering really well. Do prioritise that physio. You'll do great.
    @Robin -- yes, I got up this morning and thought - ha! I can wear pretty undies instead of a sports bra, and a nice outfit to go look at a college with my daughter. Should still get 4-5 miles of walking in I hope because we're having dinner with my brother tonight and I'll need the cals for that.
    @SkinnyJeanz -- I'm planning to do a 4mile run/walk tomorrow so I'm hoping I'm well rested by then. The weather's supposed to be nice; unlike today when it's really wet and miserable.
    @Tammy -- I know what you mean about this thread being the key to keeping motivated! I really like the way that everyone's so supportive and in for the long haul.
    @Susan -- definitely look after your knees. Mine are always a tiny bit weary after a run but I think all is well; no pain which is the main thing.

    Missed Friday Fitness yesterday but I've been exercising like a demon this week. Here was the plan:

    Saturday -- a run including a measured mile. Plus badminton. DONE
    Sunday -- morris dancing DONE
    Monday -- a run including some fartleks. DONE though fartleks are still a bit hard and also Morris Dancing DONE
    Tuesday -- still thinking about the Zumba class? DONE!
    Wednesday -- a long run -- aiming for 40 minutes of running. Nope but 2 hours of badminton and 2 miles walking DONE!
    Thursday -- rest maybe? Badminton maybe? I have no clue. long run DONE plus badmonton DONE
    Friday -- badminton for sure. 3 hours DONE! Plus 20 minutes of Wii Zumba.

    OK. That was probably a bit too much exercise, need to not overdo it. Next week is sort of exciting because it's the first week that I'm on the half marathon training program rather than the 5k one. I'm going to be using , and the reason I did 5k three times last week was because that's the starting point for this plan. Obviously I'm tinkering with this a bit, not least because badminton and dance are not exactly perfect cross training for running, but I'm not about to stop them. I want some strength in there too.

    Saturday -- Perhaps 90 minutes of moderate walking?
    Sunday -- Long run (4 mile run/walk but I'm wondering about doing 3.1m (5k) just running in the middle)
    Monday -- An actual badminton club with coaching
    Tuesday -- Run (shorter faster run) plus possibly Zumba
    Wednesday -- possibly badminton Wednesday morning club
    Thursday -- Run (easy run with some fartleks)
    Friday -- Badminton with kids (but more restful).

    Saturday success -- well I feel fantastic and I should see a nice SV this week. I've been monitoring my weight online on and off for ten years. I'm just getting towards the point where the only times I've weighed less since then have been when I've been really ill.

    Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

    -- Alison
  • spookytune
    spookytune Posts: 38 Member
    Hello everyone! I just stumbled on to this thread and would love to join you. I've been on MFP for about eight months now. Started out great then I lost focus and just ended up too discouraged to continue. Since then, I've finally gotten my head screwed back on right and am eager to begin again. I know it's a long journey to lose 100+ lbs, but now I'm taking it step by step instead of trying to rush things. This is a life style change I'm making. I'm now doing this for my health. To make me the best possible person I was meant to be, not the one staring at me in the mirror.

    My first goal has been decided. I want to run the Disneyworld Half Marathon in January 2014. I'm a huge Disney fan and Donald Duck is my favorite character. He is the grand Marshall of the race and every person who finishes receives a Donald Duck medal. That would be so great to get, though the accomplishment of completing the race will be an amazing boost to my confidence.

    Now, the big thing is I've never ran a day in my life, so this is going to be a real challenge. I'm starting off walking first then want to begin the couch to 5k training program first. There is a 2.5 run/walk Reindeer Romp here in two weeks. I'm still debating on trying this. Not sure if I'm ready or not, but I really want to try. Then I can eventually build on that and be able to train for a half marathon by fall of next year.

    Saturday - Success : I have managed to lose the weight I had gained while absent from MFP the past several months. Made it through Thanksgiving without going overboard. I can now look at a holiday or celebration without associating it with food and just focus on being with loved ones.

    Happy Saturday Everyone!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome aboard, Spooky. It sounds like you are off to a great start. I watched my daughter go from never having run to being a real runner and doing half-marathons in about 6 months. She loves to run and it is keeping her in great shape. She is still running 6 months into her pregnancy. She calls it "woggling" now, but she's doing really well. I, on the other hand, have never been a runner and can't be now because I've had a total knee replacement. I still love to walk. We'll love tracking your progress here. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi, I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I've been with my family the last several days (parents live about an hour from me), so haven't had a chance to check in. My sister and her family have been visiting since last Saturday and left early this morning, I miss my nephews already!

    @Alison~Excellent job with the exercise this week!

    @Susan~You've made great progress with the walking, the C25K program is an excellent way to get into running. It starts you out super slow and helps you to progress slowly.

    @Karen~Great job with the Turkey Trot and having your best time yet!

    Friday Fitness/Saturday Success~No gain, no loss over the holiday - I consider that a success!!! :smile: My FitBit One came yesterday so got that all set up and working (I think), today should be a good test for it. Going to the Arboretum with some friends to see a special exhibit, so tons of walking! Exercise for the week so far:

    Monday~Run/Walk DONE!
    Tuesday~None, out of town at family gathering
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Hide & Seek with Nephews (does that count?) DONE! :bigsmile:
    Friday~Elliptical/Run/Weights DONE!
    Saturday~Walking at Arboretum

    Have great Saturday!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Spooky - welcome to this thread. You'll fit right in! Just try to post a lot as it seems to help in maintaining your goals and accountability. We're all here to help.

    Congrats to everyone who made it through the Holiday without binging or overeating. That's grand! Now onward to the Christmas and New Year's Holidays with great attitudes. Love that everyone seems to counteract the meals with exercise either before or after. What a great bunch of people.

    I was sent home from Thanksgiving dinner with a whole pie - and cleverly took it over to a neighbor's house last night and "forgot" it - aren't I sneaky? I am laughing about it this morning! I feel like I tagged them good with that pumpkin pie!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA for the past few days! Been super busy!

    I am happy to say that on Thanksgiving day I only had 1 plate of food! Had 3 places to go to and only at at my parents. And this is the first Thanksgiving I have only ever had 1 plate of food. I had just a couple desserts but that was the only food I had that day.
    Yesterday was the same too lol

    I'm feeling pretty good lately.
    Need to get my exercise plan ready for this week.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou: Don't get lost when the thread rolls over at the end of this page!

    @spooky--one of our "regulars," Sherrie, has done the Disney half marathon and loved it. I'm sure she'll pop in sooner or later and give you feedback about it.

    @tine--congrats on moderation! I also need to get my exercise plan together for the week. I haven't done it in a few weeks and that definitely has a negative impact on how often I work out.

    @robin--I love your sneaky plan to "lose" your pie! :laugh:

    @kelley--have fun at the arboretum!

    @alison--yeah, I hate running in cold, wet weather--that's when I head to the gym and run on the treadmill instead. In fact, I'm being a procrastinator today about walking gunner b/c it's cold and windy. I need to suck it up though b/c I skipped his walk yesterday. :ohwell: I'm so impressed with your move right to the half marathon training program. I'm still trying to improve my 5k time. I think I will start working toward a 10k b/c there's a 5 mile race in May that I want to try.

    I rescheduled my blood donation to later in the week b/c I'm still really congested and have so much grading to finish. Going to walk gunner and then head to starbucks. If I get enough done today, I should have time to go to the gym tomorrow. Haven't seen the inside of that place in weeks! :blushing:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    may try for a walk outside today cause the sun is shining....i will be quite the sight walking down the road with my walker!!! they will think i have escaped from the seniors center around the corner!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen, enjoy the walk. I just got back from a 30 min. walk and a good pace. I can hardly believe how fast this going. You'll be right back to normal in no time. Kaye
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello old friends and new! Sorry I haven't written in past few days but I have been on an emotional roller coaster since last Wednesday when I found out my sister was so sick. While I did ok with my food that day, I went wild with my debt card and went $500 over my budget. It seems when I can get one thing under control another area goes crazy:frown: I really messed up by putting the car rental on my debit card rather than making my son do it on his as he said he would. Now he says he can't pay me back until the 1st of the month and the deposit won't be added back to my account for a couple of weeks which has left me no money. I have disappointed my son who is taking care of my finances for me and I ended up giving my debit card for him to keep to ensure I talk to him before making any purchases on it. Had a good time at my sister, Cheryl's home with her family, 2 of my sons and 3 of my grandsons and 2 of my sister, Terri's sons. Terri was discharged from the hospital as her asthma had gotten more under control and her oxygen level had gotten back up. She had stopped taking her meds. due to medicare not covering them and she didn't have the money to pay for them. Praising God that she is doing better and her primary care dr. gave her some samples. On my youngest son and my way home Thanksgiving evening he was messing with his phone while driving in heavy traffic doing 80 miles an hour and I asked him to please stop. He told me he would show me bad driving and proceeded to fishtail in a very dangerous situation. I had him drop me off at the next rest area where I called my middle son and had him pick me up. Very scary and emotionally draining. Since then Robert has told me he was sorry, a first for him, and went out and bought me a new phone. I am so tired of his abusive behaviors:mad: Instead of a wife abuser, he's a mother abuser. I did not handle the situations well food-wise but am on track today again. Also learned the hard way that pumpkin seeds are ok for me once in a great while, but they do aggrivate my diverticulos and with the recent cold wave, my sinus head ache is back:cry: Oh well, that will pass I know. I praise God for all the blessings He provides in my life and I have so much to give thanks over. I pray everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Robin, loved the way you got rid of the pie!
    Karen, so happy you are doing so well with your recovery and you too Kaye!
    To the newbies, this is the place where you can share good times and not so good times, very supportive and motivating to keep us on track!
    Congrats Skinny on your time in the 5K and congrats to all the others who participated in run/walks, you are all fantastic motivators:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Congrats to all those with food successes over Thanksgiving!

    Praying the rest of your holiday weekend is a safe one and enjoyable.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Christine, I'm sorry that things have been on such an emotional roller coaster for you. Please take care and hang in there! Kaye