30 Day Shred December (Challenge?)

I bought 30ds today and plan on starting on Sunday, December 1st.

I've never legitimately exercised before (my profile picture is an accurate depiction of how I feel at the very thought of it) so I'm nervous/ excited to start!

Does anyone want to do this as a December Challenge with me?!

p.s- Is there anyone who has had a spinal cord injury completed this successfully? Did it cause you to have any back pain? I had one about 5 years ago (tl;dr learned how to walk again) and still have back pain from that so I don't really want to exacerbate it.


  • Hey im about halfway through - happy to share the rest of my journey with you :)
  • cue_chik
    cue_chik Posts: 63 Member
    I just started 30DS this morning. D1/L1... and it kicked my butt. LOL! So, will jump on the band wagon with ya! WOOT!!
  • Harlequin16
    Harlequin16 Posts: 102 Member
    yes! :) Will be good to be apart of a group for it :)
    I've started and failed a few times haha, hopefully december will be the month i can finally do it :)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I do it on youtube heheh ill start with .you xx
  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    I think I'm gonna give it a go with you until I go on holiday, on Dec 13. :D
  • NancyMarie13
    NancyMarie13 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm down! (=
  • TwelveTwentyOne
    TwelveTwentyOne Posts: 111 Member
    I've just started level 2. I'm loving the shred and seeing some big changes in my body! Feel free to add me, Shredders!
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    Yay I'm up for it...I started it but life got in the way and have been inconsistent... Back on it from the first
  • ohyousillygirl
    ohyousillygirl Posts: 76 Member
    Yay! I already know its going to be a struggle to actually do it with finals week looming ahead :P
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    I am also starting it tomorrow. I have never done it successfully for longer than a week. hopefully i can do it this time
  • Finals week can suck it, I'm definitely in! :) I can fit in 20 mins of exercising a day even with finals week looming (I hope, hahaha)
  • I bought 30ds today and plan on starting on Sunday, December 1st.

    I've never legitimately exercised before (my profile picture is an accurate depiction of how I feel at the very thought of it) so I'm nervous/ excited to start!

    Does anyone want to do this as a December Challenge with me?!

    p.s- Is there anyone who has had a spinal cord injury completed this successfully? Did it cause you to have any back pain? I had one about 5 years ago (tl;dr learned how to walk again) and still have back pain from that so I don't really want to exacerbate it.

    December 1st is tomorrow, Saturday, not Sunday. Just don't want you to start a day behind. I am also starting tomorrow.
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    I just started 30ds yesterday, skipped today cause of how sore i am, but could definitely use the motivation! :-) This is my second time trying to complete it, and this time i'm determined!
  • ohyousillygirl
    ohyousillygirl Posts: 76 Member

    December 1st is tomorrow, Saturday, not Sunday. Just don't want you to start a day behind. I am also starting tomorrow.

    Yeah! I realized after posting but I don't know how to edit my posts, haha :x

    Do ya'll want to post before / after measurements?! I think I'm gonna take pictures but I definitely won't be posting them on the internet hahahah
  • ohyousillygirl
    ohyousillygirl Posts: 76 Member
    Finals week can suck it, I'm definitely in! :) I can fit in 20 mins of exercising a day even with finals week looming (I hope, hahaha)

    yes! I'm prepared to hate Jillian Micheal's!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I bought 30ds today and plan on starting on Sunday, December 1st.

    I've never legitimately exercised before (my profile picture is an accurate depiction of how I feel at the very thought of it) so I'm nervous/ excited to start!

    Does anyone want to do this as a December Challenge with me?!

    p.s- Is there anyone who has had a spinal cord injury completed this successfully? Did it cause you to have any back pain? I had one about 5 years ago (tl;dr learned how to walk again) and still have back pain from that so I don't really want to exacerbate it.
    I just started the shred this week. Today, I am on day 3, level 1. My arms and legs are sore so I am taking the weekend off to recoperate. Monday, I will be on day 4 and would love to shred with all of you. We can all support each other! JM said herself that this would not be easy.

    December 1st is tomorrow, Saturday, not Sunday. Just don't want you to start a day behind. I am also starting tomorrow.
  • Harlequin16
    Harlequin16 Posts: 102 Member
    Taking measurements is a great idea :) i'm thinking of posting pictures after i complete it too
  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm down for the challenge! I won't be able to get my hands on the dvd for a few days though, so I'm going to be a little late to start. I'm looking for some friends on this site too. I just started so feel free to add me:)
  • cue_chik
    cue_chik Posts: 63 Member
    OK, did D2/L1 and today, my right calf feels like its ready to split in half. hurts to walk... but it's only my right calf...grrrrrr. had to modify the workout a bit to accommodate. However, was really feeling the burn in my shoulders and upper arms...LOL. Wow, didn't realize I was so outta shape!
  • Unbruisedpeach
    Unbruisedpeach Posts: 40 Member
