

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Marla, I am so sorry to read what your brother in law is up to. I am a great believer that what goes around comes around, and so believe that he will get his, but unfortunately this doesn't help doe sit :frown:

    I will hold you and your family in my thoughts, and pray that something turns up to help you with this. Love to you all, xx

    You know, Tanya-- that's the only thing that helps. As a Christian I believe firmly in God's judgment, which is even harsher on those who profess Christianity, according to scripture. Truly, that's the only thing that's seeing me through this.

    I finally just got my two cents in via e-mail to the scumbag saying simply shame on you-- and that every time I think the nightmare he's created can't get any worse, he surprises me with greater evil and ended by telling him that my children and I join his mother in praying for his repentance, and/or God's judgment on him.

    One way or the other, sin gets punished-- either here, or in eternity-- I don't care where it is-- barring any repentance on his part, I wait with relish for his punishment.

    The pain he's caused never ends. :cry:

    Marla-- I am just amazed at what this man continues to do! I really don't know how you stay calm and deal with it. I was wondering if your husband has any brothers or sisters? Maybe someone else in the family that can step in and talk some sense into this man or help you with the legal aspect of things?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla, I am so sorry to read what your brother in law is up to. I am a great believer that what goes around comes around, and so believe that he will get his, but unfortunately this doesn't help doe sit :frown:

    I will hold you and your family in my thoughts, and pray that something turns up to help you with this. Love to you all, xx

    You know, Tanya-- that's the only thing that helps. As a Christian I believe firmly in God's judgment, which is even harsher on those who profess Christianity, according to scripture. Truly, that's the only thing that's seeing me through this.

    I finally just got my two cents in via e-mail to the scumbag saying simply shame on you-- and that every time I think the nightmare he's created can't get any worse, he surprises me with greater evil and ended by telling him that my children and I join his mother in praying for his repentance, and/or God's judgment on him.

    One way or the other, sin gets punished-- either here, or in eternity-- I don't care where it is-- barring any repentance on his part, I wait with relish for his punishment.

    The pain he's caused never ends. :cry:

    Marla-- I am just amazed at what this man continues to do! I really don't know how you stay calm and deal with it. I was wondering if your husband has any brothers or sisters? Maybe someone else in the family that can step in and talk some sense into this man or help you with the legal aspect of things?

    Roni-- this family is so screwed up. Hubs was a "mistake" conception which ended up in keeping a bad marriage together. His mother and older brother/sister (6 and 5 years older than him) have always resented and hated him for it.

    To make it worse, when the father would leave the mother, which happened frequently as hubs grew up, he'd take hubs with him-- and run away. Sorta like Huck and Tom adventures.

    That left brother and sister angry and resentful that HE was chosen-- tons of dynamics going on-- none good.

    So, sister is in lock step with brother-- can't quite figure out how/why the father-in-law has sold out except that brother-in-law has power of attorney, and he's too afraid to fight it-- or just as evil, as he's always hated his wife, and doesn't mind what's being done.

    In recent years, mother-in-law learned of some lies that had been told by father-in-law about hubs about financial dealings-- lies he'd told to the entire family that we proved to them all were just that-- lies. And she since then has totally repented, and embraced us and our family.

    Either way-- it's horrid and horribly sad.

    Latest news is they won't put our calls through to her anymore saying "Call Lee" the husband, that they "can't take personal calls to her anymore." And my father-in-law won't pick up the phone and let us talk to her. Evil.

    I'm heading out to run-- chest tight all freaking day since learning this latest-- I need some fresh air. I swear this is all too hokey to even be a freaking soap opera-- truth is stranger than fiction, they say-- eh?

    Oh my-- later, my friends-- you raise me up!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    marla.................hang in there............there is such a thing as karma...........your kids will never do bad things to you.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Marla, I am so sorry to read what your brother in law is up to. I am a great believer that what goes around comes around, and so believe that he will get his, but unfortunately this doesn't help doe sit :frown:

    I will hold you and your family in my thoughts, and pray that something turns up to help you with this. Love to you all, xx

    You know, Tanya-- that's the only thing that helps. As a Christian I believe firmly in God's judgment, which is even harsher on those who profess Christianity, according to scripture. Truly, that's the only thing that's seeing me through this.

    I finally just got my two cents in via e-mail to the scumbag saying simply shame on you-- and that every time I think the nightmare he's created can't get any worse, he surprises me with greater evil and ended by telling him that my children and I join his mother in praying for his repentance, and/or God's judgment on him.

    One way or the other, sin gets punished-- either here, or in eternity-- I don't care where it is-- barring any repentance on his part, I wait with relish for his punishment.

    The pain he's caused never ends. :cry:

    Marla-- I am just amazed at what this man continues to do! I really don't know how you stay calm and deal with it. I was wondering if your husband has any brothers or sisters? Maybe someone else in the family that can step in and talk some sense into this man or help you with the legal aspect of things?

    Roni-- this family is so screwed up. Hubs was a "mistake" conception which ended up in keeping a bad marriage together. His mother and older brother/sister (6 and 5 years older than him) have always resented and hated him for it.

    To make it worse, when the father would leave the mother, which happened frequently as hubs grew up, he'd take hubs with him-- and run away. Sorta like Huck and Tom adventures.

    That left brother and sister angry and resentful that HE was chosen-- tons of dynamics going on-- none good.

    So, sister is in lock step with brother-- can't quite figure out how/why the father-in-law has sold out except that brother-in-law has power of attorney, and he's too afraid to fight it-- or just as evil, as he's always hated his wife, and doesn't mind what's being done.

    In recent years, mother-in-law learned of some lies that had been told by father-in-law about hubs about financial dealings-- lies he'd told to the entire family that we proved to them all were just that-- lies. And she since then has totally repented, and embraced us and our family.

    Either way-- it's horrid and horribly sad.

    Latest news is they won't put our calls through to her anymore saying "Call Lee" the husband, that they "can't take personal calls to her anymore." And my father-in-law won't pick up the phone and let us talk to her. Evil.

    I'm heading out to run-- chest tight all freaking day since learning this latest-- I need some fresh air. I swear this is all too hokey to even be a freaking soap opera-- truth is stranger than fiction, they say-- eh?

    Oh my-- later, my friends-- you raise me up!!

    I'm so sorry for what that wretched man is putting your family through. He ought to hope that he never gets what he deserves.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    marla.................hang in there............there is such a thing as karma...........your kids will never do bad things to you.


    Thanks, Richie-- we're hanging in. Had great exercise-- hubs and I are sad, but very strong. He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world-- we are going to fight this.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla, I am so sorry to read what your brother in law is up to. I am a great believer that what goes around comes around, and so believe that he will get his, but unfortunately this doesn't help doe sit :frown:

    I will hold you and your family in my thoughts, and pray that something turns up to help you with this. Love to you all, xx

    You know, Tanya-- that's the only thing that helps. As a Christian I believe firmly in God's judgment, which is even harsher on those who profess Christianity, according to scripture. Truly, that's the only thing that's seeing me through this.

    I finally just got my two cents in via e-mail to the scumbag saying simply shame on you-- and that every time I think the nightmare he's created can't get any worse, he surprises me with greater evil and ended by telling him that my children and I join his mother in praying for his repentance, and/or God's judgment on him.

    One way or the other, sin gets punished-- either here, or in eternity-- I don't care where it is-- barring any repentance on his part, I wait with relish for his punishment.

    The pain he's caused never ends. :cry:

    Marla-- I am just amazed at what this man continues to do! I really don't know how you stay calm and deal with it. I was wondering if your husband has any brothers or sisters? Maybe someone else in the family that can step in and talk some sense into this man or help you with the legal aspect of things?

    Roni-- this family is so screwed up. Hubs was a "mistake" conception which ended up in keeping a bad marriage together. His mother and older brother/sister (6 and 5 years older than him) have always resented and hated him for it.

    To make it worse, when the father would leave the mother, which happened frequently as hubs grew up, he'd take hubs with him-- and run away. Sorta like Huck and Tom adventures.

    That left brother and sister angry and resentful that HE was chosen-- tons of dynamics going on-- none good.

    So, sister is in lock step with brother-- can't quite figure out how/why the father-in-law has sold out except that brother-in-law has power of attorney, and he's too afraid to fight it-- or just as evil, as he's always hated his wife, and doesn't mind what's being done.

    In recent years, mother-in-law learned of some lies that had been told by father-in-law about hubs about financial dealings-- lies he'd told to the entire family that we proved to them all were just that-- lies. And she since then has totally repented, and embraced us and our family.

    Either way-- it's horrid and horribly sad.

    Latest news is they won't put our calls through to her anymore saying "Call Lee" the husband, that they "can't take personal calls to her anymore." And my father-in-law won't pick up the phone and let us talk to her. Evil.

    I'm heading out to run-- chest tight all freaking day since learning this latest-- I need some fresh air. I swear this is all too hokey to even be a freaking soap opera-- truth is stranger than fiction, they say-- eh?

    Oh my-- later, my friends-- you raise me up!!

    I'm so sorry for what that wretched man is putting your family through. He ought to hope that he never gets what he deserves.

    Amen, my sister-- I am hoping that he indeed does, God help me. Scripture says not to rejoice when the wicked get punished-- however, I can't imagine that I'll be terribly sad to learn of his should it occur.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    LOL Marla, just noticed your signature for the first time! Thanks my friend. Hugs to you. Not much more to say.....

    Started my fence painting today. I had bought a sprayer that you pump sort of like the weed ones, supposed to spray right on the fence. I envisioned it to look something like the paint dudes I see on HGTV when they spray their paint and it's all fast like, all I had to do is pump it for pressure on occasion. Yeah, right. I've seen baby spit up fly further. Piece of crap.

    So I started using a brush. Our fence isn't nice and easy, it took me 3 hours to do 3 six foot panels. I calculated it's about a 30-35 hour job.... if I work fast. :noway: My hand was cramping from the paint brush. I suddenly lost my desire to paint the fence that desperately needs painted. :grumble:

    I considered buying a more expensive paint sprayer, but then realized I have 4 children on spring break next week! Wonder what they will be doing? :wink: Unfortunately I'm a perfectionist and I know the job they will do. I need to decide if I can handle that one. Choices.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Yeah, right. I've seen baby spit up fly further. Piece of crap.

    Oh my gosh-- you crack me up-- LOL

    I'm with you-- DO NOT let the kids touch a paint brush.

    Had a killer workout to a new Dancing with the Stars tape-- oh my gosh-- total killer for the first 30 minutes. Last dance was lame-o-- guy couldn't explain his way out of a paper bag. So, I got a 30 minute killer session. Then 8 minute abs and half way through 8 minute arms when hubs needed me-- not bad.

    Thanks for all the support-- we're encouraged today. The lovely Mrs. Beans found a website for me that gave us some hope-- thanks again, beloved Sara--

    Heading to type-- then beddybye-- nytol.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Well I am actually happy with scales this morning - I have actually lost some!!!

    Don't have my car at the mo (hubby has borrowed it as he can't get to the site that he is working on without one!), so am enjoying the walking with the kids. Walked the boys to school this morning, and walked back home with one!! They have given Tom an authorised absense, as his year has a trip to the british museum and his form tutor wasn't happy to take him as he banged his haed on his bed last night!!

    Lori - we only have 6 6x6 fence panels and they take me ages to paint, so wishing you luck with your garden.

    Morning to everyone else
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Marla-- I continue to pray that some peace and resolution comes to your family for this horriblly sad situation.:heart:

    Tanya-- Awesome job on the loss this week!!:drinker:

    Lori-- Im with Marla here. I would not put a paint brush into the kids' hands.:noway: I think you may end up doing more work than you started out with by correcting the potential mess:ohwell: Just do what you can do, as you can do it. I know you like to get a project completed and dont have much patience (:laugh: ), but the fence isnt going anywhere. :wink:

    Well, I am without my car today. It wouldnt start yesterday morning when I went out to take the kids to school, so when my mechanic got home from work last went to have an overnight visit with him.:ohwell: He's thinking at the moment it may be the fuel pump...I hope not. I called around to price fuel pumps just in case and I am getting prices in the $300-$350 for my mini van! Not good. If it turns out to be that (or something even more expensive) I may have to call my ex for help on this one:ohwell:

    Good thing its supposed to be nice out today. Looks like I will be getting my workout done outdoors since I have no way to the gym this morning. I really cant complain though. I've had that van for 4 years and it was used when I bought it (Its a 2002), and thus far I've only had to put very minimal work into it. I baby that van though. It's my livelihood. I make sure all the oil changes, etc are done when they are due. I've been diligent about keeping up with its upkeep.

    So, Im looking at this day as a nice change of pace with the exercise. Doing things I havent done for a while...should be fun. But I dont want it to end up being an all week sleepover at the mechanics. I feel lost without my transportation.

    Have a lovely day everyone and good luck with the weigh ins! I will check back in a couple of hours to turn mine in.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Popping in for a second, need to log DH's food and see what to pack him for lunch. Then off to do our P90X. I was thankful last night that the sheets were tightly tucked into the bottom of the bed. I needed to pull on them to sit up or roll over. :tongue: I have ignored my abs for far too long and I'm paying the price right now. Too bad today is that Ab Ripper again- I may have to lay there and watch it. :wink: Otherwise I'm minimally sore, nothing too major, little twinges here and there. It's a good feeling, I know I'm working stuff that hasn't been worked.

    I'll be back later when I'm eating. :happy:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I got the shock of my life when this beardless dude walked out of my bathroom this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My husband has had his beard all his adult life-- mostly gray, and is a clone of his older brother-- which he could no longer abide. So he shaved it this morning. Said, "I couldn't stand to look at his face one more time."

    Amazing-- he looks ADORABLE.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I got the shock of my life when this beardless dude walked out of my bathroom this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My husband has had his beard all his adult life-- mostly gray, and is a clone of his older brother-- which he could no longer abide. So he shaved it this morning. Said, "I couldn't stand to look at his face one more time."

    Amazing-- he looks ADORABLE.

    Awww how cool!:happy: But I'm sure it's going to take a getting used to for may feel like your having an affair for a while:wink::laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I got the shock of my life when this beardless dude walked out of my bathroom this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My husband has had his beard all his adult life-- mostly gray, and is a clone of his older brother-- which he could no longer abide. So he shaved it this morning. Said, "I couldn't stand to look at his face one more time."

    Amazing-- he looks ADORABLE.

    Awww how cool!:happy: But I'm sure it's going to take a getting used to for may feel like your having an affair for a while:wink::laugh:

    Oooh-- how exciting. Just returning the favor-- he says the thinner me makes him feel like he's cheating on me-- ha.

    It's been fun seeing the kids' reactions-- or lack thereof. So far, only 8yo Abby noticed-- it's so funny. Caleb (2) seems to know something is different and is staring at his papa-- so far, nobody else-- too funny.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok folks I am big enough to report that I gained 2.6 lbs this week...but I am not big enough to roll my ticker back again:noway: My poor ladybug is getting motion sickness:sick:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ok folks I am big enough to report that I gained 2.6 lbs this week...but I am not big enough to roll my ticker back again:noway: My poor ladybug is getting motion sickness:sick:

    2.6 is nothing-- you know that-- I go back and forth with that much daily-- no worries.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Hey gang. Went and bought the better paint sprayer.....:ohwell: Hubs said kids can do it. I say, nightmare, headache, not worth it. I will take the piece of crap back, it was $20, I would have spent $20 on paintbrushes for all the kids, that's $40. The better sprayer only cost $70. So $30 more for easier, faster, no kid hassle. I say worth it. Hubs may feel otherwise, but oh well! If it was him doing the job, he would have been at Lowes 5 minutes after he realized the other one was a hunk o'junk. He would have never spent 3 hours painting at a snails pace by hand. I know better.

    Gonna break the thing out of the box, keep my fingers crossed it goes well and head out!

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Marla--Praying for your family esp mother in law.
    Jim has had a beard of some sort of facial hair since we got married. After our second was born he decided he was going to shave. She screamed and wanted nothing to do with him. Yep he grew it back. He's down to a goatee now and I don't see it going anywhere. Same daughter was upset when he shaved it to a goat, what a child.

    Tanya-- WTG !

    Lori-- I'm also with Marla. Nothing good would come out of it. You might get a vacation but it would be in a padded room.

    Roni-- I understand completely about lack of transportation. Our car breathed its last in August and we are still without one. Can't do a car payment right now so we are doing without. I'm doing a lot of walking and the fresh air is heavenly.

    Well I'm doing something right, had a minimal loss this weigh in. W3D2 for me today, post back later.
  • Jim77
    Jim77 Posts: 8
    I'm the silent partner in this team. I let Bobbi do all the talking, like I have a choice. Wanted to post that I had a good weigh in 219. Haven't weighed that since after I graduated from hs.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Marla - Prayers for you and your family. What comes around certainly does go around. He'll get his, in time. I trust and believe that. Hugs my friend.

    Logged my b'fast. Heading to the store at noon to pick up some Easter gifts for the kiddos. Just can't do that with them with me. Hmm...imagine that.

    We finally got our Christmas lights off of the roof, windows, decks and out of the trees last night. We've had beautiful weather (Despite the snow that came this weekend. And, I missed it. I was in sunny Vegas when it showed it's ugly,white face.) We are now free to walk/jog at night as the weather warms up. Had my hopes up for a run last night but helped DH instead. But, I did spend about 15 minutes running from the kids in our yard and playing hide and seek with them. Got the old heart beating nicely I must say.