Paleo Diet



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Long-term weight loss and cardiometabolic effects of a very-low-carbohydrate, high-saturated-fat diet (LC) and a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet

    paleo is neither a Very low carb nor a high saturated fat diet

    I am not on a paleo diet but all this hate for paleo is unfounded and finding studies that are used to misrepresent the paleo diet seems desperate
    Did you actually read the study, no you didn't have time. I'm not and do not discredit the medical advantages of a diet lower in carbs, just the outright ignorance of a metabolic advantage or the preaching of it's superiority. It's also not high saturated fat, just more than the RDA recommends, and a paleo diet can be higher in saturated fat and can be low in carbs for comparison purposes with other diets, you should know this stuff, considering your vigilance to support it
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Long-term weight loss and cardiometabolic effects of a very-low-carbohydrate, high-saturated-fat diet (LC) and a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet

    paleo is neither a Very low carb nor a high saturated fat diet

    I am not on a paleo diet but all this hate for paleo is unfounded and finding studies that are used to misrepresent the paleo diet seems desperate
    Did you actually read the study, no you didn't have time. I'm not and do not discredit the medical advantages of a diet lower in carbs, just the outright ignorance of a metabolic advantage or the preaching of it's superiority. It's also not high saturated fat, just more than the RDA recommends, and a paleo diet can be higher in saturated fat and can be low in carbs for comparison purposes with other diets, you should know this stuff, considering your vigilance to support it

    I tried to c&p your cite but it was too long so I went by the title of the study.

    and yes, I know this stuff and do not suggest a Very low carb approach. Paleo, from what I understand, is anti grain. That is not the same as anti carb or even very low carb although it can be lower than "normal" diets. I assumed that the title of the study was descriptive.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Long-term weight loss and cardiometabolic effects of a very-low-carbohydrate, high-saturated-fat diet (LC) and a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet

    paleo is neither a Very low carb nor a high saturated fat diet

    I am not on a paleo diet but all this hate for paleo is unfounded and finding studies that are used to misrepresent the paleo diet seems desperate
    Did you actually read the study, no you didn't have time. I'm not and do not discredit the medical advantages of a diet lower in carbs, just the outright ignorance of a metabolic advantage or the preaching of it's superiority. It's also not high saturated fat, just more than the RDA recommends, and a paleo diet can be higher in saturated fat and can be low in carbs for comparison purposes with other diets, you should know this stuff, considering your vigilance to support it

    I tried to c&p your cite but it was too long so I went by the title of the study.

    and yes, I know this stuff and do not suggest a Very low carb approach. Paleo, from what I understand, is anti grain. That is not the same as anti carb or even very low carb although it can be lower than "normal" diets. I assumed that the title of the study was descriptive.
    The study supports some aspects of the low carb diet, which was my point, but the overall weight loss and many other metabolic factors were a wash. Most sites that support paleo want people to reduce their carb consumption drastically, so for the most part it is low carb, even though paleo doesn't have to be and when you look at the ethnographical atlas which has the data from the 200+ H-G sites shows that we actually ate carbs with an average macros split of 65/35 Animal/Plant. You might want to take a look at the Kitavan study which is a group in SEA where they consume about 70% carbs and have no degenerative diseases and no cases of heart disease........Paleo is a good story, but when everything else in factored in, it's just another diet, only a diet with many restrictions.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    .......Paleo is a good story, but when everything else in factored in, it's just another diet, only a diet with many restrictions.


    and my point is always the same.....

    why all the mockery and hate? it's just another diet yet it causes ridicule and shaming. Overall, it is not a bad diet. Just overly restrictive for me.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    .......Paleo is a good story, but when everything else in factored in, it's just another diet, only a diet with many restrictions.


    and my point is always the same.....

    why all the mockery and hate? it's just another diet yet it causes ridicule and shaming. Overall, it is not a bad diet. Just overly restrictive for me.
    Because people push it as gospel and try to make people feel that their going to die from diseases of modern civilization......because of this I put the paleosphere in line with veganworld....very similar religions on many levels.....j/k
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Holy crap this is a lot of info for me to process. I am not looking for something super restrictive & I LOVE my carbs. I just not sure how to change my diet to achieve results. I know it needs to change and keep hearing about this diet. Thank you everyone for all the information.

    Then this lifestyle is NOT for you. Until you get sick of being sick you likely will find it too "restrictive". I do not find it restrictive at all. If your sole focus is purely weight loss and you expect to continue eating a Standard American Diet and see no problem with that, then continue what you are doing. Personally, I did see a problem with eating highly processed food because it was killing me, and until recently, I didn't care that it was killing me. I would also suggest doing some indepth research into food politics, nutrition, biology, anthropology, agriculture (past and present), anthropology, ethnography, etc. Just asking opinions in an online forum isn't going to give you real information, especially when many of the people who are sharing their strong opinions have no first-hand experience with the subject.

    D*** you really are angry aren't you? What makes you think the OP is sick?

    I'm angry because I speak in a direct manner and from personal experience? Or am I "angry" just because you disagree with me and want to belittle my character? Brilliant.

    I'm really not getting into this with people who haven't even tried Paleo. Newsflash: obesity is "sick". Acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, tooth decay, depression, craving, over-eating etc is "sick". Instead of belittling and ridiculing why don't you try asking "what illnesses did you treat by changing your diet?". You might learn something interesting; or not, since you think we are all just "angry".

    You have issues

    Issues indeed. :laugh:

    I recently had a Facebook friend make a long status update about how eating grains causes illness. But he did not have a response when I asked him if he had any specific medical condition. *sigh*

    I have several real life friends that do the paleo diet. Some of them have been successful and others can't stick to it. Outside of medical conditions though, there is no reason to go on the paleo diet unless you just want to.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, tooth decay, depression, craving, over-eating etc is "sick". Instead of belittling and ridiculing why don't you try asking "what illnesses did you treat by changing your diet?". You might learn something interesting; or not, since you think we are all just "angry".

    How do any of those things directly refer to a non-paleo diet? Yeesh....

    I was wondering that too. I used to get gas and bloating, as well as heartburn, before MFP when I was eating way too much food. Simply restricting calories and getting a balanced diet has pretty much eliminated any and all of that. I did get a bit of gas one day from too much broccoli. But other than that, I feel better than I have since I was a teenager. (In spite of the fact that I eat peanuts, dairy, and grains every day, sometimes several times a day. Go figure.)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    For some people, the word "diet" just means "what one eats". Wait...did I say "some"? I meant "most". (The dictionary even backs me up on this one.)

    True. :wink:

    Sometimes i get a kick out of seeing people who seem to think the word diet can only mean "fad diet" or "temporary diet." :smokin:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Ah nutrition, a relatively new science and one few people truly understand. Some people know parts but rarely the big picture. The metabolic processes that occur in the human body are complex and contain so many pathways few appreciate.

    Amino acids- important
    Fats- important
    Learn about metabolism...

    Additionally, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, phytochemocals...important

    Eat a balanced meal, do not over indulge, exercise. There you go, live happily

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    JFC, you are a piece of work. What I said is, we've eliminated two of the three macronutriants as the source of heart disease. Until the third is eliminated, it is just as likely the primary cause of CVD as is sugar or air. It was not a conclusion nor a definitive statement.

    If you choose not to believe how CVD develops, then that's fine. That doesn't mean it doesn't work like that. Kinda like if you want to believe that the earth is only 6000 years old. That's cool. But that doesn't make it true.

    It's my third post on this site, and I've already been trolled. Congrats to me!
    Thanks for playing. Ignorance in the age of information is a choice.

    Best of luck to you and your's.

    I'm glad you realized you are ignorant, your conclusion that if saturated fat and protein doesn't cause CVD then carbs must, is absurd
    Disagreeing =/= trolling.

    How do you even get to the conclusion that 2/3 = good so 1/3 = bad? There are a million more micronutrients that go into your body on a daily basis. Claiming carbs causes heart disease is absurd, as previously stated.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Glad to see that, as of ~9 hours ago, this has met yet another of the essential requirements of a successful paleo thread.

    So interesting to see the responses of people who have so little understanding of what the diet is/isn't (or at least what it could/couldn't be). That's almost as nonsensical as me posting in a "looking for 1200 calorie friends" thread.


    Never mind. Okay, I get it now.

    Carry on.
  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
    my current eating lifestyle is centered around this diet. i dont eat bread, rice, pasta but i do eat oatmeal only. i lost 5 pounds in a week cause i was stuck at a plateau for 3 months and found i have an endomorph type body so too many carbs stop me from losing more weight. i plan to keep this up for a few months then restrict my bread to only whole grains maybe. im not a bread person.
  • caseyg9888
    I aim for a state of nutritional ketosis, its pretty interesting if you want to put the time in to read about it. My macros are about 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs. I eat 2300 calories a day and less than 20g carbs a day, work out lightly(kettlebells) 2 times a week, and weigh 120 pounds. I am never hungry and do not feel deprived at all. Sugar and wheat don't make me feel good, so I don't eat it. Makes sense, right? My blood tests have never been better (Low LDL, High HDL, low triglycerides), and (maybe most importantly, at least to me) I don't look like a 10 pound piece of **** stuffed in a 5 pound bag. But go on, tell me about the way YOU eat and how you look because of it..
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm not paleo and I don't know anyone who is as far as I know, but I've read that LCHF and paleo are really similar and my mom does LCHF, which it a really, really easy diet.
    Just picture a normal dinnerplate, i dunno some chicken, peas, mashed potatoes and a brown sauce. Remove the potatoes, replace them with mashed cauliflower or broccoli or just more peas, make the sauce cream based. Done!
    Basically replace the carbiest (not a word but whatevs) thing on the plate with vegetables and use fullfat in stead of low.

    For snacks, nuts, seeds, vegetables, cold meat, cheese...

    For candy, fruit.

    It's like the easiest diet ever.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    quote; from healthpellets
    Thanks for playing. Ignorance in the age of information is a choice.

    Best of luck to you and your's. /end quote

    Thank you for your warm wishes.

    My HDL is high, LDL and triglycerides are low, no CVD, Blood pressure <100/60.

    I eat highish carb;usually at least 200 gm/day and probably always will. Eat processed food even!

    Can I be sign up for these unpublished studies?

    edited cuz messed up quotes
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    my current eating lifestyle is centered around this diet. i dont eat bread, rice, pasta but i do eat oatmeal only. i lost 5 pounds in a week cause i was stuck at a plateau for 3 months and found i have an endomorph type body so too many carbs stop me from losing more weight. i plan to keep this up for a few months then restrict my bread to only whole grains maybe. im not a bread person.

    Lol somatotyping is voodoo nonsense
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Paleo/primal is *not* necessarily low carb. It *can* be, and often is *lower* carb (say, 50-200g), but doesn't *have* to be.

    ETA: Not necessarily directed at any one comment...just a common misunderstanding that I've noticed in this thread (and others).
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Paleo/primal is *not* necessarily low carb. It *can* be, and often is *lower* carb (say, 50-200g), but doesn't *have* to be.

    Right, I should have been clear; I eat a fairly high carb diet including wheat and legumes. (Just finished making some tasty hummus.:smile: )

    I don't think that eating Paleo/Primal is necessarily unhealthy but I just get annoyed when someone tells me that I'm on the road to heart disease from eating wheat.