

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm the silent partner in this team. I let Bobbi do all the talking, like I have a choice. Wanted to post that I had a good weigh in 219. Haven't weighed that since after I graduated from hs.

    Haha-- "Like I have a choice-- " you sound like my husband--

    Great job on the weigh-in-- another black team success story-- woo-hoooooooo!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    In case anbody is wondering, a $70 power sprayer isn't the answer either. Dang paintbrush anyway! :grumble: :grumble:

    The sprayer does spray, mostly even, sort of, well, not really. Every once in a while it spurts out extra paint and big globs go flying- I've tried all the adjustments. The problem is that the spray of paint sort of goes everywhere. I hope I'm not spraying neighbors yards or dogs or toys or anything. :ohwell: I still have to go over it with a brush, although it is much faster than dipping the brush in the paint constantly.

    However, this will only be helpful where there is no landscaping, driveway, sheds or other obstacles. The grass is cedar colored where I used it and I would prefer not to ruin all my landscaping stones, mulch and other yard stuff!

    Guess I need to finish lunch and head back outside. I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow, painting break!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    okay-- so check this out--

    Hubs and Aaron-- aka swing coach and player on Phillipsburg golf team-- at the golf course.

    David and Sarah-- at work.

    Faith-- play rehearsal.

    Rebekah, Abby and Caleb-- playing at Lacey's house.

    Hope and Joshua-- playing at Leanna's house.

    Add 'em up folks-- that leaves little ol' me all alone in a blissfully quiet abode. How, oh how, did I ever luck out?

    Just had two sloppy jos for dinner (all by myself in a blissfully quiet kitchen) and still have 110 calories left on a 1200 day regimen for a snack later.

    Heading down to exercise in my blissfully quiet family room--

    For the next couple weeks, I'm not eating back my exercise calories much-- jump starting this ol' engine of mine is going to take the massive effort it took in the beginning-- I did it then, I can do it again.

    Onward toward goal, or die tryin'--

    Have a great evening, beloved.
  • rjacs188
    rjacs188 Posts: 9
    HI What's the Black Team? =)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone , I worked almost 8 hours today running around like a chicken with my head cut off, I said when I got home I was going for a jog....I said 5 miles at first then I started jogging then I changed it to 6.25 miles then on miles 3.75 I said I cant do anymore then my orginal 5 miles....7.5 miles later and 775 calories burned I finish 86 minutes I am so proud of myself, I am gonna be sore in the morning thats for sure...

    Well hope everyone has a good weigh in, I should have a good one friday HOPEFULLY...well off to eat dinner then to bed early been up since 330 am...