30 Day Shred December (Challenge?)



  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I tried thisweeks ago and did like only 10 days. So I started it up again. I'm on L1D8 tonight. I'm afraid of moving to L2 since I suck at push ups. LOL
  • TrishaCisneros
    TrishaCisneros Posts: 171 Member
    I really wanted to start the first but didn't get it until last night so I started this morning. I AM DEFINITELY IN!!! Add me for motivation and support!!!
  • sarahp4769
    sarahp4769 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in! I started yesterday and the first one was hard but OK. I found day 2 much harder and now my legs are killing me! It's good though, feel like Ive done some good work. I don't have any weights at the moment so I'm having to improvise with tins of beans instead...will have to get some weights soon cos I feel like I'm cheating!!
  • kikilita
    kikilita Posts: 91 Member
    Three days late, but I'm in! God knows I've done nothing but stare at the DVD since April and randomly do one exercise every two months! Maybe being in a group will help me stay true to it! Jillian would sooo have my head, lol!
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I'm IN! I started on Saturday but had to skip yesterday due to DVR issues, back at it today. I've tried before and not gotten past level 1, so I could use the motivation. I'll post my measurements tonight (they are at home) Hubby did take before pics (HORRIBLE) for me. Feel free to add me, just say your with the 30DS group!
  • Khiltbold
    Khiltbold Posts: 39 Member
    I'm IN too! :) I just started the 30 day shred again yesterday (i made it a week last time :/ ) I also have been doing C25K and LOVE IT! I find that the C25K has helped me tremendously with the 30 DS. Anyways, I'm excited to finally stick with it this month and months to come haha! I'm glad we can all support each other here.
  • Courtdb12
    I'm starting tomorrow! Count me in!
  • Unbruisedpeach
    Unbruisedpeach Posts: 40 Member
    Day 4 th and already see the difference in endurance. First time I did all the moves, no cheating, no resting
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,410 Member
    I'm in. Just have to get...the...plastic...wrap...off...the...darn...DVD...I already hate Jillian!

    bust 37 1/2
    waist 30
    hips 36 1/2
    thighs 19 1/4
    left arm 11 1/2
    right arm 10 3/4

    12-1 ...day one down...muscles hummin'
    12-2 ...day two rested
    12-3...day three...muscles are now screamin'; also walked 5 miles; total steps 12,724.
  • rhymesworegon
    Just bought it on Amazon instant and I'm in with you guys! Can't wait to try it after How I Met Your Mother tonight. :oD
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Day 4 down! Today went better I think because I did yoga as a warm up before doing the shred. I jogged in place instead of jumping jacks and I didn't use my weights during the workwout. I may not use my weights for another couple of days or until I get stronger. This is with the 3 lb weights. I look at Anita during the workout and try to do what she does in the modified workout. I will be at level 1 for a long time, but at least, it got better starting today. It is still hard, but I know I can do it and I can tolerate Jillian.
  • vixen_girl
    Count me in! I gonna start tomorrow :smile:
  • psarah
    psarah Posts: 84
    My partner and I are on 8 days of it.. :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Finished level 1 and moved onto level 2 feeling pretty confident. But it is SO hard! I thought level 1 was pushing me but this is insane. Feel very good now i've finished the workout though. Can't wait to compare the photos and weight when I'm finished. Staying away from the scales and the tape measure until day 30! But my boyfriend has commented that I look thinner already :)
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm on my 2nd rest day. I've done 7 days in total so far and combined Lvl 1 and 2 yesterday and the day before. I'm no longer as sore as on the first 4 days but my muscles still twinge and whinge every morning =(

    Edited to add that this is my 2nd round of the 30 DS.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Anyone who wants to do it all 3 levels are on Youtube in full, so no need to buy it!
  • hon918
    hon918 Posts: 24 Member
    I did my first day of level 1 yesterday. It wasn't too bad, but I was definitely tired afterwards. Yesterday I did it after I got home from doing cardio at the gym; today I think I'll do it first and see how I feel.
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I had DVD troubles again yesterday but was able to do day 2 this AM, I'm thinking about doing a make up session tonight, and another later in the week (2 in one day times two this week) to get back on track. Anyone try this? Any thoughts? I'm not as sore as I was but I spent a long time stretching after I finished today.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I am a fellow shredder! I'm on day 12, which equates to day 2 of level 2. We can dooo it :D

    How often a week do you all shred?
  • vixen_girl
    Done with my first day! Yippee! 29 days to go!