
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wow so many posts its great. This is a wonderful place to come to. Its a group of women who understand and love the support.

    Today was was my day off back to work tomorrow. It was a good day. Able to get a short walk in with Bella and clean my house. My daughter ask me to go with her to the movies so we went to see the latest Twilight movie :-) her choice. I am glad that she wants to hangouts with me. I had a crazy headache Sunday could not shake it. Today still have it but its duller not as sharp as yesterday.

    @Lin that is awesome your weight loss very cool.

    Oh this is crazy but all of the replys I want to make just slip my mind. I am not very computer wavy so not able to split screen etc. Sorry I will try to be back and take notes this time. But just in cause I don 't make it back so encouraged by all the scale and all who are struggling I am sending out Hugs!!?

    Wishing everyone a good evening. Keep logging!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    The days go by so fast! Well, I did start at 7:30 am at the Dr. office to give blood and haven't stopped since. Had an interesting experience today. Missed lunch but went to a cajun restaurant for shrimp po-boy sandwich (New Orleans style). Could only eat 1/2 of it and have felt queasy ever since. Guess they're not as good as they used to be!
    Lin - we need to celebrate when someone has success. Please don't feel like you're boasting. It helps everyone to know that all things are possible. Good for you and keep up the good work.
    Robin - loved your name "dreadmill". That's a classic!
    Wessecg - we're about the same place weight wise (not age wise, I'm very old). However, I've been wishing and working for the 150's for several weeks. Thought I had it last week but alas not to be.:sad: However, this morning I was 159.3. So, I'm cheering for you to get there. I only weigh once a week as there are too many ups and downs during the week. When I did WW, I would weight several times a day. That's madness!!
    Love all the great posts. Be Back Tomorrow.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lin:smile: Congrats on getting rid of those 3 pounds!!!! You are not boasting, be proud of your success, I'm proud for you!!!!

    Michele:smile: If only everyday could be like today...weather wise that is:love: !!!!

    Robin:smile: Love your profile pic, you look so glamourous!

    Cheryl:smile: Beautiful horses with beautiful people! Sounds like you and your daughter had a great time!

    M:smile: I'm still confused:sad: !!!

    Colleen:smile: Thank you for those kind words! I don't believe the amounts for the exercise calories either:noway: !

    I wish I could reply to more, however I'm really tired tonight:yawn: , doggie decided something needed to be barked at this morning around 3am:angry: , I had a hard time going back to sleep, she did the same thing the night before:grumble: , I'm hoping for a quite night tonight:yawn: !

    Well...I have decided to leave my calorie goal where it is now, 1300, and eat back some of my exercise calories, I'm going to give it a month and then reevaluate, keeping my fingers and toes crossed I won't gain!!!! Have still not set any goals for Dec:blushing: , my brain is just not going there yet...maybe I should try to just survive this month:laugh: . It started out bad, I thought all day today was Tuesday:frown: . I'm thinking I just need to sleep:yawn: !!!

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Until tomorrow....

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Hi, I am new to this group but really like the attitude. I live in SD and just returned from a trip to the Seattle area. We actually had better weather in Sioux Falls, warm and sunny while I was gone. It was a very stressful trip to help out my son's family but I managed to maintain my weight and not gain. Yeah! My goals for December are to maintain my weight and really enjoy the season, especially the music. Thanks for everyone's great care for each other. It shows in the posts.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Breakfast was yoghurt, apple, 1/2 banana and a sprinkling of granola + coffee
    Lunch was salad with some cheese, flax and sunflower seed, and oil/vinegar dressing
    Breaks were a coffee and later a mandarin orange.
    Dinner was fish and Kirkland blend of frozen vegetables and some home made applesauce. Okay, and I had wine :bigsmile: .

    :laugh: Now to see how I make it through the evening!

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: There is good news about the recumbent bike. I’m so glad we didn’t waste any energy wringing our hands or making up stories about why customer service didn’t return Jake’s phone calls either Thursday or Friday. He talked to them today and they said that they couldn’t just replace the broken part so they would send a new bicycle……YIPPEE

    :flowerforyou: I spent the morning practicing with one of the performance line dance groups. We just got the list of the 12 dances we’ll be doing next Monday afternoon. I know all the dances and some of them are ones I’ve taught so I know them extra well but some of them will be danced to Christmas music rather than the familiar song that we usually use so that takes some extra practice. We’ll practice again on Thursday afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: After at least two months of no yoga at all, I got out my mat and my DVD and did my favorite routine. I think I may have figured out a plan for doing yoga one morning a week. When I told Jake about my plan, he said he’d like to do yoga with me so I have high hopes of being back on the yoga trail again.

    :flowerforyou: One of my chores yesterday was repackaging the chicken breasts I bought at Costco…..I buy the big packages of foster farms boneless breasts. They come two breasts in each little package (6 packages in all). Since one breast is 8 ounces----enough for a four ounce serving for each of us at a meal----I wrap the breasts individually in plastic wrap, then put several of them in a freezer bag so I can take out one at a time to defrost for a meal. I cook the chicken in covered baking dish for 30 minutes at 350 degrees, cut it in half to share with Jake, and serve it with huge servings of two different frozen vegetables. It’s a big meal, low calorie, gluten free, dairy free, easy to fix, and filled with nutrients.

    :flowerforyou: A word about the whole question of eating back your exercise calories
    I think the most important thing is to nourish your body and provide enough fuel to keep your body working efficiently at what it’s doing
    that means limiting what you eat to nutrition dense foods and leaving out all the stuff that is less nutritious ( some obvious things to leave out are processed foods, alcohol, salad dressing, candy, cookies, jelly, most stuff made with sugar)……you need at least 1200 calories of nutrition before you add any “frills”…I started eating back some of my exercise calories the day I came home from a two hour walk after breakfast and felt faint…..I had an apple with peanut butter and felt better immediately and realized that the harder I worked, the more energy I needed to replace

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for December
    • Have a strategy for each holiday food event
    • Weight training three times a week
    • Act the way I want to feel
    • Don’t expect praise or recognition

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Gail - I'd heard of Fitlinxx, didn't realize that that's what it did. I'd definitely go for the Cookie Walk cookies since they're homemade. How do you make the thin mint cookies? I would think something like that would be great around the holidays.

    I have some bags of Dove promises and I'm trying to get rid of them, just not into having Dove a lot lately. I took some Doves to the gym today for the people there. Took some up to Jessica's for thanksgiving, gave some to the gal at the Y who held onto my water mug (just told her it was to say "thank you" but the reality is wanted to get it out of the house), still have two more bags, will probably keep a few for myself but will think of others to give it to. Let's see...I can give some to the bowling alley, some to the other branch of the Y...who else???

    M - did you see the film "Food, Inc?" After seeing that I'm really careful now about what foods I buy. There are so many things that I didn't know.

    Cheryl - the horse looks amazing. Nope, 7 is not enough. He sounds just perfect!

    pjweaver - welcome! So sorry about your Thanksgiving, that's horrible but it might have been a blessing in disguise since it brought you to us.

    acogg - the easiest and fastest way to determine your heart rate range is to take 220 and minus your age from that number then multiply that by your desired intensity (.50, .85, etc). Another way is called the Karvonen formula. You'd take 220 minus your age minus your resting heart rate times the intensity level you want then add in your resting heart rate. How do you determine your resting heart rate you ask? Take your heart rate before getting up in the morning for three days, divide that number by 3, that is your resting heart rate. Regardless of what sites may say, listen to your body. If you're giving out at around 150, that's too much for you.

    Trivia question: why do we use the number 220? Can anyone tell me?

    Jane - with your attitude, you'll get there. Glad to hear you went to the gym

    jjdig - welcome! My feeling is that you're as old as you feel, and I feel 39. I just don't talk about the times when I feel 69....lol Yup, I'm finding flab in places where there wasn't any before, either.

    DeeDee - tomorrow is supposed to be a little bit warmer than today. I love it! Wish it would stay this way...but I know it won't. Vince's toe has been hurting him so we didn't do any work outside. I REALLY REALLY want to get working on it. He feels that the reason his toe is hurting is because he always wore Nike sneakers and he was wearing New Balance. Don't know if that's it or not.

    barbie - really hope you get back to yoga. when I go to Sam's and buy the large packages of meats, I do the same thing, portion it out and then freeze it for use later. It also helps in that you don't have to constantly go out to the store to get something

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • hen1946
    hen1946 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello Ladies. I have just finished reading all six pages of this thread and enjoyed them. Nice group!! I would like to join you.

    I live in North Central Washington State and I am 66. Joined MFP almost a month ago and started strength training last week at a local gym. I walk every day for the last 2 months and will do so for as long as the weather holds. When it starts to change I will have to find something else to take its place. Maybe Zumba? Looks like fun on Youtube (no classes in my town). Walking the treadmill in the gym does not really turn me on but perhaps that is what it will come to.

    Biggest problem so far is the water. During our very hot summer (around 100 degrees every day for almost 3 months!!) no problem. Winter water drinking is difficult and at most I get 4 or 5 glasses down. I see others have the same problem and thats good to see.I am not alone in this.

    I am somewhat electrnically challeged so I hope I will be able to find this thread again. Hope to see you again

    By the way my name is Hendrika and my goals for December are:
    1. eat my calories
    2. keep exercising
    3.maintain during the holidays
  • Hi Katla! I love your goals - nice clear little reminders!

    I'm sharing them with my best friend and my daughter - we are all using my fitness pal as our weight loss tool with great results.

    I too have been motivated by problems with my feet and knees, as well as viewing holiday snaps after coming back from a week in Rarotonga (UGH!)

    My goals for December ( modified version of Katlas)

    Log every bite.
    Make healthy food choices.
    Exercise - Reb from my foot surgery 2 weeks ago
    Enjoy the beauty of the Kiwi summer break

    Thanks to all those who have posted for the inspiration
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I thought I'd written on the new thread but I guess not. Survived the Saturday party. It seems I ate all night but when I put in my calories it wasn't as bad as I thought. Either that or I just couldn't remember everything I ate.

    Weighed myself again this morning hoping I would see 159.8 so I could log it, but let's just say that's not what I saw :sad:

    Bought another horse on Saturday because everyone knows that 7 horses just aren't enough. He is for my daughter. She complained a while back that both my son and other daughter got to choose their horses but she just keeps getting "hand me downs." She has in fact been riding my older gelding for the last 3 years and he is getting pretty arthritic. She wanted a black big fast horse. Well I saw this guy on Craigslist for just $500, and he was almost black (has a lot of roaning) and he wasn't so big (which my daughter really didn't want because I know her better than she does). Since he was close enough (2 hours away) I decided he was worth the look. I brought my little grey mare with me (less drama than my Reo) and we went for a ride with the black guy (Rousty). My daughter is not the best rider. She has bad hands and a bad seat, gives too much leg and all sorts of things that can really confuse some of the better trained horses. She and this guy were perfect together. When we were close to being back to his barn, my daughter opened him up. This can be a disaster for many horses who are quite in a hurry to get home and can result in a horse you can't stop until you're in the barn door. From a full gallop he stopped easily while just a block from his door. That sold me. That and the fact that his very fast was not very fast and seemed to satisfy my daughter.

    So since I haven't posted a horse picture lately, here are two from the weekend. One of the new guy and one of your's truly on her little grey mare (Kerri).



    I love this post! My husband laughed out loud when I read it to him. I've always loved horses but have never had the opportunity to own one. I enjoyed the pictures and post. I took lessons this fall, and will do something again in the spring. I enjoyed every minute except for the bursitis in my knee I got from posting too much one day. (That is a longer story.) I counted the calories burned with pleasure.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Biggest problem so far is the water. During our very hot summer (around 100 degrees every day for almost 3 months!!) no problem. Winter water drinking is difficult and at most I get 4 or 5 glasses down. I see others have the same problem and thats good to see.I am not alone in this.

    When it is cold enough that water doesn't appeal I've been experimenting with tea. Celestial Seasonings 'Nutcracker Suite' is fabulous, (very Christmasy and hard to find in stores other than Whole Foods) but has caffeine. 'Sleepy Time' and 'Peppermint' do not. Sleepy Time is my go-to choice most of the time. You might think about experimenting with tea.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi there ladies, good thoughts to all of you on this fine Monday night.
    I’m now officially ready for Christmas (except for the food shopping). House is decorated, presents are bought/sent (need to do the wrapping though). Party season is underway – everything is good.

    Wow, lots of new people – great and welcome! This is a chatty bunch so dive in.

    AlisalGal – is that by any chance a Vespa on your profile pic?

    Hen – are you a chef?

    RebelRenny – love your area – my daughter lives out on Pat Bay behind the airport and I have other friends in Sooke, so I travel through your area. It sure is changing quickly though. I lived in Victoria for a short time (university so a really long time ago) I grew up on the Island and would love to retire there.

    Kate – your garden virtual visit with Linda Sundance had me chuckling out loud.

    Barbie – thank you so much for the apple onion squash soup. I made it with canned pumpkin, left the apples and onions chunky like you mentioned and kicked up the turmeric, cumin and cayenne so it has a real South Asian/Indian kick. I could live on that soup. Good news about the bike, hope it comes quickly because you two certainly use it well.

    Cheryl – love the horse photos – do you really have 8 now – how cool is that?

    Michele – I do the portioning of the meat too like you and Barbie. Now I have my digital scale, I’m much better with the portions. Sure beats by guess and by golly portioning. For some reason I was good at the fish portions but really off with the chicken. Beef didn’t really matter because I only eat part of it and then give the balance to the dogs – even though it looks good and I think I want it, by the time I’ve had a few mouthfuls, I done with it.

    Nancy – a virtual book club – good idea. “Even Silence Has an End” is a non-fiction by Ingrid Betancourt about her six years of captivity by the FARC in Columbia. I heartily recommend it – very inspiring and moving.

    Sorry if I missed people I wanted to connect with but the 7 pages of posts were very daunting. NSV moment while shopping – I was walking toward myself in the 3 way mirror and actually for a moment didn’t comprehend it was me, and when I did, I was happy – I am little and walk normal – no waddling – OMG>>>>>> I’m somewhere between a size 10 and 8, ones a little loose, the other a little too snug. Happy, happy, happy but still 10 pounds to go to comfortable and MFP thinks I should lose 13. They are going really slow though. It took me two whole days to wash that sodium out of my body from the Friday night catered dinner. I do feel much better now though.

    Hope everyone has a good evening; and a good Tuesday morning too.

  • divadonna
    divadonna Posts: 16 Member
    My goals for December: continue to eat before the holiday parties I go to so I just have a drink or two and some low cal food if available. I did this at both parties I went to this weekend but I have 8 more to go. I love parties and I don't want to miss out because I am scared I'll overeat.

    Continue to exercise 8 hours per week.

    Don't get discouraged because a lot of effort and little weight loss, remember that's just how it is for me as I have a thyroid condition. I only need to lose 20 pounds, if I can hang in there for 6 more months it will come off and now that I have an alternative work out routine for when I'm injured, I won't put it on again.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Back soon x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Our thread is getting extremely difficult to keep up with! I didn't have time to post whilst I was in Germany, although I was still able to log in etc.

    Had a great time visiting my daughter. My sister and I walked at least 7 hours each day - unfortunately I slipped on Sunday and jarred my ankle, knee, back and shoulder - back on painkillers - ugh.

    I'm at the gallery today and then I'm with my dad for a couple of days while he has his endoscopy and colonoscopy. Fingers crossed that it will not show anything sinister.

    Friday morning I will be collecting my Aussie friend from the airport - that will be six weeks of slight mayhem as he is a real livewire.

    I must do some work but will try to skim the posts later today. Sorry, it is just impossible for me to keep up with you all these days, but know that I am thinking of you.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow I read for a good 1/2 hour or more and that's just catching up from yesterday. Got lots of shopping done in the city need to find something else for my little 4 year old he loves tools but getting to big for plastic. And still to little for real ones. And anyhow there has to be more than tools. lol.
    The little girl 7 on thursday was easy. She wanted dolls. I got one that looks like a baby. so cute. And I got her a little dark one. I haven't bought dolls in thirty years and now I can. I did get a few for her over the years.
    Did well with my food in the city had a small chicken caesar with a beef barley soup and water. And we didn't stay in the city for supper came home. My choice of food wasn"t the best had bought fresh bread so had two slices with peanut butter for supper. but kept in my calories a little high but alright.
    Bought three outfits for myself. The tops and pants are ok but will be better with another 10 lb loss.

    Hey telling us of your weight loss certainly isn't bragging it's just telling us that look I can do it. So can you.

    Lots of positive in here this morning and on a positive note I need to get going been here for 1 1/2 hours already.

    See you all lighter. Linda.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and just start chatting!!!

    Barbie:smile: Yay a new bike on the way!!! I know you and Jake will be happy to get back to it!!!

    Michele:smile: i plan on spending some time outside today:glasses: !!! While i should spend the afternoon wrapping presents:noway: , it`s just going to be to nice to stay inside!!! I should do like you and other ladies here and buy stuff and freeze it, I tend to go to the grocery store at least 3 times a week:frown: .

    Lila:smile: Woo hoo on the NSVs, love it!!! Great pic of your fur baby on your profile pic!

    Amanda:smile: Glad you had a good time on your trip!! You got lots of walking in:bigsmile: !!! Sorry about your slip:flowerforyou: , hope you`re feeling better soon!!! Saying a prayer everything will turn out well for your dad! 6 weeks of slight mayhem...sounds like it`s going to be a fun time!

    I have an early morning meeting and then the afternoon off:glasses: ! Will try to pop back in later on today! Have a great day everyone!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Wow this group has grown tremendously! Just finished the posts and I am inspired once again by the strength and dedication of this group of ladies. Welcome to the newcomers...I still consider myself a newbie; started posting only a few months ago. Thank you Barbie for creating and maintaining this site....:flowerforyou:

    My last weigh in I achieved "driver's license weight". LOL:laugh: Since it is not renewed for five years I have seen my weight fluctuate and to reach it was an accomplishment. Having said that I was honest with that weight when I renewed three years ago. Needless to say I have more weight to lose.....:ohwell:

    The weather here is atypically warm so I chose to walk outside yesterday instead of working out to a DVD at home. I stopped the Jazzercise classes so I need to find something outside of the home to replace it once or twice a week. I am a creature of habit and the class is about 30 minutes from home but only 20 from work. I joined the 4:45 class with the thought I would go before home and then would not be home too late. The owner had to combine the 4:45 and the 6:00 pm class into one class at 5:15. I get off work at 3 pm so waiting until 4:45 was challenging; now that wait would be until 5:15 so I chose not to continue. I think the other part and most important was that I felt I wasn't getting a good workout and not having a good time. I realize exercise isn't always fun, but I always loved the music, dancing and ladies at Jazzercise. In any case, it wasn't "working out for me"and I decided to stop. There is a 6 pm Zumba class with drop in fees that is much closer to my house I may try. My December goal is structured exercise 4 times a week so for now I will continue with the kettlebells and Turbo Jam at home. :smile:

    Wishing all my MFP buddies a terrific Tuesday...Maybe jb can take the ball with this one....:laugh:

    Take care,
  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member
    Morning ladies,

    My last weigh in I achieved "driver's license weight". LOL:laugh:

    Take care,

    HA! Love it!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Morning ladies,

    My last weigh in I achieved "driver's license weight". LOL:laugh:

    Take care,

    HA! Love it!

    I love it, too. This is one of the best NSV's I've seen here. (I'm still looking forward to the day.)