I have a confession.....



  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I have been obese my entire life. But sadly, I never binged on anything crazy. I guess I just ate too much overall(even healthy stuff).
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Well here goes...

    My worst ever was a whole large stuffed crust pizza, 2 portions of chicken wings, a portion of mozzarella sticks, 4 liters of full fat coke a whole raspberry cheesecake a pint of ben and jerrys cookie dough ice cream 4 large white chocolate and raspberry cookies and 6 chocoalte filled doughnuts in the space of 3 hours....

    I was actually disgusted with myself the next day...

    Where did you find full fat coke!? Want!
  • Full fat is what i call non-diet lol! So basically coke...
  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    When I was pregnant I would eat cheese chips for breakfast along with chip dip......

    Most embarrassing: eating 2 bowls of ice cream a day with tons chocolate syrup, eating one bag of chips in a day, fast food (not small amounts, no i mean a double quarter pounder with cheese, large fries, a medium caramel frappe, a mcflurry, a bacon ranch salad) and then two hours later eat something else that was leftovers. Also two servings of chinese food yeah it was bad. :sad:

    Nowadays, i won't touch it. And i can say that while i have something sweet and salty everyday, i learned moderation and portion control. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    When I was in high-school, my typical day was:

    Breakfast - four poptarts, a can of coke

    Before School snack - 1 package cashews, a package of candy or a candy bar, a bottle of coke

    Break - hot chocolate and a snickers

    Lunch - 2 slices of pizza, HUGE ice cream cone, 32oz coke

    Break - bag of chips

    After-school - McDonalds - 2 double cheeseburgers, large fry, large coke

    Dinner - small pizza from papa john's, order of cheesesticks, bottle of coke

    Evening snack - box of velveeta shells and cheese
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Confession time...before you got serious about your weight loss, what was your most embarrassing or crazy moment in eating ... I have 2..once I sat in bed and ate a whole pint of blue bell also once I was out of town and I ordered pizza delivery and I ate all but 2 slices of a Medium in one night and woke up the next morning and ate the last 2 slices...ugghh anybody wanna share?

    I could eat a whole large pizza. I can put away a serious amount of food.

    Ive eaten a half a gallon of Ice Cream...If Im in a I dont care mood Ill eat it till this day. I dont feel bad about it one single bit especially the Blue Bunny kind...OMG Heaven!!!

    Blue Bunny triple chocolate cake. Just sayin'. :bigsmile:

    I drank a lot of alcohol between 19-mid 20s. I'm sure I was drinking a day's worth of calories almost every day, on top of what I ate during the day (an entire box of mac & cheese covered in ketchup was not beyond me). I think I'm still paying off my bar tab.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I once ate an entire box of Little Debbie oatmeal creme pies. I was 7 months pregnant. A half hour later, I was so sick that, to this day, I can't look at one without feeling nauseous.
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    ate 12000 calories in one day, most of it was dominoe's pizza and M&M's
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Those aren't so embarrassing. I could easily polish off a gallon of ice cream or a whole large pizza.

    Jeez i can eat a whole large pizza AND 500ml of ice cream *shame*
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    My worst eating was when I was at my skinniest... about 103 pounds. Like when my best friend was getting a divorce and my long term boyfriend and I just split, and we commiserated over potato chips dipped in brownie batter. I was working at the mall at the time, and would eat fast food for lunch daily and Auntie Anne's pretzels sometimes twice a day, depending on how many breaks I got.

    *puts potato chips and brownie mix on the grocery list*

  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    An entire jar of PB in a day. By the spoonfuls.
    Almost an entire pizza.
    An entire bag of candy. On multiple occasions.

    This is all after I lost a large amount of my weight.

    Honestly, I eat a lot more now than I did back then. I just balance it out with healthy eating and busting my *kitten* every chnce I get.
  • Before I ever thought about weight loss, I was what people could call a "health freak" cause I forbid to eat any "bad" foods, I rarely rarely ever did. Such a crime. Teaching myself that there are no such thing as bad foods now :)
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    I was partial to a 10 piece bucket of KFC. And the 4 bags of fries that goes with it. That used to be a regular friday night pig-out :indifferent:
  • I always hid food. I had two little sisters growing up and if I left anything in the kitchen, they would eat it. So up until this year (yes I am 37), I have had chocolates hidden in my house. Before I really got serious with my health, I would get food through the drive through, I would eat a couple of tacos or burritos and stash the evidence, like I hadn't eaten yet. Whenever my husband would leave the house I would make a couple of chocolate milkshakes, sliced cheese (colby, string cheese, or velvetta), make macaroni and cheese, and then eat "dinner". Yummy greasy dinner. Like a pizza or a giant hamburger. Then down it with chocolate milk.
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    Confession time...before you got serious about your weight loss, what was your most embarrassing or crazy moment in eating ... I have 2..once I sat in bed and ate a whole pint of blue bell also once I was out of town and I ordered pizza delivery and I ate all but 2 slices of a Medium in one night and woke up the next morning and ate the last 2 slices...ugghh anybody wanna share?

    Yesterday I ate 4 donuts, 2 danishes, 2 cupcakes, 1 cheesecake brownie bar and one apple turnover

    Hahahaha. Love this.
  • MMFP68
    MMFP68 Posts: 39 Member
    I had a Taco Bell binge once that included 2 beef chalupa supremes, 2 taco supremes, AND nacho supremes. Like lots of other people have reported, I've also been able to eat a disproportionately huge amount of pizza at times.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I could easily polish off half a tray of brownies and half a bag of doritos. Or there was the day I ate almost a whole box of ice cream sandwiches - 2 for breakfast, 3 for lunch, and a few after dinner (they are probably my favorite ice cream EVER, and therefore I cannot safely keep them in my house).
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    erm my poor attempt at a binge is 4 slices of pizza (makes me feel sick afterwards "/ )
    or 3 pieces of KFC chicken

    but give me coke and crisps for breaky any day or a hershey's bar :bigsmile:

    I don't think I do binge...I was just a serial snacker

    But I can eat half a tub of Ben and jerrys for breaky in one seating ( give me a two hour break and I'll hit up the next half)
  • Family size Galaxy milk chocalate (390g), 500ml tub Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake, ASDA Double Chocolate Cheesecake (425g). I had all of that in about an hour maybe less. OMG what was i thinking...:sick: