30 Day Shred December (Challenge?)



  • Unbruisedpeach
    Unbruisedpeach Posts: 40 Member
  • emmaaleanne
    emmaaleanne Posts: 27 Member
    I did Level 1 Day 2 today, and holy moly I am sore! But determined :) Feel free to add me if you want x
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    I am a fellow shredder! I'm on day 12, which equates to day 2 of level 2. We can dooo it :D

    How often a week do you all shred?

    I do it either 5 or 6 times a week depending on when I take my breaks. I can't do the 30 DS straight through since I also add 20 mins of HIIT or do two levels of the shred at once.
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    I started this morning on level 1. It feels ok for me but I'm not as strong on the press ups so I'll stick with level 1 for a few days to build up some strength and tone. My boyfriend was wondering what all the jumping about was this morning. I live in a block of flats I wonder if I'm annoying my neighbours!
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    I just did Level 1 this morning and I already feel it in my glutes and quads. Feels so good to exercise again though! I've not done anything in years. I wonder if I do this and stay on my calorie goals if I'll really lose a good amount in 30 days.
    Here's hoping!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Just done day 12! So day 2 of level 2 and I'm exhausted. I'm not doing anything else, and try to do it every day, but so far I've missed a day a week. I really feel this level in my legs. Can't wait for day 20 when this level is easier! Fingers crossed I'll fit into a smaller size for new years party!
  • NoMorePerfect
    NoMorePerfect Posts: 47 Member
    Finished L1D4 this morning. The soreness has all but gone away, my endurance during the cardio is much improved, and I could do 10 easy pushups in a row as opposed to the five I could do yesterday. The side lunges with arm raises are killer for me and I am not enjoying the workout, but then again, I am not supposed to enjoy it, am I? LOL The hardest days for me are when I have to run after the workout. I get up early and generally I can run 3 miles with no food beforehand, but adding in the 30DS I start feeling sick mid way and I think I need to eat some protein beforehand. Grocery shopping in a couple of days so I'll need to get some yogurts or such to eat beforehand.
  • Aexanatomy
    Hey guys, I just wanted to encourage all of you to keep going! I'm on day 24, and I haven't felt this strong in a while. I upgraded from 3 lb to 5 lb weights about a week ago, and by the end I'm sure I'll have to get myself some 8 lb-ers for Body Revolution.

    You're all doing great!
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    Day 3 level one and my arms did NOT want to do jumping jacks until the last set where we do one of each cardio! Everything else was a bit easier. Even getting out of my chair at work doesn't hurt as much today, LOL! Keep going, we can do this!
  • bradXdale
    My fiance and I start Level 2 tomorrow, it's our 10th day today with Level 1. I'll keep posted & ride out the rest of the challenge with you guys!

    We have started & quit this DVD four times now, but this time we're actually sticking to it. Our cardio has improved, my weights are going up and we're kicking this DVD in the *kitten*.

    I usually run 10 to 15lb weights and my fiance does everything with 5lb weights. I've already lost 1lb and my belt loop keeps getting tighter. I can't wait to post pics & see everyone else's results!
  • msmoneew
    I'm five days but I'm definitely doing the 30 day shred with you all!
  • lili89
    lili89 Posts: 78 Member
    im on level 2 day 4 today, i absolutely love it and should be finishing just in time for Christmas :) ill definitely be uploading some before and afters!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    hope i can join in a little late! i did level 1 day 6 today. this will be my 3rd time doing the shred (ever). but i weigh at least 20 pounds more than last time and i am completely out of shape! hoping she will give me results like she has in the past. i am already dreading level 2 tho! if memory serves that level really killed me! great job everyone!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    I'm in. Just have to get...the...plastic...wrap...off...the...darn...DVD...I already hate Jillian!

    bust 37 1/2
    waist 30
    hips 36 1/2
    thighs 19 1/4
    left arm 11 1/2
    right arm 10 3/4

    12-1 ...day one down...muscles hummin'
    12-2 ... rested
    12-3...day two...muscles are now screamin'; also walked 5 miles; total steps 12,724.
    12-4...shopping w/daughter after work...more fun than workin' w/Jillian!
    12-5...third shred day, plus three miles, plus up and down steps at work-ground floor to fourth floor seven times.
  • AguaDulce
    I just LOVE YOUR PICTURE! With your gusto, you'll do just fine!
  • RobertsonM77
    RobertsonM77 Posts: 2 Member
    I am def in! I started the workouts last week and it will be nice to have a group to share the pain with :)
  • RobertsonM77
    RobertsonM77 Posts: 2 Member
    How many days do you spend on each level?
  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    I am on day 6 of level 1 for the second time. I had to re-start the shred because I stopped to do the gym. I gained back my 7 pounds that I had lost with Jillian and am now backtracking. I love it, love Jillian, and am excited to finish this time around. Let's see what happens! I took before photos and we will see the after. :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Just about to do D3L2 and I'm already feeling slimmer and stronger (despite still eating like a pig!) So tempted to measure and weigh myself, but if there are no results then I'll be tempted to quit, so saving the measuring till day 30!

    Is everyone cutting calories with the shred? I've started writing down everything I eat and its helping me to cut back a bit but I know I should start being a lot better if I want real results!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Just finished it! Its amazing how much easier it gets everyday. Id definitely recommend doing it daily to get the most benefits! Just have to avoid looking in the mirror when I do it...that aint pretty!