Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member

    Tonight I went shopping and was looking at pants. Well, it was a very frustrating experience. My favorite brand name Alfred Dunner has changed the way they are cutting the clothes so now my go to size does not fit correctly. I tried on multiple pairs of pants in 2 different sizes and it worse with the 14's, the 16's were better but not perfect. I have some 16's same brand that are now to big so that size is my go to size but not anymore. Needless to say, I was totally frustrated tonight with shopping and that did not help my resolve to lose more weight. I refused to purchase an 18 in pants since they will be to big. I did find a couple of cute sweaters so it was not totally in vane.

    Laurie - 100% in agreement with your comments. Shopping for clothing is HORRIBLE. I would like consistent sizing please. Why do companies/designers treat us this way? Add to the mix that I'm too terrified to try on clothing in the store and oh what a mess. Plus I don't want to waste money with things that don't fit very well and (hopefully) will not fit at all in a few months. Do men have this much trouble with sizing with different brands??

    Good luck finding a new favorite and consistent brand!! And glad you did find some sweaters.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Happy Friday:flowerforyou:

    Well I am doing my yearly all day holiday cookie baking tomorrow starting 9am:love::bigsmile: . I am super excited it is me, my friend, her SIL and mom we bake all day and then split up the cookies. Last year we baked from 9am to 11pm of course we had many bottles of wine with the baking also.

    To prepare for the weekend I actually haven't thought about it because I have been watching the snow report. I hate snow which I know is weird because I live in MN. I live here because the economy is very good and cost of living is not to high for the average person. I would perfer to live somewhere way warmer tho.

    Holly - I live in Iowa and I feel the same way about snow! I also am increasingly intolerant of the really cold weather!!

    Happy cookie party!!!


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Friday All!

    Thanks all, this really has been quite a journey – I have a ways to go, but with the support I get here and from my trainer I know I’m going to get there. For the first time in a long time, I actually see me reaching my goals - what a great feeling!

    @Karen~I just love all the stuff you are having your students read. I love literature, was actually my major in my former life – I loved reading and looking for the imagery etc, I loved it even more when we had to write papers interpreting stories and books. Loved it! Weird, right?! :laugh:

    @Holly~Enjoy your baking tomorrow (wine sounds good too :wink: ), I make pounds and pounds of fudge and bread every year – I’ll get on that bandwagon in another week or two. I give it away as gifts to coworkers, etc.

    @Laurie~I feel your pain looking for pants, my least favorite thing to shop for. I have been searching for jeans for a couple of months, nothing fits right. It can be so frustrating. Nice that you found some sweaters, though.

    @Alison~Your walk/run sounded great, albeit a little on the chilly side! Interesting how someone said something to you about your breathing. :grumble:

    Friday Fitness~I’ve had a pretty good week. I don’t foresee any obstacles this weekend other than my Christmas party for work tomorrow night, the food sounds great and free booze (that will be the real problem). I plan on a long outside run tomorrow to make up for my transgressions tomorrow night! There will be a live band and dancing that I'm sure I will be forced into, so I'll burn some calories at the party too...

    Monday~Active rest day
    Tuesday~Run DONE!
    Wednesday~Cross trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Training session DONE!
    Friday~Was going to go to yoga, but plan to shop so will play on Wii Fit afterwards
    Saturday~Long run outside
    Sunday~Training session
  • I am a 41 yr old newlywed and a mother of 2. I am 313.4 lbs and I am miserable living in this fat suit any longer. My goal is to be at least 180 by January 1st, 2014. I have a very long road ahead and I need lots of support and encouragement for I know I can't do it alone. I have never been a thin person and the ridicule and heartless comments have really took a toll on my self esteem. I want my life back, not only for myself (which is the main reason) but so that I can live a long, happy, healthy life with my new husband and my wonderful children. I am a strong person and I know with hard work and determination I WILL succeed, so if there is anyone out there who wants to join along to help motivate me and keep me focused, please add me, for I look forward to helping others as well.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness:: Well there hasn't been any really. Starting Monday I will start some kind of new routine. Not sure what. Something easy on the knees. Well walking and running doesn't bother it, neither does the elliptical but can't do the elliptical because some of my daughters Christmas gifts are in the room with the elliptical and no matter how early I get up and workout my little princess wakes up and comes and watches me and tries to work out too lol so I guess i will be doing some walking/running and might check in to buying a leslie sanson walking DVD..worth a shot I think. The Jillian Michaels DVDs I have just kill my knee. It's only my left one that hurts so I don't know what the issue is. But going to try and keep it from hurting.

    And thank you everyone for the kind words and thoughts about my niece. I got to talk to her last night and it was great she talked to my daughter too and loved that. I am going to visit her tomorrow, she's still in the hospital not sure if she will be coming home tomorrow or Sunday but hopefully not any later than that. She is happy there but wants to come home. But going to visit her tomorrow. And next weekend is her birthday party at my parents and I'm going to make her tiger cupcakes :) But it's a surprise so I think she will be happy :)

  • Happy Friday! :flowerforyou: Since I finally have got myself medically well, I have also decided to take some responsibility for myself, my weight, and my life! I work at a YMCA so I can't use the excuse of no access to equipment, and I get a HUGE discount for working with a personal trainer.It's time for me to step up to the plate and play ball!

    My fitness plan for the week...
    Monday: personal training at the YMCA and spinbike
    Tuesday: Spinbike, 1 mile indoor walk and sit-ups
    Wednesday: Personal training at the Y and spinbike
    Thursday: Spinbike, lunges and squats
    Friday: Spinbike, 1 mile indoor walk and lunges
    Saturday: Babysitting grandchildren (need I say more) :smile:
    Sunday: Rest day and church!

    Last but not least thank you for the welcome! Feel free to add me as a freind if you would like, I will take all the advice and support you can give!

    Have a great weekend!
    Christel :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am a 41 yr old newlywed and a mother of 2. I am 313.4 lbs and I am miserable living in this fat suit any longer. My goal is to be at least 180 by January 1st, 2014. I have a very long road ahead and I need lots of support and encouragement for I know I can't do it alone. I have never been a thin person and the ridicule and heartless comments have really took a toll on my self esteem. I want my life back, not only for myself (which is the main reason) but so that I can live a long, happy, healthy life with my new husband and my wonderful children. I am a strong person and I know with hard work and determination I WILL succeed, so if there is anyone out there who wants to join along to help motivate me and keep me focused, please add me, for I look forward to helping others as well.

    Welcome Christa, to our little group. You've come to the right place for a supportive bunch of friends. 90% of this lifestyle change is MENTAL and you sound like you've made that commitment. Good for you. Keep coming back and try very hard to log all of your food. Do NOT give up when you go over your allotted calories for the day. These things happen all the time and the measure of your commitment is that you keep coming back despite falling off the wagon, which we all do.:flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome Friday! I have NOTHING to report as far as FITNESS goes. I have been walking in bits and pieces here and there but that's it. Today I have been reflecting on the MENTAL aspect of losing weight. I believe if we can get our HEADS under control, we have 90% of the game won. Quieting our furious thinking is quite a task! When we are hungry at night, our brains go into overdrive and mentally we scheme and plot how soon we can have another snack. It takes discipline to re-direct our thoughts to another topic. I'd love to hear what tips and tricks others are doing to train their brains away from snacking!

    Also, I'd love to hear what thoughts people have come up with that have helped them just give up food in general. I saw a man on TV this am, and he went from 450 to 250 in 3 years. He said he had to eliminate a lot of mental junk - he said he had to clear his brain of a lot of negativity - to start losing weight. I wish there had been more time for him to talk. He said his was a mental victory. I'd like to know more.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Welcome Friday! I have NOTHING to report as far as FITNESS goes. I have been walking in bits and pieces here and there but that's it. Today I have been reflecting on the MENTAL aspect of losing weight. I believe if we can get our HEADS under control, we have 90% of the game won. Quieting our furious thinking is quite a task! When we are hungry at night, our brains go into overdrive and mentally we scheme and plot how soon we can have another snack. It takes discipline to re-direct our thoughts to another topic. I'd love to hear what tips and tricks others are doing to train their brains away from snacking!

    Also, I'd love to hear what thoughts people have come up with that have helped them just give up food in general. I saw a man on TV this am, and he went from 450 to 250 in 3 years. He said he had to eliminate a lot of mental junk - he said he had to clear his brain of a lot of negativity - to start losing weight. I wish there had been more time for him to talk. He said his was a mental victory. I'd like to know more.

    Personally, I think its all about planning. I plan for evening snacks, sometimes I need one and sometimes I don't - but I make room for them in my macros. I really try not to keep trigger foods around the house - then I can't eat something bad or overdo on something I know I can't control. Snacking is good, as long as its the right kind of snack. I actually eat 6 times a day. Also, try drinking decaf tea - I drink Sleepytime tea at night (about an hour before bed), it makes a great snack. Green tea is also an excellent choice, its good for your digestion - just make sure its decaf.

    Weight loss is all about mentality, you have to have your mindset to change your life and change your diet. For me, I literally woke up one day and said that's it - it starts today. I really didn't give up food, if there is a food I love I find something to replace it that is healthier. I try and make healthier versions of foods I enjoy. That's not to say there aren't foods out there that shouldn't be given up completely - there are (i.e. donuts, fast food burgers). These were actually easy for me to give up. You have to create a lifestyle for yourself that is sustainable. Another thing I have found is that I have to surround myself with positive people and have had to rid myself of cancerous relationships - its unhealthy mentally. If you are unhealthy mentally it spills into other areas of your life.

    There was a truly inspiring video on Facebook a few weeks ago, if this guy can do it anyone can. I found it on You Tube and have posted the link for anyone to watch if they wish...
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    bump. I'm at work but will get back later. P.S. I dropped another pound this morning!!!:drinker: :drinker:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    yahoo. a lb is lb is a lb. Way to go
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My week is going ok still struggling with a sweet tooth. Trying to finish each meal with fruit. Like grapes but even than I struggle with wanting chocolate or turtles the other day I was looking at cookbooks for recipes for divinity. I never make or want divinity.

    I know some people cannot stop at just one or two, but to be honest I put some type of sweet into my daily journal. I love Dove Dark Chocolate Almond Squares, some of the WW desserts, frozen yogurt, Dark Chocolate Kisses, Cake in a Mug, etc. . . For me, this has really helped me feel like I'm not totally depriving myself. I just need that little something and I'm good to go plus I savor every single bite and eat it as slowly as possible. :happy:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I wish I could say today was a good. I fell off the wagon, pretty hard. I dont know why but I did good up until we had to run some where then it was like lets just get Popeyes for dinner. Then I got some candy and now im pigging out. UGH. And I didnt work out today. Wish I would have read these earlier.

    Thursday is over and today is a new day. Are you making better choices today? You can do this and no excuses!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Friday:flowerforyou:

    Well I am doing my yearly all day holiday cookie baking tomorrow starting 9am:love::bigsmile: . I am super excited it is me, my friend, her SIL and mom we bake all day and then split up the cookies. Last year we baked from 9am to 11pm of course we had many bottles of wine with the baking also.

    To prepare for the weekend I actually haven't thought about it because I have been watching the snow report. I hate snow which I know is weird because I live in MN. I live here because the economy is very good and cost of living is not to high for the average person. I would perfer to live somewhere way warmer tho.

    Any specific ones that are everyone's favorites? Have fun! I would love to do that with someone and drink the vino too. I normally make a big tray to put in the teacher's lounge from my son. I basically get his teacher something and not all the rest. It adds up way too quickly.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Laurie - 100% in agreement with your comments. Shopping for clothing is HORRIBLE. I would like consistent sizing please. Why do companies/designers treat us this way? Add to the mix that I'm too terrified to try on clothing in the store and oh what a mess. Plus I don't want to waste money with things that don't fit very well and (hopefully) will not fit at all in a few months. Do men have this much trouble with sizing with different brands??

    Good luck finding a new favorite and consistent brand!! And glad you did find some sweaters.


    I think we can all relate 100%. I find pants to fit my waist, but the length is so flippin' long. Do they thnk I'm 6' tall or what? I'm just your average 5'7" woman. Waist will fit, but the thighs are super tight or waist is too big and thighs fit find. It's an endless battle. I wonder if it's like that no matter what size you are though. At 10's, 16's or 22's, I think it may always just be a battle.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kah - thanks for your thoughtful response to my question. I agree with everything your said - all good points, most of which I am doing myself.

    I loved the video from you tube which you posted - it is amazing what that man did in such a short time, and I am surprised to see that his exercise of choice was yoga. We don't hear much about that in this thread. Surprisingly, I practiced yoga under an excellent teacher for two years and watched in delight as my body changed in tone and limberness. I had to quit for financial reasons but kept practicing on my own for another few years, then slowly grew out of the practice of it and lost the benefits as I lost the habit. Now I'm inspired to get a Yoga DVD to work out too, as I've rejected about every other form of exercise there is on this earth!

    Im goinig to post the video link again in case someone wants to check it out :
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I had a bad week exercise wise mainly because the heal on my foot is still cracked and healing. The other night I tried to run for an extended amount of time and only made 8 minutes and had to stop completely. I'm a bit depressed and discouraged with my performance that night, especially since I know I have to wait for my heel to get better which means that my running has stopped. I'm considering lifting instead of doing cardio for a while until I can walk without pain. I have to do something because I have just been watching my weight increase steadily over the past few months. Thankfully I'm still under 300 but not by much.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday's truth:

    I decided not to share because I will just sound like a big ole B.

    Hope everyone is having a great day and meets the goals they have. I have taken a walk everyday and got my 8 glasses of water in for the last 2 days.

    A few group memebers said I would not be judged so to say what I want to....Here it goes it is personal but I am sure it doesn't help my weight loss much. My bf and his kids are really on my nerves sometimes I pray god would just make them leave. My bf takes me for granted all the time Wed night he decided to go out after work without telling me (which is 11pm) he came home at 5:10 am. I called him when I woke up 4am someone answered and hung up then when I called back they kept putting the phone to vm. I had no idea where he was and we share a car so I was late to work. When he asked why I was mad I explained why then he got mad saying I just don't want him to have friends. I am so conflicted because I felt this was disrespectful and I deserve to be treated with respect but he just sees it as I wanting him to stay home constantly. I have actually thought about breaking up with him over this because it is 3rd time since we moved in together that he has stayed out all night not caring about how I feel.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--you are right to be upset with your bf.. Whether you share a car or not, he should be more conscientious of you and realize how worrisome it is to not know where he is. My husband is far from perfect, but I can't imagine him ever staying out all night without so much as a phone call--I agree that it shows a complete lack of respect. It's not like you told him he can't go out, but he should let you know where he is and when he plans to be home. Sorry I can't advise you about whether you should stick with him--that's something only you can decide, but you aren't wrong to be hurt by his behavior.

    @holly & linder--I'm also "over" the whole cold weather thing. I love Chicago and really couldn't imagine living anywhere else, but my tolerance for cold and snow diminishes each and every year.

    @doug--sorry about your heel injury--that stinks. I remember last summer when I sliced open my toe and couldn't run for a few weeks, it was difficult to get in good calorie burns. Sadly, I'm completely healthy right now, but making every excuse in the gym to not go to the gym. :frown: Lifting is a good choice until you heal, and the switch in exercise might jump-start your weight loss.

    @kelley--great advice! I agree 100%, just wish the advice were easier to follow sometimes. :ohwell: Oh, and I wish my students loved to write! A lot of them love to read b/c I teach the upper levels, but even my AP kids rarely enjoy the writing part of class.

    For some reason I thought it was Friday last night (wishful thinking) and posted Friday Fitness, so I will just share a reflection on my own situation.

    I really think stresses with my job and my in-laws (which I posted the other night) are creating a mental block as far as getting really serious about my food and fitness. I am a union rep at work, so I am deeply involved in all of the issues with curriculum changes and our new evaluation process which is creating a lot of animosity between teachers and administrators. Just today we learned that our department chair made a critical decision for our department without any discussion with us at all. I realize she's the boss and can do so, but this is a program change that will affect each and every one of us on a daily basis, and there was no reason she couldn't see how we all feel about it. It's not even that I disagree with her decision, but the way she handled it is just so demoralizing. I find myself getting so angry about the whole situation and it truly sucks the energy out of me. It's almost like it uses up all of my positive energy so that doing anything constructive (like exercising, grocery shopping, and cooking healthy foods) becomes a huge chore.

    My goal to try to turn this around is to get to the gym for a really, really good workout. I know if I just get in there, I will be glad I did it, and it will re-spark my love for going.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work (skipped this even after logging it, so I will do it tonight)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside ALL I DID WAS WALK GUNNER
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + gym OR run outside

    Grading goals:
    1. Re-read 1984
    2. 10/22 Create an ad assignments
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. 10/48 AP journal reflections
    5. x/22 Twelve Angry Men movie guides
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- I do agree with Kah answer to your question. It is about planning snacks while learning to make good choices. The hardest part for me was learning the correct choices but there are still times when I want the junkie type snacks. It is a matter of learning to say that 1 or 2 pieces is all I need. When I started this process, I had to start slowly until I could believe I could do it, then it became a personal challenge for me to meet a new standard or giving up or reducing something in my diet. Yoga does sound interesting and I have heard that before. Might need to try that in the new year.

    Doug-Don't get discouraged about the bad run. We all have bad days when exercising even we do something on a regular basis. I still have bad days when climbing does not go as well I as I want. Weight lifting is great exercise and you can do something called super sets. You do 7 sets of 2 different but similar exercises. 30 seconds each on 30 seconds rest. This can also get your heart rate up. If you go to the gym try a bike or other machine, it may not be as hard on your heals. Hope they heal up soon.

    mmwalkingqueen- It does sound like your BF is taking you for granted. Does he expect you to watch his kids when he goes out at night? You need to do what is best for you and your well being.

    Susan- my favorite cookie is snicker doodles and peanut butter with hershey kisses or peanut butter cups.

    Lauren- You had a bad day but tomorrow is a new day and time to start over. Just remind yourself that you can do it.

    Welcome to all the new people, you have found the best group on MFP.

    I don't remember who mentioned it but one day they just decided it was time to lose the weight and get healthy. That was me as well. Something just clicked so I started working on it. I have meet people along the way who have helped me to reach my goals. I have been blessed with some wonderful trainers and supportive co-workers during this journey.

    Fitness- This week I tried something different with my exercise routine by alternating exercise and rest days. I will try to repeat this next week as well, even through I am working out tomorrow as well. It will be more climbing in the form an Intro to movement class for rock climbing. It should be interesting, fun and challenging at the same time.