How does your intelligence compare with your SO's?



  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    This could get me in trouble ... according to tests ... I am smarter. But when it comes to common sense and street skills ... I'm definitely the wide eyed n00b on the block compared to Alex.

    But, smart wit and humor intelligence ... we are pretty equally matched.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    My husband is incredibly smart, logical and concise. He's mathematically inclined.

    I'm smart in a different way...but I tend to get irrational and impulsive rather than calm and collected like him. I'm also grammar/language arts/book oriented.

    We work together. :)
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I think I'm getting dumber but I think that's because I spend too much time here. I should be studying...
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I work in IT and he was a film major. Let's just say I'm the one who does the "figuring stuff out" around the house.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    I can write a good paper and he does the math. Together we are Harvard material. Apart we barely make community college.

  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    mine's an engineer. i'm in humanities. so ya.

    but i had to teach him how to cook an egg, and had to explain the chemistry which occurs during cooking, and baking.

    we work well together.
  • Busymomshantell
    Busymomshantell Posts: 126 Member
    I think we are both quite intelligent - both learn quickly - each excel in dfferent areas. And we compliment each other nicely :) Hence the reason we celebrate 20 years of marriage this New Year's Eve!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My husband has a PhD in physics, so he certainly knows more about physics and math than most people, including me (but I learn a lot from him and I love science). But, when it comes to our regular daily conversations we are both very interested, have a lot to contribute, learn from one another, enjoy and get excited about the things we talk about, explore and share. I'm a dancer and some people don't see how that relates to him as a physicist. But, he is also a sculptor and a painter (it's all part of being a physicist and needing to design, create, build, be mechanical). I also studied science in college (Biology) and have always loved math. My husband says I help him figure things out in a different way than anyone else because of my dance talent, I understand "structure" in a very unique and embodied way and that perspective helps him when he runs some of his physics quandaries by me. He respects me and my intelligence. And his intelligence is what I most love about him. He never sees me as less than him, but that we both have different strengths/weaknesses and different types of education and different types of intelligence to contribute to our relationship and in all the other areas of our lives. He also says I understand science a whole lot better than most people he encounters (that are not also scientists). I also excel at memory. I have an excellent autobiographical memory, so I remember conversations and experiences we have had word for word and can play them back to him like a tape recorder and with my dance/acting skills I can get all the mannerisms of all the people down exactly. He says I am much more entertaining than watching tv. And I help him remember things.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    academically, I excelled- I skipped a grade, graduated high school at 16, college at 20, and I have a very high IQ. But that was all 20 years ago.
    I read a lot now, and do a lot of technical work, but my husband is a nuclear engineer and incredibly good about fixing things. He amazes me a lot with his memory, knowledge of trivia, and sense of direction, where I'm probably better at creative problem solving and reasoning.
    it's pretty equal.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    We are equally intelligent on most things but depending on the subject he might know more than me and vice versa
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    I can write a good paper and he does the math. Together we are Harvard material. Apart we barely make community college.

    This is hilarious!! :laugh:

    My new boyfriend is in political/media consulting.. I vote based on my regard for the individual..mostly because I have no clue about the issues. He mentioned he swims after he works out and I asked "oh, your gym has a pool?" He is analytical, a planner, sharp and very intelligent. But.. I can write much better academically and when we get on a topic I know about.. I excel. I can also kick his *kitten* in any kind of trivia game. Okay fine, he's smarter. But I'm prettier.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    School wise... I am. I score high on test, have a high IQ score, and am good at paper writing, math, everything. He, is much smarter with common sense, history, and all the social stuff. He's still a very intelligent man and we compliment each other very well with our areas of strength.
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    I learn faster and have stronger critical thinking and social skills, but he works harder and is more educated. After 20 years of applying himself in his field, he has become more knowledgable than his peers. As long as you don't change the subject, he can appear smart. However, new information and situations aren't easy for him. That's why he only talks about the two work related subjects that he knows.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    My wife's the only one of us two that can set or use the DVD/VCR player. Nuff said...:blushing:
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I fix stuff it when it breaks. Wife calls me when stuff breaks.

    Wife's fluent in French. I can speak enough Spanish to get in trouble.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,555 Member
    My wife and I are pretty close, as all our standardized tests were close. I pick up things faster; she worked harder in school.

    How do you and your SO compare?
    My wife is an electrical engineer with a Master's Degree and currently working toward a PHD. I'm a meat head. I rule.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    Oh, my husband is very much the more intelligent one. Haha. He would deny it, but it's pretty much true.

    He's super great for having thoughtful conversations with, and has often helped me with tough decisions or learning how to do something, or just figuring out the best way to approach a problem. I've learned a lot from him, and I love that.
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    this pretty accuratly describes my husband and I.
    I'm more book smart, she's more street smart.
    I learn faster, she tries harder.
    I work IT, she works HR.
    I'm tech savvy, she has trouble with setting clocks.
    I'm an introvert, she's an extrovert.

    Basically, we're two sides to one coin. She completes me.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Depends on the subject matter.

    Absolutely this. We're at the same level and can have intelligent conversations, but are smarter than the other in certain subjects. For instance:

    He's an Engineer, so Math is his thing. I'm a Technical Writer, so English and Grammar are mine.

    We're both very analytical and have common sense. I tend to think more practically though.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    School-wise, I'm smarter - he didn't graduate, nor did he finish 10th grade (but I helped him get his GED).

    Street-wise - he's much smarter than I am.