
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Update Ladies,

    The doctor has moved my appointment for my test results from late next week to tomorrow. Well, I don't think they do that because the are excited to give you good news, lol.

    I will try to get back on here tomorrow evening and let you know how the mop flopped (so to speak). Hope you are all well. I have been too busy to post or read. Hope to get caught up soon.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Jolene:flowerforyou: keeping you in my prayers!!!!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jolene- My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Deb A
  • thinking should just give up
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Update Ladies,

    The doctor has moved my appointment for my test results from late next week to tomorrow. Well, I don't think they do that because the are excited to give you good news, lol.

    I will try to get back on here tomorrow evening and let you know how the mop flopped (so to speak). Hope you are all well. I have been too busy to post or read. Hope to get caught up soon.


    Good thoughts and prayers for you.:flowerforyou:

  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    I have been missing for two days and have only Just caught up with the posts. We had a fantastic weekend with the relatives - a kind of early Christmas as we won't all be together. I have logged as far as I could remember and it asn't as bad as I feared. We are repeating the whole thing again next weekend with OH's other sister. I guess the board I can hope for at wi is to stay the same.

    Can't stop to write more as its gone 1am, and I'm off to bed. Speak again soon

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Jolene - sending positive thoughts and prayers your way:flowerforyou:

    Finally added a profile picture...this is 6 or 7 years old...my boss gave us a hot air balloon ride as a gift...the kids were rotten teenagers then and even they were awed...I am happy to say I am about 25 lbs lighter now and have let my hair grow..perhaps over Christmas will do a new pic now that I figured out how to do this:wink:

    Rode 5+ miles on recumbent bike and 1000k rowing machine this am...good start to the week. Food choices were pretty good too...am adding some cheese and ham strips to my salad to help get me through the afternoon...finishing the day with a cup of tea...one day at a time

    Have a nice evening everyone! Hugs and high fives
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    thinking should just give up

    The beginning is always the hardest. Instead of giving up, just start fresh tomorrow. Changing our habits around eating and exercise is difficult. It will probably take many tries with mixed success before you are able to establish new habits. I hope you give yourself the chance to try again, try something different, but keep trying.

    Jolene, keeping you in my prayers. Let us know how it goes.

    Did better today with water (up to 5 glasses -- comparable to the Great Flood, for me. lol), and kept under my calorie goal. Not so good on the exercise. It has been over a week since I've been to the gym. My stomach is still bothering me, but mostly I am finding other stuff to do that seems more urgent. Today I stayed late to do planning for the week and then it was too close to dinner and I felt like I needed to go home and fix dinner for the boys. I know I'm just avoiding it, but I'm not sure why. I'll take my own advice and try again tomorrow.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I agree. the beginning is the hardest. My first week I gained .3 . It is a journey of discipline and stick-to-it. You must sit down and decide if this is what you want to do. Once you make up your mind, you are on your way.
    Linda-Sundance - I was wondering how you post on your iphone. I can't get to community to do any posting.
    This was the day I had tests on my heart from 7:45 to 12.00. Thank God everything was normal so we journey on with life.
    Like many others, I enjoy reading about the daily life of you great 50+ women. It gives me inspiration to keep moving and doing. My biggest hurdle right now is getting "organized exercise" in. Seems like I'm always moving and doing but not in class or timed walk.
    Still have some calories left to eat due to starting late after my tests.
    Stay strong and never, never, never give up!
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Prayers for you Jolene
    I agree,don`t give up.
    Went to an ornament exchange and bought a couple gifts today with hubby.
    Have a good night!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Becky, getting a new dog is a great idea and waiting until you have time for it is an even better idea…..it helped us that our next dog was a different breed from the precious one that died…..it seemed to eliminate the natural inclination to compare..we went from a Golden Retriever to a Standard Poodle and they are very different and wonderful in different ways.

    :heart: Jolene, sending positive thoughts your way.

    :flowerforyou: No matter what your challenge
    Never, never, never give up and if your challenges are people
    come from a place of love :heart:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    DeeDee - So THAT's why I gain weight -- I dream of food! Thanks for clearing that up for me....lol, yes, I think the Moose Lodge is a private club. You know what? The guy who asked me will be at bowling Wednesday, I'll ask him.

    Did about 20 minutes of yoga (I have a timer which I start when the DVD starts so that's how I know how long I've gone for). In about 10 minutes I'll be off to buy gas (I get 10 cents off per gallon. Update: it turns out it was 20 cents) and then take the extremepump class. Oh, I probably need to stop to get Vince milk and then come home to give Loki his med. Then I really should work on getting those boxes. Now to convince myself of that!

    Made some chocolate chip cookies for Christmas. Right now I'm softening the butter for these M&M cookies that I'll make for Christmas.

    Let's hear it for me. I got the gifts into a box. Now to wrap everything. I'm hoping Vince will help me again this year. It went so much faster last year when he helped. The only thing is that if I wait for him to help, guaranteed that he won't be doing it until the absolute last minute.

    Did 20 minutes of yoga today, then only about 40 minutes of extremepump. The class started late and the gal ended early. But I do have to say that she gave us one heck of a workout. Tomorrow Bryan is going to call so I'm just going to do a step DVD at home.

    Cheryl - good for you logging, even if it wasn't pretty! It's just so sad when you see people who only log when they have a good day. We can learn from the not-so-good days, too. They are a good motivator, for you and for everyone else to see.

    urbestlife - glad to have ya, check in often, welcome!

    jolene - praying for you

    Danaboston - as barbie would say "never, never, never give up". sometimes it takes a long time to see the results of your hard work, but you will. I agree, too, the beginning is the absolute hardest. Tiny steps and it'll become a habit before you know it.

    Annie - glad you had a good time, and have fun next weekend!

    Played mahjongg tonight. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Update Ladies,

    The doctor has moved my appointment for my test results from late next week to tomorrow. Well, I don't think they do that because the are excited to give you good news, lol.

    I will try to get back on here tomorrow evening and let you know how the mop flopped (so to speak). Hope you are all well. I have been too busy to post or read. Hope to get caught up soon.


    I'm sure I'd be nervous about this, too. My thoughts will be with you.
  • Hi! I just found this group and would like to take part. I am 54 years old and have only gotten serious about diet and exercise for the past 14 weeks. (Not that I haven't dieted at least a million times before). I am hoping that the combination of logging my food and the support of the wonderful people I have come in contact with on MFP will enable me to make "life" changes as opposed to temporary changes.

    My December goals:
    My workout group is taking a three week break for the holidays so I want to keep going to the gym without the added incentive of the group. 3-4 times a week.
    Other than Christmas brunch and my best friend's birthday party on 12/31, stick to my diet as best as humanly possible.
    Log my food everyday without fail.
    Continue to support my MFP friends as they support me.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just popping in before I go off to bed.

    Waited in all day for the furnace chap to arrive to fit new cable to replace one he broke. I'd been having furnace problem and the spare part had not arrived before I left for my week's vacation. My GF was here to check on the house and realised there was a problem (furnace was running and house was hotter than thermostat said). So she called and they came to install the part which was, by then, to hand. In fitting the part he broke one of the element wires (it is still connected to two elements, but the 3rd heating element isn't working). He was supposed to come early afternoon to replace all 3 wires. I guess he isn't coming now, so I might as well go to bed, because they'll probably call and want to come as some unearthly hour in the morning.

    I changed my ticker to reflect my true weight after my holiday. It had been showing a loss of 8lb for a long time, which wasn't strictly correct, but now it is, and I'll update it again next Monday.

    Good night all, and we'll all be thinking of you tomorrow with fingers and toes crossed, Jolene.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my friends.

    Very cold in London town today.

    I visited the doctor today and she has asked me to come off my statins for a fortnight to see if some of the joint pain I suffer from is a side effect of the medication. I have to see if the condition improves in those two weeks and then have to go back on the stations and see if it gets bad again! What a palaver.

    Last night I didn't go for my normal late night walk and this morning my knee was stiffer than normal. Just goes to show, I really need to keep moving.

    Speaking of which, I must get my rear into gear and get on with some work.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning - had a hard time sleeping, but then I realized I went to bed so early last night that I really did get a full night's sleep, it just happened to end in the middle of the night lol :frown: . Anyway, decided to get up and get after the day, so hit play, finished core synergistics, and now I'm off to the showers. I have a physical later this morning and was going to try to not eat so I could just get my blood work done while I'm there (the lab is next door) but read that a fasting glucose is generally done first thing in the morning. I'll see what she thinks but may have to do it another day.

    Jolene, I'll be thinking of you today. Best wishes with the doctor.

    For those thinking of giving up, try this first: a diet shouldn't be an all-consuming activity. You're going to eat anyway, because that's what we all do to stay alive, but try making the rest of your day the focus - what kind of exercise are you going to get? Where do you need to go today? What do your children or your family or your boss or your animals or you need or want? What's on your to-do list? Make your life full, full, full. Then prepare food that will fuel those activities, not replace them. We're here if you want to rant too.

    Cheryl, I'm right there with you on the crap food fest this week. Mexican restaurants, sports bars, parties . . . how can it take three weeks of careful eating to get the pounds off and only three days of slightly less care to put them on? What the fluffy fluff? Anyway, I ate less yesterday but with less care too - today, another day to use more care. I may start pre-entering food so I'm not tempted to eat something else. It's an idea, anyway lol :laugh: .

    Well, they had been saying it would clear up but become cooler; instead, it was raining at 3am and :laugh: is only slightly less cooler. I hope I can get out for a walk later today, but I'm super busy at work too. Will play that by ear.

    Have a lovely day, everyone.


  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I had a busy day yesterday and today promises to be the same:ohwell: ! I was so tired last night, I was watching a movie in bed and yep, you guessed it, slept through the last hour of the movie:yawn: . I woke up as the credits were rolling by:sad: . Hopefully today I`ll have a bit more time and be able to pop in and reply to some posts. I have read all the posts and love hearing about what`s going on!
    Jolene:flowerforyou: sending good thoughts and prayers your way!!!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow been reading for an hour. So definatly not going to even try to reply to all. Just let myself get to far away.

    Well Life is good like Barbie says it's what it is. Sundays bread is gone this morning with about 1/2 more so will take that and try for more now.. Tomorrow is tops and I want a loss. So the banana bread I made for hubby will have to be just that banana bread for Bob and not for me. LOL. I love it but I know how to make it and I should be able to still make it in a years time if that's what it takes to get this weight off.

    Further more sugar is sugar. I had 85 grams of fruit cake yesterday and three hours later I spiked my blood sugar and got dizzy or whatever those stars in your eyes are when your diabetic. Is it worth it not. So that's another thing Bob can eat and my aunt gave us three cakes. And I had bought 3 they are so good. But obviously not good for me. I'll know what to have if my sugars go low.lol.

    For the lady who feel she wants to give up. Well dec. isn't the best month. But keep doing the best in your abilities and stip it up come Jan. you will probably by then picked up a few good points from the girls in here. Keep coming here for the motivation. Don't feel like you can't keep up. Neither can most of us.

    As for me wii gave me back the lowest i've seen in awhile will share tomorrow. That is if he still gives me what he did today.

    So on to a good good day and I will use the wii for more than just weight in.

    Good luck to all. And to all a great day.
