

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Yay, another fruit cake lover. Who was it that thought I was the only one :drinker:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Cheryl:smile: I love fruitcake too:heart::love: :heart: !!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lin, my husband has been diabetic for as long as I've known him, and is doing fine managing it. He's been able to avoid neuropathy by staying in good control. He's a type 1 diabetic and has always taken insulin shots. He's been doing even better since we started myfitnesspal dieting. I sometimes wonder if type 2 isn't harder to manage in some ways. The trouble with sugary treats is they cause your blood sugar to spike and then fall low. Keep the faith, it sounds like you're on the right track.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Do you get enough Vitamin F???? I come here to get mine.

    Vitamin F
    I loved this and wanted to share it with you.

    Why do I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character?
    How is it possible that I can get along with them all? I think that each one helps to bring out a "different" part of me. With one of them I am polite. With another I joke. With another I can be a bit naughty. With another I can sit down and talk about serious matters. With another I laugh a lot.

    I listen to one friend's problems. Then I listen to another one's advice for me. My friends are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they form a treasure box. A treasure of friends!

    They are my friends who understand me better than I understand myself. They're friends who support me through good days and bad. Real Age doctors tell us that friends are good for our health. Dr. Oz calls them Vitamin F (for Friends) and counts the benefits of friends as essential to our well being. Research shows that people in strong social circles have less risk of depression and terminal strokes. If you enjoy Vitamin F constantly you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age. The warmth of friendship stops stress and even in your most intense moments, it decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%.
    I'm so happy that I have a stock of Vitamin F!In summary, we should value our friends and keep in touch with them. We should try to see the funny side of things and laugh together and pray for each other in the tough moments.
    Some of my friends are friends on line.

    I know I am part of theirs because their names appear on my computer screen every day and I feel blessed that they care as much for me as I care for them.

    Thank you for being one of my Vitamins!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vitamin F is for friends! THANKS Michele, I love that.

    :smile: I am feeling somewhat better this morning. Throat is a little less sore, and feel a bit more energetic. Lots of colds and flu going around at work.

    :bigsmile: DH and I had a good conversation last evening about my focus on healthy eating and that I need him to be fully on board. He is excited to stand by me. Yay. Since he is the one doing the shopping and cooking, I have to have that. I want to be able to correctly log what I am eating and eat the right foods.

    We also talked about why I choose this time of year to (re)start. But really, it makes sense to me. Of all times, December is the time to gain, which is what I did not want. So many goodies to nibble on. My intent was not to gain. And now I am finding I am actually losing. Finally!! So something is working. My inspiration has also been that I have been reading books written by Suzanne Somers and Dr. Fuhrman and the effects of unhealthy eating vs. healthy.

    Have a great day.

    Thanks for being my vitamin F!! :heart:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Also getting my dose of Vitamin F this morning! :flowerforyou:

    Sure is fun reading what everyone's been up to, including the pounds ha-ha! Kidding! :laugh: Truth be told, I haven't been laughing one little bit about my scale over the last few days! I'm telling you what, I've been more frustrated over the last couple of weeks than ever before. Yesterday I was just plain fit to be tied and angry at myself. :angry: but this morning the scale behaved itself, thank goodness. Couldn't have anything to do with eating less yesterday, now could it. :ohwell: And eating only really good stuff, no salty snacks or sweets. I should know better. My body has changed so much and I'm just now starting to realize that I have to treat it differently than I used to, duh! You'd think I would have known this before now, but no. What I'm realizing is that I can barely have any sugar or salt. Anyway I'm feeling a little better, mentally and physically. The achy bug I've had is still sapping my energy a bit but not as bad as last week.

    Today will be another bean-y day. I cooked plain black beans, no salt, ate them with a little salsa and cheese. Had some for dinner, too. Trying to include 1 cup of beans every day in my foods. They're tasty enough without salt, well, sort of, lol, but more importantly they're one of the best foods for me. It's not all about flavor, I keep telling myself. :tongue:

    Gosh is it ever going to get light out this morning? I keep peeking out the window to see if it's light enough to head to the track. Of course it's getting close to the shortest day of the year so what did I expect. Looks like I have about 10 minutes before I can get out the door. I'd better go get dressed.

    Welcome everyone new. Great day to all.

    :smile: jb
  • grannyjoan1
    I've been on a WW board for 3 years, and it really helps me. My goal for December is to at least maintain my weight through the holidays and travel. I've got to amp up my exercise, though.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Another cold and sunny Tuesday:flowerforyou:

    Thank you Michele for giving us a name that we can all relate to....Happy to read about all my Vitamin F's:wink:

    This journey that all of us are on is one of the most important ones of our lives and we should try to NEVER GIVE UP. That's why we are here for each other ...so keep going ...take it one day at a time. Each day is a fresh start and before you know it you are looking at one week down, one month and hopefully one year.:flowerforyou:

    Here I sit at my desk hugging my coffee, a handwarmer in my pocket and my space heater under my desk blasting to keep warm. Peanut bundled up in his fleece jacket and covered in a blanket on my chair...you'd think it was cold...yep it is my computer says 22 so I'd best get to my work and start moving to get printing reports so I can do the accounting change over by the end of the week:ohwell: not that I want to.

    Everyone have a good day drink plenty of water, log your food and let's burn some calories.:cry:

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Morning all, I'm getting ready to go to the bank, and to the craft store. I had the strangest dream last night, I dreamed I was at a gas station trying to buy cakes. Everytime I picked one, someone else just bought the last one so then I had to pick another. It was weird. I could see the cakes so clearly. Very weird. Some were impossible like a pudding cake. LOL oh well

    BBL Tigress
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi it's me again. Glad I have an appointment with diabetic counsellor today. I had two funny dizzy spells yesterday. One i'm sure bcause breakfast was under calories. By 12 when I was about to finish my work with my patient i had to tell her I need one of those muffins. We had just made them. Didn't take long and I was fine to drive home.

    And it did it again just before supper.

    Wess and Deedee
    These fruit cakes are home made and so very good.

    Like the explanation of the vitamin F. And love coming here for an extra dose of it.

    I'm still in the learning of it all just like dieting not my first Rodeo but hope to make it my last.

    Maybe not the best time to diet but is there a good time.

    Everyone needs to learn what works for them. We are not all the same.

    No gain in Dec. great goal.

    I wouldn't want to leave the puter if I got that cozy.

    Well I guess i'm out of here. Been here to long already. Time for lunch.
  • Deborahx72
    Okay, what I've learned is:
    * Focus on simple baby steps, not outcomes.
    * Praise myself repeatedly (I do a "Yeaaaayyyyy DEB!" while I'm working out - inside my head).
    * I have enough life experience to know that zigging and zagging is part of the journey and the only way to learn.

    What I'm exploring right now is the writing of Geneen Roth. I think I'm starting to "get it" that I want to give myself everything I think is waiting for me when I'm skinny. Having been skinny 6 years ago, I know that little changed on the outside. So - today I am experimenting with thinking like a skinny chick. Since I've been unconscious about this, it will take some time to wake up to what that means. Every time I've dieted I've felt dread and a wierd rush of control. Never lasts.

    This time I want to love myself, be kind and curious about my process, and abstain from judging of any kind.:flowerforyou:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning to everyone. I swear I posted yesterday but can’t find it! More gremlins…DeeDee would you please keep them on their leash?:laugh:

    Got a little Christmas shopping done yesterday and lo and behold! DD#1 appeared, in person! She asked me for help on her homework which I gladly did and then she watched some TV with us (we all love “hoarders”) so last night was pretty good. :smile:

    Work is getting frustrating, but it’s that time of year. This is finals week and we are only here 3 days next week and everyone and their dog is scheduling meetings, so we are totally packed and unable to work on January classes. I’m going to have to come in this weekend or next because students will soon be able to see the January classes they are in. We also just lost some faculty for January so thank goodness I do not have to deal with that! I have enough to do! :cry:

    Lila: I too am discouraged with the lack of age appropriate clothing out there ! It’s either way too young or gradma and I am NOT a grandma! I’m only 53 but should not be trying to look 20. I do have sparkly fingernails though! :bigsmile:

    Nancy: sounds like you will be tempted with your parties. Stay strong!

    Katla: what is important is that you are here, not how many people you respond to! I have to keep a running word document to get in as many as I do!

    Kathy: hope the sinuses don’t drain you….hahahahah get it? :tongue: Really I hope you feel better soon!

    Pat: Snow!!! That is good exercise but watch the heart!

    Linda: I’m doing the “show me the money” dance for your victory! Good for you! That and your carpal tunnel is getting better! It will be a great new year for you! :flowerforyou: We have thought about group homes for several years now for DD#1 but without a diagnosis she can’t get in one. And no diagnosis with a language barrier….just a little circle of drama here! Thanks for your good thoughts!

    Housegirl: never had little cesars but DD#1 worked there for a while! Drink extra water!

    Barbie: you are forgiven for dreaming of burritos! YUM I so love Mexican food! And I love my silk Lands End long underwear!

    Polly: I’m with you…I would have made him walk too! Only I don’t wake people up til the last minute. DD#1 used to “forget” to turn her alarm clock on and she’d wake up and scream through the house getting ready. Once I let her sleep until time to get in the car NOW so she went to school in pjs, uncombed hair, and teeth not brushed. That never happened again. :wink:

    Laura: I’ll pretend to have a sore throat if you’ll send me soup! :happy:

    Gail: good news on the mammogram! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: the pumpkin spice cake was and still is tasty…I ate the last piece for my snack this morning. I cut it in 9 pieces and they were each 196 calories…not too bad.

    Caroline: don’t beat yourself up. We all slip sometimes. I do a lot of times which is why my weight loss is so slow. But just keep getting back on the wagon!

    M: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM your cocktail will be on my list!

    Bjmcq: what is on the menu for Christmas morning? We have a family tradition going all the way back to the 40s….champagne! My parents were very poor for their first Christmas so all they had was a bottle of champagne (cheap stuff) and every year thereafter they had it to remember how poor they were! I add cranberry bread and occasionally an egg strata.

    Wessecg: I’ll be looking for the weight loss update from the horse! You should give him/her a screen name and log it in! :smokin: I LOVE fruitcake…Collins Street Bakery in Texas has the BEST! Another family tradition.

    Urbestlife: boy it took me a while to figure out your name! I love it though. Welcome! Comment anytime! Let’s have our best lives!

    Jolene: keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know what happens!:flowerforyou:

    Danna: no giving up! Baby steps. Pick just one thing you can change now and stick with it for a couple weeks to make it a habit. Maybe drinking your water. Just start small and let yourself have victories!

    Liz: welcome and come back often!

    Amanda; keep up updated on how life without statins goes!

    Well I know I have missed about 1/3 of you but I need to get back to work. Enjoy the day, stay strong, and take care to all. meg:drinker:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    It is a grey windy day here, but temp is above freezing so we will take that! :) I have been struggling to get exercise in these past weeks. Managed to get out for a walk yesterday and it did feel good! I'll see if the wind goes down enough today - or maybe even be motivated enought to hit the gym???? Here's hoping!!

    Stay strong ladies - this is a difficult month, for sure, with extra goodies and events. Be sure to set reasonable expectations, enjoy the season, and stay healthy!! January is coming!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Vitamin F is a wonderful concept. Thanks so much for posting, and thanks to all of you for becoming a support network of cyber-friends.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I have been MIA for the past few months, sorry about that. I have had so much going on in my life that unfortunately there was no time for "me"!! My husband and I downsized to a condo (that part is going allright, I guess); my youngest son got sent on another deployment, but he should be home soon, well at least in time for Christmas, my oldest son and daughter-in-law were blessed with a new healthy daughter - lovely, little girl named, Kamryn.

    But my bad news is that my oldest brother, with whom I am very close, is battling colon cancer and not doing well at all; we do not know how much time he has. He is scheduled for surgery in January, so we are crossing our fingers for the best for him. Then I found out my youngest sister is also battling cancer and had several parts of her internals organs removed as well, but she is doing better.

    So, it has been a rather difficult few months, BUT, I am back and will try to stay on track. I hope everyone that I have missed are doing well. I know I wil have missed so much news for these months, but I hope you are all okay.

    Well, Ladies talk to you soon, I will try and keep steady again!!

    Love, Cathy xx
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Cathy welcome back. And with all that is going on no wonder you weren't here. There's a lot of women in here hard to keep up with.

    Well all i'm just coming in from my diabetic counselling meeting and she doesn't think that the blurred vision has anything to do with the way I eat. But maybe my blood pressure. Oh well.

    I just finished having two slices of banana bread yum they were good. But can't let myself get into snacking on sweets need to get my veg. holder fixed up.

    See you all later.
  • DannaBoston
    Good morning to everyone. I swear I posted yesterday but can’t find it! More gremlins…DeeDee would you please keep them on their leash?:laugh:

    Got a little Christmas shopping done yesterday and lo and behold! DD#1 appeared, in person! She asked me for help on her homework which I gladly did and then she watched some TV with us (we all love “hoarders”) so last night was pretty good. :smile:

    Work is getting frustrating, but it’s that time of year. This is finals week and we are only here 3 days next week and everyone and their dog is scheduling meetings, so we are totally packed and unable to work on January classes. I’m going to have to come in this weekend or next because students will soon be able to see the January classes they are in. We also just lost some faculty for January so thank goodness I do not have to deal with that! I have enough to do! :cry:

    Lila: I too am discouraged with the lack of age appropriate clothing out there ! It’s either way too young or gradma and I am NOT a grandma! I’m only 53 but should not be trying to look 20. I do have sparkly fingernails though! :bigsmile:

    Nancy: sounds like you will be tempted with your parties. Stay strong!

    Katla: what is important is that you are here, not how many people you respond to! I have to keep a running word document to get in as many as I do!

    Kathy: hope the sinuses don’t drain you….hahahahah get it? :tongue: Really I hope you feel better soon!

    Pat: Snow!!! That is good exercise but watch the heart!

    Linda: I’m doing the “show me the money” dance for your victory! Good for you! That and your carpal tunnel is getting better! It will be a great new year for you! :flowerforyou: We have thought about group homes for several years now for DD#1 but without a diagnosis she can’t get in one. And no diagnosis with a language barrier….just a little circle of drama here! Thanks for your good thoughts!

    Housegirl: never had little cesars but DD#1 worked there for a while! Drink extra water!

    Barbie: you are forgiven for dreaming of burritos! YUM I so love Mexican food! And I love my silk Lands End long underwear!

    Polly: I’m with you…I would have made him walk too! Only I don’t wake people up til the last minute. DD#1 used to “forget” to turn her alarm clock on and she’d wake up and scream through the house getting ready. Once I let her sleep until time to get in the car NOW so she went to school in pjs, uncombed hair, and teeth not brushed. That never happened again. :wink:

    Laura: I’ll pretend to have a sore throat if you’ll send me soup! :happy:

    Gail: good news on the mammogram! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: the pumpkin spice cake was and still is tasty…I ate the last piece for my snack this morning. I cut it in 9 pieces and they were each 196 calories…not too bad.

    Caroline: don’t beat yourself up. We all slip sometimes. I do a lot of times which is why my weight loss is so slow. But just keep getting back on the wagon!

    M: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM your cocktail will be on my list!

    Bjmcq: what is on the menu for Christmas morning? We have a family tradition going all the way back to the 40s….champagne! My parents were very poor for their first Christmas so all they had was a bottle of champagne (cheap stuff) and every year thereafter they had it to remember how poor they were! I add cranberry bread and occasionally an egg strata.

    Wessecg: I’ll be looking for the weight loss update from the horse! You should give him/her a screen name and log it in! :smokin: I LOVE fruitcake…Collins Street Bakery in Texas has the BEST! Another family tradition.

    Urbestlife: boy it took me a while to figure out your name! I love it though. Welcome! Comment anytime! Let’s have our best lives!

    Jolene: keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know what happens!:flowerforyou:

    Danna: no giving up! Baby steps. Pick just one thing you can change now and stick with it for a couple weeks to make it a habit. Maybe drinking your water. Just start small and let yourself have victories!

    Liz: welcome and come back often!

    Amanda; keep up updated on how life without statins goes!

    Well I know I have missed about 1/3 of you but I need to get back to work. Enjoy the day, stay strong, and take care to all. meg:drinker:

    Just meant was tired of not getting enough support, but, thank you :)
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    DeeDee - did you hear??? Linda says it is homemade fruitcake!! I've never even tried homemade fruitcake.

    MegBlair - if I had a way to weigh the horse I would make him his own log in. Maybe I can just do it by measurement. I could measure his HUGE neck, and his belly then each "weigh in" day re-measure.
  • jjdig
    jjdig Posts: 45 Member
    Happy Tuesday, everybody!
    It's a sunny cold day here (well - cold for here - it was 44 this morning!). Had to make that transition from running
    shorts to running capris... "winter" gloves... but really, guys, it was cold! I think living at 72 degrees makes a person's
    thermostat stuck so that 50 feels like 20...
    I'm having a heck of a time resisting things right now. Do we just have to exercise a lot lot LOT more?
    At this rate, I should start sleepwalking! :laugh:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    LindaC:smile: Homemade fruitcake:love: , I love it!!!!!! Congrats on the Wii being nice to you, I hope it continues being nice! Have you had problems with your blood pressure being high? Loosing weight and exercising usually helps, but make sure you see your Dr.!!!

    Michele:smile: I love my Vitamin F's:heart: !!!!

    Rebel:smile: Glad you're feeling better!!! Yay, hubby is supporting you! Lucky you, he does the shopping and cooking, he's a keeper:love::heart: !

    Jb:smile: Good for you eating all the good stuff! Black beans with your salsa sounds delish, I'm sure there is enough flavor in your salsa to perk up those beans! I'm still sticking to 1300 calories with a few exercise cals. thrown in, the scale has continued to be on a roller coaster:angry: !

    Grannyjoan1:smile: Welcome to the group! Come in often and chat with us!

    Laura80111:smile: 22 degrees....Brrrr ! Keep that coffee mug hot! I bet Peanut was all toasty wrapped in his blanket!

    Tigress:smile: Dreaming of cake....and people kept buying the ones you wanted:huh: , have you been craving cake lately? Interesting....

    Deborahx72:smile: I like thinking about baby steps, a small goal first, then another small goal....and on it goes, until you've reached that stage where you have to learn to maintain!

    Meg:smile: Those gremlins are just so out of control:laugh: , I think they've been playing with my scale:angry: , or they're sitting on my shoulders every other morning when I weigh:tongue: ! Glad you had a good night with DD#1, hope you have many more!!! I love sparkly fingernails, I have a bottle of sparkly gold polish just waiting for me to have time to do mine! I love the story and the tradition of champagne Christmas morning:heart: !

    Glenda:smile: I missed my walk today:sad: , and I'm just feeling so out of sorts now. Once you're body gets used to it, it's not happy when you don't do it!

    Katla49:smile: Lots of good Vitamin F on this thread!!!

    Cathys01:smile: Welcome back!!! You really have had a busy/difficult few months! Hope everything works out well for your brother and your sister:flowerforyou: !

    DannaBoston:smile: Just pop in on this thread, we'll support you the best we can!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: My mom used to make the best fruitcake, when I hear people talking about dried out fruitcake, I just shake my head they never had one of my moms, it was always moist and yummy, if I think about it hard enough, I can almost taste it:love: ...I wish I had inherited her cooking skills!!!

    Judy:smile: 72 degrees sounds delightful!!! Today it's been in the 50's, and a bit windy, however I'm trying not to complain because it could be worse!!!! Dec. is a hard month to try and stay away from all the holiday goodies:sad: , and yes, we need to exercise LOTS more!!!

    Hope everyone has had a good day, full of good flavorful foods and lots of water, I can say I've had lots of water, dinner tonight is going to be the rest of the fish sticks from the other night, surprisingly they were pretty good! I'm tired again tonight, and I think part of it is because I didn't get my walk in, Noel got a couple of walks today, but not as long as usual:cry: ! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

    Have a wonderful evening!!!
