Sorry, but I *am* getting bulky from lifting heavy....



  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    You look like Halle Berry in your pictures. I can't see what isn't to love. I have the same problem with pants (tight in thighs, loose in waist) but I think I look damn good because of it.

    If you aren't liking your results, eat less and/or stop lifting.

    this is the answer - you either need to do more cardio or eat less!!! If i do weisghts i get brilliant results but need to balance with cardio and stay away from carbs!!! sorry to tell a big fat truth
  • Chapter3point6
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    If I were in your position, I would keep lifting the same, except for the thighs. I'd substantially cut back the weights I'm using for my thighs, since you don't want bulk there. Your arms, while well-defined, don't look bulky, so I'd keep things the same. And, if you are uncomfortable with how people react to your awesomely defined muscles, add a little more bodyfat, as that is generally considered a more feminine look. Of course, the adding more bodyfat may happen naturally as you allow the muscle mass in your legs to go down a bit.

    Very good advice. I just have to figure out what to drop down to.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    My sister in law has this problem too, she's half black and her gains are crazy. I have seen it a Lot with pretty much everyone but white chicks- gains are big and noticeable I would droP weight and add reps.

    Me too, I'm Black, Irish & Cherokee. I'm thinking of dropping my weights (although I'm not sure how low to drop them) & doing more reps for a few weeks to see what happens.


    Don't bang your head on the desk, its true for many(not all).
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's from the lack of body fat.

    Eat a cheeseburger!
    This. If the doctor says you're body fat is too low, there's your problem. Your muscles aren't HUGE, they are just very pronounced because you don't have body fat covering them up like most people. Increase body fat a little, and I'm sure you will be happier with your body.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    You look like Halle Berry in your pictures. I can't see what isn't to love. I have the same problem with pants (tight in thighs, loose in waist) but I think I look damn good because of it.

    If you aren't liking your results, eat less and/or stop lifting.

    this is the answer - you either need to do more cardio or eat less!!! If i do weisghts i get brilliant results but need to balance with cardio and stay away from carbs!!! sorry to tell a big fat truth

    I do an hour of cardio every day & eat very little carbs.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    According to my recent DNA test I am 66% West African, 29% Scandinavian and 5% Native America. Which one of those last two is canceling out my bulking gene? Damn vikings.
  • IamBlackMamba
    My sister in law has this problem too, she's half black and her gains are crazy. I have seen it a Lot with pretty much everyone but white chicks- gains are big and noticeable I would droP weight and add reps.

    Is this really happening right now? How is this not a racist statement? How do white chicks not gain muscle like every other race who lifts? :grumble:
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I agree with what's already been posted. You don't look bulky at all - you have a fantastic figure. I'm jealous. If your pics are outdated - put up some new ones and let us see. Side note - you are gorgeous and I'm totally digging your makeup. I <3 makeup.

    The way you look in these pictures, is what I aspire to accomplish with my own body.

    That being said, I don't know enough about this subject to give sound advice except that you need to up your BF, so up your calories.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member

    It's about the body that *I* want though.

    Let's see the "bulk" pics....
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I would like to see some pictures

    Yes, bring on the "bulk" pictures.

    You have a body that most women on this forum would die to have and you start a thread complaining about it?

    It's about the body that *I* want though.

    Very one should be critisizing her for results she isn't happy with.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    You look like Halle Berry in your pictures. I can't see what isn't to love. I have the same problem with pants (tight in thighs, loose in waist) but I think I look damn good because of it.

    If you aren't liking your results, eat less and/or stop lifting.

    What a compliment, thank you! I already don't eat more than 1200-1300 calories a day, so I don't think it would be good for me to drop below that. I think I need to lift lighter for awhile & see what happens.

    I think the problem here is what is meant by "bulking up".... when folks say "i don't want to bulk up" I think they are talking about building muscle to look like this:


    If you are eating 1200 cals a day, you are NEVER going to bulk up like this lady. In fact, without hormone treatment or steroids, you would never look like this lady.

    What you have is low body fat. Your jeans are tight on your thighs and loose on your waist because you have such low body fat....and because that is the shape of your body. This isn't bulking. This is muscle definition from low body fat:


    I think your pants fit that way because your waist is so tiny. But if you really want to make your legs leaner, my suggestion would be to do more long distance running. I've heard this can make your muscles smaller...but it might impact the rest of your muscle too.

    Anyways, I think you look amazing and should just celebrate the benefits of all your hard work. I'd be so amazed to look in the mirror and see your figure on my body.

    Just to sum up:

  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Are people really telling the OP to cut lifting or stop lifting heavy? Her issue isn't the fact that she's lifting heavy, it's genetics, water and glycogen, fluctuations in diet and carb intake, and also whether or not she's eating a deficit or a surplus.

    Just cause you lifting lighter isn't going to change anything except her endurance as it activates different fibers.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It's already been said a bunch, but I'm going to repeat it again: You LOOK "big" because your body fat percentage is too low. Take your doctor's advice, up your calories and gain those 5-6 pounds. You will soften out and your muscles won't be as definied.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    A few ideas...Yoga - to stretch and thin your muscles...45+ min sessions of cardio - after 45 min. you are burning more muscle and less fat, so this could help thin out the muscle you have...change lifting routine to lifting less frequently (once a week instead of several times a week), or lifting more reps, I think 12-15 reps per set is the range for more lean muscle, so whatever weight you can lift 15 times in a row without a break.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    If you've reached the max size that you want to be for right now, just stop increasing the weight. Feel free to go backwards a few pounds if you want.

    Generally, someone with your physique looks bigger because they have low BF%, not because they are actually huge. It even happens with men. The more cut I get, the more people comment on how big my arms/chest/quads are, even though I've lost several inches from them. It's illusion more than reality.

    I've seen your pictures before and I assure that I don't find you bulky in the slightest, but it's your body to do as you wish.

    I've never really thought of it that way, that does make sense though.

    Yeap, well said. Just lighten your weight a bit and eat more too. :) Your lucky my biceps are taking forever to grow! lol And tell that guy at your work to F off!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Lift heavy to build with less reps and light to lengthen and lean down, more reps, hope that helps
    Muscles are attached to bone at their ends. They do not ever "lengthen." Unless of course, you have them surgically removed, stretched, and reattached at different points... But no exercise will ever achieve that kind of result, physical impossibility.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    My sister in law has this problem too, she's half black and her gains are crazy. I have seen it a Lot with pretty much everyone but white chicks- gains are big and noticeable I would droP weight and add reps.

    Is this really happening right now? How is this not a racist statement? How do white chicks not gain muscle like every other race who lifts? :grumble:

    You didn't know that every other race has 7x the testosterone production of white chicks?
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    First off, you look amazing and I would love to have your natural ability to build. The reason you feel bulky though is you are on too low of a diet (1300 cals is not enough to maintain when lifting) and are at a very low bf%. Thus, you can see your muscles very clearly. If you don't like it, eat more and the definition will go away a bit.