Focused on Fitness: Daily Check-In Group



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thank you Karin!!! This morning I was feeling a bit better, (or slightly less awful) but now I'm not so convinced. I may break down and schedule a doctor appointment - it's been over a week! Thanks for the well wishes. Can't wait to start moving again. I did 3 circuits of Jillian's NMTZ yesterday and was clammy and drained, so that was the limit. :(

    How's it going with the cocktails?
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    hey everyone do you mind if I join? I am trying to increase my exercise/activity level. I am horible about my food intake. I am a sugarholoic...Once I start i can't stop. I am currently getting over a cold so i am waiting till Saterday to start exerciseing again.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Sure, come on in, the water's fine!

    So I am really stuck at 131.5. I've been here for 3 weeks. On the one hand, I know it's going to go slower as I get closer to my goal, and the more slowly I lose it, the more likely it will be I will be able to maintain it. Also, I seem to have achieved an eating and exercise balance that doesn't make me feel deprived or anxious....


    I'm worried that I've become complacent. I don't want my life to be about weight loss, but maybe I need to push myself a little harder.

    Just a neurotic wandering of my mind.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Great idea for a thread! I just finished my first week here at MFP and would like to participate by posting my daily fitness activity as another personal motivator. I actually used to be a runner but have been very inactive for the past two years and want to get back to running again. Since I hadn't been active, I started off with walking the first few days with the goal of following the American Heart Association recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five days a week. But this past Wednesday, I decided to start the Runner's World Beginning Runner's Training Program. This program is designed to get you running 30 minutes non-stop in eight weeks. It is a progressive walk/run program where you walk more in the beginning but gradually run more until walking is eliminated.

    So anyway, today I completed Day 3, Week 1 of the program which had me alternating 1 minute of running with 2 minutes of walking for 10 repetitions to give me 30 minutes of exercise. I actually think I could run more already but I am taking it easy because already on the third day I'm feeling it in my shins. I also walked an extra 10 minutes afterwards just because it was a beautiful sunny day and I wasn't ready to go back inside.

    Hope everyone else had a great workout today!

  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Hey Larry, welcome!

    We are not rabid posters in this group, obviously. I think you're wise to go slow in starting back with running. So many people get injured pushing it.

    So I'm going to go push my teenagers to watch "Jamie Oliver's food revolution" Wish me luck!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Hey Larry, welcome!

    We are not rabid posters in this group, obviously. I think you're wise to go slow in starting back with running. So many people get injured pushing it.

    So I'm going to go push my teenagers to watch "Jamie Oliver's food revolution" Wish me luck!

    Luck!!!!! HaHa Thanks for the welcome!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Today was a walk day for me. Completed Day 4, Week 1 of the Runner's World Beginning Runner's Training Program with a brisk 30 minute walk. Tomorrow it is back to run/walk for Day 5.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Well done Larry! I shoveled mulch for a few hours and got a really good workout. I went out to dinner, had wine and desert and still couldn't scoff up all those earned calories.

    Oy, the problems I have!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Completed Day 5, Week 1 of the Runner's World Beginner Runner's Program. 30 minutes alternating run/walk.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Excellent, Larry! I did more planting and toting today - earned my glass of Malbec!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks Karin for the encouragement. I envy your gradening which I know is an effective and enjoyable type of activity and living in an apartment I don't have that option available. So kudos to you as well.

    Had a little car accident on the way to work this morning. Thankfully no one got injured but my Jeep had to be towed to the shop and I had to take the day off from work to deal with the repairs and insurance issues. As a result, I got to exercise early today and enjoyed being outside on a wonderful sunny spring day this morning. I'm still following the Runner's World 8-Week Beginning Running Program but I am starting to tweak things a little by running more and walking less than the program calls for. Yes, I am the impatient type! Lol

    The problem is I used to run competitively, 5Ks through full marathons and so my mind still believes I am a runner even though my body knows differently. :) So anyway, today I completed Day 6, Week 1 of my program, alternating run/walk. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day with the program but I know from past experience that I am more consistent with fitness when I do it everyday instead of skipping days and since I have only been working out 30 minutes per day it hasn't been terribly taxing. So tomorrow I will do something, either just walk for a half hour or maybe do some cross training. So far so good. I am feeling much more energetic than when I started 10 days ago.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi guys :) back after a few days MIA. Larry, nice to "meet" you and Robynrae - hopefully you'll be back?

    Karin - kudos for keeping us up and running... I saw Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution - and am impressed by that guy.

    I've been under the weather (STILL) and just finally accepted today that there's not much I can do about it besides wait it out, rest and fuel the ol bod' properly. Ugh. Hopefully I can make some activity reports as the week progresses. (Trust me, at this point, ANYTHING involving movement should count.) So... I showered today! There - that's progress! LOL!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Showering counts!!! Hang in there Smiles, we're all going to have those periods so it's good to learn to ride them out and not freak out or put the weight loss ahead of health - you're setting a good example to all of us.

    Larry - sorry about the car accident, you have a great attitude about it though. I went to the movies with the kids and ended up eating popcorn, so I'm on water tonight. Lots and lots of water.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am still feeling worn-out with this cold. So not much activity for me this weekend. I did manage to work up the energy to walk the dog to the post office this morning. My goal for the week is to get 30 min of activity on Wed, Friday and Saterday.
    Hope everyone is doing better than I am.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Hi smiles! A pleasure to "meet" you as well! Oh Karin I feel your pain! I just can't watch a movie without popcorn either! Lol

    Today was a scheduled rest day on my RW walk/run program but from my past days as a runner, I know that I do much better with a consistent exercise regimen if I do some activity everyday without skipping any. So today I decided to walk for a half hour and then I did another ha;f hour of free hiking in the greenbelt area near my home. It is pretty hilly and rugged terrain so I probably got more of a workout than I needed on a "rest" day but I really enjoyed getting out on a beautiful warm and sunny day and I'm getting a good start on my summer tan. :)

    Oh yeah! This completes Week 1 of the Runner's World program so tomorrow I'm on to Week 2!
  • marthauchino
    marthauchino Posts: 9 Member
    I get up at 5:00 a.m. to sit with a cup of coffee and my husband and 4 cats, then I go to our home gym and do 30 minute aerobics on the mini-trampoline twice a week or a combination of walking/running on the treadmill, both with wrist weights. I have a sensible diet that is low fat & carbs. So far, I've gained 1 lb. and lost 1 lb. I get off work at 6:00 p.m. and just want to go home to the sofa. What can I do to boost my metabolism so I can speed up the weight loss? I'm 56 years old and 20+ lbs overweight. I have a desk job as a librarian. Before, I lived in Japan and walked/biked everywhere. It was easy to manage my weight, then. But, since being back in the states (7 years), I've put on all this weight. HELP!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    I get up at 5:00 a.m. to sit with a cup of coffee and my husband and 4 cats, then I go to our home gym and do 30 minute aerobics on the mini-trampoline twice a week or a combination of walking/running on the treadmill, both with wrist weights. I have a sensible diet that is low fat & carbs. So far, I've gained 1 lb. and lost 1 lb. I get off work at 6:00 p.m. and just want to go home to the sofa. What can I do to boost my metabolism so I can speed up the weight loss? I'm 56 years old and 20+ lbs overweight. I have a desk job as a librarian. Before, I lived in Japan and walked/biked everywhere. It was easy to manage my weight, then. But, since being back in the states (7 years), I've put on all this weight. HELP!

    Hi Martha,

    I'm very new to counting calories but it seems pretty straight forward that if you are staying at the same weight or not losing any you take in too many calories. One thing I have learned since starting here at mfp is that foods that are "low fat" typically have more total calories than the regular variety. Salad dressings are one good example. Also, quite recently I read an article in the New England Journal of Medicine that stated, based on a two-year study, diets that target carbs and fat are not nearly as effective as simply reducing caloric intake. So maybe even though you are trying to limit those two micro nutrients in your diet, you still are getting too many calories to lose weight. I've been here 10 days and have lost 3 pounds by simply staying below my daily calorie goal.

    Exercise is also an important aspect and the American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise a minimum five days each week so maybe you could increase above the two days you are doing currently. Few exercise programs I've seen here that people are using feature less than a minimum of three days of 30 minutes.

    I'm not the most patient person in the world which is one thing that makes losing weight a frustrating thing for me. It just takes a long time to take weight off and I guess I like things with instant feedback. But I'm determined to lose the 30 pounds that I made as my goal 10 days ago and I'm sure you can successfully lose those 20 lbs if you start keeping track of your calories here and working out more often. Good luck! I envy you the chance to live in Japan. I have visited there a number of times and really liked it. Take care.

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I am still feeling worn-out with this cold. So not much activity for me this weekend. I did manage to work up the energy to walk the dog to the post office this morning. My goal for the week is to get 30 min of activity on Wed, Friday and Saterday.
    Hope everyone is doing better than I am.

    I feel your pain! thanks for posting - it makes me not feel like as much of a loser. (Not saying you're one... it's just good to remember that when our bodies get sick, we have to take it easy). Impressed that you made it to the post office with your pup.

    I am starting to feel enough better that I may shoot for a short walk today. Just earlier this week, being awake the majority of the day would be an accomplishment. So I know i'm getting better. Good luck with your goals for Wed, Friday and Saturday. Maybe I'll adopt the same ones! Thanks for sharing. :)
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Martha, I'm 53 and the truth is losing weight at this age is not like losing weight in your twenties or thirties. Larry's right in terms of the low fat, low carb stuff. My question is how long have you been doing MFP?

    I found that I just needed to record what I was doing for a couple of weeks to get a sense of the whole picture - what I was eating and when, how much water I was drinking - sometimes it's really not as simple as calories in and out.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Completed Day 1, Week 2 of the RW 8-Week Beginning Runner's program. I ran a little more than walked towards the end of week one, but went exactly by the program today since it upped the running intervals from 1 minute to 2 and reduced the walking intervals from 2 minutes to 1 minute. Good thing I just followed the instructions because it was a taxing 30 minutes! Lol I might have over done the hiking yesterday and so my legs were still feeling a bit tired today. But of course it was another beautiful and sunny day so I "forced" myself to do 20 more minutes of hiking after completing my run/walk. HaHa Felt great afterwards and hey my tan is starting to come along to boot! :)