Why do people hide their diaries?



  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    In my case, it's because I'm doing this for myself and diaries / logs are the best way for me to assess my situation. I did not really come to MFP for the community aspect. I came here because I can access the site from any computer and it has the food database, which makes things easier than having to make sure I carry a notebook around and having to guess the nutrition information if I didn't get it off of a label.

    Honestly, I feel no more desire to leave my diary open here than I felt to leave my old paper and pen logs out in public. I've got nothing to hide, but I just don't feel any great urge to share. It's simply not an important part of my path.
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    Because I know it bothers people like you.


  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    because they feel guilty and shamed of what they actually eat. LOL

    THIS is prime example of attitude that keeps my stuff to MYSELF~

    THIS exactly.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I see no reason to keep mine open for people who would rather profile creep than be friends.

    I have mine open to friends, but my diary and profile, etc are all friends-only.

    I always worry about giving an encouraging "Great job!" to a friend with a closed diary who's under as....my gf struggles with anorexia (for years, went into treatment, and now that her mom passed a month ago today she's struggling again) and if someone is restricting to ridiculously low calories in an unhealthy way -- as she did and struggles with -- I don't want to be giving positive reinforcement to that......

    ETA - I mean I know days happen. Maybe you are sick and feel like crap and not hungry. Or it was an insane day and you just didn't eat as much as you otherwise would've. Or even the opposite end of the spectrum, 'though having been with my gf for 9 years of this journey so far, I'm more aware and concerned about that.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Stop caring what other people think! :)

    Has anyone honestly had an unsolicited PM criticising their food choices? (By unsolicited, I mean you haven't posted up asking why you're not losing weight or similar.) Because nobody in the 8 months I've been here has contacted me about my food diary. :) *ExpectsAFlurryOfInsultingPMsNow*

    I wish I could stop caring, honestly! In the meantime, yeah, I posted once asking others if they found they had more incidences of getting sick at a deficit, as I had, and it's... you know... scientifically proven that it can happen.

    Had people critiquing my one craft beer a week as the cause, someone pointed out, "You haven't eaten any veggies in a week, that's why" when I had been out of town for a week, so you know... I hadn't tracked in a week. By that logic, they might have been better off saying, "Wow, looks like you haven't eaten in a week! Maybe that's why."

    I've lost weight and body fat just fine, with thyroid and cortisol issues, with factoring in things in moderation. I'm a healthy weight. Everything else is just gravy by this point. I don't need random people piping up when they haven't lost 1lb in the year they've been there, or said more than 5 posts in the two months they've been here, etc.

    Because I wish I didn't care what others think, but as a recovering anorexic, yeah, food comments can really undermine me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I share mine with friends, but it seems odd to display everything I eat on the internet to any random stranger. Even if it's not odd (and I think it's fine if people do and I even appreciate it).
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Mine is open to friends only for the same reason my Facebook profile is open to friends only: I want to control what information I make public on the internet. I use this handle for everything, and I don't want my 5 glasses of wine to show up when I'm Googled.
    I don't want everyone knowing which boys I think are cute

    And that.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm here for fitness support more than diet. I KNOW I should not be eating McD's. No point in having people trying to kindly help where I already know i suck.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    I have mine open to friends only, but will add pretty much anyone. I don't care if others look at it, just want to know who.
  • LovelyLumos
    LovelyLumos Posts: 44 Member
    i like to keep mine private because i tend to cheat when its public
  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
    I don't keep mine open because I don't want any advice or accountability for my diet.

    And this!!!

    I am accountable only to ME!

    ^^this.. and it's none of your business.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    Mine is open and I had a cheeseburger last night when I took my bro out to dinner.

    No reason to cheat when it's open. Frankly it sounds like you haven't found the right friends on MFP.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    Just wondering why people don't publicly share their food diaries on here or even lock them with passwords? I love clicking on someone's forum post name and checking out their food diaries for comparison and learning sake but many have their diaries locked or hidden from public view. I realize many probably might not know that they have their settings on private or for friends only.. but just curious anyways. I just don't see any real negative consequences for making them public versus showing them so that others can compare and learn from them based on individual goals.

    I have mine private on purpose. My diet is specific to my personal issues and unlikely to be much use to someone who is not celiac and female.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I think the default setting is closed. You have to go in and manually open it. Most people barely get through the goals setup, much less poking around in the settings...

    Wait... there's even MORE settings to futz around with?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    cause it's MY DIARY not YOUR BUSINESS
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    I keep mine open to everyone. I like to shop other people's diaries for new food ideas, but mainly I do that with friend's diaries.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Mine is open to friends only for the same reason my Facebook profile is open to friends only: I want to control what information I make public on the internet. I use this handle for everything, and I don't want my 5 glasses of wine to show up when I'm Googled.

    My food diary is open to MFP members, but I hadn't thought of my vodka or rum intake on Friday and Saturday being googled! As I think about it, some may be surprised, but I suspect not many! I like to look at other diaries for the same reason that someone else mentioned - if someone is doing really well, I'd like to get a peek at it and see wth they're eating!

    You have a valid point, but it reminds me of my mom (who normally recycles everything) who won't put her wine bottles in the recycle bin because she doesn't want the city workers to see how much she drinks!
  • Sweet_Pea0107
    I don't have mine open because I got tired of all the internet googlers sending me random "research" about how their diet was the only way and I was doing it all wrong. I don't see how people can get an overall view of someones health through a few numbers and a screen name. If anyone asks me about how I lost so much I will gladly help in any way I can. I just don't appreciate nosey nellies.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I keep mine open. I've learned a lot about food options from looking at other's diaries too. At the risk of opening the door.......I've never had anyone comment on my food choices but I don't ask for input and don't complain when my weight doesn't drop and wonder why.

    Thanks to everyone who's kept their's open so I can check them out. I've seen examples of paleo, low carb, vegitarian, and many other types of diet. I can't believe how much some of you weight lifters can eat and still look great.

    To each their own.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I think some people keep their diaries closed because it gets hard to take the criticism and ridicule when other people disagree with how you eat. There are lots of people that have a problem with how I eat, but I keep it open anyway. For some reason, not following the Standard American Diet seems to ruffle a lot of people's feathers, especially if I dare to mention my personal experience with others. There's a whole bunch of reasons that I eat the way I do. It's open and if it helps someone else, that's great. If it doesn't, oh well. No, it's not "perfect"; nobody is.