To those doing very low cals (in the 600 to 1200 range)



  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I know you mean well and want most to be healthy and not starve. Understandable. People will have differences in opinions just as doctors might. I know what works for me and it might not work for others. I think its based on many factors to include different lifestyles. I love to keep it high in protein around 1200-1300. :drinker:
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I've seen this. I agree with most of his points, although he could have made them in 5 minutes instead of rambling for 30. If you do the math correctly and regularly you should never have any problems.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    What about morbidly or supermorbidly obese on a doctor supervised VLCD? I guess this video can judge me better than a team of doctors can.

    I'm not sure where people get this idea that we're telling them that a doctor supervised program is contradictory to the idea of reduced metabolism. It's not and we aren't. If you are on a special program, being supervised by qualified medical personel, then why would you think that this program, which talks about LONG term deficits and what that does to the RMR, would conflict with that? First, VLCD's are usually short term, a few months at the outside, but generally 3 to 5 weeks long. Second, they are designed to take people from immediate risk situations down into a more manageable situation.

    Nobody is saying that what was in the video is what is happening to everyone who is at a plateau or eating at a deficit, all it's saying is that it's quite common for people, after a lifetime of dieting, to have created a situation where there RMR and TDEE are lower than the calculations would predict, thus reducing the amount of calories needed to maintain and lose weight. It talks about causes, outcomes, and possible ways to repair the situation. The Author of the vlog is not saying that this situation applies to everyone, nor is he trying to tell anyone to do anything radical to remedy the situation, rather he's supportive of "slowing your roll" raising your calories back up near maintenance by a process of increase, test, repeat until you hit maintenance. This is a very sensible approach which allows people to find their actual TDEE and repair their possibly damaged RMR and metabolism.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for the video! I liked it. :)

    I know for me I need to eat at least 1600 calories per day to lose weight. I'm a decently tall (5'7") and well built woman and I've managed to lose 1-1.5 lbs a week by making the right food choices and trying to cut as much fast food from my diet as possible. I started with a calorie intake of 1200-1500 and the scale wasn't moving! I kicked it up to 1600-1750 per day and the weight is coming off. But every BODY is different. Personally I'd rather be able to eat more so I like that I can take in more food and still lose weight slowly and healthy. This is a lifestyle change for me so I'm taking it slow.

    Take care of your body and it will take care of you. :heart:
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I start threads when I have information I think might be valuable to others. Apparently others benefitted from it judging by the responses. I don't care if the subject is never talked about, or talked about every day, if I think something I post will benefit others, I post it.

    thank you for posting it. I have also shared it in my group and they too have benefited from it. BTW I have never seen this posted before so THANK YOU for posting it again if it has been.

    I am working on changing my goals on here now and rethinking my exercise routine!
  • Just because someone has a PhD means nothing about what they're saying.
    I could have a PhD in nutrition and tell everyone that 3 glasses of wine a day is healthy and you can live off of it for extended periods of time do they have to believe me just because I wrote a thesis and went to school for longer which obviously must mean I know so much more.

    Yes correct.

    But then the science is given to back it up. And he has applied it to people he coaches. He has also written many artciles.

    Strange how many people reject this piece just because he's a bodybuilder and use the fact he's got PHD to ignore him.

    What would make people listen?
    so true! I'm listening ;)
  • pitythefool1.jpg
  • thanks for the info! :happy:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member

    Some people need to be a little more open-minded I think but I guess they are just too thick to understand people are trying to help. Thanks for the video.
  • Bump for later
  • am06or
    am06or Posts: 30 Member
  • Donica1953
    Donica1953 Posts: 15 Member
    How do you stop this? I can't hardly get 1200 calories down! I try and try but I just gag. I can't lose weight and I can't gain muscle. A long time ago I followed Physique Transformation, a website by Ric Rooney. They had a system where you plugged in your current intake for 5 days and then it programmed a start point for you and adjusted and increased your macros up every 2 weeks. You were pushing to get an "A" for each days eating; your day's end would show you your "grade" A - F depending on all parameters of eating and exercising; all the while increasing your calories and all nutrients. It was the first time I could do this and I did so well. I went from nothing up to about 1800 calories and gained muscle and lost fat and wore a 4. Now I'm so skinny fat and busting out of 6's, same weight. Now, the website seems to have disappeared. It helped me so much more than anything I've tried. I'd really like to find something like this again. Any one know of this or ???
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    How do you stop this? I can't hardly get 1200 calories down! I try and try but I just gag. I can't lose weight and I can't gain muscle. A long time ago I followed Physique Transformation, a website by Ric Rooney. They had a system where you plugged in your current intake for 5 days and then it programmed a start point for you and adjusted and increased your macros up every 2 weeks. You were pushing to get an "A" for each days eating; your day's end would show you your "grade" A - F depending on all parameters of eating and exercising; all the while increasing your calories and all nutrients. It was the first time I could do this and I did so well. I went from nothing up to about 1800 calories and gained muscle and lost fat and wore a 4. Now I'm so skinny fat and busting out of 6's, same weight. Now, the website seems to have disappeared. It helped me so much more than anything I've tried. I'd really like to find something like this again. Any one know of this or ???

    I just watched a vlog about damaged metabolism which it sounds like you have and he said to introduce more carbs very slowly till you have fixed it. So maybe try that.
  • Donica1953
    Donica1953 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, I know I have done this to myself; years and years of screwy eating plans/abuse/etc. I think if I can get the food down it will work out. What I need that my help is high protein soups, easy to get down. I'm on the search for them. I just figured the mileage on my daily walk route and it comes out to 3.2 miles so that's a good start. Hope to start adding some jogging into this route starting next month.
    Thank you for your input.
    Anyone else???
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes, I know I have done this to myself; years and years of screwy eating plans/abuse/etc. I think if I can get the food down it will work out. What I need that my help is high protein soups, easy to get down. I'm on the search for them. I just figured the mileage on my daily walk route and it comes out to 3.2 miles so that's a good start. Hope to start adding some jogging into this route starting next month.
    Thank you for your input.
    Anyone else???

    It would be great if you let all the others that are destroying their know they need to stop it. Shame most won't listen though.
  • Donica1953
    Donica1953 Posts: 15 Member
    Okay, I just went in and did the TDEE thing. My base is 1800 and I need to eat 1440 to lose, so...based on this I will up my calories and try to find a way to do it; soup! :drinker:
  • Donica1953
    Donica1953 Posts: 15 Member
    Nice to see people are realising that us bodybuilders aren't a subspecies of humans, just exactly the same!
    I for one, think bodybuilders rock, only the non-steroid kind.:smile:
  • BUMP for later!
  • Donica1953
    Donica1953 Posts: 15 Member
    Can't seem to get the website for IIFYM to cooperate. Some of the calculators won't work and the video won't upload. I'm a geek when it comes to computers but I did go in and add it to safe list.