
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today was a ok day at work. I was able to stay the full day. By the end after day able to get in a workout. Now I am so tired as I keep trying to post this I keep falling asleeep. Lol so I have finally caught up on reading the posts but will not reply till later.

    Hoping everyone has a good night

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Went to the Boise Botanical Garden with my SIL and Cousin in Law to see the Christmas light display. We had a great time, and the garden was beautiful.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Barbie- I remember eating potato pancakes as a child. My dad was Jewish and my mother was Catholic .
    As children we were blessed to be a part of both religions, cultures ,foods and traditions.
    I am trying to trace my fathers family before they came to America. I will have to wait until I get back to work to
    Look into Ancestry.com
    Wishing you a happy Hanaka!
    Jen- kittens are so cute and so much fun. Hope CK will be a good little kitty!

    Meg- how did the meeting go with DD, about toting the line or moving out?

    Liz- glad you are feeling better!!
    M - the increase in the blood pressure when going to the doctors office is called "white coat syndrome"
    It is very common!
    Ok ladies , I hope you can sleep well. Have a thoughtful Thursday!
    Be thoughtful of everything you eat, before you eat it! Is this (food) going to feed my body nutritiously or am I feeding an emotion?
    Welcome to the new ladies!
    Hugs, Linda - sundance????
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    What a cold day in London! Even with my thermals on I'm really feeling the cold.

    It's hard to type with cold fingers.

    Anyway, I hope you are all doing well, keeping warm and eating healthfully (not to mention drinking your water!)

    Keep moving!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`m not in a very good mood this morning:angry: ! Since decreasing my calories to 1300, I`ve gained 4 pounds:noway: . I`m extremly fusterated and annoyed. MFP recalculated my calories last time I weighed in and reduced my cals from 1410 to 1300....I`m just totally stumped by this. I decided I would stay at 1300 and eat a few exercise calories back...for the month of Dec.. I will be able to say I stuck with it for an entire month. I just feel like I`m on a roller coaster everyday, one day I gain 1.2, the next day I lose.1:huh: . The dress I bought in October to wear at Christmas, which was just a bit tight but I thought by Christmas it would be perfect, is still too tight:sad: , now my goal to wear that dress is Valentines day. At the end of December, if I haven`t dropped the 4 pounds, I will reevaluate my calories again...don`t have a clue what I`ll do yet. Oh well...the many trials of losing weight:grumble: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: (I`ve had 3 big glasses so far this morning) and log your food!!!!

    Grumpy DeeDee
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Checking in for a dose of Vitamin F!!!

    Didn't sleep well last night and woke up thinking today was Friday. NOT!!! I am feeling the holiday crunch and stress all of a sudden. I am also stuck (once again) with my weight. And it is official...I am post menopausal. No friend for a year. Weird that I am a little sad about this.....

    Plan- Today is a new day. I will eat within my calories today and get in some structured exercise. I will have a plan for tomorrow. One day at a time.....

    Thanks to all my virtual friends. I am toasting your successes and sending hugs and prayers for your struggles....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, I grated the potatoes into water with ice cubes and put the bowl in the refrigerator in the morning and made the latkes around 4 PM......I drained the water out by pouring everything into a colander and pressing the potatoes down with a paper towel to get all the water out.....it worked great....I made the latkes the first time on a non-stick griddle with some buttery cooking spray and they seemed fine to me, but last night I made them in a frying pan with olive oil and Jake liked them better.....the oil is part of the tradition of Hanukkah, so cooking them in oil is really the right way.....draining the finished ones on a paper towel might get rid of some to the oily quality and serving them with applesauce helps.

    :flowerforyou: Isagenix shakes are 24 grams of protein, gluten and soy free, 24 grams of carbohydrates including 8 grams of fiber and 11 grams of sugar...they are total meal replacements not just protein shakes. I've been using them for over three years and they've increased my energy and helped me lose weight and keep it off and eliminate a lot of cravings. If you want to know more about ordering them, send me a personal message and I'll respond that way and give you more information.

    time for dog walking

    :heart: Barbie
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, :happy:

    Here's a thought. Yesterday & today my scale shows a 3 pound loss. :noway: . It's taken me three months to loose the three pounds before that. I don't believe it and I'm not going to record it until it's "held" for at least a week. We shall see. That 3 pounds puts me at my goal. I must say, there's a lot of incentive now to eat carefully and keep up the exercise, because that's a pretty motivating number on the scale!

    DH the Etech thinks the problem with my Mac is the power cord, I really hope so. He had the machine apart last night and cleaned out all the lint and fluff. It charged overnight, so I am able to talk you all today. It's not charging now, though, so I may be off-line again soon.

    I have been reading all your posts and keeping up with all the news.

    A few folks have mentioned feeling overwhelmed by the pace of the season. :cry: Try not to let it get to you. It really is hard to stay out of the maelstrom, but when you get caught in the whirlpool it's time to take Glenda's advice: turn on the twinkle lights and sit down with a cup of spicy tea (or a glass of wine :wink: ) Focus on the fact it's "the season of light, hope and promise," :love: all the rest is optional. It really is. Don't do it unless you're having fun. Hugs.

    My rant is over now.

    Linda-Sundance, I like the idea of a "Thoughtful Thursday", will carry that idea into the day with me.

    We have gym class first thing today - the last gym class of the year because by Monday the stage will be set up in gym and we will be full-on into Christmas Concert rehearsal mode. The grade 7 class are the actors who perform the very sketchy play that links the classroom performances. Typical stuff, except I am the grade 7 teacher who has to get them up to the microphones. :ohwell: We are having fun practicing, it remains to be seen what they will do next week. In the meantime, I'm trying to think of an energetic basketball themed game to get them moving this morning. Maybe a full class scrimmage with more than one basketball. :laugh: That should get things moving.

    I must go and get J'boy's breakfast eggs cooking. Such a lucky fellow, his mother makes him a hot breakfast.

    Hasta pronto,

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Hello all, :happy:

    Here's a thought. Yesterday & today my scale shows a 3 pound loss. :noway: . It's taken me three months to loose the three pounds before that. I don't believe it and I'm not going to record it until it's "held" for at least a week. We shall see. That 3 pounds puts me at my goal. I must say, there's a lot of incentive now to eat carefully and keep up the exercise, because that's a pretty motivating number on the scale!

    Nancy, that's just awesome -- congratulations!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, Ladies -

    Nancy, I laughed when you said "My rant is over now" - all rants should be so kind and inspirational . . . :laugh: . DH still makes the kiddos breakfast when they're here, even though they rarely even eat it - can't tell if he's in competition with his ex or just trying to stay connected. It's hard when they get older and all are off on their own. If you're at your goal, I'm not surprised it's taken you that long to get there - as we're older our bodies resist more and simply have higher plateaus than before. Congratulations:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and I'll be keeping everything crossed for you to keep it off!

    DeeDee, there's a board here about eating back your calories - they mention your body will "hoard" the calories as it's been used to being near starvation and will go into saving mode whenever it can. It's frequently the cause of plateaus too. Just keep doing the same thing for a while; you should see a change eventually. This is a long slow process. Even when you were gaining weight you undoubtedly had long periods where you weren't gaining or losing; same thing on the downside. At least that's been my experience.

    Just got some new work-out DVDs for after the first of the year - more kickboxing-style. I love, love, love kickboxing and am very excited about these. The only issue, well, two issues, is that a) I've heard a lot of horror stories about what happens when you stop doing resistance training and b) the workouts are a lot shorter than I'm used to. I suspect after I start I may do resistance on the shorter workout days (only 30 minutes!), so basically doubles, and then I'll keep up with my afternoon walks too. I'm happy with the nutrition plan that came with these - it's a super-simple flash-card approach (similar to weight watchers, I suppose) where I get so many "units" of starches, legumes, proteins, etc. and can pick and choose from an extensive list of options. There really isn't anything that isn't "allowed", but it does have minimal dairy (something I notice about BeachBody diet plans in general) and uses coconut oil instead of olive or butter. I'll probably keep the olive oil anyway. It's a 60-day program - very excited to start!

    OK, off to work. Enjoy your day, everyone!


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Thursday all my Vit F's!

    Cathy- good for you going to a nutritionist to get the eating right. As you know eating right with the exercise is what will get this change going. Take it 5 min at a time...I'm sure you can dig up 5 min to do a bit of exercise:drinker:

    M-:laugh: love that Safety Announcment:laugh: And that is why I had to buy new unders as everytime I would exercise I could feel them sliding down under my clothes:noway:

    Cheryl-Smoothies sound wonderful but I have already looked into the calories that they contain and must admit they don't tempt me:noway: the calories for them are way over the top.

    Linda C- your meat pies sound wonderful...what do you put in them?:huh:

    Lin- a smoothey like ice cream:noway: so is it guilt free too?

    jb- yep that shooting was awful. When I heard it on the news I was shocked as hubby & I have been to that mall when we used to live in Beaverton...simply awful:cry: Will have to try your beans...they sound wonderful.

    DeeDee- I love chocolate kisses and I have some on my desk for anyone that comes to my office...I stay out of them because I don't need any "kisses" at work:wink: I want my "kisses" at home Grumpy DeeDee hand in there:drinker:

    Jen- that's quite a mailing to get out, at least the stamps are self stick...imagine if you had to lick all of those...YUCK:noway:

    Meg- the drama in your house sounds like you need a bottle of wine not just a glass:drinker: Hang in there. My IT guy will be helping me when we convert our accounting program and I'm hoping we both have a lot of patience:ohwell:

    Barbie- YEAH you got your bike back and I can just see you peddling away your calories:happy: Wow three years on your shakes and they keep you steady on your loss...I'm not sure I could have done that I just love cooking and puttering in my kitchen too much.

    Michele-sorry to hear that Denise is ill, hoping she's better soon. Hearing that you have had your stress attack of eating the cookies and candy makes me feel better as I'm sure that it's going to hit sometime especially as Christmas gets closer and the end of the year draws closer and between Christmas and year end my job will be totally over the top with stress:grumble: and I'm sure some of the goodies will be calling me:wink:

    Liz-glad you were able to make it a full day at work...hoping you get a good nights sleep:flowerforyou:

    LindaS-I'm trying to be thoughtful of every bite I put in my mouth...sometimes it's such an internal fight with myself:ohwell:

    Carolyn-I know you are in good company feeling the holiday crunch that time is slipping away:drinker: :drinker:

    Nancy-thank you for the reminder to take a breath and enjoy the season. Congrats on that #3:flowerforyou: I know that I usually show a loss the end of every week but I only count my loss if it's still there on Wednesday as I've made that my official weigh in day, by then I know if it's a true loss or not. Hoping yours is:drinker:

    So last night hubby said he just couldn't handle another salad for dinner so we headed out for Taco's again ...did I mention that I love Mexican food in any form:huh: I always make sure I have enough calories available on Tuesday nights for my 3 tacos so last night before we left I did my workout and then logged in what I wanted to eat making sure I have available calories....I did and it was just so yummy that hubby was noticing the look on my face when I took my first bite I said, "I just love Mexican food in any form" and his reply was " You are your Mother's Daughter"....which gave me a smile:happy: my Mom did love it too it was her favorite so there is another way she influenced my life.

    Tonight we will wrap the presents that we have and that will make things look even more festive. Then I think we will play with our #3 Sons Wii, he dropped it by just a bit ago. We are trying to decide if we want to get one for us for Christmas and before we buy we are going to do a test run he also brought the fitness programs with it...so we will see.

    I best get moving. Everyone have a great day...log, log, log food, exercise and water:drinker: :drinker:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Hello - I'm also stopping by for my Vit. F. (Thank you so much.)

    While so many of you are enduring extra Holiday Stress---I'm sending along my best wishes to you. I have been to my holiday parties, I've sent electronic Greetings to my friends, I've gotten together with friends I've not seen for a while. It's all finished. I'll go to spend the day with my dad at the nursing home on Christmas Day. My stress is just my ongoing daily stress. I guess that's good and that's bad---good that there's nothing more to pile on top and bad because it won't be over when the holidays are history.

    My dad still has c. diff, now has another infection in his great toe, ulcers on feet are still not healed, has developed huge patches of bruising on both arms and hands, and his mental state is variable lately. I spend a goodly portion of my time on issues relating to his care or his finances or his insurance. I know many of you have been through this.

    My own finances are now a bit more tenuous and I need to spend some quality time figuring out my budget for next year. Once again a project----and I haven't started it. BTW---I had mentioned a project some time ago, I had to calculate the cost basis for my dad's acreage---purchase price of land plus the cost of the house he built. I did get that finished (just so you don't think I never get anything accomplished!).

    I do wish everyone well. I stop by almost everyday to read the posts. It's very encouraging.


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Lin-thanks for the smoothie info....glad that it's something that works for you on getting your protein and fruits together. Sorry to read that your Dad is having multiple problems, you are right when you say many have been there, I too when through all of that with my Parents in 2008-2010. It was so hard to go through at the time and I look back on it as a learning experience of what I DON"T want to do to my kids...hoping I can stick to my guns and NOT become a stubborn old lady:blushing:

    I'm hoping that by next week at this time I can say I too am truly ready for the holiday...but then again it will only be 5 days away by then so I'd better be.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi I went over a lot of reading this morning and took notes.

    Lin and M
    According to dr Oz he sure has a lot of healthy smoothies in his site. and on his show.
    I like my smoothies but not every day.

    Shooting in a mall sure would cut my shopping short.
    Better be careful where you drop your drawers.
    I wasn't comfortable in the pants I wore up town. Felt like I was losing them. Kept thinking of u

    I'm not ready for Christmas people to drop in yet all I have to offer is fruit cake and thimble cookies.

    Lots of vitamin F in here. Lots of great motivation.

    That's a lot of letters and a lot of stamp licking.

    Teaching at any level or degree sure is not what it used to be Government gives you the how and when to do it
    Hope things settle with daughters soon.

    Dee dee
    They say it takes the body time to get used to the lower calories. I'm with you on that one . How long does it take before it stops the yo yo syndrome.

    Isn't it funny how we call something like our monthly our friend. But how can it not be a friend after 35 or 40 years.

    My mom made pancake and donuts with mashed potatoes. I remember them being very good.

    Reached goal how great is that. Now you have a big challenge ahead to keep it through the holidays.
    Yep Christmas holiday isn't far once you start talking Christmas concerts.

    Had a very good morning and thank goodness I did I thought I was in trouble this afternoon. I had a piece of fruitcake . Then I had sour dough toast. Then said to heck i'm eating because i'm tired and went to bed. These barking all night have to come to an end and it's not the dogs. Probably I keep them awake to Up at all hours of the night.

    Hopefully tonight will be better.

    Linda C.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good eve.
    Sue sorry about your arm.
    Lin,sorry about dad.
    been doing good with my walks daily.Today I had a bit of a challenge.It was real windy and the wind was pushing in the wrong direction.
    Hope everyone has a good eve.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Hi, y'all!
    Hope everybody is having a good week, and that you've made your list, and are checking it twice.... :smile:

    i was beyond thrilled at having a good weigh-in this week~ i would have been happy with a "no gain" :wink:

    Kellie, the dietician that leads the class had a really good "talk" today, about metabolism myths and weight loss.

    She emphasized eating ALL our calories, so our metabolism won't FALL. :noway:

    she also said that if we lose weight too quickly, it messes up our setpoint, and our body wants to return to the higher weight.

    WHOA! i'm trying to "give it away", not grab it back! :noway:

    She goes a teeny bit into the science and medical jargon, for the folks that are INTO that stuff, but i appreciate she also uses "small talk" for folks like me that the "big words" just fly over my head...:smile: bear in mind, as SHORT as i am, my head isn't very high to begin with..... :laugh:

    y'all probably know this stuff already, since most of you are SUCCESSFUL at weight loss and maintenance :flowerforyou:

    but some of it was NEWS to me....

    overeating AND undereating both increase the fat storage enzymes in our fat cells... calories should be spread out throughout the day

    we should feed our bodies WELL during the first 12 hours of our day, when our metabolism is the highest; after that, extra calories go into storage.....

    weight training and exercise increase the fat releasing enzymes in our fat cells.... and a pound of muscle burns 35 calories a day. a pound of fat burns NOTHING....:grumble:

    building muscle and exercise increase our metabolism :happy:

    if we do not eat our calories, our fat cells actually EXPAND :noway: and lowers our metabolism, and that sets us up for a binge and/or weight gain :noway:

    if we do not eat our calories, our fat cells actually EXPAND :noway: and it lowers our metabolism, and sets us up for a binge and/or weight gain :noway:

    her tips for improving our metabolism:

    eat enough! eat often! eat in moderation! eat 70% of your calories during the first 12 hours of your day

    exercise, and include weight training! stay hydrated, and get enough sleep :smile:

    hope this was helpful. take CARE ~ you DESERVE it!

    i wish you PEACE, LOVE, and JOY ~ all the BLESSINGS of this season!

    Janie :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    hi, it's Janie again, with more Holiday Tips ( from Kellie Dye, my dietician who leads the weight management class ):

    Enlist the help of a buddy, to help keep you on track during the holidays THANKS, Y'ALL! :bigsmile:

    Enjoy the outdoors as much as possible (i thought of YOU, Barbie!)

    Join an exercise class ( i thought of YOU, Michelle!)

    Limit holiday baking

    Eat a high-fiber, low-fat breakfast each day

    Choose a lowfat, healthful lunch

    Keep fruit with you for snacking

    Limit alcohol consumption

    Eat a nutritious meal or snack before you attent events or parties

    Bring a nutritious dish to parties so YOU can have something that is HEALTHFUL

    If you stay physically active during the holidays, you may be less likely to gain weight

    She also gave us some recipes to try.

    Bacon-Bundled BBQ Shrimp

    1/3 cup canned tomato sauce

    3 T. ketchup

    1 T. apple cider vinegar

    1 T. brown sugar

    1/2 t. garlic powder

    8 slices of bacon, halved widthwise

    16 large raw shrimp, peeled, deveined, tails removed

    Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

    Combine the tomato sauce, ketchup, vinegar, sugar, and garlic powder in a small bowl, mix well, and set aside.

    Lightly spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray. Take a half-slice of bacon and coat it in the sauce. Wrap the sauce-covered bacon around a shrimp and place it, seam-side down, on the baking sheet. Repeat with all the bacon & shrimp.

    Bake until the shrimp are cooked through and the bacon is crispy; 10 to 15 minutes.

    PER SERVING: (4 shrimp): 154 calories, 5.5 g fat; 612 mg sodium; 6.5 g carbs; <0.5 g fiber, 5 g sugars, 16.5 g protein

    Smokey Salmon Lettuce Wraps

    3 medium-large leaves of romaine lettuce

    1 T. fat-free cream cheese

    1/4 t. salt-free lemon pepper seasoning

    2 oz. lox-style smoked salmon

    1/4 cup finely chopped red onion

    1 small seedless cucumber, thinly sliced

    2 T. sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil, drained and sliced

    Lay lettuce leaves on a plate and evenly spread the insides with cream cheese, 1 t. each. Sprinkle with lemon pepper seasoning and top with smoked salmon. Top the salmon with onion, cucumber, and sun-dried tomatoes.

    Wrap 'em up and scarf 'em down! :happy:

    PER SERVING: (ENTIRE recipe, 3 Wraps :bigsmile: ): 145 calories; 6 g fat; 905 mg sodium; 2.75 g fiber; 3.5 g sugars;
    15.5 g protein

    i've reached my typing limit for the day! :tongue:

    take CARE!

    Janie :flowerforyou:
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Thursday is my weigh in at the gym at work. I "found" 0.6 lb of the 1.1 lb I "gave away" last week. Darn it. Every day MFP tells me I will be down 5-6 lb in 5 weeks. Maybe I shouldn't use that Complete This Entry button. But I'll just keep on starting over every day and keep coming back here.
    Keep on truckin'
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Amanda, your description of the weather in London brings to mind scenes from “A Christmas Carol” with Bob Cratchit doing accounting work with gloves on and a scarf and winter coat and begging Ebenezer Scrooge to allow him to put another piece of coal on the fire.

    :bigsmile: Nancy, congrats on being right at your goal……your post brings back memories for me of practicing for holiday programs with children in grades one and two…experience finally taught me that even though the practices were a nightmare, the performance turned out well….it’s all about staying in the moment and not making up stories about all the possible outcomes.

    :bigsmile: Laura, I love my shakes (especially chocolate), I love the results, and I love my decision to give up recreational eating in order to reach an even more important goal in my life. There is still a place in my food plan for occasional restaurants, holiday meals, and puttering in my kitchen.

    :bigsmile: Lin, your dad is so blessed to have you taking care of his health and his business affairs.

    :bigsmile: Janie, thanks for all the helpful information.

    :bigsmile: I went to an informational class about tai chi….the presenter was a woman I know from line dancing that I like a lot….she gave a great presentation but I wasn’t attracted to adding tai chi to my fitness routine…..after lots of dog walking and recumbent bike riding, I spent time practicing the dances for the line dance class I’m teaching tomorrow and the dances for the performances we’ll be doing next week…..I’ll be leading the practice for the performance group tomorrow before teaching the beginner class so I want to be prepared.

    :laugh: If any of you are wondering where I find the time for all this exercise, please keep in mind that I don’t have a full time job outside of the house and I’m not celebrating Christmas.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're home! It seems like we've been gone forever, but It is about a month. We've had dinner and unloaded the car, but we haven't unpacked. I am ready for rest. We've traveled 3486 miles, celebrated Thanksgiving & Christmas with our kids, and attended our son's wedding. It has been busy and fabulous, and we're glad to be home. We even lost weight.:smile: