

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    katla - glad you had a good time at the Garden

    Linda Sundance - my hubby gets White Coat Syndrome all the time.

    Got up, exercised and then went to Kohl's to get some wrapping paper. I returned a pocketbook that I really didn't need, got 2 boxes of cards for next year, a pair of earrings, 4 rolls of wrapping paper, and it didn't cost me a penny! For some reason I was thinking that I needed to be at the Green Room at 10:30, I needed to be there at 10. I couldn't understand why they were calling me at 10:15 to see if I was coming. When I got there I realized my mistake. Never did have breakfast. Had a few honey graham teddy crackers. I was just so hungry! I was hoping to at least be able to eat something before I left, but no go. After I got off I took some cake to Lynette (her office is right by there) and some cookies for Ken since he can't have chocolate. Seems she took him to the MD today, he has the flu with pneumonia. I'm a bit surprised that he didn't get a flu shot, but Lynette said that he doesn't get them because he feels that he'll get the flu if he gets it. Well, maybe this will change his mind!

    On the way home stopped at Sam's and bought shrimp to start thawing for the bowling party and crab legs for Christmas. Seems the lobster tails were on sale last week and I missed it. I didn't even know they were on sale! Well, there is NO WAY I'll pay full price. Not with how many I need to get. We'll do without if it comes to it.

    Denise is still in the hospital. There are 4 spots on her lungs where she has pneumonia.

    barbie - I seem to remember that this gal from Poland put the potatoes thru some cheesecloth to get the moisture out.

    Did an hour of Jari Love's Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do some HIIT and then some stepping.

    Vince wanted me to help him put the lights on the tree. So where is he? In the detached garage. I'm going to read the posts and then continue wrapping. We have the open house to go to tomorrow, and I need to wrap one present to take with me.

    Janie - congrats on the superb weigh in. Very interesting reading, thanks.

    I remember someone (and I don't remember who it was) said that they do exercises in the handicapped stalls. What were those exercises? I found that when I'm at the Green Room and the phone isn't busy, today I did lateral leg lifts, then rear ones, then ones across the body. Then I did some pushups with my arms on the counter. Looking for other ideas.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good evening ladies of December,

    sounds slightly naughty doesn't it? I have been reading all the posts, but have not had time to write! So much going on in everyone's life, and yet, I find it comforting to see that this thread is always important to you all....thanks, it makes sure I am here and accountable too!

    I love the fact that everyone here has realistic goals and realistic experiences! From caring for parents, adult children, working, and, if you are Barbie, a lot of dancing, our lives here in this room acknowledge how hard it is to live in a perfect world with a perfect food plan....but there is so much effort and reward none the less. Inspiring. Too bad they don't let husbands in here...

    DH had to see the nutritionist today, and has to start following an MFP type plan....just to lower his cholesterol, sugar, and salt...it is not so much the few pounds ( lucky dog) as his triglycerides! He was thrilled he got to keep cookies every day, surprised he needed to eat more snacks, and shocked when I cut his chicken in half to meet the average protein serving!

    Oh well, I know his dinners are healthy, but now he will have to really up his veg and fruit, and even his healthy carbs...although he hates brown bread! He is going to have to eat much more food! that surprises him too! Well, if I can keep him for another 20 years, (10 years my senior), I will be a very lucky woman! Here is hoping! Doctor did what I could never do, show him his blood results and make him eat brown bread, fruit and veg! Hurray!

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrow and a great weekend!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve read all the posts...got my Vit.F in this morning!!! You ladies are the greatest!!! Congrats to those that have lost weight!!! And for those like me who are having a time on the roller coaster, hang in here, we can do it!!! I`m determined I will win, my body will eventually cooperate with me, I just wish it would hurry up:grumble: !

    Michele:smile: Sure hope Denise will start feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Hope all you beauties have a fabulous Friday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!


    Has anyone heard from Jolene? I`m a bit worried about her!
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Morning everyone.
    I have Just dropped in for my dose of Vitamin F! I'm glad its Friday, it seems to have been a very hectic week, and jts taken me a while to catch up on all the posts.

    Sue, sorry to hear about your arm. Hope it heels quickly for you.

    Janie, thanks for the notes. I digdn't know about expanding fat cells.

    I'm having a quiet house day today - though those days are never quiet! More festive prep and cleaning.

    Oh well, no time to write more. Have a great day.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Was up early this morning - skyped with DD and DGD until around 9:30pm my time, finally couldn't keep my eyes open even to watch DGD race around like a tasmanian devil. We have fun on skype though - DGD still "shares" her food with me and will "dance, dance, dance" with me (now she's stomping her feet - so cute:happy: :love: !), and she's into carting stuff all around the house like a purse - last night it was her drum, which she turned over and kept trying to put random things in, then dragging it around with her.

    Anyway, popped straight out of bed at 4:45am . . . um, yeah. Checked in on a project at work - data's still not there, and when I sent an email to alert the team I got back four "on PTO until the first of the year" emails. Grr:grumble: :explode: . I don't know what we're going to do - regroup then, I suppose. After that, went and worked out (ONE MORE DAY of P90X, then done for this round!) and am all protein-shaked and coffeed up - amazing what you can accomplish before the kids leave for school! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    It's supposed to be gorgeous here again - clear and sunny, almost getting to 50. We missed a terrific meteor shower last night though - I can never stay up that late. I'll get out and walk again. I had a really light day of eating yesterday - reading the nutrition guide with my next workout program made me really think about what I'm eating, so I wound up cutting out the junk and wound up not eating all that much. I have to go shopping today - will try to get some nutritious snacks.

    So, I have a container of baked pumpkin I need to do something with today - either bread (to freeze and take to Tahoe) or some sort of entree. Haven't decided - but probably have enough to do both. I've been throwing it in my smoothies, but I think it might be a bit much.

    Michele, I do hope your daughter and [friend?] both get better. The flu's been just nasty this year. I can't speak - I didn't get my shot either, forgot to mention it to my doctor the other day, and every time I'm in the drug store I think "I should get my shot," then don't. Maybe I better get after that.

    Annie, enjoy your quiet day! Those days give you respite from the holiday craziness, I know.

    DeeDee, have a wonderful day! Try not to stress too much about your body - if you find you are, try to get out and walk it off lol.

    bjmcq, good luck with your husband! I don't know about yours but when mine sets his mind to something he's pretty single-minded about it - until he's not lol. There comes a point when we all start thinking about our mortality - for some, it's a revelation, for other's it's discouraging. Try to keep him on the positive side if you can :smile:.

    Katla, welcome back! That was a crazy-long trip - I don't know if I could do it. Two weeks away is a really long time for me.

    Speaking of which, last night I discovered JetBlue was running a one-day sale on travel from Philly to Boston to celebrate their new route. I've heard terrible things about the airline, but the tickets were $17.76 each way - can't pass that up! I bought a pair to take DH and myself on a long weekend in June after the kids are out of school and off on their vacation. Won't that be fun?

    OK, off to find out what we're going to do about my missing data. Cheers, everyone - have a wonderful day!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning! I've been reading posts, but not posting during the week. Work has been too busy and I've been working 11-12 hour days. Tuesday I had a PTO day though, which was stacked with doctor's appointments:

    1. Finally saw a podiatrist about the neuroma in my right foot (new orthotics, check!)
    2. Saw my cardiologist for the 9-months post surgery (-32 pounds from the beginning of the year, triglycerides from 185 to 106,
    but total cholesterol from 203 to 217 so more work to do figuring that out; I have a 6-mos reprieve from starting an Rx)
    3. Saw the eye doc and am waiting for my new lenses to arrive (for assembly into my same frame)
    4. THEN I went to Soma and got 2 new bras -- down a band size, thank you very much!

    It has been an overfull week and today will be stressful. Boss is traveling Monday-Wednesday, so all his prep and much, much more. Yikes!

    Tomorrow is the Cookie Walk at my former church, so I will be doing the cheater method to provide a cookie gift to someone who has let me know they are expecting cookies.... It will be fun to see my friends, too, so I expect to visit a while. They charge $5 per pound of cookies which supports the women's ministry throughout the year. (Since I headed up the women's ministry there for several years, I know how much they count on the sales.) Told DH I can't believe I don't want to bake, but I really have no desire which is very odd. (He said he has been surprised by the things that no longer matter to me - baking, etc.)

    Off to work. I hope everyone has a great day. I'll keep checking in, even if I don't post.

    And I definitely need Vitamin F in my diet, er,.... lifestyle!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    Good morning ladies -

    Just stopping by again for my Vitamin F. So glad you are always here. :bigsmile: It's a Godsend. Meanwhile, I'd just like to share a lovely sparkling angel with you today.



  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Exermom - you've had such a busy day already - or was that yesterday? Because it is only 8:16 am right now here in the Chicago area.

    My weigh in was today - I am still exactly 160. Those 150's are just going to evade me for awhile. This is my first week without a loss. I have been consuming a lot more in the last three weeks so I am happy it was not a gain. I couldn't understand why I wasn't motivated to step it up this week, and then it hit me yesterday - I am sick. My son was sick, then my daughter, and now my husband. Today I have it bad, so all week my body must have been slowing down and my lack of motivation to move must have just been a precursor to this. Hopefully it won't be drawn out keep me down this week too.

    Well, going to feed and turn out my horses. They don't care how sick I am and right now my husband is far sicker than I.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Morning all!

    Sorry, I've been MIA for all week! I'll def have to go back and catch up with all your posts when I have time to sit for a little bit! I've been very ill since Sunday and finally busted down and went to doc yesterday. Tests being done, no idea what's wrong but I wouldn't wish this method of losing weight on my worst enemy! My DS said it sounds like how he felt when he had a kidney stone last summer. Absolutely, no appetite, alot of stomach pain,cramping and nausea. Thought it was the flu, but it's not. This is not fun being sick so close to Christmas! :grumble: Getting things done little by little despite this setback! Tree up and decorated and hopefully going to try and get a little more shopping done today. At least I have one more week until my DS and DIL are here! Too many things not done yet to list! I have missed being a part of this great thread and hope to get more involved soon!!:flowerforyou:


    P.S. Got my reminder to at least stay hydrated:drinker: yesterday when I had to be stuck 3 times before the tech was able to get any blood and even then it was very slow and took forever to fill one tube!
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I hope you are all well; I don’t seem to have the time to visit lately, when I come and start to read postings I find myself sound asleep in the blink of an eye. Still only three people doing the work of 5 and we are starting to get sick which is what I was afraid of. I keep small notes on some days and this is my week in a nutshell:


    After work, I was headed home, the bus was early and in my haste to obtain my ticket, I pulled my hand out from my pocket and the entire packet of commuter tickets flew into the air arching gracefully out into the middle of the snowy street right in front of the bus! I was horrified! I would miss my bus and have to chance digging for my tickets in the street in the middle of going-home traffic… in the dark! Luckily, the lady bus driver stood on the brakes and stopped in the nick of time; I rescued my tickets and caught my ride. The bus driver was laughing when I got on; I guess my expression must have said it all. Bless her heart!


    It seems I am not to have a Christmas tree yet. The newer, big one is out in the garage behind all the flood boxes, an ordeal to extract it if my boys would ever stay home long enough. Now however it is being held hostage! The great big garage door won’t budge. Where is the crow bar…. in the garage… Where is the blow torch …. in the garage… Everything is being held hostage by the lack of a battery smaller than a cocktail wiener which is nigh impossible to find in the retail market.
    I managed to extract the little old tree from under the stairs and dragged it up and into the living room, wrestled it from bag only to find the stand only had one leg. .. sigh… I have begun hanging ornaments from the curtains rods… I will have Christmas! Darn it!!


    The last of the parcels has been packaged for the coast and other destinations. Sewing finished, sweet treats in fancy cello bags and ribbons on the parcels. I have shredded a multitude of old bills to make the stuffing (that felt good) now I must wait for father to come home with the vehicle so we can get them on their way this weekend. Whew!


    In to work earlier than expected because my overtired boss forgot to schedule someone to start the day. This morning I made coffee without using the coffee basket, only realizing my mistake when I began to chew my morning brew instead of drinking it. I made a breakfast and lunch sandwiches and forgot them both on the counter at home forcing me to eat fast food at work. Add that to a Guild meeting at a restaurant and somewhere between 3000 and 6000 calories later…. But I did enjoy the wings and beer! Truly I did!

    Friday morning

    Must call the butcher this morning, the farmer tells me my piggy has gone to market and I must tell the packers what I need from said hog. Poor ’Kevin Bacon’ has met his maker and I shall have a freezer full of pork very shortly. Yippee!

    Just trying to maintain some level of sanity in all the goings on as I hope all of you are.
    Cheers my friends, perhaps I shall return some sleepless night and catch up. Hugs to all!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today is my doctor's appointment to look at my sore knee. I hope he'll propose a treatment plan I can live with. Losing weight is helping, but so far, not enough. My weight is up a pound today, a part of normal fluctuation, but I'd have been happier if this had turned out to be a down day.

    I notice that a few of you are sick. I hope it is very short term and you're feeling good soon.

    Thanks for that all important dose of vitamin F.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :love: TGI Friday all my Vit F's,

    Linda C- good for you figuring out that you were eating because you were tired...and stopped it and went to bed:drinker: (I love sour dough toast too:wink: )

    Jane-even with the wind doing a walk, that's motivating...I'm sure you burned more calories just fighting that wind.:drinker:

    Janie- that was GREAT info that you shared and I've copied it to keep handy to read every now and then to keep myself on track:flowerforyou: Of course a lot of it is stuff we already know it's just remembering it and to keep on practicing it. Love the recipes too.

    MaryC-sorry you "found" some of what you have given away. Everyday is a new day and you can give it away again I'm sure:flowerforyou:

    Barbie-with how busy you are with your walking and dancing I'm sure that trying to fit in tai chi something else would have to go by the wayside and as much as you enjoy what you are already doing I'm sure NOT adding tai chi into your exercise life is a good thing:drinker: I know you are retired and I'm just hoping that someday I too can fill up my days the way you do, for now it's just a dream of someday:ohwell:

    Katla- welcome home:flowerforyou: Congrats on losing while you were on your travels:drinker:

    Michele- when I read your posts I feel like I'm hanging out with you as you go about your day, I do so enjoy your posts:flowerforyou: Hoping that Denise is better soon.

    bjmcq- I'm so happy for you that your hubby's doctor has given him eating goals to meet. I know that if ever I were able to get my hubby to watch his calorie intake and to watch his sodium he'd be losing at a much faster rate than he is...since the end of September he's lost #25 by cutting out a lot of his carbs, he just limits them now and that is working for him.

    M- tickets anywhere for $17.67 is a bargain:drinker: That ought to be a fun weekend.

    Gail-sounds like you need another PTO to recover from all that you did on your PTO:wink:

    Cheryl-glad there was no gain, and hoping you are better soon:flowerforyou:

    Kathy- Ouch three times before they were able to get blood, just thinking of that hurts. Sorry you aren't feeling well:flowerforyou:

    Kate-loved reading about your week:drinker: the highs and the lows....especially those wings yummy:drinker:

    Hubby had to be at work at 6am so I was awake earlier but tried to sleep though his trying to be quiet and dressing in the dark. Tonight we will go downtown to see "When we are Married" a British Comedy about three couples that find out after 25 yrs that their marriages weren't legal....so looking forward to that.

    I have plenty to do today and after work before hubby gets home so I'd best get moving. Sorry for those that are under the weather:flowerforyou: hoping all of you are feeling better soon.

    Log that food, Drink that water and let's find some exercise to keep us burning those calories.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I am not doing too good with my posting. I have been very busy with MIL. today is her last day. I have really enjoyed having her. The only issue is that I have to stay home most of the time. I am used to being able to go. I got used to it though. Had to be very organized and made sure when out I got all that I needed. I cooked a lot which was good for my food plan. I am down 38 pounds. today we had a setback. She was going to the bathroom this morning and she fell. My son Matt was home so I yelled for him and we got her up. She is ok but had a huge bump on the back of her head. My BIL said to just watch her. She is fine now but very nervous. She cannot get comfortable. I am trying not to draw too much attention to her til she settles down. Other than that it has been a good 2 weeks. We leave on thursday to go to Disney. Our whole family (kids and grandkids are going to spend Christmas and New Years there) Cant wait. Ok she has to go to the potty again so will try to post later.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Oh my this is taking time away from housework do I mind. Never much sooner get a dose of my vitamin f.

    Kickboxing DVD's with a diet wow going to start your Jan with a bang

    They are called tourtiere's in french. They are made with moose meat this year and pork usually would be beef. But the men got there moose and lots of burger it's one way of using it. Lots of spices cinnamon, nutmeg and all spice. I like them.

    Basically your friends are taken care of for Chistmas.
    Freeing you time to spend with Dad. And i'm sure it will be much appreciated.

    I think i'm going to pre pay my funeral that would be one less burden on the children.
    My neighbour did all her funeral planning even has the monument in the cemetary all that's missing are the dates.

    Good for you for getting your walks in.

    Very interesting a lot of news there for me. I'm going to go back later and print the page. And get the recipes to.

    Must be the time of year to yo yo. I'll be thankful if I can end the year where I was beginning of Dec. lol.

    Where would you find time for tai chi. Your days sound so very full as is. You wouldn't have time for Christmas anyhow.

    How great is that Christmas is over and had a great holiday with the family. And lost weight in the process.
    Isn't home the greatest place after being absent for awhile.

    Lots of exercise getting done in the bathroom.

    Hubby will probably think it's your job to make sure he follows dr. advice. But make sure he sees it as his responsibility. Not all yours lol.

    Yep still on the roller coaster with you. How long does it last. I'm getting sick of the up and down. I'm trying hard to be patient. I'll wait it out.

    I hear you on that one. A quiet house day start at 9 and finish at 9.

    Got you twice in one sitting that's what I get for not being here much yesterday.
    I like early mornings where you get a lot done. Something to look forward to a weekend get away at a very good cost.

    Good for you for supporting your church you didn't want to bake anyhow. Don't need all the temptation if you don't need it.
    Cholesterol needs work.
    Triglycerides are great. What a difference 32 lbs makes.

    That angel is priceless

    Why do we have to get sick at this time of year as if we have time for that nonsense.

    See water is good for other things that flushing out fat cells. If it's so good to fill your veins why is it they put us on 14 hour fasts before blood work.

    Yes you are going to have a Christmas it will come ready or not.

    Enjoy the movie. My hubby don't care for movies so I never go.

    Well my day started in my bedroom that I started last week and never finished well it's almost all done. Going in there now 1/2 hour before lunch should take care of that.
    After lunch going to see to my dinning room going to get the table uncluttered. And then bring up the Christmas stuff that belongs in the dinning room up from basement. And the bathroom stuff also. Need to get it looking like Christmas i'm in the spirit this year.

    Usually for some dumb reason that I can't put my hand on I get kind of depressed but not this year. I'm with it. yea.
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Stayed home to decorate today, had planned on listening to Christmas tunes,,, but instead I have the news on listening to updates about the shooting at an elementary school in CT.. What is wrong with people :(
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    We got back from Mexico late last night and are working on getting adjusted to seeing snow instead of sand when we look out the window! It was a great trip. We did some exploring this time, seeing the Mayan ruins at Coba and Chichen Itza. They were amazing! All in all, a very fun, relaxing trip.

    I haven't read any posts since right after Thanksgiving, so will just jump in now and try to continue from here. My son-in-law is in town, so I want to get my traditional Christmas fudge made to send back with him for my daughter. Not sure what that will do to my diet, but will try to keep it manageable. As always, I won't check my vacation weight until next week, so that I'm not upset with water retention. I think it will be okay, though. I now need to consider getting ready for Christmas!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Stayed home to decorate today, had planned on listening to Christmas tunes,,, but instead I have the news on listening to updates about the shooting at an elementary school in CT.. What is wrong with people :(

    No kidding! It's getting so you can't go anywhere anymore. I really need to go to the mall tomorrow but now I'm nervous. I know we can't let this stuff change our habits but it makes you think. And I think I will get in and out early.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Friday! Just have time to post a few quotes to make you smile.

    "In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips, and chains. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale." :explode: — Stephen Phillips

    "My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people." :laugh: — Orson Welles

    "The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends." :ohwell:
    — Unknown

    "'Stressed' spelled backwards is 'desserts.' :noway: Coincidence? I think not!" — Unknown

    "The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books—how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook." :tongue:
    :— Andy Rooney

    "Rich, fatty foods are like destiny: they too, shape our ends." :sad: — Unknown

    And last but not least, this one strikes closest to home:

    “The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!” :flowerforyou: - Marvin Phillips

    :smile: jb
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    i needed a good laugh today! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i think the thing that bothered me the most that the dietician said was "fat cells do not go away ~ they expand, or shrink" :noway:

    we just have to make sure they cry themselves to sleep.....:wink:

    it's finally FRIDAY ~ ENJOY! :bigsmile:

    Janie :flowerforyou: