Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    My greyhound sez "Kibble for the bowl, cookies for the soul." He's so poetic when it comes to dog treats.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh....

    I did enjoy my day off. Managed to get some shopping done which felt good. I still have lots of shopping left to do. I am still tired so will just take it easy tonight and this weekend.

    My heart and prayers go out to everyone in CT, that are affected by the school shooting. I pray that the families affected and the community is able to heal. That whole event is tragic.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    It's hard to tell when pairing them with my pajama top, but I really wish I had someone other than DH to give me a Yea or Nay. :grumble:

    haha i hate this too. my husband is so useless when it comes to evaluating clothing.

    So I tried on the pants with a few tops, and found one (kind of a tunic length, black top--long sleeved, with a draped neckline) I thought looked good. Showed DH and he kept looking down at my feet telling me the pants look too long. I was like "Why are you looking at my feet? I'm not even wearing shoes--I can find a pair of heels the right height." Then he asked if the pants were 'vinyl'--I was like "Really? No, they're leather!" He sat there looking at the outfit wrinkling his nose--obviously, he hated it. I said "Quit making faces and use your words--what's wrong with it? Are the pants too tight? Is the fit unflattering?" No response--just more funny faces. Finally, he said it looked "trashy." Of all of the things that could be wrong with the outfit, I don't think "trashy" is one of them. I could see if the pants were skin-tight, black leather, but they are tan, almost a camel color, and although they are somewhat fitted, they are pretty sedate. No studs, or fancy stitching--just one seam down the front and back of each leg. The top is a silky material, but it's not revealing in any way. Now I'm not sure if the outfit really looks bad, or if it's just my husband's lack of any taste or fashion sense (he truly has none). I really need a girl's opinion on the outfit. Can you all tell I'm kind of annoyed? :grumble:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I hate trying to get an opinion from the my DH, too. Sometimes he's right on, but most of the time he doesn't get it.
    Thank goodness for exercise calories. I would have been over today! I finished my baking and candy making for the time being. I find that while I am doing the baking and cooking, I have a really hard time avoiding eating the stuff. Now that it is all put away, I will be okay. I'll have to do some more next week when the family comes. One step at a time. I'll deal with that when the time comes.
    DH went for a walk with me this evening. It was kind of cold so I grabbed one of my good sweaters to put under my coat. It is way too big. I have 3 sweaters the same size, and nothing smaller. Hope I don't need sweaters a lot this winter because I don't want to buy anything for at least 15 more pounds. My daughter was laughing at me today because my pants and shirt were both noticeably too big. Nice NSVs.
    Thoughts and prayers are with the families in CT this evening.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    My heart and prayers go out to everyone in CT, that are affected by the school shooting. I pray that the families affected and the community is able to heal. That whole event is tragic.

    extremely tragic. my daughter's school called and said they have many layers of security and not to worry but really, does that make up for anything? just a senseless horrible act.
    It's hard to tell when pairing them with my pajama top, but I really wish I had someone other than DH to give me a Yea or Nay. :grumble:

    haha i hate this too. my husband is so useless when it comes to evaluating clothing.

    So I tried on the pants with a few tops, and found one (kind of a tunic length, black top--long sleeved, with a draped neckline) I thought looked good. Showed DH and he kept looking down at my feet telling me the pants look too long. I was like "Why are you looking at my feet? I'm not even wearing shoes--I can find a pair of heels the right height." Then he asked if the pants were 'vinyl'--I was like "Really? No, they're leather!" He sat there looking at the outfit wrinkling his nose--obviously, he hated it. I said "Quit making faces and use your words--what's wrong with it? Are the pants too tight? Is the fit unflattering?" No response--just more funny faces. Finally, he said it looked "trashy." Of all of the things that could be wrong with the outfit, I don't think "trashy" is one of them. I could see if the pants were skin-tight, black leather, but they are tan, almost a camel color, and although they are somewhat fitted, they are pretty sedate. No studs, or fancy stitching--just one seam down the front and back of each leg. The top is a silky material, but it's not revealing in any way. Now I'm not sure if the outfit really looks bad, or if it's just my husband's lack of any taste or fashion sense (he truly has none). I really need a girl's opinion on the outfit. Can you all tell I'm kind of annoyed? :grumble:

    oh well, please, what does trashy mean? lol. you should take a pic and put it up. we'll let you know.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today went ok --- we had my department 's Christmas Party. It was very nice but very surreal too.

    My heart goes out to the families in CT. So hard.

    I too have been taking part in the walk challenge. I got off a bit with being sick but I am plan on walking everyday this weekend.

    Thank you all for your support.

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I just got home for the evening. My husband took me out for a date tonight and it was really nice. My heart just broke when I saw the news this morning about the shooting. I just dont understand how these things can happen. I just wanted to gather all of my kids who arent even children anymore and bubble wrap them and keep them right by me. My thoughts and prayers go out to those families who are greiving.

    I hope everyone has something fun planned for the weekend. I am going over to my moms house on sunday with some of the family to get it decorated. I plan on holing up tomorrow and just pretending the whole day doesnt exist but will come back out on sunday and get on with my life. Alright back to date night and a foot rub. C ya all later.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    a date night?? wow....don't remember what that is...
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My heart goes out to the families involved in Ct . I am still in shock about it and there are some things we just do not understand . I hope that everyone has a wonderful Saturday !
  • lmackbethl
    @Lin - Congrats on reaching your goal early!!
    @skiinyjeanz - yes, post a pic!
    @kaye - Congrats on the nsv! Maybe a sweater or two from goodwill or salvation army until you hit your shopping weight?

    Well, my state is reeling. I spent way too much time sitting on the couch yesterday, stress munching while watching the news coverage. Need to break out of that today, perhaps go to one of the dozens of vigils. At least turn off the news and turn on the Wii.
    Get some cleaning done, sort the mail, pay some bills, maybe decorate the house for Xmas. Regular stuff, need to get back at it. Monday, I start my new job providing academic support to kids with mental illness... Seems even more important now...
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 216 Member
    Haven't been around for a while but ready to jump back in.

    Today I am excited to say that it has been 10 days since I have had soda or caffiene. Not a coffee drinker so my caffiene of choice came via Diet Dr Pepper. It took a few days to get out of my body - I was so tired - but now I feel good and consider this a huge accomplishment.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of the families affected by someones senseless act in CT yesterday, truly tragic. I cannot even imagine.

    I was pulled in a thousand different directions yesterday so never had a chance to stop by. Also had follow-up with doc on endocrine issues, now on thyroid meds - so hopefully when I see him in 6 weeks by body will start to respond and all these symptoms will disappear.

    Fitness Friday~It was a horrible week for getting to the gym for me - only made it on Wed/Thurs. I will go for a long run this morning when it warms up some and then have training session tomorrow. Next week will be better!

    Saturday Success~I made it through an emotional week and stayed the same on the scale, definitely a success.

    @Karen~Men have zero style sense, I bet you looked great!

    Need to get to UPS to mail package to my sister for my nephews (who I wish I could hug right now), grocery shopping to do, first up is find a fritatta recipe for breakfast next week - need something different.

    Have a great Saturday.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everybody. Hugs to all after yesterdays horrible news. I spent much of the day watching the news - couldn't help myself - it was as if by watching I could affect the outcome or could console the familys in some way. Its just too tragic and hearbreaking. My prayers to everyone.

    Kah - I hope the thyroid meds help you get straightened out on your sleeping issues and so many other issues you've been having. Congrats on making it through a tough week!

    Skinny - yeah, maybe you can post a picture of your outfit. I don't know about the pants. Even though you may want to wear them they do sound a trifle many other people are wearing black and tan as a Christmas outfit? I'm not siding with your husband, just playing devils' advocate here....maybe save the pants for something more western themed?

    I have just been moping around. Don't know why I've been down in the dumps but I have. I have no real reason to be, but I am. Could be cyclical, and the season. Did buy tickets to the play THE LION KING for my BF for Christmas presents which will be in town in April, so that is something to look forward to. Always nice giving gifts that I can enjoy too :wink:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I just got this article, no kidding - from Buzz Feed - 19 Reasons Not To Wear Leather Pants - heres the link - I'm sure its tongue in cheek but there's pictures so you can compare your pants to theirs - there is even a tan pair shown - Shift - Latest Stories
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--ahahaha--I loved the article! :laugh: Fortunately, none of the pictures resembled my pants at all! As far as the western themed idea--they are dressy, not western at all. I think black and tan is an okay combination for any occasion, but then again, I'm not one for wearing colors themed to holidays (like red or green for Christmas). Maybe it's the teacher in me rebelling against the stereotype of us wearing holiday sweaters and such. :laugh:

    Upon discussing the outfit further w/ DH this morning, it seems his main complaint was with the combination of the leather with the silky top, which I can kind of understand. I was going more for the shape than the fabric. I may try them with a few other tops or maybe a sweater. As far as posting pictures--I'm so NOT tech savvy that I could go shopping and buy a whole new outfit in the amount of time it would take to post pics! :tongue:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    so tragic about the kids in CT :cry: More mental health resources are definately the answer, yes!

    personally, I'm feeling BOUNCY :bigsmile: sometimes it seems a plateau doesn't break... it shatters!

    Now to keep the momentum going...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I agree a sweater as opposed to a silky top might be the better option - glad you got a kick out of the article!

    Vicki - so glad you found a "pick me up" and are feeling bouncy again! Good for you!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    I thought I'd posted yesterday, but it isn't here. So here goes -- hope these aren't duplicates.

    @Susan -- hope your son enjoys visiting with his dad's family and that you have good times with your friends. 50 pounds in a year is completely brilliant, isn't it? Makes all the hard work feel worthwhile.
    @Sam -- I find it's hard when I have to eat up what's in the cupboards. We always try to supplement it with plenty of cheap fruit and veg from the market. But it is hard at this time of year when truly the only thing that is cheap on the market is cabbages. Well done on making good food for your dad. I get nuts from our Turkish grocer. They're much, much cheaper than they are from the supermarket.
    @Angelika -- oh, it's so hard when a family member is suffering like this. Just starting is the thing with exercise because it does make you feel a bit better if you do it. And again, look how much you've achieved! Remember that your health is all about you, not your mum or anyone else. Good luck.
    @Tina -- I think this cold wet weather makes us want to eat more. I've been having trouble keeping in balance this week and I've eaten some junky rubbish -- and generally I thought I was free of that.
    @Kaye -- I always really resent when I blow my calories on bad food. Maybe one day I'll be able to *leave* half of my dinner when it's not good, instead of scraping up every bite.
    @Lin -- That's a great story about the coats! And well done on hitting your Christmas challenge. I am still 'cautiously optomistic' about my December 31 goal of ONEderland.
    @Tom -- thanks for the diabetes tips. They're really interesting and useful.
    @OhPampered -- great to hear from you, and it's great that you're carrying on with MFP.
    @Karen -- I don't ever ask my husband for advice on clothes. He has many talents, but that's not one of them.
    @SweetP27 -- oh well done on quitting soda and caffeine. Not that I'm about to follow you, but I still think it's good!

    Fitness Friday -- Last week's plan:

    Saturday -- 5k Run, plus 2 hours badminton; might be overdoing it a bit here. DONE run plus 1 hour badminton
    Sunday -- badminton NOPE -- full of cold and studying and rested.
    Monday -- Speedwork DONE also clog practice
    Tuesday -- Zumba? No, Long Easy Run DONE
    Wednesday -- Badminton -- No, too cold to go out, idle day
    Thursday -- Long run -- 5 1/2 miles total with 4 1/2 miles of running -- Er, no. it was freezing and icy, too cold to run. Did some walking but that was all.
    Friday -- badminton - DONE and speedwork DONE.

    And not enough strength! I need to focus here -- especially when it's cold I need to get the strength work in.

    OK. This week's plan:

    Saturday -- Long run while my family are out for the day. DONE. 5 miles of running & 3 of walking. Tired now.
    Sunday -- Morris practice
    Monday -- Dancing out with the Morris, plus speedwork
    Tuesday -- easy training run? Zumba? Depends on weather.
    Wednesday -- badminton
    Thursday -- Long run
    Friday -- badminton? speedwork?
    And three, count them three, full strength workouts.

    Well, like everyone I was shocked and saddened by the news from Connecticut. There was a similar shooting in the UK (in Dunblane in Scotland) about 16 years ago, just before I became a parent. I don't think anyone will ever forget that one. I never watch news coverage when things like this happen; I don't think it helps.

    My busy day on Thursday went well, in particular because we did not grab fast food around the movie -- I took sandwiches and snacks. Good thing too because this was a screener, and the 3d failed in the first cinema they put us in so there was a long delay while we moved, and I was very glad we weren't eating movie popcorn at a zillion quid. Really enjoyed 'Life of Pi' though and the whole family had a good old argument/discussion about it afterwards.

    I had a good night out last night having a Christmas dinner in a pub with friends. Had a massive meal, went over cals but only by 400 so that's ok. Today I did such a long run that I'm still negative for cals at 5:30 -- which is *good* because we are going out with friends for an Indian tonight. And no doubt a few drinks. It's a peril of this time of year.

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!

    -- Alison
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I guess I covered the NSV yesterday. My daughter says she is going to get me a sweater that fits for Christmas.:smile: DH and I just got home from a nice walk. It is brisk out there, but snow is forecast for later this afternoon. The indoor track at the school isn't an option on the weekend, so I figured I better go early.
    I hope that we can all keep busy and enjoy our families this weekend. It is the only way to cope when tragedies strike. I'm so sorry for those who can't do that today. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--after reflecting on your comment about the black/tan combo, I concede that it can look dated. I really wish I looked good in winter white b/c I think that would look really good with the pants. Alas. it just makes me look jaundiced--not the look I'm going for. I have a brown sweater that might work, but here's a new dilemma--can I still wear black shoes? I have no brown shoes except for some loafers, and those won't work with the pants.:ohwell:

    Saturday Success:
    Went to the gym and walked my dog--in the nasty drizzle even! Now I'm off to grade and maybe TJ Maxx.