

  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    I just did the same thing....posted on the last thread :blushing: Happy April 1 to everyone - new month, new goals.

    SuzyQ -Big congrats on achieving your goal :flowerforyou:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    :heart: Happy April everyone. Welcome to several new members!! This is a great place to be! Just marking the new thread. Have a great day all! Terri
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just wanted to jump in and see if my goals showed up (as I was unsure how to get them on there) thank goodness they are where they are supposed to be:bigsmile:

    Rebel- WOW good for you on the new jeans...that's always a reason to celebrate:drinker:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :frown: Well I am back to square one:sad: Back to the weight I was when I first started logged on to this site. :sad:

    I am a bit fed up and down - I saw a photo of myself from Max's leaving buffet this afternoon and my tummy area looks huge, so I weighed myself when I got home and as I said back to square one. :frown:

    I know I need to make healthier choices, it's just putting them into practice - I know I have to pick myself up and start all over again! :ohwell:

    One good thing I am starting the Global Challenge in May at work, we have teams of 7 people and wear a pedometer every day until Sepember and we enter our steps onto the computer and virtually walk the world. The first year I was averaging 23,000 steps a day and came 75th in the whole company but last year I was lucky to get 15,000 steps a day. Since it ended in September 2009 apart from walking the doggies I have't done any exercise. Sorry, didn't mean to start moaning again.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Sgilmartin (love the doggy photo) and Heather v697

    :flowerforyou: Spaniel enjoy your cruise, my friend Jean went on a mini cruise last year and enjoyed it so much she's going on another one. :smile:

    Here's to a better month than last month.

  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    Hi Ladies,
    I found MFP in Feb. Now I have discovered this thread. I love that we all understand and can embrace life after 50! I will add some april goals to my signature and thanks for the new found support.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    My posts are also in March. Not paying attention. If you want to read them have to go back to March. I will try to cut and paste them here but not sure I can do it.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Congrats SusieQ That is so great. You have worked so hard for this. you deserve it. you are an inspiration to me and the rest of us. We know it can be done with determination and hard work. Go size 10. Go girl.

    here is 1 of them let me try for the other.
    vicki m
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    April a new month. Wow how time flies. If I had been doing what I was supposed to I would be a lot smaller now. Oh well can only go from now. Cant go backwards. I have lost 10 poungs this week though. APRIL FOOLS. Sorry just had to do it.
    I do think i am back on track though. Before getting out of bed this morning I prayed for guidance and support, then I got up took a shower and ate a really good breakfast of egg beaters, whole wheat toast and fruit. We then went to girls school and had a good lunch. made much better choices. i still need to get back into exercise routine and I know that I will. I feel better already eating right and not filling up on junk all day. Why oh why do I do that to myself.
    i will post my April goals on my ticker when done, if I can figure out how again. have a good day ladies and make good choices.
    Vicki M
    I did it. got both of them.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I had to cancel my swim tonight, because I have to finish cleaning and cooking so that I can go and get my mother and sister tomorrow and bring them here to spend Easter weekend. So, my workout tonight will be housework. It' all good, except that I like to swim and hate to clean! :laugh:
    I'm excited - Gracie (our weeping willow) has tiny leaves on all of her branches today! She survived her first winter! (Gracie #1 did not accomplish this feat. Hence the excitement.)
    Don't know how much I will make it by before Monday with my company, so in case I don't, have a great Easter everyone!
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Well ... just popping in on the new thread too. Can't cut and paste as it's not working...son's loan computer!!
    To cut a long story short... thought you might like to have this Easter Gem on here too......

    :smile: A Guilt Free Easter.....................
    We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads. As our heads have filled up we've started filling up the rest of our bodies. So... we're not fat , :bigsmile: we're just really intelligent. If you like that story ...stick to it!!!

    Night all
    Have a Good Easter ...watch out for the Easter Bunnies, :noway: especially the chocolate ones!!
    :heart: :heart: Jackie
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    One month to go and we are off to the mediterranean for two weeks. It will be the longest time we have been away from my precious pups. Thank goodness we have a housesitter who stays at the house with the dogs. They love her and I feel better about leaving them. I think I worried less about the human kids years ago :bigsmile:

    Have a great evening everyone - off to church tonight.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hi Everybody,
    March goals: *do yoga *maintain my weight * redouble my efforts to nurture my marriage
    I did well with my March goals:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ……I finally found what was blocking me from doing yoga and added it a few days a week to my exercise routine…..I maintained my new weight and lost another pound in spite of a trip out of town and my birthday……..and found some new things to do so that DH and I spent more meaningful time with each other

    My goals for April
    “Pooga” “Poolates” regular walks with DH
    all family related activities
    I’d make a goal for the cats but as long as they get fed twice a day, let in and out when they ask, and get the litter box cleaned, they don’t want much more from me.

    My wish for April is that all of you will continue to stay focused on your goals and find the success and motivation that you want.

    :flowerforyou: Holton---welcome to the group......not everyone sets goals.....many just take this journey one day at a time.....you will find great support and encouragement here

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, "working on my irrational beliefs about food". that's a concept I can understand.......all my rigid beliefs and actions helped me reach my goal and get rid of a lot of old ideas, but now I don't know how to relax, so I guess I have a whole lot more to learn

    :flowerforyou: sgilmartin0619, welcome to the group.........I like your signature about being kind to everybody.....I'll try to remember it.

    :flowerforyou: suzzzque, congratulations on reaching size 10
    enjoy it even if you have goals to lose more----your tenacity and happy attitude continue to be an inspiration to all of us

    :flowerforyou: HeatherV697 welcome, I hope you'll find the encouragement and friendship here that the rest of us have found.

    :flowerforyou: AllisonMO Welcome to the greatest support system you'll ever find....slow and steady wins the race

    :flowerforyou: Laura, yes I reached my goal in January after a year on MFP and nine months on Isagenix...the other person on this thread who has reached her goal is MacMadame (she now has major fitness goals)......just like gathering papers for the taxes--it can be done:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Rebel, congrats on the size 11 jeans:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Viv, stay with us and you'll find the tools you need to change your eating and exercising so the weight will come off

    :flowerforyou: Caroline, I'm glad you found us.....hope to hear more from you:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, thanks for the reminder about saying a prayer before getting out of bed

    :flowerforyou: I have enjoyed reading the April goals and expect that there will be more added in the next day or two......together we can do what we cannot do alone.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • leipensa
    leipensa Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies -

    Just been introduced to the site by my dear SIL and I'm SO excited to be here!
    I don't have much to add (being at the very beginning) but it's been lovely reading everyone's comments and I already feel far more motivated than I have done in a long time.
    I was beginning to think it maybe nigh impossible to shift the pounds I've gained over the past few years but seeing all the weight losses- I KNOW it's possible to be a slim 53yo!
    Thanks for all your support

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ...I am a bit wiped out from DAY 1 of 30 day shred. Never done a DVD exercise thing before but thought I was in better shape than I must be. I need to buy lighter weights...I could not do the 10 pound ones for every one of her exercises! ...

    Above copied from tail end of March thread part 2 from "kackie's" post.

    YIKES!! Who told you to start the shred with TEN POUND weights??? Unless you have been working out regularly with weights and have worked up to it, IMHO starting with a 10 lb. weight would NOT be a good idea. I am not familiar w/the shred, but I would think you would want to start with 5 lb ones at the most, and depending upon your fitness level, maybe the 3 -pounders.

    I have been running all day. Got my mom into an appointment with her new primary care physician. We FINALLY got one who actually seems to give a rip about someone her age (94!!). I requested a change after her former doctor did nothing to deal with her lower back pain except to tell her "I told you it would take a couple of months for you to feel better."

    The new doctor ordered an MRI to check her lower lumbar spine as she has stenosis and her problems might be related to that. Also he insisted she needed to be back on Fosamax, and about had a cow when he discovered she hadn't had a bone density scan in 10 years, so that has also been scheduled. He also disagreed with the prior doctor who didn't seem to think getting a Shingles vaccine was needed. She had one today. We were lucky enough to get a same day appointment for the MRI, so we killed an hour with lunch at Applebee's and then went back for that procedure.

    When I got my mom home, she was the happiest I have seen her in about 6 weeks, since all this pain started. She has been feeling well enough over the last few days that she didn't want me to come and do dinner, though she knows I am available. Maybe now I can concentrate on getting my training in for my new position. I put it on the back burner until the beginning of next week, and after today, I feel like I can move forward with it.

    Welcome to all the newbies. You will find this to be a very supportive thread, and between Jackie's jokes and my dog stories, you should get frequent laughs as well.

    Jackie thank you so much for explaining why my head has felt so big lately... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    BTW, I went out today and Bradley and the other two doggies were alone for 6 hours and didn't get into any trouble.......:noway: APRIL FOOL'S!!! You know Bradley better than that.

    I neglected to put a newly purchased large unopened box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch and a box of Kashi protein bars out of reach, and when I got up this morning, I overslept so had only 20 minutes to get ready to leave in order to get mom to her appointment on time. I came home to discover that a canine "termite" had bored a hole through the side of the box of cereal and chewed a hole in the bag and consumed some cereal. For dessert, he managed to get into the Kashi bars and 3 of them were nothing but empty wrappers.:mad: :grumble:

    It's not like they were starving, there was still doggie food in the dishes!! I am sure "Bradley the Terror" had lots of help consuming his ill gotten gain, since nobody else around here with four legs was very hungry when I came home!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    To anyone not familiar with Bradley's escapades, who is wondering how I know which dog is guilty of breaking in to the food, my other two have never chewed into a box of anything in the years I have had them, but since Bradley joined us last October, I have to be much more careful. His other favorite thing to steal is Orowheat Sandwich Thins--and the other two also have a taste for them as well!!!

    Well, I have a meeting I am supposed to attend tonight, and a church service I want to attend, so I need to get going or I won't get to either. Happy April Fool's day. Hope nobody got "taken" today.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    @Barbie , but also anyone else interested...

    I find the whole "irrational beliefs about food" to be an interesting concept. I think I mentioned I'm reading "The Rules of Normal Eating" and there are whole chapters on this. In one of them she talks about how what is irrational changes based on context. But then she says that things like weighing yourself every day and "obsessively" logging your food are part of disordered eating as if it's black and white.

    I don't think it's black and white like that. Studies of long-term people who had gastric bypass shows that people who weigh themselves every day have almost no issues with regain. Now, I didn't have a bypass, but I think it wouldn't really make a difference what surgery you had on this one. Plus, my surgeon says the same thing: people who are organized and track everything like I do don't have as much trouble with maintenance.

    So, if it works for me and data shows it works in general, how can it be an irrational belief to believe that I need weigh myself frequently to remain successful??

    I'm thinking I might write to her and ask her what she has to say about that... :happy:

    But I definitely have other beliefs that are irrational and that do cause me trouble. As part of reading the book, I've made a list in fact! :laugh:
  • chris31
    chris31 Posts: 19
    My goals for April are to log in every day, 2. lose 10 lbs in the month of April. Goals are pretty simple but I am just beginning this venture and I have lots of weight to lose. I appreciate any help I can get:ohwell:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi all,
    Lianne here.
    I have been maintaining my weight for several months as I struggle with my ongoing left knee osteoarthritis and recent knee surgery and still not being able to exercise regularly. I rode my mountian bike on my lunch hour a few times with such joy and today my knee is super swollen and painful so I will give it a few days of rest and then ride again as it is good for my knee if I don’t overdo it. I continue to use my daily food planner and stick to my calorie limit but I am just am not willing to push for additional weight loss right now. I am posting to say hi and to be able to have the thread. I would like to lose 15 more pounds but am happy with my current weight loss for now. I’ll continue with the good healthy eating habits and the wonderful Isagenix products and take it in baby steps for now. I appreciate all your shares and good ideas.
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    Just a quick hello. Once again, mfp got away from me. My schedule has been disrupted for mainly good things: trips into NYC, birthday festivities (I turned 56), babysitting my niece and nephew (who are still with me), taking them shopping, touring colleges with my niece, etc. Also had a few days of feeling of down in the dumps and just didn't want to do anything. But amazing how the kids can turn things around. Helps that the weather is fantastic now. I do have my work cut out for me since 2 of my kids , plus one girlfriend, are coming home for Easter. My SIL will be here later too.
    I better keep moving. Have a very happy holiday everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    I have finally made my way back after a week that was pretty bad.

    I have been challenged to "No Complaining" for a whole day! Well, won't my husband be happy! I must say it will take some real conscious effort!

    I've gotten exercise done and it is a beautiful sunny Carolina blue morning! I've been gardening and plan on doing a little more today. My tomato seedlings are doing good and also my cukes. I've gotten onion sets out, turnips and beets that are a first for me but I like to try something new so I'll see how they do.

    Gotta go and get the Granny up!


  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon everyone ..... from a cold and rainy N.Wales.:indifferent: Such lovely weather for our Easter holiday....Not!!

    :smile: Great start to the day with a slight loss on the scales!:smile: I've done the food diary and if all goes to plan I should keep in the calories. What do I mean ...IF?!! ...or SHOULD?? It WILL and I WILL!!!

    :drinker: I'm planning a lunch out on Wednesday with some fellow carers from our local Carers group. Others on diets too, so we'll watch each other's backs!! :happy: It'll be nice to have some adult conversation ... other than DH of course!! It was so nice while we were away to actually string more than a few words together! :heart: Mum tries hard but usually its just gobbledygook!!

    Nothing planned for this Holiday ...:noway: no drives out in the sunshine look possible!! I'll have to watch out for the boredom eating monster!! We did buy some pizzas for just in case visitors .....hope they'll stay in the freezer.

    Talking about Pizza .... an overheard snippet .......
    ....."While working at a pizza parlor I observed a man
    ordering a small pizza to go.
    He appeared to be alone and the cook asked him
    if he would like it cut into 4 pieces or 6.
    He thought about it for some time before responding.
    "Just cut it into 4 pieces;
    I don't think I'm hungry enough to eat 6 pieces"

    :smile: Perhaps if we cut a small piece of whatever we want and cut it into more pieces and then eat them all ...we too might think we've had more??? Chance would be a fine thing eh? but it may just work!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Enjoy your Easter folks .....
    :heart: Take care