I have strong feelings



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Deletes friend who agreed with righteously indignant meanie.

    Sends PMs to previously mutual friends telling them what she did and encourages them to drop her too.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Mocks your pitiful attempt to turn the public opinion against me and quotes a Monty Python movie: "Your mother wears combat boots and your father smells of elderberries!"
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I've only read through the first page, and plan to read the rest soon...

    ...but before that, I'm making a post where I guess about some potential developments (that unbeknownst to me have already been raised on page two and resolved by page four) but my comment on the issue will now be responded to by "last page first readers" as if pages one through five never existed.

    I will come back later and edit this post, but by then, the rehashed damage will have already been done.

    I will respond with righteous indignation, call you every epithet I know and declare myself more knowledgeable and empathetic than you. I will then read pages one through five, and edit my post to say you should have read the whole post before wasting everyone's time. I will then call you a noob and insult your mother.

    I like you!

    I know that doe! Another Christmas classic I must watch this week.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I've only read through the first page, and plan to read the rest soon...

    ...but before that, I'm making a post where I guess about some potential developments (that unbeknownst to me have already been raised on page two and resolved by page four) but my comment on the issue will now be responded to by "last page first readers" as if pages one through five never existed.

    I will come back later and edit this post, but by then, the rehashed damage will have already been done.

    I will respond with righteous indignation, call you every epithet I know and declare myself more knowledgeable and empathetic than you. I will then read pages one through five, and edit my post to say you should have read the whole post before wasting everyone's time. I will then call you a noob and insult your mother.

    Gives up on friends helping him out.

    Goes off on diatribe about people thinking they own the internet and that they can dictate how others should behave. Makes absolutely no reference to OP or anything other than this person and her poor behavior.

    I just bumped an old thread of yours! :angry:
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    visit thread. wonder why people are still posting on it 6 hours later. laugh to self. decide to mock thread by posting picture of little zombie boy who likes turtles, while simultaneously posting that i like turtles. laugh to self again. pat myself on the back for being clever. log out.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Looks for zombie boy with turtle pic... Scowls in righteous indignation.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    visit thread. wonder why people are still posting on it 6 hours later. laugh to self. decide to mock thread by posting picture of little zombie boy who likes turtles, while simultaneously posting that i like turtles. laugh to self again. pat myself on the back for being clever. log out.

    I see no turtle pic! No patting for you!
  • Jelenamiia

    I can hear a clap!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    *Spies random hot guy with whose post she agrees and asks, "How YOU doin?"
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    Makes sweeping generalization about one gender then waits until someone quotes my comment so I can immediately respond that they are now bullying me.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Posts the obligatory picture of a kitten hugging a ball of wool to show how much I am enjoying the thread whilst wondering if I send a friend request to the hot guy I spotted earlier will he think I am just a creeper, (which I am) but don't want him to realise until I have ensnared him in my web, found out where he lives and installed secret cameras in his bedroom.:ohwell:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Doesn't read any other replies. Quotes Thumper's father.
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm going to make a witty and insightful post that a bunch of people will agree with and quote.




    I WIN!!!!

    xInfinity + 1

    *I* win.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    This thread should be the introductory/mandatory thread that every new MFP forum'er has to read before they post a single thing.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    hahaha.... Way to piss buttheads off bro!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    lurks his own thread and wonders why no one takes the issue he had strong feelings about seriously, and why everyone is just arguing about religion all of a sudden.
    Contemplates deleting account.
    Contemplates trying to bring the attention of the thread back to his strongly held belief.
    Scans through five pages of replies and cannot find a single post related to the original post and decides that there is actually no reasonable way to get the thread back on track:

  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    *Spies random hot guy with whose post she agrees and asks, "How YOU doin?"

    who? jof? we're already bffs.
  • taekwonkenpo
    have reason to believe that this thread is pretty darn close to exactly where you wanted it. :bigsmile:
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    lurks his own thread and wonders why no one takes the issue he had strong feelings about seriously, and why everyone is just arguing about religion all of a sudden.
    Contemplates deleting account.
    Contemplates trying to bring the attention of the thread back to his strongly held belief.
    Scans through five pages of replies and cannot find a single post related to the original post and decides that there is actually no reasonable way to get the thread back on track:


    Post comments and gifs about putting the f*ckbat in the c*ckpocket.
  • teryx123
    teryx123 Posts: 57 Member
    This thread should be the introductory/mandatory thread that every new MFP forum'er has to read before they post a single thing.

    Agreed! ^^^ Any post "agreed" with quadruples in status and presents a bullwork against opposition. :wink:

    What I've read of this thread would be hilarious,....if it weren't so tragically true!