

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    You guys are wonderful! Can you lose weight from singing and laughing? I think, yes. (So now I'll be shopping singing about smelly shirts.) Eileen
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    All these jingles are incredibly entertaining.

    However someone seriously needs to give me a Yay You!!! My 1.4 pound loss is a miracle. :drinker:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Cheryl:bigsmile: Yay You:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: !!!!!!
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    All these jingles are incredibly entertaining.

    However someone seriously needs to give me a Yay You!!! My 1.4 pound loss is a miracle. :drinker:

    yay you!!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    love ♥ love ♥ love ♥ all the jingles :laugh:

    making us merry and bright
    with jingles and kettle bells
    helping us to cope with our plight
    watching as the belly laugh swells!

    Oh what fun! but I must get back to the gift wrapping; almost done then it's baking and anything else I think I must have or do before the blessed day of Christmas.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    Lovin' the continuing MFP Caroles..........woot!

    Thanks to our inspired ladies.


  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    What a talented bunch!! Wish I could add to the lyrics, but my mind won't work that way right now. I'll just read and sing yours until my brain returns to normal!

    I teach in a K-12 building and today was another day that I was glad I do. The pre-K and kindergarten classes walked through the halls holding hands and singing carols. Their adorable little faces and voices just made my day! The high school students I had during that period reacted so sweetly.

    wessecg: Way to go!!:drinker: :drinker: It has been fun to watch your progress. So motivating! I was so excited when I got into the "healthy" % fat range.

    Am done with work until after the first of the year so I'll take tonight to regroup and plan out the rest of what needs to be done for the holidays. The weather is not supposed to be great, but I can do all I need to within 10 miles of home so we should be okay.

    Keep singing and drinking!!(water that is)

    Deb A
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Love the carols.!!!
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Exermon - I loved that comment you made about people responding to others and its usually something you don't remember. Have you been reading my mind by some chance? I often feel like that! I thought it was maybe because I was new to all this. Oh well.

    I have really enjoyed reading and singing along with all the lyrics. What a talented bunch you are. Well done all. You gave me a laugh and that is priceless! Thank you.

    Wessecg - congratulations to you.

    I don't seem to have done much today. I did manage a 30 minute walk, and OH and I have been to the bank to collect the Euros for our holiday to Lanzarotte in January. Oh well, at least I have caught up with the thread!

    Night night!

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Wessecg: CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your weight loss GOAL!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    that is INCREDIBLE!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    if and when i reach my goal, i'll never be considered "normal" :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    JB, when you mentioned the first line of WTK, i hadn't read your latest post, and came up w/ another verse....:tongue:

    We three pounds of holiday pudge,
    Mama's dressing, yeast rolls and fudge,
    Spread the table, hardly able to resist each special treat.
    Oh,---- Here's the eggnog, spiked with rum,
    Christmas cookies, by the ton,
    Cakes and pies and special candies,
    That's why we weigh a ton!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    it's been fun!

    janie :wink:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello lovely jolly ladies,

    I am sitting in the car watching DD#1 playing soccer. We left the
    house about noon today and have not been home since.
    We went to a beautiful outdoor mall and got our walking in. Came
    back to our town, got a bite to eat. The girls sat in the car while
    I went to Walmart to get a few last minute stocking stuffers and candy
    the girls want for their stockings. Drove home and DD#1 ran in to the
    house to get her uniform to go to her soccer game. It is to far of a drive to go back
    home,so DD#2 and I are sitting in the car, as we did not bring jackets
    to sit outside. I still need to go to 3 more stores to finish the Christmas
    shopping. I might be able to get it done tonight!

    I loved all the my fitness pal carols!
    Katia -praying for Dan.
    Cheryl- yay for you on the loss - that is awesome!
    I am on my iPhone so I can't look back at the notes.

    Praying for all that need prayers. Praying for safe travels for all of
    you who will be traveling over the next couple of days.

    Praying that we all take some time during this stressful time of the year
    to rest,eat healthy and make good choices!

    Today, I am grateful for my friends on my fitness pal!
    Blessings to all, LindaS
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This is the whole collection for anyone who tuned in to this song fest late and missed some of the earlier verses.:bigsmile: I have been singing to Jake and he's howling with laughter and smiling with admiration at the talents of all of you who contributed to the fun.:bigsmile:

    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    How steadfast are thy diaries.
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    We need our daily entries!

    Your member boards are full of fans,
    Full of facts, and diet plans
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    You've given us a road map.

    Jingle Bells, fitness pals, losing all the way
    o what fun it is to log and see what others say
    Jingle Bells, kettle bells, muscles really pay
    For all the exercise we do each and every day – hey

    Jingle Bells, Fitness Pals,
    Losing all the way---,
    Oh, what fun it is to write
    Our food log every day---,
    Jingle Bells, Fitness Pals,
    Losing every day---,
    Drink your water, Janie, dear,
    Have a happy, leaner day--Hooray!
    Sing to the tune of Jingle bells (beginning verse and chorus)...

    Oh, I stubbed my toe
    Kettle bells were in my way
    When the rope I jumped
    For keeping fit to stay.
    Get my trainer in the ring
    Sock him with a right
    Left upper cut to the chin
    And he’s out for the night.

    Oh jingle bells, this shirt smells
    How much do I weigh???
    Oh what fun to lift those weights to keep those pounds at Baaa-aay!
    Jingle bells, this shirt smells
    I weigh how much you say???
    Oh, nuts! Oh, fudge! Hey that sounds good…no, no that’s—how—you—got—this—way!!

    Dashing to the pot,
    Then stepping on the scale,
    Hoping to be down,
    To kiss goodbye the whale!
    When numbers do decrease
    We shout and sing O my!
    What fun it is to finally see
    A normal BMI!

    Jiggle Buns, Jiggle Buns
    Jiggle all the way
    Shake the fannies, wave the arms
    Each and every day, hey!
    Jiggle Buns, Jiggle Buns
    Jiggle all the way
    Oh what fun it is to see
    Our fat just melt away!

    sing slowly to the tune of We Three Kings...

    We Three Pounds of Holiday Pudge
    Gath'ring 'round from all of the fudge
    Holding on to thighs and ab-do-mens
    Now we can barely budge.

    Pounds of peanuts, pounds of fat
    Pounds of cookies, this and that
    We'll be brooding and protruding!
    Guide us from thy sweets at last.

    We three pounds of holiday pudge,
    Mama's dressing, yeast rolls and fudge,
    Spread the table, hardly able to resist each special treat.
    Oh,---- Here's the eggnog, spiked with rum,
    Christmas cookies, by the ton,
    Cakes and pies and special candies,
    That's why we weigh a ton!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful laughs!!! Great songs!!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    All these jingles are incredibly entertaining.

    However someone seriously needs to give me a Yay You!!! My 1.4 pound loss is a miracle. :drinker:

    Yay You!!!! LOVE it. and yes we can... a midst the laughter and cheer of the holiday season, it is possible not to just "not gain" but some of us actually lose. How cool is that:happy:

    Well done!

    :heart: Rebel
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bump - it took a while to read through all the posts! Worked crazy long hours this week, but... the boss gave me Monday off so now I have a 4-day weekend!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Wessecg, congratulations on getting to a normal BMI……I loved the picture of the scale

    :flowerforyou: We spent our Friday going to see a new doctor in Seattle. I got up at 3:30 so I’d have time to take the dogs for a nice long walk before leaving at 6:00 to drive to the ferry. We parked the car at the terminal and walked onto the ferry. Jake ate a pretzel with cheese and read on his Kindle and I walked around the passenger cabin during the crossing. The doctor’s office was close enough to walk to but it was about ten extremely steep blocks so we took a cab. We were early so we walked around the block for about 45 minutes until the weather got too cold and windy. The return trip was better. We walked to a great Chinese restaurant (I had chicken curry and brown rice) and then walked the downhill return to the ferry. Jake read and I walked during the crossing. We came home to excited dogs who wanted to go for another walk.

    :bigsmile: The news from the doctor was good. Jake has an implanted defibrillator and the battery will run out soon (three to six months) and the unit will have to be replaced. He found out that there’s a new model that’s a bit more complex that he can have as a replacement that should make his heart function better. The procedure is surgical and will require an overnight stay in the hospital but we knew that would happen even without the new model.

    :flowerforyou: I hope everyone will be careful on the snowy and icy roads and be careful about all the surprise food treats.:laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,375 Member
    Love, absolutely love, the songs. I'm having such a great time reading them. You gals sure are great. Glad I wasn't drinking something when I read them, it'd be all over my monitor if I were....lol

    Ok, it's SNOWING (yes, you read right) right now. Yes, I'm in NC. I wonder if Mother Nature realizes that.

    Got up, had a pear, went and exercised for an hour. Did an hour of speed intervals, 1 min @ 4.4 mph, then 1 min @ 5.4 mph. I can't explain it, but the last time and this time I've had a case of diarrhea. Last time I couldn't even finish my workout or stretch, I needed to get to the shower asap. At least this time I could do those things. Wonder why this happens? I'm fine otherwise, I feel fine. Tomorrow...yoga. After working out I went to WalMart. I'm still surprised at how empty the parking lot is. I guess more and more people are shopping with their fingers (Internet). Then I stopped at Barnes & Noble to return one of the DVD's my secret santa gave me. I have an abs DVD that I never use, so I know that I won't use the one she sent me. I will use the pilates one, tho. I bought 2 books (on sale) for Vince for Christmas. Came home and had a chicken patty. Then I went to the mall for a healthy cooking demo. It was given by someone different this time. Someone who works in the kitchen of an assisted living place here. I had to sit thru a sales pitch. They gave us chicken salad, crackers, a piece of pound cake, some sort of cake with cream cheese filling. Why do they give you this stuff? I ate just the chicken salad and tried a bite of the cream cheese filled layer cake. Otherwise, I just threw everything out. I guess some people go there basically for their lunch. I went shopping before and after the demo. Found a few pairs of pants and a sweater. Still need to go back and return one pair of pants and a shirt. I didn't realize that I already had 2 pairs of brown slacks, I certainly don't need 3. Also, there was this really cute shirt in white that I would have bought in a heartbeat but it was too sheer for me. They also had it in red so I got that. But when I got home and looked at the red dressy shirt that I had, I realized that I really don't need two red shirts. Now if it was in another color...that would be a different story altogether. I also bought a wallet, mine is going out. Everything I got was on sale 50% off, except for the wallet which was 40% off plus I had a coupon for an additional 15% off. Wrapped Vince's books, got things ready to take tonight so all I have to do is heat up the cheese balls. But with this weather, by the time I get to their house, the balls will be cold, so maybe I should have them heat them up.

    barbie - MORE problems with your bike???? You poor thing

    I just made some more chocolate bran muffins to keep in the freezer and realized that I totally forgot to put the timer on, but they don't look burned.

    Yippee, hip hip horray, tonight is the last of the holiday parties. It's only from 7-9, so that's good. I'll take some sausage cheese balls and fudge that I made. I'll also take some dark chocolate mint 3Musketeers with me. I'm going to try not to eat much. Will tell you how I do

    Lila - I can't help singing along with the lyrics. One is just as good as the next.

    Cheryl - congrats!!!! Yay you!!!!! You go girl!!

    sylviatx - I totally agree, I would much much rather have just a little of something real good, homemade with real ingredients rather than some lab-made ingredient stuff. It so not worth it. And you know that when stores make up things, they use the cheapest ingredients (lots of mayo, skimp on the chicken) to boost their profits. I just found it really interesting that she didn't serve the homemade bread but she served the box cake mix. Glad you're feeling better

    grrrr....I just saw some boxes and asked Vince "what's that". He told me they were Bryan's presents for everyone. I remember Vince telling Bryan that we'd wrap everything. Looks like it's back to finding boxes (maybe I'll skip that part) and wrapping. He also asked me "when are you going to decorate the tree, I've put the popcorn on". I just said "I was hoping you'd help me" seeings how we got the tree up late because of his gout. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't. Why does he put things off until the last minute when I have to do work after he's done with his part? I still have some food shopping to do, cooking, cleaning....and now this. Glad I have yoga tomorrow. I need something to de-stress. I would like to get the tree down early Jan. I suspect Vince will want to keep it up later, tho. I'm going to push to get it down earlier.

    Went to the open house. I actually didn't do that badly. Just had water to drink, a few of the sausage cheese balls that I brought, some pineapple, and two 3Musketeer mini dark chocolate mints.

    Deb. oh, that must have been so sweet to see the little ones holding hands and singing. Isn't it something how even the older ones are attentive?

    Gail - enjoy your weekend

    barbie - what wonderful news about Jake!!!!

    Don't quite know what it is, but right next to where I got that tooth pulled about a month ago feels "weird". Could it be sinuses since the weather changed so quickly? Don't know. I'm thinking that maybe after the holiday I'll go see the dentist just to make sure that it isn't something that maybe we can take care of before it gets too bad. Could it be something in the gum of where the tooth was pulled? No idea.

    Well, everyone have a great evening.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Enjoyed all the MFP songs. Maybe they should be published!
    Just a quick note before I fall asleep. We're finished shopping and are at my DS's until after Christmas. BBT.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    ★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.
    ˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*
    ˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥Everyone ♥ ˛* ˛*
    .°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。
    *(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .