5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Definitely in for another 5 this month.

    Starting the month at 169.3

    Up about half a pound from last week, eeek.

    Looks like everyone is off to a great start!!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Happy Easter all. Lost alittle (.8) this last week. It seams everytime I complain that I must be on a plateau the scale surprises me. Can't complain about that.
    Went to church this morning, went to Easter dinner out. Just Hubby and I so no since preparing a big meal. I'll be doing some cooking later on in the week when my sister and her hubby come over to visit for a week. I'm excited to have them.
    Oh, yes, you wouldn't believe how fast I made it over to the grocery store to buy a package of Peeps. I gave up refined sugars for Lent and these Peeps were peeping me. I ate the whole pkg of 5 (138 cal.) before I got home. And I enjoyed every one of them. Do I feel bad? Not in the least. :laugh:
    Have a great week all.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    Oh, yes, you wouldn't believe how fast I made it over to the grocery store to buy a package of Peeps. I gave up refined sugars for Lent and these Peeps were peeping me. I ate the whole pkg of 5 (138 cal.) before I got home. And I enjoyed every one of them. Do I feel bad? Not in the least. :laugh:
    Have a great week all.

    Whoa you must of had a major sugar rush. I hope the crash wasn't too bad.:bigsmile:
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Hey everyone! I am back for April! I strayed away from MFP the last few weeks of March because of all my drama with the puppy, but he is finally getting back to his old self again. He is on his last round of meds so hopefully we can get through all of this! I plan on weighing in tmrw morning and I'm hoping I have not gained back any the last few weeks! Congrats to all of the losers in March!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome Deb and Lula..... and Beth!
    I am in on the 3500 burn and did 533 so are today while doing a couple DVD's here at home. Why didn't we start YESTERDAY when I ran for 2 hours and 15 minutes straight!! I had way over a 1000 burned during my personal half marathon. but Saturday will come again and so I can chalk up more points after i run again.
    So it is EASTER today:flowerforyou: and we are heading out the door soon to go to hubbys sister's house and then to our farm out in the country, for an over nighter so I will not be cooking at all. Hope the food is healthy! All his sisters and their families are coming and bringing food. I know for sure we will be having fish and boiled eggs and a huge potato salad that I just finished making. think I'll go and pop some pop corn because it si my favorite snack and pretty healthy too.:happy: Enjoy the week end... what is left of it. Phyljen:bigsmile:

    Half Marathon! :drinker: :drinker: That is so awesome. Here's to burning 3500 calories this week:drinker:

  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    I know I'm a couple of days late, but I'm in too! I've been losing 5-6 pounds every month for the past 3 months. But I feel like I'm losing interest in dieting :yawn: , so this is going to be great for me to keep me on track! Good Luck Everyone!!!:happy:

    I weigh 169 now..........shooting for 164 by the end of this month!:drinker:
    Great to have you with us. WOW 5 babies all under 5 years old. you do have your hands full. I joined MFP Jan 10th and have loved this group because everyone is so positive and keeps me motivated. Good luck. and OH I bet you love it when night time comes!! Or do you have to get up in the night with kiddies too. Phyljen:wink:

    Yes, I do love the night time. That's when I can get all my house cleaning done. Dish's, laundry, sweeping, mopping, etc.... All 5 kids sleep all night long now, Thank the dear Lord! :happy:

    How can I figure out the calories that I'm burning? I walked over 4 miles yesterday, pushing all 5 kids in our 6 seater stroller. I was beat by the time I got home, but I have no idea how many calories I burned. :huh:
  • amesnc
    amesnc Posts: 32
    What a great challenge! Especially since I didn't follow my diet this holiday weekend! This will be great motivation to get me back on track!

    SW: 165
    GW: 160

    To a healthy April!
  • fitmomma13
    I'm in! Would love to get out of the 170's by the end of the month. 173 as of this morning.

    That's my goal too!!!

    173.2 starting weight
    168.2 end of April weight

    Thats my goal also!!! I've been so frustrated to lose those first 10lbs to get me on my way.
    CW: 175
    GW for end of April: 169-168lbs
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    How did everyone do this weekend? It was a struggle for me at Easter brunch and I'm hoping I did okay balancing my eating. My weigh in at Weight Watchers is tomorrow but I'll weigh in on Friday as well for this group. I'm taking my first Zumba class tonight and I'm pretty excited!
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Hello -
    I'm a little late in starting the challenge, and new to MFP but I really need the motivation....just finishing a biggest loser challenge in my office and need to continue on my weight loss path! I've lost 33lbs since my son was born almost 10months ago, 10 of those in the last 12 weeks!! 5 lbs this month would be AWESOME!!!

    SW April 1: 181.2
    CW April 5: 180.0
    GW May 1: 176.2
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    say good-bye to 5#!!! Count me in!
  • onahealthmission
    onahealthmission Posts: 19 Member
    I am A little late....can i still join?
  • onahealthmission
    onahealthmission Posts: 19 Member
    What is the 3500 challenge.....and can i still join?
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    What is the 3500 challenge.....and can i still join?
    \ Of course you can join. The more the merrier.
    3500 challange is burning 3500 calories from working out in one form or another. Burn those calories!!!
    Go you chicken Fat go away... Anyone old enough to remember that old song and work out??? Now I am really showing my age huh?? oh well I am only as old as I feel RIGHT?
    I am back from the farm and a great Spring week end with family and friends. Not ready to go back to work tomorrow but that is the way life goes. Can't play all my life. It was a wonderful Spring break though. Phyllis:laugh:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome all newcomers to this thread, and welcome back Kelsey, I'm so glad your boy's doing better.

    A few updates - I've decided not to do the vegan thing. I just don't trust myself to get enough calcium, so I'm sticking with my yogurt. I'm still off of the 3 cups of tea in the morning and have substituted green tea (pomegranate and raspberry flavour - pretty good)

    I am getting ready to do Couch25K, but I need to get a play list for my IPod (I'm so behind on things!) I can't possibly run without music, right?

    I'm planning my first run this afternoon, I already did 90 minutes of yoga, so I'm off to a good start.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hello -
    I'm a little late in starting the challenge, and new to MFP but I really need the motivation....just finishing a biggest loser challenge in my office and need to continue on my weight loss path! I've lost 33lbs since my son was born almost 10months ago, 10 of those in the last 12 weeks!! 5 lbs this month would be AWESOME!!!

    SW April 1: 181.2
    CW April 5: 180.0
    GW May 1: 176.2
    Your little red headed baby is a doll! Phyljen:happy:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    When I was in elementary school the PE teacher started every class doing GO YOU CHICKEN FAT GO AWAY! Loved it!

    Well I am having a pretty good Monday. I ate so much over the weekend I was afraid to check the scale today but it was only up by
    2 tenths of a pound.

    My calorie burn for this week

    - 700 walking
    -400 biking
    2200 left this week

    I may get some more walking in today depends on the weather.

    Have a healthy rest of the day.

    Remember to drink your water!

  • 3dogsand1
    3dogsand1 Posts: 13
    Count me in - had lost 6 lbs. before coming on this site. Started this a while ago but got sidetracked so back on.

    SW 174.8
    GW 154
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    483 burned - Couch to 5K and Hatha Yoga. 3017 to go. I may sneak in some gardening to get it up past 500.

    Yikes you're setting quite a pace Terri. I'm not sure I'll keep up, but it's great inspiration and motivation to be eating your dust!

    So that was my first day. It was tough. But good. But tough. Did I mention tough? It was.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am at 747 for today. walking jogging and EA Active for Wii. I may walk some more. Yesterday I did about 530 with walking and Wii. I feel so good. my muscles hurt good. I love it. :love: