Wii Team For April ( Fit, Fit+, EA, BL, Etc..)



  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hi fellow wiier's......Haven't posted much lately but have been following along somewhat. I hadn't gotten on my wii for a while until last week when I decided I needed to step it up a bit if I wanted this weight to find it's way off me!!!! I did 2 nights last week, but intend to try and get back into my routine of 2-4 times a week. I go to Curves everynight during the week so that is my main excercise and then the wii is just a little push extra.

    Everyone have a great Easter tomorrow!!!! See ya next week.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Too bad there is no bunny wii games, lol. I mean they have that flying chicken, why not a hopping wabbit ? :laugh:

    Well there IS Rayman Raving Rabbids and the sequels. They're more psycho than cute but they are rabbits!

    Wow. ha. I just looked that up and it looks like a kick!! Not sure it's the best workout game but definitely something I would probably like. Looks hilarious! Thanks raven! Would love to hear from anyone more about this cwazy rabbid game. can I work up a sweat playing it?

    Oh hey, there is Ann. Great to see you! Good to here you are making it to the gym regularly, excellent job.

    Not the best start of the month for me, got sidelined by this cold. Comes with a persistent headache I cannot seem to shake. I am going to take easter weekend here to rest up and then hop back onto my 5 nights a week next week.

    Happy Easter! easter-smiley-17731.gif
  • Too bad there is no bunny wii games, lol. I mean they have that flying chicken, why not a hopping wabbit ? :laugh:

    Well there IS Rayman Raving Rabbids and the sequels. They're more psycho than cute but they are rabbits!

    Wow. ha. I just looked that up and it looks like a kick!! Not sure it's the best workout game but definitely something I would probably like. Looks hilarious! Thanks raven! Would love to hear from anyone more about this cwazy rabbid game. can I work up a sweat playing it?

    I've only played the first game - I can work up a bit of a sweat in some of the games like the disco dancing bits but not all the games are like that.

    I sure hope you feel better after resting up a bit!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Ya'll can't even imagine what you've done for me and mine...
    This is the 1st day in a long while that my entire family got in a workout...we laughed endlessly!

    I am heart full...thanks!

    Even the hubs weighed in his WiiMe...scary as it was...ha ha ha! We even weighed in out 2 big dogs.. & they both dropped 5 pounds each! down from 80 & 90 pounds a couple of months ago...the whole family saw a drop. AWESOME

    Yeah...WiiFit posters!

    Even the dogs! haha That is great. :laugh: Probably the best health benefit to be gained was the laughing, Good for body and soul. And thats why I should really look into that rabbids game, for the laughs!
  • Hi everyone,
    My name is Lisa and I started my weight loss journey to 'Onederland' back on January 25th 2010.
    I had all but given up on the idea of losing weight. My biggest challenge was finding an exercise routine that I enjoyed and over the years I tried different approaches, different workouts, but never found anything I enjoyed doing.

    My step mom told me about Nintendo Wii and how you could exercise and burn calories by playing Wii games. This was early back in early January when I went to visit my dad and stepmom on vacation.

    After trying my step moms WiiFit game, I was instantly hooked and went out and bought myself a Nintendo Wii console along with a WiiFitPlus balance board and game. When I got back from vacation I decided to try again to lose weight with the help of my new Wii.....

    I'm on week 10 now, lol....and play my Wii at least 5 days a week (approx 45 mins a day)

    My favorite game is Walk It Out, but I also play WiiFitPlus and Just Dance each week too.
    So far, I have walked 55.7 miles just with the Walk It Out game alone, lol I absolutely love this game and just recently tweaked my workout and added a strength training (upper body using resistance bands) to my Walk It Out game. As I walk and play this game, every 10 minutes or so, I reach down and start using my resistance bands to do upper body workouts, as I am walking. I have the resitance bands anchored to my livingroom door.
    At the beginning of my weight loss journey I started a little website to keep track of all my Wii exercise, weekly weigh-ins and mini goals.....your welcome to check it out at http://awiistory.weebly.com.

    I'm glad to have found a place where other people enjoy using Nintendo wii just as much as I do. It's hard to find places where Wii is an acceptable form of exercise.

    I've already lost 27lbs and I am having a lot of fun. I'm just doing a simple portion control/regular low fat diet and stay around 1600 calories per day.

    I look forward to meeting you all and chatting with everyone.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585

    I'm glad to have found a place where other people enjoy using Nintendo wii just as much as I do. It's hard to find places where Wii is an acceptable form of exercise.

    I've already lost 27lbs and I am having a lot of fun. I'm just doing a simple portion control/regular low fat diet and stay around 1600 calories per day.

    I look forward to meeting you all and chatting with everyone.

    Hi Lisa! Firstly congrats on losing 27lbs, that a huge accomplishment!!

    Any form of exercise is good. The only exercise that works, is the one you will do! The Wii helped me to shed my first ten, and I am hoping my next ten too.

    Glad you can join us! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Jane,
    That's my very thoughts too with regard to exercise. If you not truley enjoying it, more than likely you won't continue doing it for very long. This has been all too true for myself over the years.
    Congrats on your 39 lbs lost too...that is awesome!
    I really think that Nintendo Wii is an ingenious game system.
    It's not just helping those of us to get up of the couch and move, but it's helping many others, like the elderly, move their joints and get in exercise and even children where as they may still be inactive if not for Wii versus other video consoles.

    My plan of attack today is to do my Walk It Out/Strength Training combo. I added a resistance band strength training tweak while playing this game last week and it was awesome. Kinda like killing two birds with one numchuk, rofl.

    I have had my goals for playing this game set at 30-40 minutes, but I usually end up playing for about an hour especially if i haven't found what I'm looking for, hehe ("just a few more minutes...it has to be around here somewhere")

    I have a weekly exercise schedule on my webpages that you welcome to check out.

    Hope ya all have a great Wii day.
  • dpsloc92
    dpsloc92 Posts: 6
    I just joined today and I have been doing the Wii EA Active for about two weeks now. I love the workout but wish it had more abs cus that is where my problem area is. I had back surgery 16 weeks ago today and put on 20 pounds while recovering. I am excited about MFP, it seems like just what I needed.

  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    @ Lisa. - Hey no , I wish! My ticker says 39 more to go, not gone. I have lost 10 so far, so I am just getting started. One day that ticker will say zero!

    @Paula - Welcome to MFP!! I too came here after my recovery from surgery. This site, combined with my WIi has been wonderful and helping me ease back into exercse and get back in shape.

    Hope everyone's Monday sets the week off on a good note!
  • Any form of exercise is good. The only exercise that works, is the one you will do!

    SO true! :happy:
  • dpsloc92
    dpsloc92 Posts: 6
    Can anyone tell me how to add the Wii EA Active exercises to your daily log? I searched on it and it does not find anything.

    Just wondering what all of you put it under,
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Can anyone tell me how to add the Wii EA Active exercises to your daily log? I searched on it and it does not find anything.

    Just wondering what all of you put it under,

    I just enter it as a cardio exercise and input the calories it tells me that I've burned. The calories burned aren't as accurate as if you were wearing a heart rate monitor and inputting what it tells you, but I've found it's a good estimate so I'm sticking with it.

    I spent the weekend visiting my parents so I haven't done my EA Sports Active since Wednesday (I did go to the gym for an hour Friday before I left though). I'm getting back on it tonight, back to my 4 days a week. Having a weekend away (not to mention a holiday weekend) is making things a little difficult, but I managed to not eat a ton on Easter and hopefully I'll be able to lose a pound or two this week.
  • Hi,
    Jane...ACK! I'm sooo sorry for my mistake regarding your weight loss...although WTG on those 10lbs! whoooohoooo!

    I am a happy camper this afternoon. I did my Walk It Out/Strength training add on...and I burned me some awesome calories.

    I walked.......(drum roll, hehe) 4 miles! (14,528 steps) WHOOOHOOOO!
    This is my personal best. I'm so excited, lol..I feel like the enrgizer bunny right now. :bigsmile:
    I ended up walking 70 minutes...more than I intended to walk, but darn it, I couldn't find the last two colors of the rainbow and didn't want to stop playing until I did, lmao.
    I burned 604 calories but I found all the colored balls and got me another rainbow added to my sky. I unlocked another zodiac sign and added 1 more song to my playlist.
    This brings my overall total to 60.9 miles (219,503 steps) so far for this game. I'm only 39.1 miles away from my next goal of 100 miles....yeahhhhh! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Wednesday will be the next time I play this game...so I think i am going to go after some more zodiac signs...and rack up some more miles/steps, hehe.

    Tommorow I will be doing my WiiFitPlus and Just Dance games. I got me some goals in mind, I'm on the "free ride" course and have yet to find all those beachballs, but I have a certain amount of miles/goals that I want to accomplish on this activity too so Island Cycling and probably my 10 minute Super Hula Hoop first then onto Just Dance. I'm gonna try to dance to 6 different full length songs and rack up more points along the way.

    WTG everyone on your Wii exercise today. You guys are doing GREAT! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Wow Lisa! You are not foolin around. Your enthusiasm is infectious too. I think you ARE the energizer bunny!

    I am sittin here digesting dinner about to do my Wii Fit Plus routine. I am tired, work went long, again, don't really want to do anything.. but I will. I had a half a pound gain last week, and that will be enough of THAT!

    Sounds like Walk It Out is pretty darn fun. I am going to have to switch things up soon so I don;t get bored with what i am doing. I am still cringing at the thought of doing 10 minutes on the Hula.. someday soon I will have to bite the bullet and give it a go.

    The Wii is calling my name now.... I WILL get in my full hour!
  • WhhhoooHHHooooHOO You go girl! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    LOL...the Walk It Out is wayyy too much fun. I'm dreaming of rainbows and zodiac signs in my sleep, rofl.
    I really think though it helps to have a good imagination too though and I get a kick at how many cars and fire hydrants they have on this island. And get this, the other morning when I played I used my magical clock to turn the time of day to 3am so I could find some zodiac signs...so it's pitch dark as I am walking and there are Mii KIDS playing around the fountain...and here I am thinking to myself "damn kids up at this hour, if those were my kids....blah blah blah" ROFL, hahahaha (helllooo...it's just a game Lisa, haha)

    LOL...Island cycling is a blast and more often than not when I play this, I'm at my happiest doing wheelies around the island and seeing how far I can go on my back wheel.
    Have you ever popped a wheelie on Island cycling?...if not, you so got to try it, rofl.
    Super hula Hoops...let me tell you, it took much practice to get enough stamina to where I could go a full 10 minutes.
    Ya just gotta get on their and do it...and then do it again until you finally master it.
    The first time i played I couldn't keep one hula hoop on my hip, never mind all 5 of them. Now i start yelling at my TV saying "is that all you got??"

    The one game that I total blow at is the big top juggling....rofl. Just as I think I got a handle on it, I lose all my balls :bigsmile:
    OMG...and the obstacle course...I haven't gotton past the 3rd level. I keep getting squished on the rolling log part...haha

    this new game, Just Dance, that I bought, holy smokes, it is soooo much fun but it is very obvious that i have no coordination...but again, dancing around my living room to MC Hammer and doing the Mashed Potato...ya can't help but have fun.

    you should see me on wii sports.......rofl :laugh:

    So go ahead...bite that bullet! You can do it :tongue:

    p.s if you have any tips on the bigtop juggling and how I can keep hold of my balls, let me know, lol
  • doriedee
    doriedee Posts: 10
    Good morning, I'm trying to fit the Wii in 5 days a week. I love the step, but wish it were longer intervals. I'm at the bronze level, does anyone know how you get to 10 min intervals?
  • Hiya everyone...

    How are my new 'wii' fitness pals this morning?
    Jane...how did you do last night with your exercise?

    I'm still in the morning cups of 'mojo' stages this morning. Gonna get off my butt here in a few minutes and get ready to start my day. It is chilly here this morning.

    Dorie, are you talking about the Advanced step or the free step? If it's the free step I think you have to reach those stepping goals that it flashes for you each time for a new window to open up. Advanced step..I'm not sure if there is another level. I've been playing that for a while and i'm not advancing levels. Mind you, I can never get all perfects with that one, so that may be the reason too.

    00trayn, I have never found the WiifitPlus calories to be very accurate. The always seem so low. I usually go with my target heart rate and if my heart is pumping good...then I know I'm getting a good workout.
    The Walk It Out game, now the calorie calculator on that is right on the mark. I have compared it with alot of different walking calculators and each time it come within 5 calories of actual calories burned but again, I reply on what my heart rate is doing.

    Remember gals..make sure you change your weigh-ins on your wii games...especially for games like walk it out etc that you have to manually enter in your weight...because these games are using your current weight/distance etc when factoring your overall calories being burned.

    Well, hearing myself rambling on has given me the mojo to get off my butt and do my own "wii" thing...hehe

    hope you all have a great day...:)
  • I did 30 minutes straight on Walk It Out last night, which is a new best for me, whee. The program said my calorie burn was about 130 and my HRM said it was about 180; I'm inclined to trust the HRM. I think I actually need to figure out how to be a little less enthusiastic in my movements for Walk It Out - I think I'm overdoing it.

    I suspect today will be my rest day, but maybe not.
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    I love using my wii fit,bl and ea. My husband and I weigh in every Sat. morning. I am waiting for it to some day not say "oh, that's overweight" We both laugh at it. Of course my husband's says "that's normal" He got to reset his goal to 0 weight loss- he really shouldn't lose more. I have a real routine down. I get up at 5- he's already left for work. Depending on the game schedule I do either the Biggest Loser or Active. Then I get my son up. If it is an early day home from school- my kid has band activities and we live out in the country so I need to drive him- I get on wii fit or wii active and work a few routines in before I make dinner. If I do step I usually grab some weights to add to the workout. For the last week I have also been going for an evening walk- I do 5.5 miles in @ 90 minutes- walking the country roads can be exhausting with all the hill I have out by my house.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Now I'm curious how accurate the calorie count is for EA Sports Active. It has my height and weight in there (and I change it when I lose weight), so I've been going off of what it says. If I'm burning more than what it gives me, I'll take that as a bonus... lol. I finally got back on track with my Sports Active last night and did another day in the 30 Day Challenge. Changing the level to hard has made a huge difference. I definitely get more of a workout, my shoulders are a bit sore today from the shoulder raises. I've been burning about 200 calories per 30 minute routine. Today is a gym day, I'm heading to my office gym for 45 minutes on the elliptical. I'm gonna try to go up a level or two, I've been on Level 5 for over 2 weeks now.
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