female body; let's take a reality check please



  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    The only way to get a thigh gap is to starve yourself? Umm..how about having really wide set hips? I do. And when I get to a HEALTHY weight of 150lbs, I will achieve it.

    ^^THIS! I weigh 170 freaking pounds and am only 5'1", and I have a small thigh gap NOW, because I have very wide hips that pretty much no amount of starvation, if I was into that kind of thing, will ever get rid of.

    Body shaming of others is NOT nice, or appropriate, and "normal" is subjective. Actually, I hope I am NEVER EVER "normal." Because I would rather be MYSELF. And I am fine just the way I am, and any improvements I make on myself are because I want to make them, not because anyone else shamed me into thinking I need to be different than what I am.

  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    The 2 pictures you have of anorexic models are photo shopped. Yes models are thin but do you really think they'd be on catwalk looking like that.

    I get the point of your post but you did a poor job of supporting it. As for the last girl, she does not look anorexic at all. Some people are just small. Some people work really hard to get that kind of look.

    I have 1 friend who looks like the last girl, she trains hard and follows an eat clean diet.
    I have another who just can't gain weight. She is 5'9 and 115 pounds, size 0-1. She hates it but can't gain.
    Also I have a friend who is a plus size girl. She eats fairly well and we go running a few times a week. She has been trying for 3 months to lose weight and hasn't been able to. Granted she could be lying about her diet.

    What i'm getting at is your being insensitive.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    How low is your self-esteem that you have to create a post to criticize an entire group of people where you get to be the one who decides who's normal and who's not? If you're comfortable with your body now, I recommend that you see a therapist to work out that *kitten* you've got in your head.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    How'd you come to the conclusion that fit chick is anorexic?

    anorexia is characterized by the amount of weight lost in a period of time... so you could be really fat and starving yourself of food.... that would be considered anorexic so I am told...
    Nope that's not correct. Just because your daily meals consist of 1/2 banana and coffee doesn't automatically make you anorexic. To be truly called anorexic, first you must be underweight. Now if you're starving yourself but still fat or in the normal weight range, you are considered EDNOS, not anorexic. EDNOS is another form of ED which describes those who have ED but doesn't met one or two criteria to be classified as anorexia or bulimia and the one you're describing (the bolded one) is one example.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Not entirely true [below]
    busywaterbending said:
    hi all.

    first I want to say that this is a topic of encouraging women to focus on what is the normal body shape.

    this is normal: [Refer to pic 1]

    see the curves, shiney hair, nice skin, smiles?
    HIPS and chests?
    That's because they are women. Women normally have extra padding in two places, and great hormone health from a diet high in EFAs and complete proteins with colorful veggies will give you this look.

    Agree with the poster below:
    RobynC79 said:For the love of g**....

    Anorexia is not just an appearance, it is a medical symptom (no appetite). Anorexia NERVOSA is an illness. Labeling a thin person (or a fit person with low BF) as 'anorexic' demonstrates your fundamental misunderstanding of the term.

    Every one of those pictures is photoshopped, including the two of the models - look at the distortion around the arms of the runway model. Ridiculous.

    Can we please stop trying to define only a subset of women as 'normal' or 'real' or whatever other exclusionary b******t term you can think of to make your own personal preferences somehow more legitimate?

    Reality check by definition and description clearly disqualifies what is normal by the rule of elimination, entirely determined by the differing cultural parameters of beauty and healthy, where many of the world clearly do not compare themselves to print media's fashion/beauty/editorial models, for the world's majority partially represented by the membership on here, can not afford the purchase/subscription.
    busywaterbending said: Now, keep that in mind. I want to encourage you to focus on becoming healthy. Not a twig. Not have the shape of an ape or a 9 year old girl. Or be so completely flat butted you are anorexic.

    Twig as a term of reference through the eyes of one whose body type limitations and potential is in no uncertain terms subtly promoted in a roundabout way, as the norm, the control and the ideal, fueled with the sense of entitlement to generally label some who are long-limbed [loaded word ->] apes or to relate it to 9 year old girls, immediately rids any possibility of assuming that your point was pure-intentioned, for even with the latter, it is another clear misrepresentation of the world's 9 year old girls - who are stated to be at risk - heavy weight/obese and not "twiggy" - most irresponsible!
    busywaterbending said: So stop trying to starve yourself for thin thighs, because you will lose your T and A before those go anyway
    and yes, as a personal trainer, the only way to get a thigh gap is to become an anorexic, cardioholic, mess which will destroy you

    Tits and *kitten*?! Interesting reference of terms from a woman whilst addressing her gender-peers. And to be incensed by the thigh-gap!! What a spot-focus indeed, which rouses much curiousity ... about your reactive onslaught in the disguise of an alleged concerned personal trainer.
    busywaterbending said: and know that even the size 12 model is not normal here with a leg length at 89% of her body. OOOPPs, Marie Claire forgot to mention that in their suvey.... http://mathspig.wordpress.com/tag/how-womens-magazines-distort-womens-bodies/

    I'm a 64.1% legs to upper torso woman, with a 20-inch waistline at my peak of fitness, 36DD breasts and the hips to accommodate all that womanly-goodness, but when I'd spotted this one-liner, understanding that your point was to possibly swipe at select women you've assumed are excessively pushing themselves to the extreme for "that thigh gap" - the leg length didn't entirely make sense to me. The issue is with (i) a woman with an exaggerated height, (ii) who is interpreted to be a woman who is solid on the thighs, (iii) who has been determined by observation as a woman who is direly depriving herself of nourishment, (iv) and is over-training! Clearly women who lack curvature and are tall are abnormal - is the point you're putting across and as a woman of height, with a body type I carry, I can not believe you'd boldly assumed yourself as the authority to "chastise" women who lack your physical qualities - in translation (i) short, (ii) curvy, (iii) muscle-toned and (iv) healthy.
    busywaterbending said: So stop comparing yourself to ALL magazine models too! Just be the most beautiful you !!!

    happy training,

    Coach Teresa

    It is most condescending for any woman to abuse a public platform of this nature, irresponsibly stating a line so juvenile, considering the age-range of the womenfolk on here.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    if you are a fitness enthusiast and look like this


    then you are not anorexic.

    inbox messaging me hate mail does convey a serious mental instability though.

    Women have curves. No curves is not normal.

    if you are reading into anything else about my OP then you need to take a step back and ask yourself, "why"?

    I am sorry if my english is offensive to you all. spanish is my first language.

    I'm sorry but most of the people in this competition probably dehydrated themselves, and barely ate before this... that to me is neither normal or healthy...

    your profile said you are religious and do not judge others, but clearly from this original post you don't practice what you preach.
    That's true in most cases but they do it on purpose only DURING the pre-contest and competition but come off-season and all year round, they are eating normally. That's simply part of their job as physique athletes. But just because some of them did insane things on purpose prior to the show doesn't make them anorexics nor EDNOS. Those two ED conditions takes a long time and pattern of both physical and psychological change. Which is also why I find the OP's post too judgmental.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    This is a losing fight especially with women. as evidenced by so many people offended.

    No one is offended, they're just a bunch of whinny little ________, that's all.

    Good post OP

    Nice Pu....very nice! And you really have no issue with some of the things the OP said.....you know even less than I originally thought.

    I went back to see what the problem was, I just skimmed through it. I see the problem now, The thing about the thigh gap, and the girl in the bikini being called anorexic. That's the only problem I see. The intentions where well placed.

    I also want to state, a true anorexic or someone with a true ED. won't be boasting about it on their MFP wall. A lot of emo kids out there trying to do something they think is cool. I am saying because in the OP she mentioned along the lines of "choosing" to have an ED. Then all the people with wannabe ED's jumped in saying it's not a choice. That's real irony right there.

    What the hell is this comment. "Wanne be" EDs? The "pro-ana/mia" people, I could argue, are still dealing with a mental disorder if they're desiring a disease, but I'm thinking you're misunderstanding the proclamation that, "I have an ED/recovering from an ED" is somehow "boasting." Many people preface themselves on a fitness site with that, because it helps attract other people who are in the same boat (or conversely, very opposite people) as accountability buddies. Someone talking about their struggles with alcoholism or other drug abuse isn't "boasting" about it.

    But then, I'm pretty sure I've encountered your posts before on here, so I'm hoping I'm confusing you with someone else and you actually hear me out.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    How'd you come to the conclusion that fit chick is anorexic?

    anorexia is characterized by the amount of weight lost in a period of time... so you could be really fat and starving yourself of food.... that would be considered anorexic so I am told...
    Nope that's not correct. Just because your daily meals consist of 1/2 banana and coffee doesn't automatically make you anorexic. To be truly called anorexic, first you must be underweight. Now if you're starving yourself but still fat or in the normal weight range, you are considered EDNOS, not anorexic. EDNOS is another form of ED which describes those who have ED but doesn't met one or two criteria to be classified as anorexia or bulimia and the one you're describing (the bolded one) is one example.

    Anorexia, technically, is medically applied to "lack of hunger leading to severe/sudden weight loss"; people undergoing chemo, suffering from AIDs, etc., can have "anorexia" as a symptom. However, anorexia as a mental disorder is characterized by further signs and symptoms.

    If you yourself were diagnosed with EDNOS, that could very well just be the certain psychologist/psychiatrist that diagnosed you; if you got different opinions, a different doctor may have considered you anorexic, or with a comorbidity of body dysmorphia as an underlying issue. Psychology, like other medicine, can be applied differently by different practitioners.
  • Why compare yourself to anyone?? Be the best person you can be and never underestimate the power you have in the world. regardless of your size.

  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    What the hell is this comment. "Wanne be" EDs? The "pro-ana/mia" people, I could argue, are still dealing with a mental disorder if they're desiring a disease, but I'm thinking you're misunderstanding the proclamation that, "I have an ED/recovering from an ED" is somehow "boasting." Many people preface themselves on a fitness site with that, because it helps attract other people who are in the same boat (or conversely, very opposite people) as accountability buddies. Someone talking about their struggles with alcoholism or other drug abuse isn't "boasting" about it.

    But then, I'm pretty sure I've encountered your posts before on here, so I'm hoping I'm confusing you with someone else and you actually hear me out.

    Well actually to me it made sense... There are people that try to become anorexic or emaciated and they can stop, they just want to be that thin because of some idea of it being the "in" thing or whatever.

    Then there are the pro-ana/mia groups who actually have accepted who they are and trying to find a middle way, someplace where it is healthier than they are now, but still not freak out about the different annoyances and voices one has. And by accepting I mean knowing they have a real issue, and tried recovery and did not work, and so trying to fight against it, but accepting it is a part of them and adjusting things so as to be healthier within certain constraints.

    Still is hell though lol... Hey, life sucks and when you do something like that, you do not want others to try to be like that, it stays with you for life... Maybe not the weight issue, but the voice that tells you stuff the way you see yourself in mirror etc, it permanently changes.. Recovery in my view doesn't work because they don't understand it one will treat as physical, the other psychiatric disorder, other will tell person nothing wrong and can't help till they lose more, and others will just say to shut up and eat.

    So please understand while I do not agree with all he said, that much I understand... People putting themselves through it, don't understand till it happens, then it is too late and everything changes.

    I get highly upset when people say I'm thin now... Because I don't think I am... I wanna be 100 pounds I think... I think.. maybe less but maybe not because of muscle mass. I am short, so I think that is fine... At 130 odd pounds and people telling me I am thin, it is upsetting because now I refuse to tell people my weight, what I eat etc because if they say I shouldn't be this weight or that, well it aint there business now is it! Mentioning it makes me wanna do it quicker and harder and I'm struggling to NOT do it that way... I could lose that in one month maybe less... but I want to do it healthy... And people moaning and saying s*** really upsets me and makes me think what an idiot they are.. It is not for attention, no one knows around me how I feel, I smile I cover it up, when I cut my arms I cover that up too... I don't want people to see me like that I don't so I hide stuff...

    I find being here around positive people makes the choice easier, if people want to discriminate then that is your issue don't make mine worst because of your stupid misplaced beliefs...

    Look around the internet, you will find tonnes of posts about wannarexics you will found a lot and it is sad, people shouldn't WANT to hate themselves like this, always living constant guilt because you ate something it is NOT normal and NOT good... I almost went into anaphylactic shock during a race because of it, and instead of doctors orders, I told him to shut up and just carried on... which fine is good as I had to get that medal for my collection, but in hindsight, with my pulse low and blood pressure severely low DURING a racing event... I should have listened and gone to hospital like he wanted me to... I mean cycling and reaching 40km/hr+ is dangerous when you could faint at any moment and feeling dizzy...
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    How'd you come to the conclusion that fit chick is anorexic?

    anorexia is characterized by the amount of weight lost in a period of time... so you could be really fat and starving yourself of food.... that would be considered anorexic so I am told...
    Nope that's not correct. Just because your daily meals consist of 1/2 banana and coffee doesn't automatically make you anorexic. To be truly called anorexic, first you must be underweight. Now if you're starving yourself but still fat or in the normal weight range, you are considered EDNOS, not anorexic. EDNOS is another form of ED which describes those who have ED but doesn't met one or two criteria to be classified as anorexia or bulimia and the one you're describing (the bolded one) is one example.

    Anorexia, technically, is medically applied to "lack of hunger leading to severe/sudden weight loss"; people undergoing chemo, suffering from AIDs, etc., can have "anorexia" as a symptom. However, anorexia as a mental disorder is characterized by further signs and symptoms.

    If you yourself were diagnosed with EDNOS, that could very well just be the certain psychologist/psychiatrist that diagnosed you; if you got different opinions, a different doctor may have considered you anorexic, or with a comorbidity of body dysmorphia as an underlying issue. Psychology, like other medicine, can be applied differently by different practitioners.

    Yes while I agree, you obviously do not or have not read the DSM IV... Read these two please...

    307.1 Anorexia Nervosa
    * Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height, for example, weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of that expected.
    * Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight.
    * Disturbance in the way one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight.
    * In postmenarcheal females, amenorrhea, i.e., the absence of at least 3 consecutive menstrual cycles. A woman having periods only while on hormone medication (e.g. estrogen) still qualifies as having amenorrhea.


    Restricting Type: During the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).

    Binge Eating/Purging Type: During the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior.

    307.50 Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
    This diagnosis includes disorders of eating that do not meet the criteria for the above two eating disorder diagnoses. Examples include
    1. For female patients, all of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except that the patient has regular menses.
    2. All of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except that, despite significant weight loss, the patient's current weight is in the normal range.
    3. All of the criteria for Bulimia Nervosa are met except that the binge eating and inappropriate compensatory mechanisms occur less than twice a week or for less than 3 months.
    4. The patient has normal body weight and regularly uses inappropriate compensatory behavior after eating small amounts of food (e.g., self-induced vomiting after consuming two cookies).
    5. The patient engages in repeatedly chewing and spitting out, but not swallowing, large amounts of food.
    6. Binge-eating disorder: recurrent episodes of binge eating in the absence if regular inappropriate compensatory behavior characteristic of Bulimia Nervosa.

    EDIT: Oh and FYI - Anorexia = a (α, prefix of negation), n (ν, link between two vowels) and orexis (ορεξις, appetite), meaning a lack of desire to eat.

    In the medical field the New Latin term of anorexia nervōsa is used = anorexia + nervōsa
    nervōsa being the feminine of the verb for nervous.
  • gretchann917
    also, those are not fake
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Hi Folks,

    This topic has been locked. The OP's post was NOT a violation of our guidelines, however subsequent posts were in violation. Attacking and calling out posters is not a way to prove your point. The guidelines in question state:
    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    This thread starts out constructively and different sides of the argument were well defined, however this quickly derailed into name calling and insult flinging.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you would like to review our guideline you can do so here:


    MyFitnessPal Staff
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