200 Pounds Gone!



  • Tonigirl519
    Tonigirl519 Posts: 39 Member
    awesome journey....and beautiful family and story...keep it going for you and for your children.
  • ozofeliz
    ozofeliz Posts: 20 Member
    Excuse me, but... go to weight loss surgery is the way ? what's the sample for young people ?
  • You are an amazing woman u give so many people hope. We all turn to something whether it be food booze working out etc and it sounds like you have found healthy ways to cope with pain. Xx
  • Fellyfeljenks
    Fellyfeljenks Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing. Inspired. God bless you and your family!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    I love the video and all the spiritual messages; lovely
  • To the person who said that I am not a good example to young people b/c I had weight loss surgery and that I am saying "weight loss surgery is the way"

    Let me clarify.

    I am not saying weight loss surgery is the way.

    I disclosed that I had weight loss surgery b/c I am an honest person and that is part of my story

    If the only thing that you caught from my story was that one part then I think you missed the rest.

    Weight loss surgery is not the way.

    Weight loss surgery is a tool that I chose to use.

    Did weight loss surgery get me here? No it did not.

    It helped.

    But what got me here was having faith and believing that I could change if I kept at it.

    Making the correct food choices.

    Working out every single day

    I do Crossfit.

    Weight loss surgery does not lift that bar.

    Weight loss surgery does not swing the kettlebells

    Weight loss surgery does not do planks and burpies.

    I do.

    I hope that helps explain what got me here.

    Oh..and one more thing. Thank you for your comment!

    Believe it or not, I really do believe you are entitled to your opinion and it's totally ok for you to disagree with my methods!

    The world is made up of many different people, opinions, methods and ways to get the job done. So soldier on and do what works for you!!
  • lovingmethin
    lovingmethin Posts: 47 Member
    I just looked at your youtube video. It brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you! Congrats to you on your weight loss!! 30 seconds at a time!!
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    Excuse me, but... go to weight loss surgery is the way ? what's the sample for young people ?

    there is nothing wrong with having surgery to help with your weight loss, all that matters is that you got the weight off! i would have considered weight loss surger as well if i was 417 lbs. congrats you look awesome!
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    You are truly an inspiration! congratulations on all your hard work and dedication. You are very blessed to have a family that loved and believed in you.
    May you continue to find happiness in the little things.:flowerforyou:
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    Amazing! So inspiring, thank you for sharing. Loved the video!
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    WOW. There are no words to accurately and completely do you justice. You should be SO proud of what you've accomplished and what you will continue to accomplish. Thank you for sharing, and inspiring. I wish you ALL THE BEST! <3
  • WOW!!!!!!!!! Your story is amazing and truly inspiring. All glory to God!!!

    Just fantastic!

    You look GORGEOUS.

    God bless you.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    WOW! What an amazing inspiration you are :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Wow! Truly, truly amazing! Unbelievable job!
  • Absolutely awesome! Congrats and keep up the good work!
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    I just looked at your youtube video. It brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you! Congrats to you on your weight loss!! 30 seconds at a time!!

    to OP: Likewise. I don't think I've been inspired by anything else like I have been by your video. Also, to those that criticize your use of weight-loss surgery, just ignore them. Obesity is a disease, like many other diseases we have learned to combat through homeopathic methods, medicine, etc. I've read your response, so this is more for the critics: Would you ask someone who had smoked all their life why they don't just quit cold turkey and use patches, etc.? People are allowed to make their own decisions, and it doesn't make what they do or don't any less valuable. 200 pounds is ten times the amount I would like to lose. Do you wish is upon the OP to still be working on the first one-hundred pounds? 16 months is less than two years. Think about it people.
    back to OP: Thank you for sharing your life-story and inspirational ideas with us!
  • Awesome job !!!!
  • Thanks everyone for your amazing and encouraging responses! I wish I could reply to each and every person that has commented here! The fact that you took the time to leave me a comment means the world to me. I have found that it is in supporting and encouraging others where we find strength for our own journey as well. I am very happy to have met so many wonderful people on here!

    Earlier, I received a somewhat negative comment regarding the fact that I had weight loss surgery to assist me in my efforts to lose the weight. I have a personal policy in my life to remain positive and not allow the negative in life to draw me in. Yet, I responded to the comment. I allowed myself to get defensive about it for a moment and I regret that. To the person who posted that comment, you are entitled to your opinion! Thank you for sharing it with me regardless of what it was.

    I received so many positive responses so why would I choose to respond to the one negative one?? Isn't this how we are often in life! We give more attention to the one negative comment than the thousands of positive comments. It is the same in our lives at times. Giving more thought and concern to what one person thinks about you rather than considering the other people in your life who may support you.

    I think this is our tendency in human nature. And it all feeds into the problem we often have with food. At least that is the case for me. When I allow myself to only see the negative, I get sucked into that and it leads back to the food. But when I choose to focus on the positive, I find myself having more inner strength to stay away from the food.

    I have struggled with a deeply embedded food addiction for a long time. It is so layered that I must constantly work on myself. I must constantly ask myself what I'm feeling and why I'm feeling that way. If I don't do this very carefully, I end up back in a bag of Reeses peanut butter cups.

    So I want to apologize to all the people who wrote something positive. For me to give more attention to one negative response shows a lack of appreciation.

    Also, I want to clarify what I said in my previous post to the person who did criticize my efforts. I got defensive and I said that weight loss surgery does not lift the bar at cross fit or the kettlebells or do burpies and planks. I DO.

    But I got that part wrong too. Yes I do it but for me personally, it is my faith in God that gives me the strength to even get out of bed and do THAT. So really it is not me who does it . It is Him working through me.

    Let me not ever get so defensive over anything I have accomplished that I begin to take credit for something that God has given me the inner strength to do. And I am not saying that to push any ideas on anyone. Only to give credit in my own life where it belongs.

    This was lengthy but I truly needed to write it.

    Thank you all!! I am here for any who need support and encouragement b/c you have given me so much along the way!

    Merry Christmas!!
  • I saw your youtube video of your weight loss journey. You don't know how much that helped me. Your Bible verses that you put down REALLY helped me. I had tears in my eyes. I'm suffering from a binge eating disorder, laxative abuse. I'm not overweight, i'm probably more underweight. You are an inspiration to me though, even though i'm not in the same category as you, your will to still strive on is an inspiration to me. You are an amazing women, & from what I see, you seem like a Godly women. Keep fighting the fight! <3
  • shrinkingislander
    shrinkingislander Posts: 315 Member
    You look amazing and one of my favourite transformations - AWESOME!
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