What food do you blame for making you fat?



  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ice cream. When I was young I would eat large bowls of ice cream every night.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I can't blame food.. I blame myself for not knowing when to stop shoving my face with the food.. doesnt matter what kind of food it is, i have never been good with portions and knowing when to stop!
  • Rice and bread. I ate a lot of sand wiches before sleeping
  • I can't blame food.. I blame myself for not knowing when to stop shoving my face with the food.. doesnt matter what kind of food it is, i have never been good with portions and knowing when to stop!

    LOVE IT!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I blame my bad choices..not one food..I hold the power to make better ones..so I am :)
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    No food preparation skills, so I relied on fast food and packaged foods. I was also physically addicted to soda to the point that I'd get a headache if I didn't have it for the day (like some people get headaches if they don't get coffee).
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    Horrible SWEET TOOTH!
  • This last pregnancy I couldn't stop eating ice cream - butter pecan and chocolate chip cookie dough, pizza hut, and mickey d's fish filet with extra pickles and tartar, no cheese LOL guess that's how I racked up 65 lbs smh...
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    hahaha. Not me. I have to eat like five or six cookies if I eat cookies. -.-;;

    I love avocados. Yes, they are good for you, but they are rather high in fat. I tend to eat a whole avocado in one sitting because I don't want to eat half of a brown one :P

    that is the ONLY way to eat an avacado...LOL I didn't know that you should only eat half.....and when I lived in California and could get all the avacados I wanted for free, I would bring home a bag equivelent to a 5 gal bucket...and eat them all in the same week...I never gained a pound from that....maybe I was younger then, but I still had to watch what I ate because I gain weight very easily....BUT THE AVACADOS NEVER WERE A PROBLEM...
  • I blame all food, and my massive lack of self-control combined with blatant refusal to move, ever.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
  • Chocolate, far too much of it!
  • GiaRose333
    GiaRose333 Posts: 3 Member
    Anything salty and crunchy, even better with lots of cheese!
  • I confess I am a chipoholic.... well and pizza too!
  • szank
    szank Posts: 1
    Mountain Dew is my weakness...:(
  • diamier
    diamier Posts: 66 Member
    Bread and cookies. Actually, I blame everything that has wheat as a base ingredient, because it has too much carbs and I feel bad after eating them...
  • diamier
    diamier Posts: 66 Member
    People say it's something like low willpower that you can't stop yourself from eating or when choosing what to eat is harder. But actually I feel even more depressed and miserable when I see, that everybody has eaten that nice piece of cake except me and there is no left anymore... Contolling yourself sucks, actually.. I think I just love sweets too much.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Over indulgence in carbs every day! In other words; my carb portions were huge with each meal and made me crave more!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Rice and bread. I ate a lot of sand wiches before sleeping

    ^^^ THIS + pasta
  • Christy175
    Christy175 Posts: 60 Member
    Carbs!!! Dessert with every meal! Yummm....