5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Hello -
    I'm a little late in starting the challenge, and new to MFP but I really need the motivation....just finishing a biggest loser challenge in my office and need to continue on my weight loss path! I've lost 33lbs since my son was born almost 10months ago, 10 of those in the last 12 weeks!! 5 lbs this month would be AWESOME!!!

    SW April 1: 181.2
    CW April 5: 180.0
    GW May 1: 176.2
    Your little red headed baby is a doll! Phyljen:happy:

    Well Thank you very much...i must agree with you :-) He certainly is motivation to get into shape...he will be running around before I know it!
  • nikkolatwell
    Count me in.
    Start date was February 7th 2010 SW 277
    Today April 1st 2010 CW 261.8 (that is 15 lbs in 2 months)

    Goal for April is at least 255 lbs.

    Honesty is all we have in live and to be able to succeed in life we must first and always be honest with ourselves.

    Checking in today April 5th

    SW 277
    April Challenge SW 261.8
    CW 259.0
    GW 255
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Me too Me too!!! :) Swim suit season is 8 weeks away!!
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    Good luck everyone!! I sure hope Easter dinner wont set me back to much lol. Today was my 10th day in a row for working out WOOHOO....Good luck everyone!!!

    Do not forget to drink your water!!:drinker:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi all!!
    finally got on the scales today and found that I had lost a pound since last Friday so I am down 15 total now. I hope to lose another one by this Friday, but I will have to work really hard to exercise off those three peanut butter cookies plus a few snacks in excess!!!!! that I ate yesterday! They sure were good though. :laugh:
    I started back with my hour swim this morning at 5:00 and it was HARD to roll out of bed while it was still dark. BUT I DID IT!
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Ok, did my official weigh in for the month!

    2/1/10: 233
    3/5/10: 228.2
    CW: 223.3
    GW 5/1/10: 218 Get me in the teens!

    I know it will be hard since we are going on a week long vacation Saturday but I'm going to try to be good!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi, All

    I couldn't get caught up on the posts...crazy busy here today...working on taxes this week....of course, I am missing one form

    I am going to weigh in on Friday. I know it's been awful. My knee and ankle were not doing well and I decided not to push the exercise although I would love to kick some booty on this challenge. We ate out nearly all weekend. I told hubby I am not eating out anymore!!!! That's it!

    I am doing the shred today...so, that will be at least 200 calories
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good day to all.

    This is from April 2010 Runner's World Magazine (the article discusses diet myths).


    The Truth

    Many dieters (I substituted the word dieters for the word runners because I think it applies to both) believe their metabolism plummets later in the day, which is when we often overeat nutritionally corrupt foods. But a calories is a calorie not matter when you eat is. As long as you do not take in more calories than you burn in a day you won't gain weight. Overeating at 9pm is not different than overeating at 9 am. You may have a slightly higher metabolism earlier in the day, but the impacton weight loss is likely trivial.

    And if you train in the evening noshing at night is a must. You have to eat a well balanced meal to encourage recovery no matter how late it is. As long as you don't gorge you're not in danger of gaining weight. Just don't spend too much time with Ben and Jerry at night.


  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Thank you Terri! I have to eat late a lot because of my class schedule. One thing this doesn't address is if I eat certain foods late at night, I don't sleep as well - which affects my exercise the next day. So, in an indirect way it can make a difference.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I don't typically eat at night and i workout during the day. But tonight I am going to take a Zumba class. I am a little worried that it will be hard for me to get to sleep and it is kind of throwing a wrench into my eating schedule. I just really wanted to try it once though. And I will have my dessert when I get home.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thank you Terri! I have to eat late a lot because of my class schedule. One thing this doesn't address is if I eat certain foods late at night, I don't sleep as well - which affects my exercise the next day. So, in an indirect way it can make a difference.

    I had not thought of that, but that is good point. I posted this because I have seen on other threads people who are afraid to eat after a certain time each night but in truth you have know your body, and work within your schedule. I know I have read that a protein and complex carb are the best night snacks. It just shows how important calorie counting can be!

    Lack of sleep really can take a toll on your exercise. It can also hinder you because tired people tend to do more mindless snacking.

  • siobhannestor
    Hi all, am finally back, after a month of being off - cat died :( (am still sad), work was crazy, and even though I was exercising, I wasn't getting enough sleep which is always a recipe for disaster - it's been proven to put on pounds. For me, craving for simple carbs goes up, as does overeating. The one thing that helped me to at least maintain some exercise last month is that I joined a team for the annual Healthy San Francisco challenge. Workers from various departments and programs commit to a certain amount of exercise per week, then compete. I joined the WIC (women, infants and children) Fabulous Foodies team - we are currently in 6th place out of 50 and I felt like I couldn't let my team down.

    I weighed myself last Friday - gained 4 pounds, which I am determined to lose + some this month. The fact that I have the flu right now and no appetite, and that I get sick when I do try to eat, will probably help. My goal is 7+ pounds this month and to get back to extensive exercise once over the flu.

    Weight on April 3 = 194
    Goal Weight for April 30 = 187
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all, am finally back, after a month of being off - cat died :( (am still sad), work was crazy, and even though I was exercising, I wasn't getting enough sleep which is always a recipe for disaster - it's been proven to put on pounds. For me, craving for simple carbs goes up, as does overeating. The one thing that helped me to at least maintain some exercise last month is that I joined a team for the annual Healthy San Francisco challenge. Workers from various departments and programs commit to a certain amount of exercise per week, then compete. I joined the WIC (women, infants and children) Fabulous Foodies team - we are currently in 6th place out of 50 and I felt like I couldn't let my team down.

    I weighed myself last Friday - gained 4 pounds, which I am determined to lose + some this month. The fact that I have the flu right now and no appetite, and that I get sick when I do try to eat, will probably help. My goal is 7+ pounds this month and to get back to extensive exercise once over the flu.

    Weight on April 3 = 194
    Goal Weight for April 30 = 187
    So sorry to hear about your cat. Stress and grief can really wreak havoc on our sleep cycles and then everything spirals. It good that you were able to exercise. Sorry that you have the flu. Just be sure to try to stay hydrated.:drinker: I am sure things will get better.
  • 3dogsand1
    3dogsand1 Posts: 13
    That's mine as well.
    SW 175
    CW 173
    GW 169
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    stress is getting the best of me the past couple of days....I REALLY need to find a better way to deal with stress than eating. Sad thing is I know that I emotionally eat, but still do it. aargh, just needed to vent. Tomorrow is another day, fresh start! and I am in control!!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Siobahn, welcome back, and I am just want to say I'm so sorry about your cat. Your team is doing great in your challenge - 6th out of 50 is awesome.

    In case the flu diet doesn't work, there's always the food poisoning diet - you have to find the right restaurant, but it works every time.

    And the other one I just found out about is the preparing for a colonoscopy diet. My husband dropped 3.5 pounds yesterday. All he had to do was drink that vile liquid for hours, run to the bathroom every ten seconds and not eat or drink for 24 hours -

    C'mon!!! That's not so hard - we could all do it. Let's start a new group. Takers? Anyone?
  • deeann1459
    deeann1459 Posts: 116
    I think I tried that one... Its called not reading labels.

  • lplietome
    Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and really need some help in losing 15 pounds in order to get back to healthy. According to the BMI I am overweight, which really scares me since both my parents are obese. I will not let myself get to that point! I would like to join you all in the challenge to lose at least 5 pounds this month. I have been at a steady weight for 6 months now after gaining for 6 months, so the next step is to lose that extra weight gain!!!

    Good luck to everyone else!!!

    SW: 160lbs
    CW: 160lbs
    GW: 130lbs
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I'm BACK!!! :laugh: Hello All!!!

    Phyljen and TCASMEY Thank you so much for asking if I am ok! I am doing fine, a little bit heavier than before, but good just the same!

    I am sorry I have not been on. Boy how I have missed you! I realized that I seem to log in and get lost in beautiful MFP land for hours and hours. So I had to not log in for a few weeks to deal with life!
    I had two reasons for not logging in…
    1st - Work has been crazy! I have had a very busy admissions season at the school. Mailing letters and contacts, processing tuition checks, forms, forms, and more forms! I have been helping a prego co-worker by helping her with planning Graduation (she will be gone having her daughter early May), helping stressed out parents of kids coming and going and in between. Plus I am the yearbook advisor and our deadline was last night! I hope the book is well received by the community because I stayed up many a late night editing and fussing over every little detail. Maybe that is one more reason to love MFP I feel so free to not proof read! :tongue:
    2nd I had a close friend pass way suddenly. He was the husband of my best friend from high school. My friend is having a very hard time with her loss. She is a stay at home mom and feels so worried she now has no income to support her 14 month old baby. She was not taking care of herself, not eating and not showering. I felt I had to help her out and took her in. Moving her out of her house and into mine was a lot mentally to deal with. I was taking care of 3 kids and she needed lots of attention as well, like a 4th kid really. It is just so sad seeing someone change like that. I couldn't even tell her that I understand! She didn't want to talk to a Dr and I felt she needed help. Well long story short I called her mother in FA and let her know she was needed, she flew her and the baby out a few nights ago and plans to have them live with her until she can get back on her feet. I am planning on visiting her in a few months and bring some of stuff I am holding for her. I am still worried but I feel like sending her to be with family would be best for both our families.

    Sooooo, that sums up what you missed in my life! I have been working out when I can but have not been focused on me in the last few weeks. I am trying to drink my water again and I am working on sleep which I need more of. No more calling My love and telling him I can't make dinner in time for bedtime please pick something up on the way home. I am so looking forward to starting up again and check in daily with all you. I have no idea what I weigh but I would guess I put on about 5 lbs. 150-153?


    ps Can someone tell me how to post a picture on here? I need to show phyljen my blue hair! (It was changed from purple because the men staff members had a revolt, lol)
  • staceylynn073
    new here today, but would love to jump on the challenge for april!

    current weight: 140
    goal for april: 135
    overall goal: 125 - and keep it off!