
  • This is day 1 of Myfitnesspal program. I came across this thread and decided to give it a read & I liked what I read. So ladies, Happy New Year and good luck to us all for the accomplishments to come.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy New Year beautiful ladies:flowerforyou: !!!!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Happy New Year to all my fabulous friends!

    Making Kate's venison meatloaf with elk! It smells so good baking
    In the oven. Girls want mash potato's and green beans to go with
    the elk!
    We will spend a quiet evening at home with our fur people!
    We will be safe and enjoy being with each other to bring in 2013!

    I am looking forward to the year together with all of you!
    You truly have made a positive difference in my life!

    So, here's to daily vitamin F, health and happiness with
    all of you!
    Hugs, Linda S
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Happy new year everybody! :heart:

    Barbiecat-I'm so glad you are keeping this thread going! And I love the graphic!!
    Mshuggies-nice start!
    Kathy-congratulations!! I've not yet joined the Grandmothers club but ....someday! My oldest son gets married this April.
    Lila-happy new year to you too!!
    Drkatiebug-me too! I need to check in more on this thread! I just love all these inspiring women!!
    Deb-nicely said!
    Linder-enjoy your party!
    Texasgal-((()))) hugs to you!
    Jb-tamales? Is that some tradition? Sounds good!
    Lindas-elk? Sound interesting! We eat a lot of deer here in Tennessee. I like the jerky best!
    Everybody else-HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! THIS IS OUR LUCKY 13!!!!:bigsmile:
    Nancy from Tennessee
  • LillieMaesMom
    LillieMaesMom Posts: 7 Member
    Hi MFP 50+ Ladies! I hope I qualify in a couple of months, because by then I'll be 60! As time goes on, it gets no easier. I've lost considerable weight with Weight Watchers twice in the past 20 years. This time I'm using Jenny Craig. I've decided that this is the last 'diet' I'll be on, because I am making a lifestyle change. My rheumatologist told me this is my 'last chance' to help my arthritis and head off diabetes. My mind is made up. I've lost 8 1/2 lbs since Thanksgiving, and have about 45 lbs to go. I appreciate the support I receive from my Jenny Craig online support group, and hope to get to know/support you all too! Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year! :flowerforyou:
  • LillieMaesMom
    LillieMaesMom Posts: 7 Member
    Happy New Year to all!:happy:
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Welcome Lilliemaesmom! Love the cute dog in your profile pic!
  • LillieMaesMom
    LillieMaesMom Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, Nancy. That's our furry kid, Miss Lillie Mae. I'm not sure how this message board works, so I hope you see my reply. I see that you've experienced great success already! Are you losing on your own, or on a program? Do you utilize all aspects of MFP? Thanks for any advice you can give.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    M - congrats on getting rid of those 14's. Feels good, huh?

    DeeDee - the other thing growing up was that we didn't have hundreds of TV channels. You could probably count on two hands how many TV channels we had. Woo Hoo on the weight and inches lost! FANTASTIC!

    Did 30 minutes of yoga today (tried out my new DVD). I called at 6 and they said the extremepump class is on, that they haven't heard of any cancellation so I'll go. Tomorrow I'll try a rebounding DVD that I got.

    Deb - I'm so proud of your for losing the weight without surgery (my apologies to anyone who has had surgery). The extremepump class is like the body pump class. The difference is that if there is a body pump class, they are paying for their routines and music. Body pump is a full body workout with a barbell. Our Y has a program based on this but they call is "cardiopump". To me, it's a good full body workout.

    Liz - I'm with you, I like being the first person up in the house. A little quiet, time to exercise by myself without interruptions, time to think of what needs to be done for the rest of the day. I love it. Have fun tonight

    Viv - tomorrow starts a new year, an absolutely clean slate.

    Cheryl - that was so very nice of your friend. The meal sounds (and looks) amazing

    sakthorp - welcome, just jump right in, we're so happy you decided to join us.

    Eileen - congrats on the scale showing the 140's. That's awesome!

    janehadji - we don't exactly sleep thru New Years Eve, but as soon as the ball drops we do head off to bed.... I agree, I've found that when I have a high protein breakfast, I'm really not hungry much the rest of the day. You know, someone once asked me "are you from the South? They always send food home with people or send food to people" Vince just answered "no, she's Polish, and her family ALWAYS does that". That's just the way I was raised, no one leaves my house empty handed and when I send something, I usually include something that I made.

    It's truly amazing how some days you think you're well within your calorie range, and after logging, you find that your not. Then there are those days when you're sure you went over, and you didn't.

    suebdew - feel better fast!

    smilingrn - good to see you again. Come back often, we're all here for you and have been where you are, things will get better.

    LindaSundance - fantastic weight loss!

    Lin - what great accomplishments you've made this year!

    janielou - welcome. If you have any questions at all, just ask and someone will answer

    Mary8n8 - you've come to the right place for motivation, that's for sure

    Welcome everyone else that's new, too many to mention individually.

    Kathy - congrats

    I'm so grateful for everyone here. All the good ideas, tips, helpfulness, everything. Love getting my daily dose of Vitamin F

    Going to post to mark my spot. Happy New Year everyone!

  • I am 54 and I started with MFP back in Sept. It has been a life saver to me. I don't think i could have lost the weight without it. I still have a ways to go and I WILL get there. Every Jan my new years resolution would be to lose weight and every yr would go by with little or no effort. Well 2013 starts out with me not having to make that resolution cause I am already on that right path and it feels good. Hopefully by the beginning of summer I will have reached my goal. Happy New Year everyone
  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    Feel free to add me -- I'm a grandma 3 times over. When the last one came along I decided I wanted to be the fit grandma that can hang with the little one. So far I've lost over 100 pounds and looking to lose another 35 or so. I'll be around as long as the internet hangs in there with me.

  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi to the group-- looks like a great group. My resolution for January is to walk up the stairs at work.
  • CA1954
    CA1954 Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone,

    This is day 2 for me, and I am glad I found this thread Lost a lot of weight (but not to my goal) a while back, and now it is trying to creep back on but I refuse to allow that to happen. Whenever I mention the fact that I am gaining weight everyone just says, "But you lost so much! You are still smaller than before." Not good enough...when I first started to gain again, I just blamed it on hormones and age, but I was only fooling myself. I had stopped exercising and didn't compensate for that by changing how I ate. If I don''t fix this now, I will gain all my weight back and kill myself. So here I am in need of support.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy New Year! Eileen
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    HAPPY NEW 2013 to all the amazing pals here on MFP! Hope you all have a thoughtful (yes, quiet time at last!) restful (need that!)
    day to make resolutions that are realistic and best for you! I will be walking and planning what to do to change my life!

    Here is a champagne stein to you all :drinker:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy New Years to all my friends here. You have become very important to me. I thrive on Vitamin F. I'm not big on resolutions, but I made two for this year that I' know I'll work hard to accomplish..

    2013 Resolutions:
    Love my family and my friends.
    Log my food.
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy new year my friends.

    A special thank you to Barbie for keeping this thread going. It has been a privilege to be part of it for the past three years.

    Off for a walk but will drop in again later.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    :drinker: A toast to the greatest gals in the world. Guess what's in my cup at 6:30 New Years Day. Your all wrong water water and more water.

    But I still have my coffee with me to.

    So no time to post to all this morning. Today is one of my busier days of the year. Having open house chinese dinner for friends and family wish you were closer and could join me. I'd have you chopping veg. lol. One good thing about chinese there's a lot of veg. dishes. So not all bad and I use the good oils not the cheap stuff. I still use peanut oil got use to that with my chip stand and loved it then and still do.

    Wishing all that come by a very Happy day and a very properous New Year .

    Linda C
  • maxandmabel
    maxandmabel Posts: 2 Member
    I have recently started back and plan to lose weight this year. Beigh 58 it sometimes gets hard but I will stick with it this year.