What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    "Are you sure you aren't pregnant? You look really big." That one got me so pissed.
  • weightlifter01
    weightlifter01 Posts: 564 Member
    A friend once pulled apart my suit jacket and asked "what happened to you....."....
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    You're just not attractive to me any more this heavy......:ohwell:
  • m8605
    m8605 Posts: 102
    So here's some context: one of my close friends is Chinese and his mom doesn't speak alot of english. When I came back to atlanta after four-five years of college she said "You got fat".

    I didn't really find it really hurtful but at a gig not more than like a month or two ago I went to hug my bass player and this chick he was talking to and she went "I got my face smothered in man titties! Yes!" She did say that "she was f*d up"

    Its more.. only I'm allowed to make the weight jokes. Everyone else seems to be cool otherwise.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    "I liked you better before you lost weight" o_0
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Was out for a run and took a lap to walk and some jack yelled out the window, ` it's gonna take more then walking.` It wasn't as personal as some of your guys comments, but it's probably the meanest thing anyones ever said to me. ( plus it was at a valley wide so I'm pretty sure he had his kid or Lil brother in his car cause he was leaving the baseball game, hate a kid to see or think bulling is ok)
    Worst part is its didn't push me it make not wanna workout in public and it took me a good year to get back out there and go for runs. On well that guy can suck it cause now I bet I can run miles around him!
    Oh almost forgot the worst! Apparently my half sis told my mom she could see how my life would end up and I would just keep gaining weight and gaining weight and my husband would leave me! Who the f says that especially family! I try not to hold to much of a grudge since at the time she was just deciding to leave her husband and she's not exactly in shape and I know she was projecting. Went six months without telling her I lost a pound, there's a pic of us at thanksgiving (when she finally saw my loss) on my page, she doesn't look super happy but I was :)
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    It was 24 years ago. I was about to deliver my first baby. I wasn't obese, not even close, but hey, I WAS preggo chubby. Skinny nurse in my labour room takes one look at me and announces to the other nurses, her eyes rolling back into her skull, "This one's gonna be awhile. The fat ones always take all night,"

    Da. *kitten*?

    Seriously. I would've had words with this woman.
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I was working in a department store and a customer stopped me to ask if I knew the gender of my baby yet- I wasn't pregnant.

    My Dad also likes to get out old photos of me from when I was a teenager and tell me how much he wishes that girl would come back.

    And last month on a crowded plane my mum told me- fairly loudly- I was taking up too much room in the aisle when I had to stand to let the window seat person out. The next day at a family dinner my mother also informed the entire table that I wasn't permitted to have dessert and that everyone needed to keep a watchful eye on me to make sure I didn't sneak some!

    I've also been compared to my fiance's dad who weighs around 60kg more than me!

    I could go on all day... sorry.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Around puberty (about 10-11 for me) I was called fat by my classmates so many times I just sort of accepted it.

    I wasn't fat AT ALL, but that's what happens when you all of a sudden have hips and boobs and the other girls in your class still look like children. At a whopping 5'5 (as tall as I am now) I also towered over them, to add insult to injury.

    Is it any wonder that I still have a "bull in a china shop" complex?
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    A jerk in high school told me to effin move cuz no one could get around me. There was plenty of room, he was a jack@ss.

    My sister told me once when I was watching Say Yes To The Dress that I was too fat to wear any of those dresses.

    My sister also said I was fat and so is my fiance and she made a crude and vulgar remark comparing intimacy between us to "slabs of blubber slapping together" (shes a great sister, huh? I won't be the fat twin much longer)
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    The worst sometimes is the way we think and feel about ourselves. I'm 4 changing that in 2013. Role call is anyone with me?.:heart:
  • Regarding your friend's Chinese mom... there is an "appropriate" gene apparently missing in Chinese DNA. I live in China, been here for almost 5 years. As a 6'4", 280 lb, white guy, I kinda stick out! I teach a wide age range of students, and even at an early age (4-8 years old) I can't count the number of times I was greeted by a first time student with, "Teacher, you're SO FAT!!!". To which I like to reply, in my head, "Yeah, but you're ugly/have huge ears/rotten teeth... and I can lose weight!".

    So, here I am to lose weight!
  • im 19 and in high school I would constantly get MOOed at.
    get things thrown at me during lunch and classes and a few times people threw food at me and shouted " eat more fat cow " or "eat more til you die nobody wants your fata** around here anyway"

    and my family wonders why I hated high school..
    gotta love the " you have such a pretty face,, if only you lost weight. " comments too
    Cant wait until I have my gastric bypass surgery and have a fantastic 2013 year and put all this crap behind me.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    After seeing me for the first time in about a year:"Wow, you used to be smoking hot!"
    Yeah,well i'm still way out of your league jack#ss. I wasn't even overweight.:grumble:
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I don't think that there is any positive way to comment on people's weight. If you say " man you have lost a lot of weight, you are really starting to look great." That implies that up until that point one looked like Sh1t.

    That being said, I just saw my dad this week for the first time in 2 years. I have lost over 100# and he did not say a single thing. Not a positive word. All he commented on was what I was eating and how he stays away from that stuff and how he can't believe that we all loose weight so differently. Then a dissertation on a women that he works with and lost more than I have and has gained it all back.

    In my twisted head the translation read: "You won't keep off the weight therefore I'm not going to comment on it. I am going to point out all of the things your doing wrong to remind you of how you will fail."
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    im 19 and in high school I would constantly get MOOed at.
    get things thrown at me during lunch and classes and a few times people threw food at me and shouted " eat more fat cow " or "eat more til you die nobody wants your fata** around here anyway"

    and my family wonders why I hated high school..
    gotta love the " you have such a pretty face,, if only you lost weight. " comments too
    Cant wait until I have my gastric bypass surgery and have a fantastic 2013 year and put all this crap behind me.

    Congrats. I had RNY in May and have lost 108 #s. Friend Me. I never knew people were really that mean. In my life people are more passive aggressive.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    when i was 8 months pregnant i was also very fat. i was fat to start with (5'2" and 100kgs (220lbs)). then pregnant i went up to about 120kgs (250lbs i reckon). i was walking back from the hospital after yet another scan. it was the middle of a heatwave and was about 36 degrees, and i was sweating. i was eating a bounty ice cream bar, which was awesome. then a group of teenage boys just kind of surrounded me and started making whale noises and really spelling out how fat i was. then they walked away singing 'i predict a diet', which was in tune to the then popular tune 'i predict a riot'. i cried when i got home, after i finished abusing them in return.
    also when i was about 8 my dad put me on a diet. he told me it was because i was too fat and he wouldn't take me anywhere because how i looked embarrassed him.
  • zoraiya
    zoraiya Posts: 38 Member
    Over 6 years ago I was shopping for my bridesmaid dresses at a local mall. I was walking along the sidewalk on the outside of the building next to the road, and a car pulled up along side me. The car was full of guys, probably between the ages of 20-30. The car slowed down and drove along side me as I walked. The whole time I heard laughs, and the guy in the passenger side said "Damn girl, Subway diet didn't work, huh?" They remained driving next to me, laughing, until I got into the building. I never looked at them, just kept walking.

    To this day I still remember it, and to this day it still hurts. You'd think that would have been motivation enough to lose the weight, but it wasn't.

    I'm doing it now, though. And that's all that matters.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    These are awful. Sorry to hear all of these. :heart: