What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • onepillarofsalt
    onepillarofsalt Posts: 37 Member
    When I got married, a cousin I hadn't seen in about twelve years crashed the ceremony (and decided to give me his twelve-steps I'm Sorry speech during the receiving line thing). I was heavier than when he had last seen me (given I was ten when he disappeared and twenty-two when he showed up again). A couple years later he said, "yeah, I remember at your wedding... man! I was shocked by how much weight you had put on! I mean, you've gotten really big." I was maybe 30 pounds overweight.

    ... Says the guy with rotted meth-addict teeth who had just gotten out of prison. YOU WEREN'T EVEN INVITED! ARGH!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    My husband told me I was so disgusting that touching me made him vomit.

    I hope he is now your ex husband. Or well on the way.
  • lmutdosch63
    When is your baby due? I wasn't pregnant.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    My grandma told me " if you dont ever lose weight then no guy is ever going to want you" told me that when i was like 16 it really did hurt...
  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    You'd be so pretty, if you lost weight.
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    my mom (who is also overweight BTW and has always been a lot heavier than me) used to ask me constantly if i "needed" to be eating that.... "I thought you were on a diet....guess you aren't anymore, huh?" "look at those thighs... aren't they called thunder thighs?"

    she has now lost 40 lbs, and I have gained 40 lbs (I was 160 when she would say the above comments). All it took was me telling her a couple months ago I didn't need her damn commentary. and she has since stopped with the negative comments.

    the most irritating comments though are when I am talking to a much skinnier friend, who has never been overweight, and they say "gosh I am so fat. its just gross"..... THANKS for that. cause now I know how you view me. :grumble:
  • GangreneHeart
    My husband told me I was so disgusting that touching me made him vomit.

    I hope he is now your ex husband. Or well on the way.

    We are most definitely not together anymore.
  • babystepsforward
    babystepsforward Posts: 52 Member
    That i look dead :'(
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    I was bullied from about 3rd grade until 7th. Called fat pig, oinker, fat *kitten*, etc.. Lost a bunch of weight during summer after 6th grade and moved across town. From 7th until 9th I went bully free. Then 9th grade I was about a size 8 and was constantly called fat. I remember one guy saying, "look at your thighs jiggle! That is disgusting!!" Then I actually gained a ton of weight starting at about 18. I only had one guy point out my weight by saying, "Move your fat *kitten*!!"

    Most recently was during my pregnancy when people would constantly argue with me about how many babies I was pregnant with. My coworker constantly said it must've been triplets and that the other two were hiding behind my daughter. It was very seldom I went without hearing how huge I was. People can be cruel and pretty stupid.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    About a year ago, I was in the car with my husband at a stop light and some guys in the car next to me yelled out the window that I was a "Fat *****". That really hurt, especially as I didn't know them, had done nothing wrong and couldn't understand why a perfect stranger would feel the need to be so mean.
  • Rwtmo
    Rwtmo Posts: 12 Member
    I was at a work conference (a long, long way from home) and it was the end-of-conference meal in a restaurant. One of the guys I had met at the meeting and spoken to a few times came over to our table grinning and said he'd just walked up to another woman in the restaurant and asked her a question, thinking it was me by mistake, ha ha, looked *exactly* like me apparently. I looked across where he was pointing and the woman was very big, I mean barely able to walk big. I was so stunned I said nothing (although another colleague was very indignant on my behalf). I was about a UK20 at the time and it was a wake-up call how some people saw me.
  • Running2Life
    I had a crush on this one boy for the longest time. One day he made the comment "You really need to lose some weight." It hurt. Alot. I was 12 at the time, but I still remember it to this day.
  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    My doctor told me to 'put down the cookies' as young as age 4. I've never eaten cookies, at least not since this year. *grumble*.

    I was also very overweight in middle school. One of my 'friends' would constantly leave me out. I overheard her talking to my other friend about how I was going to start breaking the chairs. Keep in mind, this was only 7th grade.

    Then, I had a teacher comment on my body in front of the whole class about how thin I looked while I had an eating disorder. She exclaimed, loudly, "You're too thin! You look unhealthy!" Then, of course, when I went into the hospital, she told all the girls in my class where I was. Nice, eh?

    Worst was probably my doctor the appointment I went in for an /eating disorder/ check. She told me I could still lose 5lbs and that I was too big to have an eating disorder. I was 140 at 5'8...Not neccessarily overweight.

    I hate this! " I was too big to have an eating disorder" You don't have to be a certain size or weight to be mentally ill. I used to be 140 and 5'8 and there is nothing overweight about it. You didn't need to lose 5 pounds. >:( Ignorant doctors piss me off.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I have a few. A few years ago I had made a vow to jog every day while spending the summer with my dad. One evening after a workout my dad and I were talking about it and he said, "Now when you go back to college, when the boys look at you, you'll know you'll be able to get them because you'll be a pretty skinny girl."

    Like, OUCH. (By the way, a year later I met the love of my life, (and current fiance) and I was definitely NOT slender. We'll be married in October.

    Another time was when I was in high school, and my crush found out I liked him. He later told my best friend that I was a fat, red-faced elf. (I have rosacea.) That killed me, and also got me on the evil path to purging and starving myself. Comments like that HURT. Luckily this isn't high school anymore, and my wonderful future husband thinks I am the most gorgeous woman he's ever laid eyes on. Now I'm going to look good for me, and not anyone else :)
  • calisunrise
    when i was around 8, i heard some girl's mother say "who was that fatty girl?" and the girl answered "she's not a fatty, she is just very chubby" and both laughed.
    a year ago, i was at my friend's band's concert and in-between songs, some random guy pointed at me and shouted "THUNDER THIGHS!"
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    Wow, these comments are horrible :( I was fortunate enough to not be the subject of too much bullying (to my face at least)even though I was overweight pretty much my whole life. One comment really sticks out in my mind though.

    When I was about 15 my self consciousness and extremely low self esteem started getting the better of me and I went on some completely insane diet that would likely be classified as an eating disorder. One day I was eating one measly little cookie, when out of nowhere my younger brother said to me "Maybe if you would put down the cookies for once you wouldn't be suck a ****ing fat *kitten*". He had never said anything like that before and to this day I still have to idea where it came from. I threw the cookie in the garbage and didn't eat anything for the rest of the day, and after that my insane diet became even closer to straight up starvation.

    Sooo glad I got over the cripplingly low self-esteem.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    A very good friend of mine said he would have to "hoist" me up in to his Jeep, this was after about 1/2 my current weight loss.

    My very best male friend is a ladie's man....and on his truck he put "No Fat Chicks." I know it wasn't aimed at me in the least, but it irks me none the less. Every time I see it I wonder why he's such good friends with me.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    It was 24 years ago. I was about to deliver my first baby. I wasn't obese, not even close, but hey, I WAS preggo chubby. Skinny nurse in my labour room takes one look at me and announces to the other nurses, her eyes rolling back into her skull, "This one's gonna be awhile. The fat ones always take all night,"

    Oh my GOD! I'm a nursing student and I couldn't even IMAGINE saying something like that in front of a patient. I would have reported her!!!!!!!
  • jayne_mel
    jayne_mel Posts: 173 Member
    Obviously the other end of the spectrum but that I looked like a concentration camp victim
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I started out a size 20, I'm down to a 12 and my goal size is 6. I don't want to be super skinny I'd look sickly cause I'm large frame, and I also don't want to lose my boobs by getting too skinny either. Anyways back to the topic at hand, My Uncle over Christmas told me to "stop it right now, I've already lost too much wight!" I've only lost about 40 pounds and I want to drop 50 more, I'm not even at a health BMI yet for Christ sake