
  • cherisuzanne
    cherisuzanne Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone, I am also posting for the first time. Almost 57 and down 22 lbs (18 on MFP) with 50 more to go. Nana to 5 grandchildren. Live in the beautiful NW but 4 of my grandchildren are in New Hampshire! Fly back often but need to fit into the plane seat better!

    My goals for January are:
    1. Log all my food daily
    2. Lower carbs and increase omega 3
    3. Exercise daily. Poor health so need to go slow but do something everyday!

    I am enjoying readings the community posts. It has motivated me!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and Happy New Year, ladies! I hope everyone had a fun time ringing out the old.

    For today, I'm just posting an interesting article about a new book. It talks about something I harp on all the time - how carbs, and in particular sugar, affect our body and why it's the reason we overeat.


    Now I'm going to catch up on what everyone's been up to and be back to chat soon.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I am not a fan of new years resolutions (for myself) I am finding better results with monthly goals...for me this is changing 25+ years of bad habits...so that being said...January goals:

    60 miles of movement...bike, row, walk
    weight train or kettlebell at least once a week
    2 veggies for dinner and cut out the mindless snacking after dinner
    Keep a positive attitude with the new office...I don't remember who said bigger isn't necessarily better...but we are happily discovering that our little office did ok for our customers and I guess we are surprised that this Corp really seems to be behind the times...hopefully we can bring some new insights...we shall see how receptive management (never had that before either lol) is...sorry got off on a tangent!

    Rebel - I look forward to the fruit/veggie challenge...I think it will really be a challenge for me but hopefully fun to do with others

    I am not too good at responding individually, but I read and enjoy all the posts...welcome to all the newcomers and thank you barbie for continuing the thread...did you get the bike fixed...I hope so...if not yet, soon!

    Hugs and high fives!
  • hello all
    I lost my way somewhere between Thanksgiving and now and gained a lot. It's time to readjust my priorities and make time for me and take care of me. I am an emotional eater--I stuff emotions that are better left unsaid by not saying whatever, but stuffing it down by stuffing my face.

    1. be kind to myself by eating quality food.
    2. exercise to reduce stress and shape up 5x a week
    3. record what I eat in a notebook daily, and online at least 2x a week
    4. weigh in weekly
    5. write out what is bugging me instead of stuffing my face

    hope everyone a blessed new year!
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    I am struggling with how to respond as well, so I wish us both success in figuring it out!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Hello everyone -

    I trust your day is going well. It's been a pretty good day here. It's very cold, I've stayed indoors and have been busy reading information online and from a book I'm finding quite interesting. So if there are any Dr. Fuhrmanites out there, I've been reading about toxic hunger and true hunger. I get it---toxic hunger and cravings are very bad and we want to rid ourselves of them BUT true hunger I'm not understanding as well. He describes it as throat hunger. I think my entire life I've had the growling stomach, stomach crampy feeling, etc. and that's been hunger to me. If anyone out there has moved to true hunger can you clue me in a bit more?

    I did some walking today, also a Leslie Sansone fast mile, and a bit of really slow jogging. Which leads me along to my action plan for 2013---I want to increase the intensity of my activity as often as I can. The first target is 2 days a week.

    I already eat fruits and vegetables every day but I'd like to hear more about the challenge.

    Wishing everyone success. There's enough to go around for everyone!!


  • pkoll
    pkoll Posts: 135 Member
    Glad to see that there is a whole thread for 50+. Been on MFP for about 3 months. Have lost 10# with just diet alone. Pretty good for not being very motivated. My goal is to start an exercise program this year. I don't post much, but like to read others' posts for motivation.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    And now I’m catching up with everyone in the New Year. If I haven’t said it to you yet, Happy New Year to all my loser friends lol :laugh:!

    DebA, congratulations on all the positive changes in your life. You are a great motivator to us as well. I hope you continue to come back and help the rest of us on our journey.

    Lin, LOL :laugh:!

    JanieL, welcome!

    Jb, tamales – yum!

    Mary8, welcome! You’ll find lots of help and support here.

    Texasgal, Happy New Year to you as well!

    NancyS, welcome. I hope we have lots of victories this year.

    Jen, hope the game went your way. I have lots and lots of LA friends who were disappointed, but my neighbor and her daughter/alum are very, very happy today :drinker:.

    Kathy2924, welcome and congratulations in advance to the new baby. I became a grandmother a little over a year ago, and she was one of the main reasons I started getting serious about becoming healthy.

    Mshuggys – welcome!

    Lila – we love sushi. It’s about the only meat I eat – raw fish lol. When DH and I were still dating I bought him a sushi-making kit, and we’ve been perfecting it ever since. I even bought another serving tray for Christmas this year. So fun.

    Linda, your meatloaf sounds wonderful. Yes, more vitamin F for the new year!

    Nancy from TN – yes – lucky 13!

    LillieMaesMom – welcome and good luck. Love the cutie-puppy!

    Michele, yes, it does feel good. I’m trying to not get too comfortable here, but it’s a good place to be even if I don’t lose another ounce. However, I really want to lose another 20 lbs by next summer. We’ll see if my body is in agreement lol.

    LindaFJ, congratulations on the loss so far, and I hope you reach your goal. You are already quite a ways along on the path – good job!

    LindaS, wow! Congratulations on the loss so far – and enjoy being able to play with those precious little ones.

    FiftySix, that’s a good resolution!

    CA1954 – I agree, it’s so easy to let exercise slip and then see the weight start to creep up again. In fact, after I finish this post I’m going to go do the workout I skipped this morning. Good for you for recognizing what’s happening and acting to keep it from getting out of control.

    Happy New Year, Eileen and BJ and Amanda.

    Katla, I agree, I’m not big on resolutions but will post mine here shortly.

    Lin, LOL on the water in your cup. It’s in mine now– but I had the coffee too. Your open house sounds fun – have a wonderful day!

    DeeDee, you sound like you did wonderful for December. If you keep on the healthy path, your scale will come along, and even when it’s not budging your body is getting stronger and more fit, and that’s really the goal.

    Barbara, welcome back and keep coming back!

    Sigmarhose, I like your goals a lot too. Always treat yourself with kindness – it’s a gift that will keep giving.

    Robin, good for you for letting the stress go. I hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: . I’ve been so fortunate to have skated free so far of all the bugs going around – I blame it on never leaving the house lol. I also think getting outside and getting lots of fresh air and exercise has helped a lot. Have fun with the baby’s first birthday!

    Bjmcq, keep on with the good clean eating – it makes such a difference.

    JeannetteMac, we always have room for positive people lol! Is that a picture of you? It’s beautiful.

    Doobiedoo, I hope the new year brings the changes you want.

    Rka58, welcome – we have a number of people who are struggling with meds and weight. Grr. Yes, you will need lots of energy for that baby :smile:.

    SaltyMama, you sound like you’re in exactly the same place I was last summer. I too have a birthday coming up:flowerforyou: – another Aquarian? This is a one-day-at-a-time journey, but it’s such a grand feeling.

    Rebel, congratulations on that loss for December! That’s quite a feat! And yes, get moving. It will make your body stronger and lead to a better ability to fight the good fight lol. Looking forward to hearing about the veggie-fruit day challenge!

    2gabbee, great goals!

    JaneM, good goals too! Love the picture of the new baby – so cute!

    Cheryl, LOL about the cookie! No way was I going to be able to log everything from last night – up to and including the drinks:drinker: . Does your fitbit include net calories? I wouldn’t fret about the horseback riding – you can’t do much about an injury.

    Sassmo, (love the name) – glad to hear you’re learning a lot here.

    Mouth5667, ugh on the stress eating. It’s the pits – when you’re feeling stressed it feels like the least you can do is be able to treat yourself. I understand. I hope your husband is doing better – and welcome to that new grandchild!

    Colleen, glad that you’re finding your “voice” lol :laugh:.

    Joyce, yes, it’s so hard to make ourselves a priority but it’s necessary. We don’t do anyone any favors if we’re running short.

    Cherisuzanne – welcome, and congratulations on the loss so far! I too have a grandchild across the country, the other way. I can relate to the seat fitting – they’re hard to fit in when you’re “normal” sized!

    Jen, I like making your goals something tangible, like a set number of miles or minutes – great way to think about it!

    Lorarock, I like the idea of writing out your thoughts too. I find it’s helpful.

    So, I completely went on vacation for the end of the year – but thanks to an active vacation of chasing around DGD and skiing managed to keep my weight in check. However, yesterday was bad, so I’m grateful it’s today and I can get back on track. DH and I generally go on a New Year’s clean-out – healthy eating, less or no alcohol, etc. He’s still trying to decide what he wants to do for exercise – he has a big trial coming up soon and will be traveling a lot. He’s also gained back around seven pounds of his 25 lost. He’s not the type to stress about it, but I know he doesn’t want to gain it all back so he’s going to get back to being serious about losing.

    As for me, I like the idea of making my goals tangible. I’ve been pretty good about sticking with my goals – exercising every day, drinking my water most of the time, eating pretty good. However, I let the chips and cookies get in the way this past month and tend to rationalize a little too much to myself that it's OK, so I'm cleaning out the cupboards in addition to my body this month. I’m also setting a mini-goal of losing 20 lbs by next summer – I have a feeling I’m going to have to push past a plateau that seems to be coming on, so that means more exercising on a regular basis. Good thing I’m changing up my workout.

    January Goals:
    :flowerforyou: Exercise twice a day: Combat in the morning, then another workout or walk during the day six days a week.
    :flowerforyou: Try to reduce stress more by keeping on top of my work and keeping my space clean. Finish my work before playing.
    :flowerforyou: Increase my protein intake – get my nutrition plan back into a 40/40/20 ratio.


  • housegirl2
    housegirl2 Posts: 79 Member
    Happy New Year. I missed a new years party last night, thereby missing the temptation of the foods that would be there. Not that might pizza and whine ;-) I mean wine was any better choice! Did give me some reflection time, cleaned out cabinets and drawers in my kitchen, rearranged spices, cooked a pot of really good bean soup and feel good today.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well, had a blast at the New Year's party, I did eat a little too much, but not as bad as I would have been. I pretty much stuck with the meat and veggies, and I did have a little key lime tart, but only ate half.
    I'm still working on my Jan goals, so I will post them tomorrow. Yeah the pool with reopen tomorrow, I can't wait.

    Happy and thinner New Year all. Tigress
  • Roxywa
    Roxywa Posts: 2
    Hi Ladies! I'm new to this forum and a hit & miss on MFP but am motivated again since it's January! Excited about getting healthy and thinner in 2013! My husband bought me a Fitbit for Christmas and am thrilled that it syncs with MFP. Looking forward to connecting with you all and being part of your support system!!
  • Glynlewis
    Glynlewis Posts: 16 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm new to this group. I hope that I can be a support to all of you.
    My resolutions are:
    1) Eliminate processed sugar and gluten from my daily diet.
    2) Reduce my use of dairy
    3) eat whole grains/green salads etc.
    4) walk 60 minutes 4-6 times a week
    5) reduce a total of 50 lbs from my 186 lb. frame (4 lbs in January 2013)

    Hoping all of this will enhance the quality of my life.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    1st day of 2013. I have decided this wil be my best year yet! I will exercise more, drink more water, eat more vegetables and cut back on alcohol consumption. sounds like a good plan - just have to stick with it.

    What I miss most about being thin - being able to go into a store and try on clothes knowing they will fit and look good!! I have a closet full of beautiful clothes that I want to get back into,

    time for supper now
  • manon3
    manon3 Posts: 6
    I would like to join this group!! My resolutions for January are: weight training 3x's a week, walk over 100 miles this month and eat as healthy as possible!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Happy New Year - Thanks to Barbie for keeping the thread going and to being such an inspiration to me. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well as Michele said, it's a New Year, time to wipe the slate clean so to speak and look forward.

    Goals for Jan:
    Log on everyday for my dose of Vit F
    Drink more water
    Positive thoughts

    I'm back at work tomorrow, and I'm planning on eating healthy lunches plenty of salads (or soups if the weather get colder) :bigsmile:

    Thanks for the welcome back I'll try to be a better "friend" by keeping up with you.

    Best get to bed I'm up early in the morning.

    Bye for now
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'm back to post my goals for January.....I've thought about what I want to do all day, things like drinking water is so easy for me, I always get in 8 12 ounce glasses, some times even more, so I don't want that to be a goal, that's a habit, I love fish so I don't have a problem eating that twice a week so.....

    1. Cook my own beans and peas instead of eating the canned stuff, way too much sodium in those items!!! This could be hard for me, it's just me and I don't know how to cook beans for one. I don't really like leftovers, and have no clue if you can freeze them.

    2. Get my closet cleaned out this month, get those too big clothes out of there so I have room for smaller things!

    3. Find a hobby I like, I used to knit years ago, I think I would need lessons now though it's been so long! Something besides being on the computer!

    4. Find something to laugh at everyday!!

    5. Be grateful for every ounce that comes off!

    6. Check in here everyday to get a dose of Vit. F!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: continue to come in and chat! This is a great group of supportive women!!!

    Okay, I must go now and finish preparing my dinner, I'm making Jb's low fat cornbread muffins...YUM!!!!

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Dee dee...I love #4...find something everyday to laugh about...I write that in wedding cards to my many nieces and nephews! :bigsmile:
  • Looking forward to participating in this group. New to posting. Wishing us all motivation and success in the New Year!!! Hope to pull out those smaller clothes and wear them by June.
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Happy New Year to all my friends on MFP

    Thanks Barbie for starting the January thread - I really need my dose of Vitamin F.

    Short post to mark my spot. Will try and get back on tomorrow to post my goals.

  • NannylouG
    NannylouG Posts: 9 Member
    Happy New Year!
    I've used MyFitnessPal for quite a while now but never joined the forums.
    I was doing well with my diet until around Thanksgiving. I've put on 10 lbs in six weeks!

    I made no NY resolutions regarding diet specifically, since I tend to break resolutions and diet needs to be a way of life for me!

    I'm 56 and had a heart attack nearly four years ago. I never had weight problems until I hit my mid 40s.
    I had great success with South Beach Diet about 9 years ago because of the great support of a forum, so here I am looking for support again!

    What works for me?
    Journaling my food intake
    Drinking sufficient water
    Keep moving! (I'm bad with this!!!)
    Pushing the protein and curbing the carbs.


    We can do this!