

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Well done BirdieM!
    IMHO, most Italian cookies don't taste worth the calories... unless they're biscotti ,., otherwise too bland to my taste.
    As for the Godiva chocolates, cover them up or put them out of sight. Tell yourself they don't travel well and are probably past their expiration date...
    Hope that helps ;)

    Good idea!:wink:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Renny--Your DH sounds like "the salt of the earth" :laugh: Sorry, sometimes I can't help myself :wink: BTW, I posted a question at the beginning of the week about the status of a restaurant in Victoria, and you never answered, so I am still wondering. Does the waterfront restaurant that was located inside a ship, and possibly called the "Princess Mary" still exist? Inquiring minds, namely my dad, want to know. :smile: Thanks.


    :bigsmile: Hi Barb (weaklink) - sorry I missed reading your question about the "Princess Mary". Regretfully, that restaurant closed a number of years ago. It was truly a unique experience to dine there, inside an old ship. The story goes that it also housed some ghosts of ages past (such as the captain's wife who apparently hung herself in the wheelhouse) and was said to have had paranormal activity. I went there on several occasions and never experienced any of it :bigsmile:

    ((((hugs)))) My regards to your dad :wink:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Just checking in. Way behind on my reading here. Back in the swing of things after Easter company all week. I actually managed to lose 1.5 pounds. It was a gift from God, 'cause I wasn't that good.

    I had an ugly experience with a piece of carrot cake. I took off all the frosting I could and still paid with horrible gas and intestinal problems. I won't be thinking of sweets again for quite a while, that's for sure!! :sick:

    I have never had a problem eating anything until the last few years. That's part of my problem, if it's food I'm there. :embarassed: I went on the Adkins diet for several months a number of years back and ever since sugar and I haven't gotten along. Just as well I guess, but it puzzles me as to why it happened.

    Oh one other thing - I jacked up my original account here somehow, got frustrated with it, and deactivated it. I was anotheryrolder, now I'm anotheryearolder.

    Well that's it for now. I need to get some posies and eggplant in the ground before dark and figure out what's for dinner.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Checking in, hello again. Would love to have another friend or two... anyone out there? :flowerforyou:

    I've lost 1.5 pounds this week, good, but I hit a stone wall at 8 lbs lost two months ago and DON'T want to hit that wall again.
    Convinced that stepping up exercise is mandatory. Plus the support of a few friends????

    Traveling next week but that can be good (away from refrigerator!). Anyone live in Las Vegas? We can go for a walk!


    I have sent you a "friend" request--we can never have too many friends--especially in this fight!!! Way to go on the 1.5 down. I am waiting to see where I am next Tuesday, which will be my one yr anniversary on MFP.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    There are so many new people it's amazing and I hope you all keep posting here so we can get to know you all.

    DD is on the table waiting for me to start doing her PT exercises with her as most require 2 people. So much for having time to post.

    Quick update: I bought more water for work in gallon jugs to save on plastic. The city water will gag you on a good day. I managed 50 minutes of exercise total today. Hope fully I can keep up the :drinker: and the exercise again.

    Have a great evening,

  • Tamzenc
    Tamzenc Posts: 18
    I'm having a problem getting hungry in the late afternoon at work, so I eat what ever I can find. Candy from the woman in the next cube for example. I brought in a bag of baby carrots and that helped a little. Any ideas?
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    remember, days like this are just to remind us how good we really have it!!

    OK, so I thought yesterday was eventful. Today, I worked at the school all day, and came home to get ready to go do a notary job that I had taken to go to a town about 60 miles north of here to do a reverse mortgage application with an elderly man. After getting frustrated printing documents and trying to call loan officers who either gave me incorrect information or didn't return their calls, I headed out. I was hungry and tired, and ate too many Chester's puffcorn on the way. I needed supper before driving home, and stopped at a grocery store to buy some crab flakes and grapes to eat on the way home to counteract the junk food that I had left in the car and didn't want to touch. Anyway, at dusk, I was driving and thinking about how many calories I may have ingested, and looked to see a large truck (Schwann's - do you have them?) upside down in a wheat field. One other car had stopped, and it had obviously just happened. I pulled off of the road, which has no shoulder and really high ditches (probably down about 20 feet before you get to level ground near the field.) I turned on my hazard lights and got out. There was an elderly woman, and another man on a cell phone trying to call 911. I started down the steep slope slowly to go see if I could help the driver. (I am certified in CPR and First Aid.) There was a woman down there yelling to bring something to try to stop the man's head from bleeding, and another women (younger and more agile than I am) stopped, and was going down there, telling me that she could help and I should try to direct traffic. The man on the phone was clueless as to our location, so I was telling him to tell 911 how to find us. Then I moved my car across the road, and started trying to control traffic. I stopped two semi's, and that was the best thing. One of the drivers said he was a volunteer rescue person, and ran to help, and the other used his semi to help with traffic. After ascertaining that there was really nothing else that I could do, I decided to drive home. By then it was dark, and I was shaking and crying, praying for the man laying in the field. I have no idea how he is. I drove slowly, knowing that I would be meeting rescue vehicles, which I did shortly. I was shaken every time I saw a deer in the ditch, thinking that they would run in front of me. I am thankful to be home, and still praying for the unknown man and his family. Now I am wondering why I was thinking it was such a big deal that I ate two servings of puffcorn instead of one. And why was I impatient with the loan officers. And thank goodness that I stopped at the store, and was not involved in the wreck. All things in perspective, I guess. Thanks for listening. I am going to have a cup of hot tea now.
    All of you - please stay safe!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Well bless your heart Mary. How upsetting. I quite agree with you on the matter of keeping things in the proper perspective.

    I will add my prayers to yours. Put your feet up and sip your tea, and be thankful.:heart: Alice
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    I'm having a problem getting hungry in the late afternoon at work, so I eat what ever I can find. Candy from the woman in the next cube for example. I brought in a bag of baby carrots and that helped a little. Any ideas?

    Work is the curse of the leisure class. I tend towards salty and sweet - - so, carrots with soy sauce, or a diet hot chocolate, (or both) makes me feel pampered and yet not too guilty. I know it's mostly boredom, because on busy days I don't even think about food. The whole day goes by zoom zoom.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gratitude is the word of the day for more......I have no dramatic story. I am grateful for my sweet neighbor who walked my dogs and fed the critters.....and I'm grateful that the woman sitting next to me at the dinner at the restaurant tonight said "there's nothing on this menu that I can eat" so after talking to her a bit, we found something by asking the waiter a few good questions
    I had a grilled chicken breast with nothing on it and a salad with Italian dressing on the side........and I had a chance to ride the exercise bike at home before I headed for the meeting and another chance to walk for 45 minutes in the afternoon :bigsmile: :bigsmile: so for today I could stay in the right calorie range.......oh, and I brought my own snack to eat while everyone else was having ice cream at the end of the meeting.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow I meet my friend at 6:30 AM to head off for more meetings....I already have my snacks packed in my backpack.....now it's time for bed.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :ohwell: Doing the "Skinny Saturday" tomorrow. Thanks to FabulousFifty for the motivation:

    :heart: :heart:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Morning Ladies -:flowerforyou:

    It's a sunny Saturday morning here in York Just got back form walking the doggies, and thought I would check in. Such a lot going on with you all :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Mary I am adding my best wishes to you, :heart: you have not had an easy time the last few days, but as you say it certainly puts things into perspective and is a reminder that we have a lot to be thankful for.

    :flowerforyou: Also sending healthy good wishes to you too Barbara and everyone else who is having a hard time.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :frown: Well I went over my calories yesterday, but I am not stressing too much about it, I had a feeling I would. I didn't want to spoil the evening by saying I couldn't have this or that etc. It was good to see Max again and she was happy to see us all (even though it's only been a week since she left ) She is enjoying her "early retirement/redundancy" and spending more time walking her dogs and spending time with friends etc.

    :noway: I think I have found out where I am going wrong :huh: Looking back at my entries of the last few weeks I spend far too many calories on snacks :huh: Even though I thought I had cut down on them - it seems my snacks are way too high always in the region of 300+ all wasted. :grumble: I am going to find healthy meals and make a plan/menu for next week. Exercise more and allow myself one treat a day :wink: That's my goal for next week - hope I can keep to it.

    :smile: Better get on, I have loads to do today, I don't how the place gets so untidy, plenty to do before I go to my uncles and do a bit of shopping for him and quickly give his flat a bit of a clean. His eyesight is not to good, so I have to re-wash all his pots, I am sure he just rinses things under the tap and put them in the drainer :smile: He's in his 80s and doesn't get out much now.

    Wish me luck to keep to my new plan next week. :drinker:

    :heart: Viv :heart:
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Haven't been able to post for a while. We were away in North Yorkshire last weekend and had no mobile signal so didn't even take the laptop and dongle. Came home Tuesday and have been very busy since then. I lost my dear Dad last year and we are currently doing up his house to put it on the market. This week was the bathroom. Have you tried getting a cast iron bath out of a tiny bathroom? Not easy I can tell you! Good job my husband is so strong because I'm not. I must have burned some calories though :laugh: We came home last night and on the way out to the car my husband dropped his wallet. We discovered it was missing after about half an hour when we stopped at the petrol station and went back but there was no sign of it. We came back home and he spent the evening phoning around cancelling his cards and then went to bed. At 11.30 his mobile rang and then mine. Then his rang again and by that time we were fully awake and managed to anawer it. It was the police to say they had his wallet as someone had handed it in. Thank goodness for honest people! The police had somehow managed to trace my sister (who lives at the other end of England) and she had given them our numbers. I did hand in a purse that I found a long time ago and I do believe that what goes around comes around. Hope you all have a good weekend. I will although not necesarrily on the diet front as my husband is taking me out for a meal tonight as it's my birthday tomorrow and tomorrow we're off to my daughters for Sunday lunch. Yum!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Ooh, I just can't seem to get out of this over eating I've been doing:mad: But today is a new day and in the mornings I do really good in making good choices but when my husband leaves for work everything just goes down the toilet.:sad:

    Today my son and I are going to my mom's house so he can mow her yard and I'm going to help my frustrated daughter get her bedroom in order. She is ready to move out of mom's house and get a little place of her own. She has been dumping all her frustration on me and I don't know if I am internalizing it or not. I know Mama would like to be able to stay in her own home but it isn't up to my daughter to make that possible. My sister wants Mama to come and live with her and I am hoping that is what will happen. She has a beautiful home in Wilmington NC and my BIL just loves my mother. If I had room for her she could come here since I am already used to taking care of elderly people. At least she could talk to me!

    Better get going, time to get Granny up!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: One nice things about having friends in other parts of the world is that no matter what time I get up, there is someone who has already posted. I've been up since 4:30 and have walked the dogs and fixed breakfast for all four pets......I'll fix breakfast for me in a minute but I had to log onto MFP first to log on my food for the day and see how much exercise I'll need to allow me to eat everything I've planned.

    :flowerforyou: To Laura and Jackie who commented on how active I am, thank you for your kind words........since I've been MFP my exercise has increased, first because it allows me to eat more and second because I like "getting credit" for what I do......please note that rarely does my exercise include housework......I think it must be "No Housework Day" at my house every day:laugh: My house is tidy, the kitchen is clean, and the laundry gets done but I'm not big on the other stuff and neither is DH.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I admire your ability and willingness to care for your older relatives......I hope you realize what a great talent and blessing that is and that not everyone can do what you're doing.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, you too, have the ability to care for your mum with such a great spirit and sense of humor.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, isn't great to be able to look at your food diary and see where the problems are? You have to know what you're eating before you can modify it

    :flowerforyou: Denise that is a great story about the wallet......losing your wallet is one of the scariest things I can think of and one of the things that makes you feel stupid and careless on top of the fear....glad your story had a happy ending.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, best wishes for a successful Skinny Saturday..........I walked on the pier in Port Angeles yesterday and it was almost clear enough to see Victoria across the water, and when the ferry docked, I thought how easy it would be to travel your way.

    I gotta get moving and get ready for my big day with friends and meetings and maybe a walk in the middle.
    Have a great Saturday.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning. Getting ready to go buy some retaining wall stones and start building a planter. I am actually looking forward to loading and unloading the truck. what a great workout. 3 months ago I would have been dreading it. I hope you all have a great day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :ohwell: Doing the "Skinny Saturday" tomorrow. Thanks to FabulousFifty for the motivation:

    :heart: :heart:


    I joined in on this just now. I had a bad week--lots of stress and unmindful eating. I only gained half a pound but it is the first gain I've had since before Christmas. Even though I expected it--and actually thought it would be more--it was still a bit frustrating.

    My daughter did not leave for Texas yesterday and hasn't talked about it. I don't know what's going on and am not sure if I should ask. She's kind of funny in that she tends to clam up and not talk. My son thinks we should wait and see but it is almost more stressful to not know what, if anything, she is planning! I am trying to pray more and worry less. That should help.

    Welcome to any new people!:flowerforyou:

    I have been so busy that I have only skimmed though the posts. I've said a prayer for any concerns I came across and smiled at the various goings on in our group. You have no idea how much you all help me get through the day!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Tamzenc- The healthy snacks are a good idea. I was having that problem too and I increased what I had for lunch and made it more solid. I keep low cal cup-a-soups and fruit cups at work. Also having a cup of herbal tea before I get hungry helps.

    Mary- You were mad with the loan officers because they do everything they can to get you mad at them. (Said by some one who is currently made at loan officers). I’m glad that you were there to help.

    Barbie – Ice cream is a dairy product and good for our bones. I admire you for skipping it. Obviously from my comment skipping ice cream is not something that I would ever consider doing.

    Denise – I’m glad your hubby’s wallet got turned in. There are a lot of honest people around.

    Cindy – Good luck with your mom. It is hard when they want to stay in their homes but can’t. My mom constantly reminds me how much better her house was than mine. It’s the truth as I think we bought the house the movie the Money Pit was written about.

    Robin – I’m envious of you getting a planter. I hope what ever you put in it grows beautifully.

    Today is starting off to be a good day. We are off to the pool later today then a quick lunch at Twisters (actually does have good food you can eat on a diet and its quick and cheap) then driving DD and her friend to the movies. I don’t want to see the picture they are going to, so I will run errands and pick them up afterwards. We have to go to the pool both days every weekend for the next several weeks until DD can begin functional activity again. The first thing she wants to do when she can walk is go on a mall crawl with her girlfriends. lol

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Was just catching up on reading posts with tv on and saw a hilarious video from the Jack Hanna "Into the Wild" program.

    He is in Australia right now, and they were doing a story on wombats. this critter looks kinda like a loaf of bread with legs, but amazingly, they can run for up to 25 mph for short distances. They need regular exercise and the one feature lived in a nature park or some other semi-protected environement, so to make sure it got exercise, a woman was going jogging with it!!!:noway: She was moving along at a pace slightly fast than an quick exercise walk--sort of a "trot" I guess, and the wombat was toddling along behind her. He or she looked very cute. I am trying to imagine what my three little piggies would do with a wombat:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I got on here to log my breakfast and I have spent too much time, given what I have to do today, so good bye for now.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I'll be on vacation (again! :tongue: ) for the next couple of weeks so may not be able to log on here as much. Did I tell you, I love this group? :flowerforyou: You are all so positive and inspiring. I got off track for the last week or so and this thread helped me get back on track.

    I gained .4 lbs this week for a net loss for the last 2 weeks of exactly 0. :grumble: It's good to know I *can* get back on track after wavering a bit. In the old days, getting off track a little would have led to getting lost in the woods without a compass and wandering in circles for a few months. :frown: I'm happy to be able to get right back to it. I like knowing I can do it! :blushing: