
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    There are so many newbies and I am so happy that you decided to chat with us. I agree with Barbie, it's easier if we know your name or initial and where you're from.
    Linda C -Have you tried Greek yogurt? Lots of protein. Nike Fit is my new Christmas toy. Sort of like a fitbit. Tracks "nike fuel points" and you have a goal for each day. I can't go to bed until I'm met my goal. Also tracks calories and steps and is a watch. So all in all, a good thing. My problem today is I'm still sick but I'm going to try to do a DVD to get some points. You know when you say -30 degrees I feel silly to complain because it's 40 here. However, two weeks ago we had temps in the 80's.I don't have WII Dance 2 but may need to get it as I'm getting tired of Sweating to the Oldies.
    Sara - you can do this. This is the first step in your journey. Enjoy the trip!
    Msdover - sorry about your macular pucker and hope the dr is able to treat it. My DH had a macular hole which required surgery to correct.
    Julie - welcome to the group. Your goal to lose 40 lbs this year is an achievable one. When you say walk more, how much more? When I looked at my December goals I hadn't been specific enough to tell if I had achieved them (We set monthly goals to work on). Just a suggestion.
    Carolyn - love your goal to smile and pay it forward. I missed an opportunity to do that a few Christmases ago and it has bothered me ever since.
    Katia - hummingbirds in December! Ours leave Texas in October to fly south. Bet they are hungry.
    Rebel - losing in December is awesome. Good for you.
    Nancy - I'm going to down loan The Happiness Project to my ipad.
    BJ - your comment about our recent food list was as eye opener for me. Yes! it shows me just what I've been eating and gives me the opportunity to make needed changes. Thank you!
    Have to get DH some dinner. Still have cold and sore throat. Hope it goes away soon.
    Sue in N/C Texas
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Sorry to confuse everyone. I am talking about my boss and my work situation. It has been horrible. And today was just the capper. I was finally given my annual review in writing and it is by far the worst one I have ever had. when someone rates you as mediocre and you are used to being rated above average it really makes you question your self worth and abilities. She is rude, mean, manipulative and just plain awful. I have no recourse because my HR rep is really goods friends with her. so I have to try to find a new position but that is a real challenge right now.

    I am very depressed and I am starting back to exercise to help get it back in check.

    I will be okay. I am just so angry today.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I had a great day with the granddaughters. 55 minutes of Just dance4on the wii. Worked up a sweat believe it or not!! so I got my exercise in today and am under my calories so I have room for a snack tonite!!! Hope I keep it up tomorrow too.

    Susan from Eastern Ontario
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Sorry to confuse everyone. I am talking about my boss and my work situation. It has been horrible. And today was just the capper. I was finally given my annual review in writing and it is by far the worst one I have ever had. when someone rates you as mediocre and you are used to being rated above average it really makes you question your self worth and abilities. She is rude, mean, manipulative and just plain awful. I have no recourse because my HR rep is really goods friends with her. so I have to try to find a new position but that is a real challenge right now.

    I am very depressed and I am starting back to exercise to help get it back in check.

    I will be okay. I am just so angry today.

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Sorry, meant to say you need some relief from the sabotage and some new plans! Good luck, BJ
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I know it's tough not to take it personal. Companys don't care about their employees like they use to. They just want more for a lot less.
    I just got a call where they cut a job. And they want the other 2 people to pick up the slack.
    And things where to get easier go figure.
  • janicemitchellcross
    janicemitchellcross Posts: 134 Member
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    emtjab - no, no group to join or ask. We're more like a giant kitchen table where people just stop in to chat, vent, celebrate, etc. Barbie from Washington sets the thread up each month, well....really more like 3 times a month, since we are a chatty bunch!

    We all seem to go through phases of actively posting, lurking or being absent when life intervenes, but then we drop back in and start up again.

    Join in!

    Gail, from GA
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I read an article about a year ago called “Weatherproof Your Workout”. I don’t remember what the article said but it inspired me to be always mindful of ways to make exercise possible in spite of the weather. The solutions will be different for all of us and different for different weather. For me, warm weather sends me back into the house so I have things to do indoors. Cold weather has required that I search for the proper clothing to allow me to walk no matter what the weather brings. I have a great flashlight for walking in the dark and know where I can walk when it is dark that safe. I hope you are all thinking of ways to weatherproof your workout so you never have to be sedentary when you don’t want to....I think Linda from Ontario mentioned dancing in her house when it's 30 degrees below freezing outside.

    :bigsmile: Carolyn, I love your goal of paying it forward. Doing for others is a great way to feel better.

    :bigsmile: Nancy, thanks for the book recommendation “Thinner This Year”……Reading “Younger Next Year” changed my life so I am eager to read the new book…..I like your word “Connect”……..my word for 2013 is “Stretch”
    both in the physical sense and the sense of stretching my skills and horizons.

    :bigsmile: Jb, those are inspiring goals

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I love that so many of you are signing your post with your location and your name……..yes, I could look at your profile each time to remind myself of where you live but that’s an extra time consumer…….if anyone wants to be private they might at least mention the general quadrant or sector of a state or provinceor continent just for orientation.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to everyone who is posting for the first time……you’ve joined just be posting……it’s never to late to become part of our community.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I had a fabulous day filled with dancing and dog walking. I’ll be going to bed early again and by tomorrow should be back on a normal schedule…….I had a 30 minute drive each way to where I taught the line dance class so I had a lot of time to listen to “Happier at Home” the book on CD I have in my car----an excellent book that I highly recommend along with its predecessor “The Happiness Project”……yes, I am on the way to becoming a “happiness missionary”.:laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • Janeen - this is a great group..welcome

    DeeDee - bet those muffins are delicious

    M(from PA) - Good luck with the new eating plan

    MTGWW - good luck

    MsDover - A new grandson - how wonderful for you and your family..hope all goes well with your hip replacement

    Kate - Have fun in Ireland...you'll look great

    SaraLea - take one day at a time..think slow and steady for weight loss

    Robin - I know it's hard but hang in there .. you and we know that you are not mediocre (hugs)

    Susan Eastern Ontario - sounds like you had a great day and workout with those granddaughters

    Barbie - I'm so excited ...the library called and I can pick up a copy of "The Happiness Project" tomorrow..can't wait to start reading it

    I've had a busy week (thank goodness I'm on break). My 92 yr. old dad lives 4 doors from me and has been sick so I think he has me on speed dial 24-7..I don't mind - I remember how he is and always has been there for me .

    Stay well everyone

    Colleen Joliet, IL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    MsDover - congrats on the addition! How wonderful for you. I sure hope everything goes the way you wish it to with the eye MD

    Eileen - woohoo on being able to stop the medication. Hope your b/p is low enough

    Kate - you're as live a wire as Vince and I are on New Years Eve. We had a bit of wine at 10:00. The only reason we stayed up until 12 was because the girls would be upset if we didn't call them. But right after calling them, we went to bed. What an exciting New Years Day you had!

    barbie - boy, are you one busy gal!!

    katla - It sounds so much better telling someone to be sure they post often when it comes from someone new. Thank you.

    Welcome everyone new (too many to mention individually but we are glad you're here)

    Patty - hope hubby gets better fast

    Lin - to be honest, I don't know if Bryan will be taking permanent residence in France. As you can guess, I hope not. I guess one of my concerns is what will happen if and when grandchildren come along? It's not exactly like going to France is a short jaunt. Plus....what if they need help? No matter what, there's nothing like family. Her family is from Spain, but my understanding is that they're not real close (which surprises me) Actually, the coasters come 6 in a set, but I only got 3 kits and I'll divide them between the kids.

    SaraLea - this is a fantastic support group

    M - a Rebounder is basically a mini-trampoline. When you freeze your beans, do they freeze in a big block or do you have to first freeze them individually and then put the frozen ones into a baggie? That's what I do when I freeze fruits (except for blueberries or raspberries) The thing about writing a letter (or even talking to Dianna) is that I have no idea how much English she knows. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. That's one of the reasons I'd like to get to know her. Jessica SAYS that she understands English, but how much I don't know.

    Jeannie - you can look at things this way --- they can't get any worse, the only way to go is up!

    Did an hour of yoga today then an hour of a deep water class. Tomorrow I'll do TamiLeeWebb's DVD "I Want that Body". Then we're supposed to go for lunch at Olive Garden with the Newcomers. I do have two coupons for OG, but I'm not real crazy about that place. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to order? I usually get the minestrone soup and chicken spiendini

    I do label everything that goes into my freezer. Actually, the date really isn't imperative to me because I finish it real soon anyway. Make room for more...

    Lin - brrrrrrr

    jb - good for you not adding salt! I don't add it except in things like recipes for cookies or cakes. Otherwise, I never add it to foods.

    FINALLY Vince took the VCR out of my exercise room. I really never use it, now I have more room for DVD's

    Jane in Colorado - glad you don't have a rat problem any more

    Robin - when I'm feeling depressed, I find that exercise helps me. It may not help as much as you need, but it most likely will help some. Whenever I'm under stress Vince says to me "just go to the Y, just go to the Y". I wish you the best

    Jane - hope your hubby is better soon

    Sue in Tx - feel better fast

    Robin - ((((hugs)))))

    Gail from GA - I like your analogy of this place like a kitchen table. Yes, it is

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele from NC
  • I weigh the same as I did one year ago. I attempted to make changes on my own without the support of others and although I made some gains across the year, overall, it lacked the consistency necessary for best results. I saw BarbieCat's post for this particular community and thought it would make sense to make a connection, participate and give and receive support.
    January goals:
    - activity daily of some type (whether cycling, walking, kettle bell, yoga or 30 min circuit at home)
    - food diary daily and track everything (no cheating)
    - don't give up and let myself off the hook
    - My level of commitment to myself is a TEN. Not a 3.
    - Be impeccable with my word and walk in integrity to myself and honor the commitments I make to myself.
    - Lose 2# a week.

    My pattern is to stay on track for two weeks and then get distracted, bored or just generally renegotiate with myself, forget the payoffs, forget about the payoffs and slide back into "check-out" mode. Then I'll get tired of being checked-out and I'll start over. I am perennially in a state of starting over. UGH. New way of being: perennially in a state of commitment and integrity.

  • Hooray for women in their 50's! My second post - and here are my goals
    1) accept myself
    2) Focus on exercise first - it motivates me for eating less
    3) Prepare to go vegan
    4) Think about health
    5) Meditate
    6) Love others

    Blessings to everyone in 2013!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Quote coming your way:

    "Believe you can and you are halfway there." ~Theodore Roosevelt
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello out there in 50+ land, hope the day was good to you and you are all looking forward to the next one. Oh my, there are so many new posters – welcome to all of you and Med2012colora – NEVER too late to join - lol.

    Carrotgravy – if you want someone to keep you mindful of being on track and support you and help you stay focused – you’ve come to the right place. Just ask for support before you renegotiate with yourself and we’ll remind you of the payoffs.

    LinC – try quinoa as hot cereal for morning protein. Just add some blueberries or maple buds or something interesting to give it a bit of oompf.

    Sara Lea – I love the Betty Boop on your ticker. Consider us your support group – come on in and chat, ask for support, ask for advice, rant – do whatever you want.

    Barbie – I like the idea of signing off with name and location. Quite often I go look up where someone is from (just to find our how far away I would have to be to get warm!)

    Katla – wow, you still have hummingbirds! I love them but we only get them for a few months over the summer.

    Nancy – welcome back from the holidays, you still have a few days before school starts but I had to go back to work today – poor me. “Solid fats” sounds kind of gross, too bad cheese just tastes so good. Every once in awhile I just have to have some (blue cheese tossed into brussel sprouts is really good and only takes a little solid fat). I’m kind of sushi-ed out at the moment – have made it 3 days in a row so I think I’ll leave it for a bit. OCDing on making them perfectly round and pretty.

    JB – use the almond milk for smoothies or cereal. It’s kind of an acquired taste for the unsweetened one. I didn’t know that about salt interfering with the bean cooking – what does it do? I like the 3 bean salad too only I prefer it with white balsamic vinegar and some mirin.

    JaneH – the coat sound cool – I like Nygard style but usually I’m just too short to carry off most of their styles.

    O Robin – yes, get someone to talk to quickly. I don’t know your situation but leaving the office for a mental health walk when she starts getting to you may be necessary. You might have to tell her what this situation is doing to you (but not in great detail). Getting that stressed from work is not good for you and we all want everything good for you. Does your annual review have a section for your response? If so, use it. You are anything but mediocre and it sounds like her supervision skills need a lot of work.

    Michele – I empathize with the fear of our children settling down overseas. I’m worried that my daughter will stay in Europe and about all that entails. Salt is a non-issue for me too, I grew up without salt (mom had high blood pressure) so I don’t notice if things need salt until guests ask for the shaker.

    My MFP is acting up tonight, taking multiple clicks to change screens, enter things, complete the day. So, I think I will sign off now - I've never lost a post but why tempt fate. I got up early this morning and then worked without a break (now that’s a goal I should work on) so I’m pretty tired. I’ve got a new book to start (Wild by Cheryl Strayed for all you book club members).

    Good night sweet prince (cesses).

    Lila from the Kootenays, BC, CA
  • I'm a newbie. Just found MFP by accident tonight. Saw it in a comment that someone posted to a Livestrong article. Thought I'd check it out and here I am!
    I've had success tracking calories with spreadsheet before, but hoping this website will make it easier.
    I found a Facebook page that often has motivational posts. One I read a couple of months ago was something like "no matter how long it takes you to run a mile, you still ran a mile". I'm not running yet, but I'm going to start with walking more and adding some hills. If on a particular day, you don't feel like walking/running/whatever exercise you do, my trick is to tell myself I have to go out but I don't have to go for as long as I am supposed to. Usually once I am out, then I do the full walk and sometimes more. I trick myself into getting out. Maybe my trick will work for you as well.
    Carey, Vancouver BC
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: , come in often and tell us about yourself! This is a wonderful group of women!!!

    Don`t have a lot of time this morning:grumble: , I have a hair appt. early:bigsmile: !!! The pink did come out of my hair, thank goodness, it took about 4 washing, but yay..no more pink hair. I am going to ask my stylist why that curling iron turned it pink though!
    I still have a few decorations to put away, I`m going to try and do that today, means more trips up and down the stairs...more exercise for today!

    Robin:smile: Sure hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !!! Just remember you get to see Olivia soon!!! Those sweet baby hugs and kisses make life wonderful! I`m sure Bodi and Ritter love giving you fur baby kisses too!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC