Commit to losing 1 pound a week in 2013 challenge



  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm in! 1 lb doesn't sound like much but it's amazing how difficult it can be to lose! I started today so if I do one a week that's 52 in a year. I'm hoping to do more but at this point I'll take that pound b/c I know it's not going to be easy.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    I am in! I have 35 lbs to lose, started going to Curves yesterday and am looking at a more" plant based" lifestyle.

    This is a really good idea!

    I weighed 188 this morning and want to weigh 153!
  • love to join in your journey
  • I think that is actually an achievable goal. I am hoping for more, but would commit to that challenge. I am new to this idea of weight loss with others. If you are willing I'm in.
  • What a fun idea! Just started using this fun app not too long ago and like the idea of a group dedicated to 1-a-week.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Just wanted to share this with all of you!

    My ticker showed that I have lost 20 pounds...which I have! I decided to start totally over...I made a new ticker from our vacation, set my ticker on 0 with 35 lbs to lose and changed my profile picture! It feels being re-born!
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I am in....52 pounds is a drop in the bucket of what I need to lose, but it will be moving in the right direction!
  • I am 200lbs today... I would like to lose 50lbs by May so I'M IN!!!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    great im in...

    SW 184...01/01/013
    GW 150

    my weigh ins are on fridays:

    010413: 181.8(-2.2)
  • nikki46vsgjourney
    nikki46vsgjourney Posts: 25 Member
    Count me in!!:smile:
  • I would like to have a support group as well. I'm very short and live in a foreign country so it's pretty hard to get to the weight I'd like... and I look big because I'm so darn short! I need help keeping to the grind and finding ways to work out!
  • Katy_G2013
    Katy_G2013 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in! Hoping to lose more than that -- but 1 lb per week is a great start!
  • weldinchic
    weldinchic Posts: 34 Member
    I want to join!
    SW: 204
    CW: 169
    GW: 145

    Weakness: Exercise. I was never an exerciser, so my goal this year is a 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon. Bring it! :)
  • MrsTre
    MrsTre Posts: 34 Member
    A pound a week is my goal too. I'm wishing everyone the best. We can do it!
  • harderpa
    harderpa Posts: 153 Member
    So I lost right pounds but now went from 249 back to 252 over night. What does this mean? I am starting to feel like I should give up. What do you think or what should I do? I did go over yesterday but I didn't would be that big of a difference.
  • I just joined and am really looking forward to making this a permanent lifestyle change. 52 this month, I am at my heaviest all carried below my waist and am tired of looking like a pear, my son who is 15 is also joining us, and hopefully he will join in the blogging. I weighed after the holidays at 275 pounds and at 5'7 I would love to get to 150, but 180 is what I'm shooting for right now. I realize this will take time, but will need all the support I can get to remember this. I seem to get frustrated, and impatient, and definitely would categorize myself as a stress eater. As a single mother of one teenager and one who will soon return college student, working full-time and with the many other stresses we all encounter, losing weight has been always been a challenge. Thank you in advance for any support, and I promise to be there for you too. We are in this together, and we can do this. Take care, make good choices, and enjoy life again. :flowerforyou:
  • :happy:
  • I'm in! 1 lb is doable, I would love more, but not biting off more than I can chew :tongue:
  • I usually lose 1 1/2-2 pounds a week anyway ^__^
  • trishp95
    trishp95 Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in!! I can do that!!