High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!

shredder Posts: 404
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi to all of the MFP crew. I'm not new to this wonderful site but wanted to post a new thread here that myself and 4 other amazing gals want to get up and running. I know a lot of you check out and introduce yourselves on this board so I hope you like what you you read about us and decide to be a part of a winning and dedicated team.
A little background....
About a year ago i had started a thread called the Three Part Challenge. As with most things which are new and shiney :smile: , we had a lot of people join our challenges and kept at it until gradually and sadly, most of them faded away leaving 5 of us to hold down the fort...me (Shredder), Allie, Stephanie, Heather and Christine. Who are we???? Moms, professionals, wives, girlfriends, friends, sisters....your neighbour, your support, your motivator!
These ladies have become so near and dear to my heart, I never thought in a million years that friendships like the ones we have made would sprout from this site. To know them all is to love them.
High Heels & Fishnets is about embracing our sexiness, no matter what the number on the scales read. It's about embracing our curves and feminine charm..it's being totally OK with who we are as individuals....
....and here's where the core beliefs come in to play, at one point or another, all of us have hit the brick wall and right now we don't want to go over it , we want to go through it, to smash into oblivion the extra weight that seems to be the ball and chain on our ankles. We all want to lose weight through exercise, proper nutrition and achieveing consistent goals.
It's really that simple. We are bound and determined that this is our year to take our bodies to the next level and we want YOU to come with us on our new weight loss journey.
What has worked for us in the past????
Setting short term weight goals.
Setting weekly challenges....# of workouts, Water consumption, Calories logged etc
Weekly weigh ins which are posted on the site for us all to see!!!Ahhhh:sad:
....and any other mindblowing ideas we have, we throw them on the table.
So....we want to get started ASAP and we want YOU!! to come with us.
What do you say? Are you tired of wishing it, dreaming it, hoping it? We need you and you need us!
We're bringin Sexy back in a big way.
Close your eyes and imagine you in that little black dress, 8" heels, black fishnets and all eyes in the room on you.
We can do this...Are you In?


  • OMG.....you read my mind! That is exactly where I want to be! Even though I find all my HAM in them now.....because the MISTER seems to love it! Id just like to see a little less of me hanging out!

    Thank you for your motivation!

    Much appreciated!
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    I would like to be in on this! sounds just what I am feeling. what do I have to do. I have not exercised or really dieted in 5 years and all the other times were for someone other than me> I am now the important one. This time it is for me!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I'll do it, but not if I have to be a size 8. lol I'll be happy at a size 12, and I'll cry if I were ever to be a size 10. I'm in this journey to feel better in my own skin, and to be healithier than I am at the moment. :)
  • Jamie_Moy
    Jamie_Moy Posts: 40
    Love it!!
  • AHHHHH how awesome! I love your enthusiasm! :bigsmile: I would totally be in!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I LOVE the idea and I am IN!!
  • loserchick
    loserchick Posts: 283 Member
    I'm totally in, just tell me what I have to do :) I think it's a fabulous idea!
  • Songbird146
    Songbird146 Posts: 46 Member
    cool, count me in
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    Some support would be nice all my friends ditched me and I really am looking forward to walking in a room and knockin' em dead! LOL :wink: Maybe then they will wish they had stuck with it and joined me on this fab journey!
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    Sounds good so far. What's the catch? :huh:
  • jarelary4
    jarelary4 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm in!!!, what do we do? I'm a size 18 and it's really hard to feel it when I see so many rolls hanging out of that skin tight stuff my hubby loves so much.:noway:
  • mykidsmom
    mykidsmom Posts: 11
    That is so awesome! I know hubby would love that idea...... I get tired of failing all the time. New start today!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    k....just ran to the store for some dinner and back again to check MFP.
    Saying that I'm sooooo delighted with this early response is an understatement.
    Sounds like we have some determined gals out there and rearing to go!!!!
    jaac90... you crack me up and so early in the game too." What's the catch?" you ask....none, zip nadda.
    These challenges will be up to you as far as how far you want to go in them. I'm a size 12. Do I think I look good as a size 12....well, yeah, sometimes I think I do and then I may get all dolled up to go out on the town and then look at myself in a picture and think "Who the hell is that?" GGGRRRROOOSSSS. The catch is, there really is none. It's about looking in the mirror and liking/loving what you see ....and if you don't then DO somthing about it.
    Happy with your size? awesome, I mean it. Love yourself and to hell with conforming to what society dictates a womens size ought to be. Me, I need and want to lose weight and I can't do it alone :sad: :sad:

    I would love our group and all that we do, be based on a total democracy . Having said that I do believe in dishing out Tough Love:devil: when needed and you may as well leave the excuses at the door cause there's no entry into this elite club for that mentality.
    We have to do the work..
    let me get the other gals to log in and as soon as we have a healthy number in the group, we can start our engines!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • borisda
    borisda Posts: 122 Member
    I completetly agree , a woman should feel beautiful , sexy and comfortable with themselves no matter what size dress or weight they choose to be , so long as your eating healthy and exercising you'll look and feel fantastic . Good luck ladies xx
  • Shredder, I am so inspired by you thread and profile in fact your page title "life begins each morning" has become one of my inspirations. You'll see why from my profile... One of my major problems is having a little slip on Friday night and then thinking... well I might as well just carry on for the weekend and start again on Monday. I have been doing this for 10 years, putting too much pressure on myself, setting unrealistic and un achievable goals, and doing all of this alone, behind a secret wall of self projected fake confidence.


    I'd love all of your support and love to offer you all the same in return.

    I can't wait for the next challenge..
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I'm interested! I love a challenge. Just let me know what I need to do.
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Well, here I am saying I want to play too! Maybe having just a friend help me is not enough. All other stuff may make me more accountable. Please let me know what I have to do!
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    Sounds great- excited to be part of the team!:love::love: :love:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    This is the Heather that Shredder referred to in the first post of this thread. I'll start by saying I am in on this challenge!

    I love the gals that Shredder mentioned and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. The support here is amazing and there really is no catch, just motivation from others who are trying to get healthy and look better in the process.

    Someone asked about a size 8...I'll probably never be a size 8! I'm a consistent size 12 now and am getting close to a 10, where I'll be happy because it's the size I graduated high school in. Woo hoo! Speaking of which, my high school reunion is in September and I want to look how I did then.

    I look forward to taking this journey with all of you. We'll have fun!

  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    Well I do like fishnets on occassion, and love high heels (although I think I would break my neck in 8" unless I just stood still the whole time), so count me in too!
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