
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Again I`ve read all the posts and have no time to reply:sad: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Keep coming in and chatting!!!

    Robin:smile: So glad the cloak worked, wear it all the time!!! Maybe the boss will disappear:laugh: !

    JaneM:smile: Sending prayers to your friend!

    SallyCC:smile: How nice of you to stay with your friend! We do sometimes put ourselves on the back burner to care for others, you`re a good friend!

    Meg:smile: Sure hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Amanda:smile: I`m trying to limit my time on the computer too, so far it`s not working:frown: !

    I must run, I`m meeting a friend for coffee soon and I still need to get my shower!
    Have a great day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Focus big word on this journey

    Hope your test don't reveal anything serious

    Welcome and good luck.

    Being good to a friend is more self rewarding than going to the gym anyday.

    Dee dee
    Enjjoy your friends company and coffee.

    Well now it's on to face my day blood sugar reading was great today and seen two good ones yesterday.
    I'm doing something right need to keep at it. I like to see numbers on the scale go down but right now my blood sugar readings took priority.
    Making a big pot of veg spaghetti sauce to eat on spaghetti squash never had it but can't be all that bad. Don't try it won't know.
    So off to do the chopping.
    Both 1 mile 2 mile 3 mile walking with Leslie Sansone yesterday. So will be trying some of that.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Hi All; I have never actually tried to lose weight as hard as I am doing now. I am 50+ and have found the weight just doesn't want to leave at this age..I lost weight before the holidays but gained it all back. I don't get much in the exercise part I have Fibro and Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain..which makes it very hard to lose weight cause I am usually setting down.
    I weigh 167 now and I would like to lose 30lbs to start. It has been good to read the posts here and see how many of you have lost and still upbeat about doing more.. I hope I too can lose the weight as you have. Happy New Year All!!!!

    Take Care
    Liz M.
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Hey all,

    Well, I'm not sure if it's from being sick and living on TONS of water and not much food, or from eating only the healthy stuff on my diet, but the scale this morning got me under 200!! That's pretty consistent with my initial goal of 2 lbs a week.

    Still feeling crappy, but better. Dang flu bug!

    At least I havent' given it to my husband!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

  • Good morning ladies.. I had a very good check in at the doctors office yesterday. My blood pressure has come down to "normal" range & I have dropped 6 lbs since my last visit in Dec. This has given me more motivation to keep on track than I thought it was going too. My goal for Jan is to lose another 6+ lbs. My sister has played a great part in keeping me walking every day. She lives in NC & I live in GA but we walk together every day. Our running joke is that she is the Hare & I am the Turtle. Before going to bed we text each other to confirm the clocks are set for our morning walk. Who ever is up and going first will text the other one to give them encouragement to get going. We walk out the door together and at different milestones along the way we keep each other posted as to how we are doing, where we are at and what we have seen. I have learned more about her neighborhood since walking the past month than I knew in the previous 3 years since she moved in there. I love taking photos of the sunset or wildlife & messaging them to her. It really has brought us closer than we have been in years. The nice thing about what we are doing is that we can keep it going no matter where we are. Both of us travel but the world of technology makes it possible to walk together if she is in China & I am in Germany. This morning my sister left for Texas but we still got our time in together.
  • 389989
    389989 Posts: 7
    Hi! I just started MFP about a week ago; its all new to me. I enjoy reading the threads but I'm a little techno-challenged so don't know how this works. I love the idea of being a part of a community of women who have similar goals. Thanks.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and happy weekend, fabulous ladies!

    Had a wonderful date night with DH last night - we went to one of our favorite restaurants (a fancy one) for dinner and some adult conversation. I had saved up 1k calories for it lol:drinker: . I had a prosecco cocktail and wine with dinner (I wasn't driving!) but the meal itself was fairly benign - a roasted squash salad with blue cheese and roasted chestnuts, dressing on the side, then a vegetarian sampler for the main course. In the end it wasn't as interesting as it could have been and DH and I again had that conversation about "why do we bother to go out to eat when we could make something as tasty or tastier at home?" However, it's a romantic inn with great atmosphere, I got to dress up (and looked smashing!), so it was still fun.

    Today it's time to take down the decorations and start spring cleaning (I have to get a head start this year as we'll have a lot of company in the coming year). I also need to get to the store and do some work that I promised the team I would do over the weekend.

    I already did my workout for the day - a 60 minute Combat (kickboxing/martial arts DVD) routine. So fun! Tomorrow's supposed to be my "rest" day but I'm doing yoga - I've really been missing the stretching and flexibility portion, and that's the one thing this workout is missing. I didn't think I had a lot left to "shape" but my bottom's letting me know elsewise :laugh: . I can already see a lot of changes - my tummy's flattening out (finally!!!) and everything is toning up. I had the same results when I did kickboxing on a regular basis before - and for me it's a routine I love. As soon as I get over the feeling of being a klutz I'm good to go!:blushing:

    Not responding to everyone this morning but I want to wish those of you suffering from illnesses, either your own or someone close to you, better health soon. Cheryl, stop beating yourself up. That's absolutely the wrong direction if you want to start feeling better about yourself! JB, it's such a useful exercise to measure where you are this year compared to last - good job, you! I'm so impressed by everyone's dedication and devotion to a healthier 2013 - hope we are all here at the end of the year to tally the results!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    All best wishes to my Vitamin F friends!! As usual, I have read everything but cannot respond to all. Healing prayers for those who are ailing or have loved ones who are ill. Let's all stick with this and get healthier. We have some great examples on this thread of ladies who have done an amazing job with their health journey and I hope to follow along in their footsteps......although they are probably moving faster than I am!!

    I am doing well with my goal of picking up the intensity level of my activity several times a week. I am pleased that with fibro and osteoarthritis that I'm doing ok! Yes. So far, so good. One day at a time.

    Has anyone heard from Jolene? Or have I missed her posts??

    And Dixie hasn't decided to re-join us at this point right?

    Amanda - good for you on checking with your doctor right away. That is wonderful. Please let us know about your scan when you get the results.

    Michele - on the hot water and lemon, I use 1/4 of one of those huge fresh lemons from Costco and squeeze it into the hot water juice and whatever pulp lands in the mug and it is DELICIOUS!! It's now one of my top three favorite drinks---water, coffee, and lemon water. It's supplanted tea in popularity with me.

    I'm still eating fairly close to the nutritarian approach of Dr. Fuhrman and am feeling pretty darn good.

    Everyone have a great weekend.

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • Hi Ladies!
    wanted to share a positive quote with all.... So far, so good with the dieting and this website. Only on day 5, so I am sure I will need your encouragement and help in the coming months. But for now doing well and losing a few lbs, so it is a good day!

    make it a great day!
  • Sundance - what a great idea about the email for Michele ..love the scrapbook idea also but can't remember who wrote it

    Suebdew -LOL about gaining weight from all the supplements Dr Oz seems to endorse

    Barbie - how wonderful to be able to teach something to others that you enjoy so much yourself

    Michele NC - WOW what bargains you got shopping

    Lori H MO - Cancer is as stressful for the caregiver as the patient..glad your husband is doing fine and there is nothing like a new grandbaby to motivate you to get healthy

    Lila - feel better soon

    cws4me - Make sure you set realistic goals like 5# losses..I know it's low but you'll feel great and be so encouraged every time you reach it

    JulieOdellman - Welcome

    Chrispath - what a fantastic, creative way to exerise with your sister!

    M- Your date night sounds awesome

    Have to get to the gym...my grandson is 5 today and there is a party tonight and I WILL NOT touch that birthday cake this time.

    Have a great day everyone

  • Hi Ladies!!

    I just posted on the board, THEN read the post... OOOPS! I am new to this, but realized, "read" first then post.. So here I go again..sorry!

    @ Judy/PositivePower Thanks for your quote. I will keep mine coming as well. And I am a Dr. Oz freak as well. I will have to view the show on DVR to see the 9 min workout. Thanks for the info and wishing you a great weekend

    @ Tigress/ GA Thanks. I will definitely try the broth/veggie idea when the late night "hungry" attacks.

    @ Linda C/Northern Ontario Thanks for the welcome, I really feel that with the help from all you positive Ladies, I can/will do this!

    @Janehadji Thank you so much for your encouraging words

    @Colleen Thanks for the advice, I will do that.

    @Exermom I appreciate your kind words and the helpful late nigh hunger tips.. Hope your ankle gets better soon

    @mouth5667 Great news about your husbands results. Congrats on the news of your grandbaby!!

    @cws4me Welcome.. I am new too! we can journey this challenge together.

    @julieOdelimar Welcome.. I am new too! YOU can do this.. this will be the year for great and positive things!


    wishing everyone a happy weekend,
  • TopBranchOR
    TopBranchOR Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to posting comments so if I screw it up, please let me know. I found MFP accidentally in Sep 2012 and it was a happy accident. I've lost 14 pounds since then. I told my daughter about the program, she joined and has lost almost 25 pounds. I am wearing clothes that have been hanging in my closet, some for years, that I considered donating or giving away because I didn't think I would ever wear them again. My daughter has been my chief cheerleader which has kept me going and motivated. I am looking for more motivation and reading your posts has helped. I love your positive and encouraging words! :happy:
  • Hi everyone! Found this thread by accident and live seeing so many 50+ gals out there. Happy New Year to everyone also.
    I've been on my weight loss journey since June and am nearly at my goal of losing 75 pounds, another 7 pounds to go. Anyone wanting to friend me please, I always welcome new friendships. And if there is anything I can do to help anyone, I'm happy to do it. I like to say this is a marathon, not a sprint. And if I remember that it makes it easier.
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Wow, two pages of updates is a lot to cover. But it's nice to see what people have to say. I was a good girl today and got in my 4th workout this week and didn't procrastinate. Minor miracle if you knew how good I was at making excuses not to exercise. Going to have a spinach smoothie after I write this.
    389989' CWS4me, Sassy and LizM welcome. This is a good thread. Hope you find help here.
    Linda C thank you for the answer. It's nice to know what's working for everyone.
    Jane, I had a MedLite system done. No repeat treatments, takes them all away first time supposedly. I'm sitting here right now with what looks like a sunburn face and will be excited to see the end results.
    Jen, from NY, deep breath. Things will look better soon. Good job on getting your workout in though.
    Svelte, best wishes.
    Wessecg, I think losing 27 lbs and not going in the wrong direction even once is amazing. Hope I can say the same about myself soon. Good luck going forward.
    Deb and Colleen, Hi. Hope to get to know you.
    Sun dance, congrats on a good December. Thanks for the good advice.
    SuebDew, just got my Wii out again. Forgot how fun it can be.
    Barbie C, I so agree about good calories. I also notice they satisfy longer. For Clean Eating I learned to always combine a healthy protein with a complex carb to keep from getting to hungry. It works.
    Michelle, at least it said it once. I've never heard that statement from my Wii. Pretty soon that comment will be the norm for you. Congrats
    Lori H, good for getting back on track. Blessings and healing to you and your hubby.
    Dee Dee. Hi
    Amanda Hi
    Liz Hi. Great weight loss to all three of you.
    Sally, being good to a friend is the greater eternal value. Hope you get your workout in today.
    Julie, yeah good for you getting under 200! Great milestone.
    Lin from Ohio, amazing weight loss.

    Blessings to you all, have a good healthy weekend.

    Karen from Mi.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I just wanted to comment on the Fitbit sleep stuff. I noticed huge differences depending on where I wear the fitbit to sleep. If I wear on the neck of my night shirt or on my underwear I get very little "awake" times. If I wear it on my ankle it is more and if I wear it on my arm it looks like I never sleep at all. Just something to keep in mind.

    I treadmilled last night even with a hurting mouth. (2 hours in the dentist chair for a filling) It still hurts abit this morning.

    Amanda, I hope things go okay with the doc. I too can't believe that Olivia is almost one.

    To all of you beautiful women, THANK YOU! so much for your support as I battle the demon monster boss. You all encourage and help me to see the bigger picture and remind me that I can handle whatever this world hands me. I love you all!!!!

    :heart: Robin:heart: Bodi and Ritter
    Grey North of Seattle
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    .well I fell off the wagon last night with way to much alcohol. at least I cannot do that today - have a fasting blood test mOnday so alcohol free for 48 hrs. I also took a long walk in my heavy boots and went mall walking for 2 hr all together today. Perhaps that will help the scale for Monday morning weigh in

    Susan from Eastern Ontario
    MTGWW Posts: 34
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi All,

    Happy New Year!! I am so sorry I haven't gotten back to you with my test results. I have been sick since the biopsy. Apparently, they stirred up a lung infection when taking the samples. I am on the mend.

    Good news, ITS NOT LYMPHOMA!!!! It is sarcoidosis. Since it has formed granulomas we will have to treat it aggressively for the next couple of years. But the news is good for remission. They also believe this is the source of problems with my liver and that it has been going on for the last 3 years.

    So we are now moving toward treatment. In the meantime. I appreciate all the support you have given me. Thank you all so much.

    I have started my new job and it is very hectic at this time of the academic year. The new semester starts next week and them about two weeks after that things should settle down a smidgen.

    I will do my best to check in on you all. Know I love you and I am reading.

    Love U Lots,

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies, Old and New!

    I have been MIA for most of the last 3 months. It has not been good for me or my weight! I have been exercising but my eating has been very sloppy and the holidays didn't help.
    DH had to have ANOTHER surgery on his back Dec 20...after lots of consultations and a few MRIs it became clear that it had to be done, so he is flat on his back again and I am nurse again. :tongue: :tongue: This has been an 8 month ordeal since an injury and we are trying to stay positive. For all of you who have been caregivers and/or suffered from chronic pain, I have a whole new level of respect for you! :flowerforyou: It is quite a challenge to deal with. I have resorted to some old bad habits in the face of some of the frustration. :sad: BUT, today is a new day and I am determined to get some focus back on my own health and well being. I can't take care of him if I let myself get out of shape!

    Thank you for letting me vent! I guess I needed too.:grumble: :grumble:

    I look forward to getting to know our new members and catching up with my "old" friends here. I have missed you.
    Question? Does anyone know how to log onto our message boards from an I Pad? That is what I have been using mostly and another reason (excuse?) for not logging on here.

    Take care, all:flowerforyou: Kackie