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What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • angelacooper3
    angelacooper3 Posts: 32 Member
    I gained some weight after having 2 babies in 18 months and being diagnosed with postpartum hypothyroisism . My ex h told me I repulsed him and made his flesh crawl because I had let myself get so fat.

    My mother presented me with an expensive pair of leather jeans one Christmas, then proceeded to tell me she had purposely bought them a size too small so I would have to lose weight.

    It has only ever been people that are supposed to be very close to me that have ever said anything, never acquaintances or colleagues.
  • I can't count the number of times Ive been asked when was I due or how many months am I. To me that always hurt the most. I am a smart butt though and say I was impregnated by a dozen donuts lol
  • ljb82
    ljb82 Posts: 72 Member
    I signed up to do a challenge called the Yorkshire Three Peaks - you walk/climb up 3 peaks, covering 24 miles and 6900 feet in 1 day (people aim to do it in 12 hours)

    A couple of close members of family told me I wouldn't do it because of my weight. Others just looked t menlike i was mental or lying. That hurt.

    Guess what?

    I was the fattest person that I saw doing it. It was hard, 12.5 hours of physical and mental effort. There were points where i could have curled up and cried. I had 12 blisters, a cut & bruised knee and i still have 2 black toenails!

    The people in our assigned group were utter ar$eholles to us to begin with as well, saying that we shouldn't be doing it ( me cos of my size, my friend because she was short and slow)

    But my mind is stronger than any other part of my body.

    I DID IT.

    I raised £600 for sick children.

    Don't listen to people who try to bring you down, they are just insecure themselves. Invest your emotional energy in yourself and those who believe in you.

    You are very awesome!!! Go girl! It's nice to read inspiration on here.
  • One person when they first met my wife and I said to me "How did a I guy like you get a girl like that?"
  • There has been so many rude things said to me about my weight! Where to begin...

    I had a friend's mother say that she didn't like me at first because all fat people stink, but that she is really glad that I know how to bathe.

    A guy I had a crush on in college found out about my crush and told me that he'd be willing to sleep with me since fat girls are usually easy. Needless to say the crush ended. Fast!

    My Dad constantly made remarks growing up about me being a fat *kitten* or telling me to stop eating at meals because he wasn't going to be responsible for my weight. He still comments today, only now it is "I'm glad you lost weight. You need to lose more. Guys won't marry a fat girl." And so on...

    Unfortunately, we have probably all had to deal with it. Sad, but true.
  • One person when they first met my wife and I said to me "How did a I guy like you get a girl like that?"

    For real? That's a terrible thing to say.
  • My kids tell me that I dont look like I've had a tummy tuck. I had it done last year.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I had a "friend" call me jabba the hut once. Out of the blue. No context.
  • When I was 20 some car salesman told me I'd be really gorgeous if I wasn't fat...sweet, hunh?!?
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I had a patient sing to me once and I quote "fatty fatty two by four its a wonder you can get through my f****** door. (Fill in the blanks) :)

    I had someone say to me once in a bar, if dance with you but I don't wanna get stuck in your rolls" and the list goes on and on. Now I'm just hot and they wanna dance with me. Tisk tisk you ain't gonna put your hands in my cookie jar now!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    The fact i was gay was more important than being overweight so i just got called *kitten* and words like that. My sisters were part of that :(
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Honestly, the worst things said about my weight have been said BY me in my own head. :grumble:

  • MbiggsHFD319
    MbiggsHFD319 Posts: 427 Member
    I have had lots of hurtful things said to me thru my years of battling my weight, but the worst I think was after I lost most of my weight. My Sister-in-law told anyone who would listen that I was only losing weight because I want to try to look better than my daughters and compete with them for their boyfriends.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    One of my ex's friend referred to me as a "whale" a couple times after we broke up. I was about 180 lbs at the time and 5'6. Can you imagine what that does to a girl's self esteem?
  • HisangelG
    HisangelG Posts: 96 Member
    Worst things said:
    1. If you just tried, you would lose all the weight you want.
    2. You wouldn't be fat, if you didn't like it.
    3. Being disabled is no excuse for being so obese. You can walk, can't you? (Actually, no, I can't, but thanks for asking!)
    4. You're fat because you want to be.
    5. Anyone can lose weight, obviously, you aren't trying hard enough.
    6. Haven't you had that baby, YET?!

    Now, never mind that I am disabled, been VERY sick for several years, and unable to really do much of anything, plus I am on at least 4 meds that cause extreme weight gain, was in a very abusive relationship, where I was literally made to eat double portions of things like chicken, cause you know, chicken, fried up in oil is good for you. :noway:

    I now have a husband who is very supportive of me. I am learning how to eat healthy, while living in US, and hope to learn how to continue to eat healthy when we are finally living in the same place, without causing him to have to constantly eat the same thing I am. (For the most part, this will work, it's more about both of us cutting down the portions.)

    He's also willing to work out with me, in person and via Skype while we are apart. He tells me I am beautiful even at 338 pounds. (His exact words are: You are beautiful) I try to remember those words when I hear the other crap. It doesn't matter what random strangers think about me, it matters what my husband and I think about me.
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    One of my brothers told our sister that I hadn't seen in years because she grew up with my mom's sisters and I gre up with my dad . She has a different father. Any way he told her that I was so big I would take up the whole love seat and wouldn't be able to squeeze through the door. :mad:
  • lapinu390
    lapinu390 Posts: 46 Member
    Probably from school bullies in middle school who used to call me immature things like fat ***** and fat slag lol
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    My husband told me when I was at my heaviest that I was going to be a "cart person". You know, the people that have to ride the cart through walmart because they can't walk it. He was shocked when I burst out in tears. He had no idea how close he was to the truth. I could barely walk. Thankfully, that's all behind me now. I can out walk him any day.
  • andreamarieroberts
    andreamarieroberts Posts: 34 Member
    I can't even remember specifics. It just seems like high school was one long blur of a group of guys moo-ing at me.

    I was mooed at while at a public pool once. I wasn't even super fat at that time. I think the biggest insult is the invisibility and marginalization I experienced.
  • McAlyna
    McAlyna Posts: 123 Member
    My EX boyfriend said that he was worried to continue dating me because he did not want to end up married to a "fat woman"

    Aren't you glad he's your ex now?

    I would not wanna be with a guy that tells me to lose weight nor I am fat.