

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening ladies

    :drinker: Welcome to Lynda, Amalia, Pattio and Kathymurphy :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie I hope your shoulder feels better soon, you will have to take a easy while it recovers.

    :frown: I am not doing too well on my April goal of exercising more - the last few days I have been so tired and by the time we have got home from walking the dogs I just want to flop down in front of the computer. I can't seem to motivate myself to start exercising so late. I need to plan my evenings, I suppose I could do 10 - 15 mins as soon as I get home from work but I usually start making the evening meal and then afterwards walk the dogs.

    :smile: On a good note, I am drinking more water. I had a bit of a lapse today with junk food, I had been good at work too and ruined it all this evening, I had one of those heads on that just wouldn't stop nibbling.

    :smile: When I went into town on Friday I bought myself a top from Bonne Marche, it's funny but even up to a few years ago I thought that was a shop my mum would shop in for clothes, not me, and here I am now, buying things myself what a difference a few years makes :laugh:

    :smile: Went for a lovely walk this evening, it was sunny but a cold wind so I wrapped up well. It was very quiet again (apart from me and daughter laughing and talking) only met one dog on the way around, I heard the dogs owner (didn't see them) shouting of the little dog, but it wasn't taking a blind bit of notice, and came running up to our two. We have a new strategy now in that Heather runs away from the dog with Frankie - making it seem a game - Tara follows and I just walk quickly after them trying not to fall over, anyway this dog would not take the hint and ran after us for quite a way before deciding that we were boring and went back to its owner. At least this way Frankie keeps calm, he hates dogs running up to him and if one does get too close, he barks and lunges to get at it getting very stressed in the process - poor Heather has a hard time to keep hold of him . So all in all a reasonable walk. :smile:

    :drinker: Here's to all who have lost weight this week, and to those (like me) who are not doing so well, keep on in there we have nothing to lose but weight (hopefullly) :laugh:

    Goodnight :yawn:

    :heart: :heart: Viv
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member

    viv - how was that gum?:ohwell: I really like it but have to be careful not to chew it too much as my jaw really gets to hurting when I chew too much.:grumble:

    Everyone have a great day...keep fighting off those pounds:drinker:


    Laura - not sure if you thought I meant chewing gum or not. Fruit gums are like hard fruity flavoured jelly sweets ( I can't chew them either because they are too hard) you have to suck them for ages - one of the reasons why I am not that keen on them!

    :smile: Apologies if you meant that you find everything makes your jaw ache if it is too chewy - it's not always easy as things that are common over here in the UK are maybe not know in USA and vice versa.

    Bye for now
    :drinker: Viv
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Well, I spent the afternoon with Linda. First of all, by the time I arrived at the vets office, the story had changed considerably. She does have some sort of intestinal parasite, but it is not the one that was feared. Chloe, Linda's Shih tzu, is spending the night at the vets as she is dehydrated. In the process of dealing with this, I found out that despite my reminding her repeatedly since February, Linda had fiddled around and not gotten her taxes prepared. I gave her the name of my preparer a long time ago, and told her he would do a faster and better job for less than a chain.

    The last time we talked about it, 2 weeks ago, she was going to use the free AARP advice available at a local senior center, but she waited so long to go in, it was too late for her to get any help from them. When I found out she had made an appointment with a large national chain that charges way too much, in my opinion, compared to the person I use, I threw up my hands. When I looked at the material she had put together for them, I told her to save her money...knowing enough about her situation to see that info was missing, so we spent the afternoon looking through her house for missing information. When I filled in the "blanks" I was able to do enough calculating to figure her probable tax liability, and do an electronically filed extension with enough of a payment to keep her out of any penalties.

    When my own preparer has had a chance to recover from April 15th, I will send her over to him to have the return done.

    So, despite my best intentions to have nothing to do with tax preparation--a chore I have always hated and stopped doing myself about 3 years ago--I ended up spending about 2 hours dealing with tax prep chores today. Since they were not my own, it was a tolerable experience. I came home and rewarded myself with a 100 calorie pack of "Wholly Guacamole" with some Kashi Asiago whole grain crackers--almost made it worthwhile and it was only 230 calories!!

    Still have to do all the stuff I had planned to do today, but probably won't get it all done. Farewell for now.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Got home last night from my trip to the Pacific coastline with girlfriends and am leaving with hubby this afternoon for a road trip through Texas Hill Country to see the wildflowers. Not only did I have a glorious time, but due to eating healthy all week and all that walking we did, I lost 3 pounds and 3 inches (1" each in my abdomen and thighs). The next 9 days hubby is off will be a real test of my changed lifestyle. This is the thinnest I've been in over 15 years. Needless to say I'm THRILLED!

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I am so glad to hear from you and to hear the great news that you stayed faithful to healthy eating and exercise and lost weight:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Your focus is inspirational.......Have a great time on your trip with your hubby.and enjoy the wildflowers.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jackie - good luck with the shoulder.

    Viv - walking the dogs is or can be exercise. Can you stretch the walk out any and throw in some jogging steps? Jog for 30 seconds if that is all you can do, then walk until you can jog again. If you do that for 15-20 minutes with the dogs you will have quite a workout. You have a better chance of sticking to exercise if your dogs are with you anyway.

    I had a long hard day, but have some wonderful news:::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;

    The physical therapist says that DD's walk is 'picture perfect' and her right leg now hangs straight and her foot does not turn out any more! We still have more rehab to do, but so far we are on track.

    KathyMurphy - Welcome and I hope you have a fun camping.

    Have a great evening all,

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, just stopped by to share my Happy Dance:happy: . I started the "Biggest Loser" at work and have lost 6lbs this week. :noway: There are 21 of us at work participating. Things have been alittle crazy and I have'nt had time to post.:sad: I have been lurking as I enter my food and exercise. :love: Best wishes to those struggling, congratulations to those losing,:happy: welcome to the newbies and Happy Birthday and Anniversary. I have been married 36 years and sometimes I think I'm dreaming.LOLOL:laugh: It really can't be that long cause I don't feel that old......Everyone take care :heart: Love (((Hugs))) and Prayers for all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rose, it's so good to hear from you and hear about the 6 pound loss. Congratulations on your anniversary.:bigsmile: What can you tell the rest of us about how to stay married for so long?

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I am thrilled to hear the good news about your DD. I know how much time, money, energy, and prayer you and she and the rest of your family have put in to help her on this journey. Keep up the work on physical therapy and both you and she will continue to be big winners.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, best wishes to your mum in her new setting:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on losing another pound........one day at a time you'll make it through tax season...:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: kathymurphy, welcome to the thread......you are so welcome here.....I am past 60 and this thread and MFP changed my life.....I found many of the solutions I was looking for and got the encouragement and motivation I needed.....and I found great friends willing to listen to my daily talk about food and exercise and they never got bored.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, dog walking is a great source of exercise...when I walk my dogs I get a full body workout keeping them from chasing birds and doing things they're not supposed to do.....they love going out with me and I am healthier for it.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Barb, once again you have come through for your friend, Linda.........most of us wouldn't have known what to do to help her with her taxes except to make a phone call for her.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: This has been a super exercise day for me.......line dance class in the morning followed by a quick dog walk, lunch and a two hour walk with my new walking friend. When I got home, the "naughties" looked sad and lonely so I took them to the dog park where they played off leash for 30 minutes while I walked around and then I walked them on leash for 30 minutes while they tried to chase the little birds and the ducks. I ate my dinner shake while riding the exercise bike and then crawled in bed with both dogs and one cat and read and napped for an hour.....now I'm ready to talk to DH on the phone and then my cousin who calls and talks for and hour on Wednesday nights. In the middle of all this, I took care of a business appointment and a couple of business calls. :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Checking in and checking out again. Feeling a little discombobulated. FIL had a brain aneurism today. It's not looking too good. However, he is 87 and ready and we are ready, but still.....when the phone call comes.....

    (((hugs))) Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's always hard to lose someone even if you know it's time...
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oh Rebel,

    So sorry to hear about your FIL. Does he live in the same part of the country that you do? Hope your hubby is hanging in there. I remember when we lost my (former) spouse's dad. He had a terminal illness, and hubby had been maintaining pretty well, but when the inevitable happened, he took it very hard. I am glad you can be there for one another at this hard time.

    Another update to Chloe the Shih tzu--she did so well they let her go home tonight after all. Linda is very happy, as you can imagine.

    Despite my "taxing" day, I did manage to get one of the two high priority items done tonight. Under extreme duress, I agreed to a temporary appointment back onto the HOA board of my condo, and since we are having a special meeting to deal with an important legal issue, the Board members were all assigned a section of units to door knock to make sure people had either responded to the ballot mailed out or were coming to the meeting in person or had given a proxy to someone. I have been trying since Saturday to get my door knocking done, and my hunch that more people might be home tonight, since it was the last regular season game of the Trailblazers, appears to have worked. I still have a few to catch up with tomorrow, but I managed to catch at least 2/3 of those that I needed to talk to.

    I had a wonderful dinner after I did my HOA duties. I had leftover salad from my dinner at friends the night before. Tomato, English cucumber, sweet onion, with some chopped fresh mint leaves. If you leave the dressing off, it keeps better, so I added 5 sprays of Wishbone Italian Spritzer and 5 sprays of Balsamic Vinaigrette. Top it off with a little pepper and toss it well. Then I added 3 ounces of Hormel grilled chicken strips. I also had a Flat Out wrap--kidz size, cinnamon flavor (only 60 calories!!) and 4 oz of Shiraz (red) wine. It was yummy, and I have enough calories left over for dessert a little later-will probably be 10 pieces of the Brookside Chocolate covered Pomegranate. Yummy and very satisfying.

    Well, this is a very strange basketball game--Blazers are in the 4th qtr, and their opponent, Golden State Warriors, apparently has had so many players fouled out that they didn't have enough players in uniform to finish the game, :noway: so there is a rule I had never heard of, where they can put someone back in who has already fouled out. They are arguing about it because there is a player still on the bench who is not fouled out, but he has a knee issue and the coach doesn't want to play him. Now it appears they DO have other players available but for some reason don't want to use them. Timeout for a big argument. This is getting stranger by the minute.

    Well, I am going to give up for the night...think the wine will inspire me to crash early.:yawn:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just a quick good morning from me!

    Off to take care of the dogs and then get in a quick 15 min of exercise. I have so much to do today I think I will have to get my exercise in in 15 min increments!



    And Welcome to all the new people!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good mornng all

    Reb - sorry to hear about your father in law
    Barb - I used to do taxes for Actors as a volunteer and I had so many people always asking my advice. I only do my own now and I understand the frustration when people pay to much for too little help.

    OK so I have exercised of 4457 cals so far and I still have two days to go. I am a burning machine. and I have lost all of the period bloat plus a 1.2 pound loss. YAY.

    Yesterday I had an interview with a recruiter. It went well. It was kind of strange since I haven't had an in person interview in over 2 years but it was good.

    When I got home I got my biweekly call from my almost 26 year old daughter. she has the baby bug really bad and was finally able to convince her 6 year boyfriend (he's 32 and was a confirmed bachelor) to marry him and have babies. He has told his family and even his tax preparer the news. So I will probably be a Grandmere in a couple of years. AAAAAHHHHHHHHH I am not ready.
    She's just a little girl how can she have babies? (Ok never mind the fact that I was just 24 for 3 days when I gave birth to her and she will probably be 27 or 28) I just hope she knows what she is doing. I do love Brian, he is a great guy.

    Anyway, the sun is trying to shine up here in the Great Pacific Northwest and I would love to take advantage of it. Maybe I will work on the "wall"

    I hope you all have a great day and welcome to the newcomers.
  • 2201953
    2201953 Posts: 6 Member
    Where do I go to join?
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    The day has gotten off to a good start,

    Exercise done (3 miles 310 exercise calories)

    Hubby is a little grumpy!

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: A quick dash in too ..... food logged in with calories to spare ....:happy: think "Cruise" clothes Jackie!!!
    :angry: Mum still not eating but DIL's sister is on her case!! :frown: She's feeling nauseous so maybe if they give her something for that maybe she'll eat.
    :laugh: DH has a new toy and was able to photograph a picture of me ...in my younger years! Not quite the one in the white boots but it is in the check suit.:bigsmile: So later on maybe I'll put it on my photos for a laugh!!
    :wink: How about some other "as we were " photos ladies!!??
    Sorry to hear about your FIL 's condition Rebel ... :heart: thoughts and prayers are with him, you and the family.

    :heart: Jackie
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's Tax Day here in the USA:grumble: so not necessarily a "good" day for many!

    Jeannie:flowerforyou: Hope all the Dr Appt went well

    Jackie- It sounds like your Mum is doing better, hope her recovery runs smoothly:flowerforyou: So sorry about your shoulder, it's nothing serious is it? Pictures of way back when? I have lots of pictures not sure if I can find ones that show the "good old days":wink: But your pic sounds fun:love:

    Rfahae - I would love to have a walk in Vegas...but then again my #1 Son and DIL live there:wink: and I'd get to see them at the same time.

    BirdieM - :drinker: A pound loss is worthy of a toast!

    AnotherKathy -Welcome:flowerforyou: if you really need your "butt kicked" there are those here that are great at losing and exercising and problaby can accomadate you in that area:laugh:

    Barb - You are such a good friend to have, I'm sure that Linda knows it too:flowerforyou: glad her doggie didn't have any serious lasting issues and that dinner you discribed...:drinker: :drinker: Yummy:drinker: :drinker:

    Viv- Sorry you are having a rough time fitting in those exercises:grumble: I know that feeling. Some nights I get home and just want to sit down to dinner and be a lump on the sofa:blushing: . Gum? Yep I thought you were talking "chewing gum":wink: ...so you are really talking about "hard candies" that require sucking...and are those sugar free?

    Cindy - Good for you being able to fit in 15 min here and there to exercise:happy: maybe if I did that I'd do more.

    Rose - WOW:noway: 6 pounds...Lady you ROCK:drinker:

    Barbie - Peanut doesn't know it but he's jealous :grumble: because he doesn't get walked:sad: near as much as your doggies do, and I'm sure they have no idea how lucky they are to have you take them out that much:wink:

    Rebel - {{Hugs}} and prayers for you and yours. So sorry to hear about your FIL:cry:


    So yesterday at work was very stressful, but got most of it done. Today is shaping up to be just another day of pushing the papers around and see what I can clear off. By the time I got home last night I was too tired :yawn: to want to do anything so I cut my exercise down to 20 min and felt that I was doing good just to get that much in:wink: My dinner was good and I was surprised at how full it made me feel. I was way short on my calories and it wasn't because I tried to do that, work got in the way again and I'm sure I'll make up for it on the weekend:grumble: I have a way of doing that.

    I got an email from my care company that keeps track of my Mom for me and she was telling me that it looks like Mom will be in rehab until the end of May:cry: and that she still can't get herself out of bed or into a wheelchair without help.:sad: I'm not sure she ever will be able to, when I talk with Mom she doesn't sound like she's trying very hard:grumble: and that frustrates me, but I can't make her do anymore than she wants to:grumble: And this is why I have to exercise...because I DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE MY MOTHER:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good day, hope you all got your taxes done and that today will be a day of the good fight against losing those pounds:drinker:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616

    :frown: I am not doing too well on my April goal of exercising more - the last few days I have been so tired and by the time we have got home from walking the dogs I just want to flop down in front of the computer. I can't seem to motivate myself to start exercising so late. I need to plan my evenings, I suppose I could do 10 - 15 mins as soon as I get home from work but I usually start making the evening meal and then afterwards walk the dogs.

    :smile: On a good note, I am drinking more water. I had a bit of a lapse today with junk food, I had been good at work too and ruined it all this evening, I had one of those heads on that just wouldn't stop nibbling.


    Hi Viv, just had to respond as exercise is always a hard one for me to. There's always one reason or another... :wink:

    Maybe you could extend your doggie walk for 10-15 minutes. That might be a painless way to up the exercise quotient and easier to do in the evening.

    Re the munchies, one and only one surefire trick works for me: lots of veggies. When I come home, especially when I'm feeling munchy, I'll take a big tray of asparagus, mushrooms, peppers, onions, broccoli (whatever your heart desires!), spray a little olive oil on top, then stick it in the oven at 475 for 10 minutes or so. By the time I finish I've not only got in my veggies for the day, the munchies have completely gone. The thing is to have enough. If you just have a little bit that doesn't seem to help.

    Hope this works for you. It's made the biggest difference for me in about 40 years of dieting and is the reason I feel confident about keeping this up. There's no feeling of deprivation. :laugh:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Checking in and checking out again. Feeling a little discombobulated. FIL had a brain aneurism today. It's not looking too good. However, he is 87 and ready and we are ready, but still.....when the phone call comes.....

    (((hugs))) Rebel :heart: :heart:

    I'm sending hugs to you Rebel. That's tough. I don't think it's easy to lose someone you love at any age. Take care and stay on track with eating if you can. That's harder in the tough times. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pumpkinbran
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616

    I got an email from my care company that keeps track of my Mom for me and she was telling me that it looks like Mom will be in rehab until the end of May:cry: and that she still can't get herself out of bed or into a wheelchair without help.:sad: I'm not sure she ever will be able to, when I talk with Mom she doesn't sound like she's trying very hard:grumble: and that frustrates me, but I can't make her do anymore than she wants to:grumble: And this is why I have to exercise...because I DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE MY MOTHER:ohwell:

    Hi Laura, exercising IS the key. The way you put it really hits the target: You don't want to end up like your mother. In my case, my mom is way ahead of me in the exercise department so all I can say is "I don't want to end up where I'm headed!" :laugh: Thanks to MFP I'm on a good track with the food. Now I know it's time to get on the exercise bandwagon. Posts like yours help.

    I recently read the book Strong Women Stay Young which does a good job of explaining how exercise helps even the very old and frail. It was written by a doctor from Tufts and seems well researched and logical. That and the other "Strong Women..." books might help your mom if she's a reader. Maybe it's even something the care home would like to do!

    It's very hard to have to stand by when the people you love are sabotaging themselves. I feel it very poignantly having been one of those who was frustrating the ones who love ME! :wink: You sound like a caring daughter. Your mom is lucky to have you.
