High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Bee, thanks so much. I've been trying to get the run in a couple of days a week, and I'm aiming for three days a week. Hopefully next week will be better!!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi everyone! I had a year ago and am still hanging on to some weight. About a month before I found out I was pregnant I had FINALLY began to shed some pounds that I have gained since getting married 5 years ago. Since the baby I have not had much luck losing...of course I haven't seriously tried either =( Durning my pregnancy I began to have trouble with my blood pressure. I am still struggling to keep it under control and I go back to the doctor next Tuesday. I am hoping that it is still stable, but with my eating habits I'm not so sure. I would like to have another baby within the next two years, but my husband says absolutely not unless my BP is under control without medication. So my ultimate goal is to eat HEALTHY and not live off of frozen pizza. I am only 25 and don't think I should be battling high blood pressure at my age! I am determined to lose the baby weight and be healthy! My motivation for this is that I want to see my baby girl grow up! I am one that loses hope when I am not seeing results, so I need a support system to encourage me. I am all in for this challenge! I will weigh in tomorrow morning when I get to work! Can't wait to get started!!
  • nerdxamanda
    Count me in =) I'm new to this site but I am ready to become a part of the group! I'm a new momma of a 5month old little girl, summer is coming up quickly and I want to be in good shape so I can enjoy the summer with my daughter, whether it be swimming,going to the zoo,vacationing ect. I don't weight a a bug amount, but I don't like how much I weight at all so I want to be at my goal weight and be confident.

    I gained 24pounds during pregnancy,I have lost it all but now I am not in the pant size I used to be,and I would love to be back down to a size 4, I would love to feel beautiful in my skin! I want my daughter to have a confident MOM!

    I'm ready to reach my goal weight, eat healthier and work out!

    I can do this, and I hope I have everybody's support. I am here for support for anybody who needs it as well! <3
  • stella5stars
    Is there room for 1 more? I'd love to sashay my way in.

    Current Weight: 197
    Goal Weight: 140-150
    Current Size: 14-15
    Goal - 8 (at least once) 10
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Room for one more?!?!?! This sounds like it will be very motivational and ALOT more fun than doing it alone! I have two boys, 16 and 2. I'm still trying to lose 18 pounds from the baby! :sad:

    Anyway, I look forward to success and wish everyone the best!


    I'm 5'2, 36 years old, and realizing how much harder it is to lose weight the older I get!:grumble:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers. There is always room for more fabulous ladies!

    Crawline: I, too, have been in a plateau for the past three weeks and saw a gain on the scale this morning. I'm trying to amp up and vary my workouts more in hope of "confusing" my body into releasing some more pounds. It's frustrating, but as long as we don't give up we'll make it through just fine! I'm running about three times a week now, but after I finish C25K, I'm hoping to run a bit more.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Wow you ladies are on a roll! I can barely keep up with all the posts. Well I don't have a scale at home so I'm thinking I'll have to go to the gym tomorrow and do my weigh in so I might as well do my workout in the morning right? Hmmm will have to think about that one. I know last week I was up 2 lbs and this week I feel even heavier and if all the food is to catch up with me after 2 days well lets just say the scale will not be nice to me tomorrow. But I will weigh in none the less cuz I need to face the consequences of my actions!

    Haven't planned out the rest of my workouts for this weekend but I am definately IN!

    This is what I'm talking about with "No Excuse"!!!!
    Nolachick is scheduling her weigh in at the gym tomorrow cause she doesn't have a scale at home.
    How many of us would just guesstamate? or even worse, fail to weigh in? Not her....
    She's already showing the gritt and determination of a winner!!!! One to watch for huge results. Great job!
  • Hypnopoison
    Hello, is it too late for another newbie to join???

    I really could do with some tough love at the mo. I was doing so well with my weight loss then I lost my mojo (as I call my motivation), and have started binge eating again, put on weight and made myself ill again! I started at 150lbs back in Jan 2009 and got down to 129 lbs. I am now back up to 136 lbs and not happy about undoing all my hard work!!!

    Current Weight: 136 lbs
    Goal Weight: 119 lbs
    Current Size: 10-12 (UK size)
    Goal Size: Size 8 jeans (UK size)
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    It's never too late....you have the will and drive, you've found the place to be with an amazing supportive group of ladies.
    I'm off to get my kids from school, then to dance to drop them off, me to the gym and then to WholeFoods to stock up my fridge for Cooler 1, day 1 begins for me tomorrow!!!!!Ahhhh, what if I break down and have my regular Friday night glass(es) of wine.
    I figure if I nail the entire day with eating right, get in a solid 60 minute workout, it won't be too bad, or should I just skip it altogether?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    This is what I'm talking about with "No Excuse"!!!!
    Nolachick is scheduling her weigh in at the gym tomorrow cause she doesn't have a scale at home.
    How many of us would just guesstamate? or even worse, fail to weigh in? Not her....
    She's already showing the gritt and determination of a winner!!!! One to watch for huge results. Great job!

    Thanks shredder! I usually run from the scale cuz it is never nice to me, but it's time to stop running away from the scale and start running to the gym lol
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    I'm going to have to weigh myself tonight I think. The scale at my house I DO NO TRUST. One day I'll have lost 5 lbs only to have gained 10 lbs back the next day, soooo I stopped using that scale a couple of weeks ago. I just usually head to a friends house to weigh. I'll weigh in at my friends house tonight just in case I can't make it to a friends house tomorrow :)

    Keep up the energy ladies, I'm lovin it!!!! :heart:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Is there room for 1 more? I'd love to sashay my way in.

    Current Weight: 197
    Goal Weight: 140-150
    Current Size: 14-15
    Goal - 8 (at least once) 10

    I love it!! Sashay away in your heels and fishnets!!! :drinker:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Crawline, good job...you're all over it!
    One way to ensure if your scale is accurate is to place a 5-10lb dumbell on it. I've found the heavier the weight (8-10) the more accurate the read. I dunno why, maybe 5lbs is really too light for it to gauge.
    I was actually thinking of buying a new one myself....am I wishing the reads will be lighter lol:sad:

    Whatever your doing, looks like this is top of mind, so kuddos to you!
  • sarahrose8403
    OK I'm new here, my first post, and just set up the profile. I would love a challenge....what do I do?

    I am about 200lbs and want to lose 40!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Hey guys...just so there's no confusion...PLEASE RE-WEIGH IN (if youve already done so) TOMORROW! Even if its the exact same weight. It's alot of work to go through all the posts and create this spreadsheet...so please just repost Current Weight (CW) and Goal Weight (GW). I'm going to try my best to post on Saturday! Going forward feel free to post any accomplishments, realizations, goals, and changes in weight throughout the week BUT make sure to post your most current weight on Fridays!

    Thanks! SOO happy to see so many people interested in this challenge!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    scared to get on the scale tomorrow but excited about getting my workout in bright and early! woo hoo!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i'm pumped for this. got back on track today
  • mimi135
    mimi135 Posts: 6
    count me in!!
  • cjmuncy42
    I have been with MFP for 4 days now and i love it. I was having trouble knowing for sure if I was getting to many calories each day and the pain in the tail it is to try an calcualte each food. this site makes it so easy. thanks mike

    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/96/3647/963647.png&quot; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Nutrition Facts</a> For Foods</small></p>
  • Songbird146
    Songbird146 Posts: 46 Member
    I hope it is ok to post late tomorrow. I don't get off work to have access to a computer until after 8pm. My boss took away our computer access because too many people were abusing it for stupid stuff like watching movies instead of working. Maybe I can sneak on before she comes in in the morning. Let's hope the hotel lobby isn't busy lol.