i dont get it



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I assume, that everyone on here is committed to making their lifestyle more healthy and to lose weight that may or may not be needed to.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I think you should seriously concern yourself with your own body and any you may have made from scratch and not make your heart heavy with the struggles and methods of strangers on the internet.

  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I assume, which i probably shouldnt, that everyone on here is committed to making their lifestyle more healthy and to lose weight that may or may not be needed to. but how can so many people still be eating things that are known to be poisonous. splenda,fast food, its all so bad for you. thats not even getting into the fluoride debate. the point is that people are willingly ingesting things they know to be bad in so many different ways but dont care or realize that this is probably one of the causes to their troubles to begin with. mini rant? yeah. idk someone try shedding a little bit of light because ive been trying to understand this and i just cant.

    This from someone who drinks diet soda and seltzer which by the way carbonated drinks leech calcium from your bones. Worry about yourself and don't lecture everyone else dear.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Lmao at saying sucralose is a poison ,it's not going to hurt you unless you're eating stupid amounts like 1500mg/kgbw per day or you are a special snowflake that has a unique GI tract or special kidneys and you metabolise more than 15%.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    splenda does not cause cancer.
    i love splenda.
    splenda rules!!!!!!!
    and it doesn't make you gain weight. i lost almost 70 lbs eating splenda every single day.

    "The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of sucralose, brand name Splenda, to be on the consumer market. This safety of the product is based on the review of more than 110 studies involving animals and humans. The FDA looked for carcinogenic, reproductive and neurological effects of usage and found none."

    "The bottom line is that the FDA has found no cancer causing properties in the usage of Splenda."

    "The cancer stigma that surrounds artificial sweeteners is believed to stem from the 1970s when lab rats developed bladder cancer during a saccharin trial. Although no case of cancer in a human has been reportedly linked to saccharin, the stigma still remains."
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    not much else to say. BUT if you have two hours to sit around and argue this nonsense you have time to put in a few of your home cooked meals/:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I assume, which i probably shouldnt, that everyone on here is committed to making their lifestyle more healthy and to lose weight that may or may not be needed to. but how can so many people still be eating things that are known to be poisonous. splenda,fast food, its all so bad for you. thats not even getting into the fluoride debate. the point is that people are willingly ingesting things they know to be bad in so many different ways but dont care or realize that this is probably one of the causes to their troubles to begin with. mini rant? yeah. idk someone try shedding a little bit of light because ive been trying to understand this and i just cant.

    You should stop driving, that's hazardous to your health.
    Also ditch the cellphone, radiation and all.
    But since those waves are all over, you'll probably need to move to Mars.
    Which works out because the air has toxins and stuff, so you'll need to stop breathing too.
    But then you have the Sun, which'll kill you as well.

    So...go to Mars, hide in a cave, and stop breathing, eating, and drinking.

    If you don't you're not committed to being healthy.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    splenda does not cause cancer.
    i love splenda.
    splenda rules!!!!!!!
    and it doesn't make you gain weight. i lost almost 70 lbs eating splenda every single day.

    "The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of sucralose, brand name Splenda, to be on the consumer market. This safety of the product is based on the review of more than 110 studies involving animals and humans. The FDA looked for carcinogenic, reproductive and neurological effects of usage and found none."

    "The bottom line is that the FDA has found no cancer causing properties in the usage of Splenda."

    "The cancer stigma that surrounds artificial sweeteners is believed to stem from the 1970s when lab rats developed bladder cancer during a saccharin trial. Although no case of cancer in a human has been reportedly linked to saccharin, the stigma still remains."

    splenda is great for baking if you don't use it you should. also truvia is pretty decent. the real evil is white sugar.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    also you can get fast food that isn't terrible for you, you just need to be smart about it.
    the original poster=amateur hour.
    reminds me of how people act when they first become vegan and try to boss others around. they sound self righteous and foolish.
    and then we all make fun of them.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    not much else to say. BUT if you have two hours to sit around and argue this nonsense you have time to put in a few of your home cooked meals/:

    Exactly. How about troll food? Is that BAD for you?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member

    Coke Zero is better cuz it has SPLENDA!!!!

    LOL that needed a spew alert after reading all these splenda posts lol Now I have to get some coke zero :laugh:
  • vg8pr0
    vg8pr0 Posts: 47 Member
    I noticed that you are very young - nothing against that.....but I think that this should be a place of open mindedness and non judgemental behavior. So whatever works for you - thats fine! But some people have different ideas of how they are going to complete their journey. You will develop better social habits as you age (hopefully) but just a reminder to be supportive and non judgemental. thanks
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    More healthy =/= perfectly healthy. In a perfect world, all our food would be organic and pure and lovely, but the majority of us live in an imperfect reality where we make compromises every day to try to meet our nutritional needs while staying within a budget, cooperating with friends and family, meeting the demands of a busy schedule, etc. For many people, an all-or-nothing mentality is an invitation to failure: "Well, I had a Twinkie, so now everything is ruined and I might as well just eat a whole bucket of fried chicken." For a lot of folks, being able to be more healthy without expecting 100% perfection is the only way to make a lifestyle change that will stick.

    well thats because im recovering from an eating disorder but thats not the point. that is a mental illness.
    so id i said in moderation i should drink because thats better then doing meth is that okay too?

    Yes, it is a better choice. It IS better to drink from time to time than doing Meth......

    but so if i do meth once in a while it wont kill me. so if i mess up from time to time and fall to meth it wont kill me? but it will. and so is ingesting toxic material. i put things into my body that i know i need and yeah im broke most of the time as most people are these days, and i do have to make compromises but i cant knowingly put t\anything into my body that will cause it harm.

    Let me see... doesn't like putting anything "into" her body that will cause it harm but doesn't mind stretching out her ear lobs with those gauges. Now should we start in on that? Just saying that first you need a long look in the mirror before you go and lecture everyone else.
  • Hey girl, you figure out a program that achieves your goals here on MFP.....what others are doing is their business pretty much. I use some artificial sweetners and have used them for a long time, but I never felt, nor does the science support your comment about them being poison. If you are saying they are not natural, that is another thing. But regardless, each of our journeys' on MFP is personal, we are all trying to figure out what will work for us, not what will work for you. Try being a bit more respectful to your program mates, and you will be amazed the respect you will get back........even when you express whacky ideas ! :-)
  • matcartmill
    matcartmill Posts: 98 Member
    I'm pretty sure we can all agree that this topic is ridiculous, as is the OP's views on a fair amount of things.

    Let's just stop feeding the troll and carry on with our goals and calorie tracking. :)

    PS. I'm looking for more MFP friends, so add me if you want. I try to motivate my friends when I can. If you want to get/give motivation, send me a friend request.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Well look at you all perfect and such :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    well thats because im recovering from an eating disorder but thats not the point. that is a mental illness.
    so id i said in moderation i should drink because thats better then doing meth is that okay too?
    but so if i do meth once in a while it wont kill me. so if i mess up from time to time and fall to meth it wont kill me? but it will. and so is ingesting toxic material. i put things into my body that i know i need and yeah im broke most of the time as most people are these days, and i do have to make compromises but i cant knowingly put t\anything into my body that will cause it harm.

    God help me, I don't know why I came back into this thread, but since I did...

    These two quotes reveal so much about you. Did you perhaps abuse meth as a means to lose weight and subsequently starved yourself?

    As a recovering addict, I have to empathize with you despite the fact that everything that you have said I have found completely despicable. First off, don't disguise your drug addiction by calling it an ED. You probably do have an ED, but to truly recover you are going to have to acknowledge and take accountability for your addiction. Based on other things that you have said in this thread, it is obvious that you have not yet taken accountability... of probably anything ever!

    I'm sure that my very legitimately sympathetic advice is unwanted, however, I feel that you must first deal with your addiction and deal with the ED second. I would suggest that you step away from this site, start a 12-step program, get some psychological counseling for yourself so that you can figure out why you wish to self-destruct, allow yourself to gain some weight back, and then pursue correcting your eating habits to reflect a healthy lifestyle. This site is not for you. I really see you using this thread as an excuse to relapse. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • There are many great responses here. I think the key is tat people are uneducated. Will power is a really had thing to combat. Just because people know something is wrong, we do it anyway. It is human nature. It is great that you are so easily able to turn your switch on and off, know what to eat and not to eat. Many people do not have that in them (or the proper knowledge). We all know that McDonalds is not great for us, but some do not know HOW BAD it is hurting their bodies.
    We all have our own struggles and demons to face. Some people will say, "I don't know how people hate running, it is so freeing". I HATE RUNNING, so I find other means to burn calories that works for me. It is a long tough road, and when you are running around all day and don't have snacks with you, many turn to McD's, Burger King, or even Chipotle.
    Everyone needs to understand their struggles and face them one by one. If you try to tackle everything at once, I am sorry but you will fail. One step at a time.
    Good luck!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not poor. I don't have to make those awful compromises that will cause my body harm. I get to buy Coke Zero and Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper and mix them together!!!
  • matcartmill
    matcartmill Posts: 98 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not poor. I don't have to make those awful compromises that will cause my body harm. I get to buy Coke Zero and Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper and mix them together!!!

    Where in the world do you get Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper?!?!?!

    Must be an american thing. :(
  • MrsJonSamuels
    MrsJonSamuels Posts: 53 Member
    I think everyone is on a different journey, and we use MFP as a tool. It doesn't matter what diet or lifestyle change they make. What matters its how it works for THEM. Your journey is different from others, that's what make us alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll so unique:flowerforyou:
  • MrsJonSamuels
    MrsJonSamuels Posts: 53 Member
    Well look at you all perfect and such :)

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Where in the world do you get Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper?!?!?!

    Must be an american thing. :(

    It is, and it's delicious, but a bit too strong on the cherry for me. About 75 DP 25 CZ makes it perfect for me.

    Take that, Tim Hortons and your stupid donuts that taste better than DD!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member

    Only fifty more posts till it rolls off My Topics.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    More healthy =/= perfectly healthy. In a perfect world, all our food would be organic and pure and lovely, but the majority of us live in an imperfect reality where we make compromises every day to try to meet our nutritional needs while staying within a budget, cooperating with friends and family, meeting the demands of a busy schedule, etc. For many people, an all-or-nothing mentality is an invitation to failure: "Well, I had a Twinkie, so now everything is ruined and I might as well just eat a whole bucket of fried chicken." For a lot of folks, being able to be more healthy without expecting 100% perfection is the only way to make a lifestyle change that will stick.

    well thats because im recovering from an eating disorder but thats not the point. that is a mental illness.
    so id i said in moderation i should drink because thats better then doing meth is that okay too?

    Yes, it is a better choice. It IS better to drink from time to time than doing Meth......

    That would depend on the person. :laugh:
  • More healthy =/= perfectly healthy. In a perfect world, all our food would be organic and pure and lovely, but the majority of us live in an imperfect reality where we make compromises every day to try to meet our nutritional needs while staying within a budget, cooperating with friends and family, meeting the demands of a busy schedule, etc. For many people, an all-or-nothing mentality is an invitation to failure: "Well, I had a Twinkie, so now everything is ruined and I might as well just eat a whole bucket of fried chicken." For a lot of folks, being able to be more healthy without expecting 100% perfection is the only way to make a lifestyle change that will stick.

    Kudos. this is a great explanation.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    How about you worry about your own journey and others will worry about theirs.

  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    How about you worry about your own journey and others will worry about theirs.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Then why the diet coke yesterday in your diary?

    I think any change made to the positive is great and drink my sweet n low tea with great relish. It's much better than the 2 to 3 soft drinks a day I used to drink.

    Nice catch. :flowerforyou:
  • Because of comments and thoughts like this people who are really making an effort to try and change their lives for the better, GIVE UP! It is not easy for someone who is extremely overweight to just give up EVERYTHING that their body has come accustomed to eating for who knows how long.......I think this is none of your business and unfair to those who are really wanting and trying to make a difference. I feel bad for someone who comes across this that is obese and reads your "mini rant" and gives up because as you said " why bother" if you're not fully committed. Right? Shame on you. This is supposed to be a place for people to feel safe and communicate with other people suffering from the same thing and here you are bashing everything they thought was supposed to help them. This is supposed to be a network to support one another not JUDGE one another and how they are trying to lose weight.
This discussion has been closed.