i dont get it



  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I've been ingesting these supposed "poisons" the entire time I have used this site. Strangely, I haven't had a bit of trouble losing. What I want to know is why is there always someone who thinks that it's okay to condemn others for what they are eating. What I put in my mouth has NO impact on you and since it really ISN'T the cause of ALL my problems since I have managed to lose 90+ lbs, then your little mini-rant just sounds like you are being judgmental!


    I just wanted to bring this video back :bigsmile:
  • rhbrookhart
    rhbrookhart Posts: 1 Member
    Is that a question or a judgment? If it’s a judgment, I agree with everybody else – mind your own life; you don’t know squat about what anybody else deals with. If it’s a question, here’s the answer (from my point of view):

    1) Expense: Most healthy foods tend to be much more expense than their processed semi-nutritive relatives. That’s fine for the rich or for single individuals that only have to feed themselves, but for middle-class families, it’s just not realistic to rely exclusively on foods that are organic, free-range, natural, and prepared at home.

    2) Availability/Convenience: People eat what’s available to them. Not every location is blessed with whole foods store, farmer’s markets, nutrition specialty stores, etc. Also, these things are easier. When you’re rushing around to get through your day, its must simpler to grab something already prepared that stop and cook a meal.

    3) Preference/Habit: People like those things. It tastes good. It provides chemical highs that people become accustomed to, even addicted to. In the decision-making process, their preference for certain foods outweighs the known, or potential, consequences of eating them. Breaking eating habits and forming a new food culture in one’s home is extremely difficult for most people.

    4) Ignorance/Denial: Some people simply don’t know how to eat properly. Some people don’t make decision on what to eat based on the potential that at some future point, they could develop diabetes, heart disease, etc. Linking an immediate action to a long-term consequence is either impossible or so undesirable that they refuse to make that link even when they’re informed.
  • aylabradshaw
    aylabradshaw Posts: 17 Member
    I feel you girl! The truth is, most people don't know the dangers of what's in food these days. They hear "low or no calories" and are sold. All you can do is help spread the word and educate people about label reading. People have to make their own choices you know?
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I am drinking my ice tea with that evil splenda in it!!! :bigsmile:

    Eat right, exercise, die anyway!!! :noway:

    You're going straight to obesity he11!! Repent now!!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Truth of the matter is that a large percentage of just living in our world is dangerous or unhealthy. More harmful UV rays pass through the ozone than it did years ago, you breathe in pollution from cars and factories, shift work can lead to cancer, we've all given up the recommended 8 hours of sleep for some reason or another. To act all high and mighty is incredibly arrogant. Plus comparing splenda to crystal meth was a nice touch. They are definitely the same thing.
  • I am so glad you are not on my friend list. please don't add me.

    hahahahhaha.....too funny
  • dewdropinn79
    dewdropinn79 Posts: 16 Member
    I was over my calories by 50 calories yesterday, and I had one of those new unreal (unjunked) snack size candy bars. I give up now. Why do I even bother? I might as well just not work out tonight cause I basically suck.

    This thread is so ridiculous.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    I'm trying to have the debate, but you continue to claim all this evidence as to the harms of "unnatural" foods, and yet you have not provided one peer reviewed study. What does living in New Haven, Ct have anything to do with the expert testimony of someone with a Phd in biology?
    just as much as it being yale does. yale is a joke,im sorry.yes,its a godd school but its also a breeding ground for hate.


    IKR! Talk about left field...lmao!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Wow. Let me just crack open a big can of "who the **** cares what you think."


    Glug glug glug

    WHOOOOOOOOOOO the **** cares what you think.

    Plenty of people here have lost plenty of weight ingesting the "poisons" you listed... I've drunk flouridated water all my life and I brush my teeth twice a day and I'm not dead.

    Stop being a judgemental *****.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,137 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The original poster has received a significant amount of feedback and the conversations can continue via personal messaging or within a group. When the community does not allow for objective responses the topic will become as a whole, divisive. When polarization of this kind happens topics will almost always be locked.

    MFP Staff
This discussion has been closed.