Black Team Week 15



  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Passing the baton to Kati for her lap as Mother of the Year--


    Run, Kati, Run!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Passing the baton to Kati for her lap as Mother of the Year--


    Run, Kati, Run!

    ha ha ha, you guys make me smile. Thank you
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Passing the baton to Kati for her lap as Mother of the Year--


    Run, Kati, Run!

    ha ha ha, you guys make me smile. Thank you

    So glad we can pass it around so we all get a turn!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Hey gang. Did a 2 mile run with my poochie this AM. Managed to piss of DH and he left without saying goodbye. :ohwell: Hit the gym for 30 minutes of weights. Got called 'sugar' by a youngster. (Still laughing inside about that one, however I think 'kitten' still takes the cake.) Went to DS Honor's Assembly. Daily Wally World run complete. Somehow it's noon already.

    Throwing down some food. Gonna run through the house and make it look like I cleaned, I've got an hour, that's it. Going back to pick up youngest from school, drop off a few things to his class and hit the strawberry farm for more fresh, yummy, delicious berries.

    I'm wondering how many times a day I can eat vanilla yogurt, fresh strawberries and granola. Does 4 or 5 seem excessive? :love: LOL. The most I ate it was 3 times one day, but truly, I could eat it for every meal and snack and never get tired of it. It's tasty. Nom, nom!

    Hubs just called, guess he's not mad anymore. My hour is now 40 minutes. Oh well, what's a clean house anyway?
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    for later
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Andrew did say reward yourself daily, right? :blushing:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey gang. Did a 2 mile run with my poochie this AM. Managed to piss of DH and he left without saying goodbye. :ohwell: Hit the gym for 30 minutes of weights. Got called 'sugar' by a youngster. (Still laughing inside about that one, however I think 'kitten' still takes the cake.) Went to DS Honor's Assembly. Daily Wally World run complete. Somehow it's noon already.

    Throwing down some food. Gonna run through the house and make it look like I cleaned, I've got an hour, that's it. Going back to pick up youngest from school, drop off a few things to his class and hit the strawberry farm for more fresh, yummy, delicious berries.

    I'm wondering how many times a day I can eat vanilla yogurt, fresh strawberries and granola. Does 4 or 5 seem excessive? :love: LOL. The most I ate it was 3 times one day, but truly, I could eat it for every meal and snack and never get tired of it. It's tasty. Nom, nom!

    Hubs just called, guess he's not mad anymore. My hour is now 40 minutes. Oh well, what's a clean house anyway?

    I have been eating my yogurt/berry/granola at least twice a day for the last couple weeks...I love the stuff!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey gang. Did a 2 mile run with my poochie this AM. Managed to piss of DH and he left without saying goodbye. :ohwell: Hit the gym for 30 minutes of weights. Got called 'sugar' by a youngster. (Still laughing inside about that one, however I think 'kitten' still takes the cake.) Went to DS Honor's Assembly. Daily Wally World run complete. Somehow it's noon already.

    Throwing down some food. Gonna run through the house and make it look like I cleaned, I've got an hour, that's it. Going back to pick up youngest from school, drop off a few things to his class and hit the strawberry farm for more fresh, yummy, delicious berries.

    I'm wondering how many times a day I can eat vanilla yogurt, fresh strawberries and granola. Does 4 or 5 seem excessive? :love: LOL. The most I ate it was 3 times one day, but truly, I could eat it for every meal and snack and never get tired of it. It's tasty. Nom, nom!

    Hubs just called, guess he's not mad anymore. My hour is now 40 minutes. Oh well, what's a clean house anyway?

    I have been eating my yogurt/berry/granola at least twice a day for the last couple weeks...I love the stuff!

    Me too-- 'cept the frozen berries which don't last very long once thawed in the fridge-- so, I just like the yogurt and crunchies.

    Bought a 24 pack of SlimFast today-- something's gonna jumpstart this #$@! metabolism-- I swear!

    I lost my first 11 pounds this way-- faithful, timely snacks-- maybe I can lose my last 11 (or so)

    Had a nice date night with the hubs-- busy day-- tired.

    Have to take Aaron to the hospital in the morning-- ripped something or other in the calf. Always something--

    Need to type-- later.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Morning all,

    Have been sewing this am - Tom's old beavers badges, centenary scarf and other badges onto his blanket, and we have been for a walk to Tesco (what a shock :laugh: ). Feel all quezzy at the mo, I know that the UK has issued a health warning advising people with breathing difficulties to stay indoors (volcanic ash cloud over us!), but I didn't think that it would effect me!!

    Marla - I hope that Aaron is ok. This has never appealed to me - yogurt/berry/granola, I can't do berries and yoghurt urgh!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone else, hope that you have a good weekend
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Happy saturday all.

    Tanya- hope your feeling better.

    Lori-Love me some yogurt, granola and berries.

    Just thought I would let you know that it is snowting here.....:noway: :noway: :grumble: :grumble:

    Have a great day!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Tanya that volcano is really messing with travel plans. A bunch of teachers from my area were scheduled to go to Ireland yesterday. I don't know if they took off or not from JFK. My friend has lung problems I wonder how she will make out if they get to go. Really scarry....................the news reports from iceland make it sound as though another blast could happen anytime. Makes you realize that even with all the high tech stuff..........mother nature is really in charge......Have a great weekend every one. Richie
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Morning all,

    Have been sewing this am - Tom's old beavers badges, centenary scarf and other badges onto his blanket, and we have been for a walk to Tesco (what a shock :laugh: ). Feel all quezzy at the mo, I know that the UK has issued a health warning advising people with breathing difficulties to stay indoors (volcanic ash cloud over us!), but I didn't think that it would effect me!!

    Marla - I hope that Aaron is ok. This has never appealed to me - yogurt/berry/granola, I can't do berries and yoghurt urgh!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone else, hope that you have a good weekend

    I've been thinking about you Tanya. Hope you are ok. If this happened a few weeks ago, I would have had sent 24 high school Senior girls to your house until they opened Heathrow again:wink: I'm sure your boys would've loved that. It would give you the break you need....though you would have other headaches with cackling girls:laugh:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Great run this morning. I really should keep this up and aim for a distance run. I just can't mentally put myself there...yet

    Looks like it's going to be a nice day in this neck of the woods. Have family coming in to see Patrick (ds12) show. He's in Fame. He's the lead dancer. It's a local theatre company for -6-12th graders who have professional aspirations (don't they all:bigsmile: ) Patrick has been taking ballet for 5 years now. He's pretty good at it but doesn't thing he wants to professionally be a ballet dancer (though the perks of lifting those beautiful women entice him :love: ) whatareyagonnado? right Marla?

    Going to try and have a good eating day!.........NO I AM GOING TO HAVE A GOOD EATING DAY!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    Passing the baton to Kati for her lap as Mother of the Year--


    Run, Kati, Run!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    Happy Saturday. Busy weekend here. Last night was the final hockey game of the season. Today DH is working. Kiddos and I are heading to the bank and for groceries. Tomorrow is a semi-pro baseball game. T earned a free ticket for reading. We bought extra tickets for $5 each. Game at 1. DH is looking a job before hand.

    Andrew and Beth - sorry about the snow. What a nasty four letter word that is. We've cooled off here. We're back to normal temps instead of 15-20 above normal. But, it is only April and we've had snow this time of year before too. Need to remember to count our blessings.

    Have a great weekend!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Happy saturday all.

    Tanya- hope your feeling better.

    Lori-Love me some yogurt, granola and berries.

    Just thought I would let you know that it is snowting here.....:noway: :noway: :grumble: :grumble:

    Have a great day!

    yeah, i hate when it snowts :laugh: :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Happy saturday all.

    Tanya- hope your feeling better.

    Lori-Love me some yogurt, granola and berries.

    Just thought I would let you know that it is snowting here.....:noway: :noway: :grumble: :grumble:

    Have a great day!

    yeah, i hate when it snowts :laugh: :wink:

    I was gonna pick on him for it-- glad you did it, instead--

    Aaron tore his soleus muscle in his calf. Okay, show of hands-- who knew we had a soleus muscle?

    I'm sitting there as the doctor is explaining this, that and the other thing. And as I've mentioned in this forum before, my grasp of medical terminology is second to everybody-- including the dog. Talk medical to me and my eyes glaze over.

    Thank God Aaron was paying attention--

    Anyway-- the kid tore that muscle, on crutches, and will miss at least this week's golf tournaments-- his coach will have a fit. Especially since the injury occurred during "open gym basketball" at the high school, that his basketball coach has encouraged him to come to since he's being groomed for varsity

    In hindsight, as parents, we should have wisely stepped in and told Aaron to concentrate on one sport at a time, since an injury in his off-season sport will prevent his seasonal sport. Stupid of us. Aaron is the center of the golf team this year, as a freshman-- his team will not at all be pleased.

    But? Whaddyagonnado?

    Heading to type-- wayyyy behind today.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone good Saturaday.. Ya'll know today is my family day..Hit my run this morning 6 miles in 59 minutes..then hit the gym for 2 hours for a total of 1550 calories burned today..Go me..Skipped on cocession food although I always say I am gonna eat it I never do...Son lost baseball game..I think they were over confident..BUt hey whatyagonnado??? Since everyone else had said it today..

    Found a babysitter for both kids and Tuesday is Hubbys birthday. actually gonna have date night.. And I am off tomorrow..Gonne go to church with some friends and then head to a grill out at there house afterwards for hubbys birthday. Plan on getting up at 5:00 for a 6 mile run again before church..

    SO I hope everyone is doing as fabulous as I am...
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