
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good evening everyone

    :frown: I've had a bad weekend, I've gone over on my calories both days. :sad: I ate far too much Sunday Dinner today and felt bloated all afternoon. I'll have to slow down (I don't know why I eat fast!) :embarassed: and then stop when I realise I am getting full. instead of eating quickly and then feeling too full. I am sure the scales will be up on my weigh in tomorrow. :sad:

    :flowerforyou: RebelRenny I am sorry to hear about your FIL.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, sorry your shoulder is still giving you trouble but glad to hear that your mum is eating at last.

    Think I'll get my trampoline out and do a mini workout before it gets too late! :smile: Read Mimi's post about exercising if going over calories, and although I have put the dog walks down and got extra calories for these, I think a bit of bouncing will do me more good,.:smile:

    :drinker: Here's to another week of choosing health options - I'll try harder this week.

    :drinker: BFN

    Viv :heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Go, Kathy for quitting smoking!

    I had my first tri of the season yesterday and it was ... interesting, to say the least. My timing chip almost fell off my ankle, my bike had issues with the gears and even dropped a chain and I almost threw up on the run (I wasn't nauseous, not sure what that was about.)

    But I had a blast and the water was a decent temperature.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    So much for planning. Went to church on Sat. night so I could be lazy today and watch the NASCAR race at one of my favorite tracks, Texas Motor Speedway. The weatherman had other ideas. Rain cancelled another race on Saturday, and today, we are watching a pre-race show that is about finished with its second hour and so far no start time. With rain showers, 90% humidity, they don't appear to even be running the truck mounted track dryers.

    For those unfamiliar, they drive around pickups with giant "blowdryers" mounted on them to dry the track after a rain. The operative word is AFTER. At the rate they are going, I am afraid this race is not going to be run today.

    Last night after church I visited my parents and did after dinner kitchen cleanup and ate some leftover carrots, and beef. While there, a nearby friend called to say she couldn't get her laptop online. Since we had that thunderstorm, anything is possible.

    Once I arrived at her house, the problem turned out to be where the laptop was located in relation to the wireless router. She was at the opposite end of her family room from where she had previously connected. The router is in a room above where she was, with the router in a corner. Once I moved her laptop back to the sofa where it had worked before, everything was fine.

    She rewarded my troubleshooting skills with a glass of Shiraz!! Told her she can have trouble anytime if that is my reward!!:laugh:

    I came home while it was still light enough for the doggies to get in the rest of their walk, so we took a tour around the condo property and I ended up talking to a neighbor who just returned from a trip to the East Coast. She and her brother and SIL did a driving tour of historic places. They went to Gettysburg and a lot of other places and drove around for 3 weeks. She complained her knees were still bothering her from all the walking.

    I suggested if we went out and had a glass of wine, her knees wouldn't bother her as much. She protested, but I pointed out she didn't drink with her knees!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: Her daughter agreed, so I took the doggies home and returned a bit later with my car and we went to Applebee's.

    As we were getting ready to leave, a guy sitting next to us in the bar was delivered a HUGE round tulip glass with a straw in it, and what looked like a large ice cream sundae. I commented that it looked so dangerous that one could gain weight just looking at it!! It was something called a "mudslide" and by the description, one of them, in addition to blowing calories for the WEEK, would put a normal person under the table due to the multiple types of alcohol it contains. I did NOT order one!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    My neighbor and I had a good visit, and she kept telling me how good I looked. We were sitting outside on a bench so she could smoke a cigarette before we got in my car, and I told her that I wasn't going to "preach" to her about smoking, because she already knew how good it was NOT for her, but instead I preached the "gospel according to MFP." She had already commented on more than one occasion that she would like to lose, and it would definitely be good for her as she has knee and back issues. I suggested that she just start by registering on the site and logging her food for a few weeks to see a real picture of what she was eating, and then start making small changes. I hope she does it, but I am not holding my breath.

    Well, my afternoon is shaping up to be different than I had planned. The race still shows no signs of starting.

    BTW, Kathy pjmsmom--Congrats on stopping smoking. I know that is very hard. I wish you continued success.

    So long for now.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Rebel- Sorry to hear about your FIL. It must be very difficult and stressful for you and hubby.

    Opinion poll - When did you start and/or stop dying your hair to hide the gray? Or, when do you plan to let it all go al natural? I've never really dyed my hair and have been very lucky with not going gray too early like many of my cousins did. BUT, now (thanks to Facebook) I just couldn't stand seeing all of them without any gray. So, I dyed my hair yesterday as close to my natural color as I could find and used a brand that will wash out eventually.

    The pictues of my younger cousins with black/brown hair just did me in last night.

    So far today I've done yoga and swam. I plan to go pull weeds for a while now and I will try to bike later. We have a pool party coming up on 5/22 and a wedding on 6/26 and I am both excited and apprehensive about what to wear. Both parties are with the same family friends that we have known since BC (before children) and haven't seen that much this last year.

    Check in with you later,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Opinion poll - When did you start and/or stop dying your hair to hide the gray? Or, when do you plan to let it all go al natural? I've never really dyed my hair and have been very lucky with not going gray too early like many of my cousins did. BUT, now (thanks to Facebook) I just couldn't stand seeing all of them without any gray. So, I dyed my hair yesterday as close to my natural color as I could find and used a brand that will wash out eventually.

    I just let my hair do what came naturally and have been happy with the results......it changed gradually and I liked it and I liked not having to worry about keeping the color current......also I had my hair permed starting in my late 30's and didn't like the idea of assaulting my hair with both curl and color and by the time I gave up on the perm (about two years ago) I was liking my hair the natural color it was.
    :heart: Barbie
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Opinion poll - When did you start and/or stop dying your hair to hide the gray? Or, when do you plan to let it all go al natural? I've never really dyed my hair and have been very lucky with not going gray too early like many of my cousins did. BUT, now (thanks to Facebook) I just couldn't stand seeing all of them without any gray. So, I dyed my hair yesterday as close to my natural color as I could find and used a brand that will wash out eventually.

    Started going gray at age 18 - my older son is 27 and at least 5% gray. Poor guy got my genes. I've been coloring since I was 30. When I hit 45 I decided to let the gray grow out but my sons (teenagers at the time) told me, in no uncertain terms, to go back to coloring. Tempted to try again when I hit 60. :laugh:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    on the opinion poll I started dying my blond hair red when I was 29 I kept it up until I was 40 and then I started dying it blond (my natural color) I still do and I still will for a long time. to come. I know that I have one gray streak and a few other grays but I have been dying my hair way before I got gray so I don't really know how gray I am.

    Yesterday I spent the day gardening at my dad's (87yrs old) place and helping his girlfriend (69 yrs olds and his significant other) It was a long hard day with too much wine and good food. installing a concrete bench, attacking scotch broom and dividing iris. in mostly drizzle type weather. Today I did some gardening and lawn maintenance on my place. It was a rare incredibly beautiful sunny day up here. I am still tired though and trying really hard to eat right today to make up for yesterday. I managed over 6000 calories burned last week and today starts a new week. I am aiming for 6000 calories again. I like the way I feel when I work out so hard. On my Saturday weigh in ( I weigh everyday just to see whats up) I had beat my May 1 goal. I hope I can improve on that the rest of this month.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I got my first gray hair at age 10 (no kidding) and it has been a gradual process since. I never had the time, energy, or inclination to do anything about it and have been gray for quite a while. I guess it started so young that I just accepted it and went with it. Two of my three daughters (the brunettes) got the early gray gene from me. Oh well! I just tell them that bad breath and stinky feet come from dad's side of the family. :laugh:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Opinion poll - When did you start and/or stop dying your hair to hide the gray? Or, when do you plan to let it all go al natural? I've never really dyed my hair and have been very lucky with not going gray too early like many of my cousins did. BUT, now (thanks to Facebook) I just couldn't stand seeing all of them without any gray. So, I dyed my hair yesterday as close to my natural color as I could find and used a brand that will wash out eventually.

    Was a natural blonde until I hit 45 when my hair started getting that mousy dishwater color I'm told all aging blondes eventually are. Couldn't stand it so began getting foiled highlights and lowlights in a effort to look as naturally blonde as possible. Now here I am 5 years later still doing it. I plan to keep on until I get enough wrinkles on my face that going silver makes more sense. I"m guessing around 60. I plan to look as good as possible for as long as possible, but have no desire to look fake. (That's my two cents worth on the hair subject.)
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Opinion poll - When did you start and/or stop dying your hair to hide the gray? Or, when do you plan to let it all go al natural? I've never really dyed my hair and have been very lucky with not going gray too early like many of my cousins did. BUT, now (thanks to Facebook) I just couldn't stand seeing all of them without any gray. So, I dyed my hair yesterday as close to my natural color as I could find and used a brand that will wash out eventually.

    I've been dyeing my hair for about 5 years. My sister in Holland is a master hairdresser and talked me into it. I have loved it ever since. My hair color was mousy and then became mousy and gray and made me look much older than I felt. Besides, I am a colorful person and as such I want lots of color in my clothes and in my hair and in my life!!! :bigsmile: At least, that's my story and I am stick'n to it :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I went for a 20km bike ride this afternoon to test if this was a doable trek into work. It was awesome. I met DH downtown Victoria at a coffee shop and we put the bike in the back of the van and drove back (It was a bit much to do 40 KM (!)). It took me 80 min to do 20K, so it is a doable ride into work if I leave at 7AM. :bigsmile:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    So here is my 2 cents on the hair color question. At about age 30 I discovered I had "chrome" starting above my ears and at my hairline hear forehead. I figured chrome belonged on a car, and since I am not a '54 Buick, I learned some basic info from a friend about how to mix color and away I went. I never bought the pre-packaged stuff, always got the separate haircolor and developer and mixed a batch as needed.

    I started out as close to my own color as a could, but as time passed, I decided to lighten and go toward the red spectrum, so that is where I am. It is so close to my own color that it grows out without roots, which is handy. The only thing that has changed over the years is that I now have a couple of splotches that go grey behind my ears. If my hair appeared to be greying out evenly, I might consider changing what I do, but I am still 95% my original color, so why fool with what works.

    One thing that is really handy is the "crayon" I discovered that you can buy in a beauty supply to match the color of the product you are using, or close to it. You run warm water over it, and then use it to color in roots--very handy and allows me to go 6 weeks between coloring without looking like it. They have a brand at Sally Beauty Supply that I can't recall the name of, but the one I first tried was made by Kiss.

    Doggies and I managed to get a full walk in today. Nice and sunny and 70 degrees--and, No, it didn't rain this time!!! Not here anyway, can't say the same about Texas, as per my earlier post.

    So long for now.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    HAIRCOLOR issue: ( I LOVE this thread...) I think it depends on your original haircolor and how much "maintenance" you care to undertake. I have always had "dirty blonde" hair, so at some point I started adding highlights, then lowlights and that allows me to only professionally have these treatments every 3 months. Having some gray works just great as I don't ever have ONE color anyway. If I had darker hair that required more frequent treatments I might feel differently. I would not attempt a home color as I am not good at that kind of thing and my hair has never been one color anyway. So...My vote would be...do whatever makes you feel good!
    Barbie: I love your new photo...and your natural hair color!!!

    After about 6 weeks of MFP and a 10 pound loss, I hit the wall yesterday. We went to Charleston and spent the night at old college friends and for the first time I did not compute my calories...it was that bad. I ate whatever was put in front on me. It was not salads and fruits either. So...THIS WEEK is dedicated to re-setting my goals. I did not feel great this morning and I want to feel great every morning! Why do I revert back to old bad behaviors with old friends after I managed to keep better habits last week with other old friends??? Can I only be "good" for so long? I hope not!!!:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Sorry to "sob", but I am not happy with myself and really, really want to change this cycle!!! HELP...anyone!!!????oway: :noway:

    ANYONE UP for a 2 WEEK CHALLENGE? I need to get to May 1 with a good lose. How about 3 pounds in 2 weeks? That's reasonable, isn't it??? So...WHO'S IN??? Let's do it!!!

    All BEST, Kackie
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: The hair color queestion: at 56 my hair is still mostly brown. I tell my children that each time I teach one of them to drive I get a ton more white hairs. With only three more to teach out of 14, Ithink I may get by without any coloring!:ohwell: My mom has beautiful, soft white hair and I will be happy if mine turns out just like hers. Looking forward to a good week...:flowerforyou:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I've been keeping up reading here but haven't been taking notes, so by the time I'm through reading, I can't recall who said what and therefore can't respond individually like many of you do and as a result I haven't been posting at all. I guess that either means I have a poor memory or am lazy. :ohwell:

    However, I sure can weigh in on the hair color thingy. I've mentioned before that my hair grows like a weed, I have it pruned every six weeks or else it would be way below my waist (should I happen to get one someday that is). :noway: I keep it up in a ponytail or put it up with hair sticks most of the time.

    I'm 60 and have colored my own hair since I was around 35 or so. A couple years ago the color seemed to harsh for my skin tone even though it was the same dark brown it was before I started tinkering with it. So I went to a really good salon that a friend recommended and had my hair stripped with something less harsh than most salons use. I still hold the salon record for time in the chair. Eight hours and way too many dollars later :noway: , I had much lighter brown hair that I now put high and low lights in. It took seven applications to get it the shade we were after. My head was so sore after that day in the chair I didn't even brush my hair for two days. :sad:

    It looks quite natural now except when it starts growing out. I have used the temp root color that the salon sells but was not happy with the result. It was too clumpy and kinds like bad mascara, if you can picture that. So I have just been dealing with the "ring around the head" syndrome until it's time to get it redone.

    I will definitely look into what Sally's has to offer for the problem. Thanks for the info Barb (weaklink) ! :bigsmile: Someone must make a better product than the one I tried.

    As to when I will stop coloring it - I guess when it's all white. At least it isn't that nasty yellow that sometimes happens. When it's all, or nearly all white, I guess I'll stop coloring it and get it cut short. That will be quite the change for me. Hopefully by then my grandson won't care anymore if it's long or not. He keeps telling me I can't cut my hair. It's sweet that he gives two hoots what my hair is like. Hubby doesn't care whether it's long or not.

    Haven't gained or lost lately but an feeling much more energetic and can get into some clothes that I couldn't last month. I have been going to the gym M-F with very rare exceptions - only when I just can't fit it in with other obligations. I have also been keeping within my calories with only a few minor blips. I eat enough veggies for a small family it seems. One other thing I have noticed about my eating better regime - my flaky, thin, ridged almost non-existent fingernails are improving. I always could grow hair but NOT fingernails. It's a blessing to no have them break off down into the nail bed and bleed. That used to be a fairly frequent occurrence for me.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Kackie - I'm with you - 3 pounds by May 1. I'm in.

    I really need to see double digits here in the weight loss department. I have a long way to go. I feel so much better already; I'm curious just how great I'll feel when I really get going!! :bigsmile:

    I've got the exercise thing going and have pretty much gotten the eating the wrong stuff monster under control. Now it's a matter of not eating too much of a good thing. Should be a piece of cake, oops broccoli, right? :drinker: Sweets has never been a major problem for me. Carbs on the other hand... once I get started on pretzels, chips, popcorn, bread I'm a goner. Fortunately they aren't gotta haves for DH, so I keep most of it out of the house. Just sandwich rounds and whole wheat which I don't have too much trouble with. My baking days are over for a while. My kitchen used to smell like yeast most of the time. :wink:
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86

    Opinion poll - When did you start and/or stop dying your hair to hide the gray?

    I was staring to get noticebly white at around 35 and I have been coloring my hair ever since. The color right now is a bit lighter than my original color ever was but i think it suits my light skin better ;:wink:
    I've been reading all your posts trying to get to know you all. I got a headache trying to remember all the names so I gave it up. I was never good with names and I've only gotten worse in my old age.
    I marvel at everyone's resolve and energy and commitment to exercise. I could never muster that much enthusiasm. To my defense I should clarify that I'm disabled by Multiple Sclerosis and have been residing in a wheelchair most of the time for the past 10 years. I do have equipment for physiotherapy, however, that I could use in lieu of exercise but I don't use it unles I'm forced to by pains etc. Perhaps one of my goals from now on should be to use the equipment!
    I'm still trying to come to terms with food, especially carbs and processed food that I'm supposed to avoid like the plague. Even though I've been generally good so far, one of those insedious foods or another seems to find it's way past my mouth every so often. I've heard it said or read so often that weight loss = calories in - calories out. I have my own theory. I believe that it's carb calories X 10 + protein calories - calories out = weight loss. Given that we are also 10X more likely to crave after carbs than proteins, it takes iron control to actually lose the weight. KUDOS to all of you then, who have managed to lose large or less large amounts of weight!!

    Those were my gems of wisdom for today. I wish you all continued resolve, health and happiness.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Thought I would drop in with the Hair Dying topic

    :smile: I am naturally blonde, but over the last few years my hair has gone slightly mousy - it lightens up if I am in sunshine, but I was fed up of the mousyness so I had highlights put it a few years ago and have been hylighting ever since. The last few times I have dyed it at home with a bit of help from a friend and (touch wood) the results have been good. :smile:

    :smile: I'm about due another colour, so I'll be doing that shortly.

    Well better get back to work - had a quick peep while I was finishing off my lunch - so far so good with the calories.

    Have a good day :drinker:

    Viv :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Thank you all for your responses on the hair coloring poll.

    There are a lot of good ideas and funny points on the whole idea. Many of you brought up some good points and made me feel better about myself. I am lucky that the gray is a good gray and not a yellow gray. With all the weddings and parties coming up this spring and summer I may keep it colored for a while.

    The point on when we start to look aged and when the colored hair starts to look bad is a good point. That will be different for all of us.

    Still I always had long hair and if I decide to grow it long again it will be all natural as I don't think I could stand how much dying long hair would cost.

    Thanks for all the responses! This is such a wonderful forum group.

  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm going to log on again tonite and try to read more posts...I have not even had a chance in 3 days to post anything let alone count calories. I had a ridiculously hard week at work...3 conferences and understaffed at the hotel and I ran my behind off but I made up for it by totally blowing it one day and eating absolutely everything in sight....I mean everything ha! Then next night went out for my daughters birthday......but here I am again ready to feel really healthy today and so happy there is support here to get right back on track! Two months ago I would have just thought "oh forget this...I blew it and whats the use?" Maybe tommorrow I'll weigh in and see what damage I did but today I don't care it just feel good to relax! I'll try to catch up later.
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Have kept pants from -10 lbs to -30 lbs - - like two pairs of each.
    Put on my -10 lb pants today and they fit !!!! YAY
    Thank you EVERYONE (especially my friends who respond to my status updates) :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    p.s. Cholesterol blood test today..
This discussion has been closed.