is it worth the money to buy shakeology



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Shakeology is bull****.
    Actually it's a proprietary blend of natural ingredients.................but smells like bull****.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jdooks
    jdooks Posts: 91 Member
    of course you don't NEED shakeology. no one needs ANY supplementation if they can eat clean 100% of the time. unfortunately that's literally impossible because GMOs, hormones, and antibiotics in today's food supply.
    By your logic used earlier, all Monsanto needs to do is hire some celebrities to endorse GMOs and that would prove they are good for you.

    in what world did I say that? read Shaylam's post. My clients' blood work consistently comes back better. cholesterol levels drop dramatically. those are actual results, not celebrity endorsements... and Beachbody doesn't even USE celebrity endorsements! Tony Horton is only a celebrity BECAUSE it works. hilarious.

    Yet I've achieved the same without Shakeology, have a resting hr of 67/68, and I eat McD's 3-4 times a week. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    hey man, if you don't mind eating cow entrails and chemicals, then more power to ya!

    with that, I am done.

    we're all free to make our own choices. that's what's cool about all this. have a good one y'all. :)

    I don't mind eating entrails. Entrails are actually some of the best parts of the animal. I also eat animal brains, liver, chicken hearts, sweatbreads, intestines, stomach lining, tripe, etc.

    Still, bottom line is, none of these health benefits you are claiming can really be seen as being connected specifically to Shakeology or any BB product for that matter. I mean, take a look at P90x and Insanity, I did two full cycles of each, however, I've achieved far better results just hitting the weights and moderate running. I mean, I gained a good amount of mass doing far less work and got my hr down to a resting 67/68 with WAY less cardio. Man, I missed out on all that muscle confusion but magically it has proven to be way more effective. Just to add, I've had much better gains after I stopped monitoring my food intake as well. So that shows you that even strict meal plans have minimum benefits compared to just learning about nutrition in general.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    hey man, if you don't mind eating cow entrails and chemicals, then more power to ya! (and saving money by not buying into an MLM's program)

    with that, I am done.

    we're all free to make our own choices. that's what's cool about all this. have a good one y'all. :)
    There fixed it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Save the lame testimonials that prove nothing except what one person believes and put up some actual data that demonstrated efficacy or be quiet. Enough with the anecdotal n=1. Prove it or go away. Anecdotes are not proof. Slow learner aren't you?

    1) we don't have to be ****s to have a discussion
    2) so... i don't get it... you don't believe that Richard Neal actually lost the weight? or that he did it w/ Beachbody products? I'm confused.

    Makes no difference what he did. He is a study of one. You totally miss the whole annecdote =/= evidence concept. Quite honestly, you are making youself look like a fool by continuing with the same lame rationales but maybe that's a good thing. Intelligent people who read this thread will likely not waste thier money on this nonsense thanks to you. So, well done?
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    Bunch of dudes with hard bodies arguing about shakes! This was fun! No really...I'm being serious. :drinker:
  • I'll be honest, I read a few of the pages in the beginning of this thread, mostly because I'm at work and would rather explore somebody else's drama than mine right now :) I didn't read the whole thing.

    I'll be honest further and disclose that I AM a coach for Team Beachbody, and I do drink Shakeology myself.

    In response to the OP only (because I will not engage in "debates" with no possible conclusion): If it works for you, it's worth the price. If it doesn't, it isn't worth a pot to piss in. You can listen to bro logic or scientific discussions of chemical breakdown all day long (by the vested companies) and at the end of the day, it's only going to come down to this: What works for you is worth your time and effort. What doesn't, isn't. Shakeology isn't a magic pill any more than any other supplement on the market. I know people who fall asleep after taking caffeine, and I know people who get wired. Might as well ask them if caffeine is worth using for a boost, you'll get the same bullcrap spectrum of responses.

    In the perfect world, with a perfect diet, NO supplement is worth the price. Personally, when I first started in fitness, my nutrition was terrible and I knew next to nothing about nutrition. The Shakeology did help me feel better and have more energy, less cravings etc, all the stuff the advertising hoopla tries to sell you. My brother, not so much. I still drink it, he doesn't. That's fine - it's about what works for YOU. Me, who knows, maybe something in MY body reacts positively to it, maybe MY body is foolish and it's a placebo effect. Either way, I feel it so I'm still drinking *shrug*.

    I drink ON protein powder too, because I don't have time to cook leaner proteins all the time. I use a few other supplements as well, because I know the weak points in my nutrition. And I've cut out some because I felt no benefit.

    Coach argument aside, blah blah blah, here's my philosophy on taking ANY supplement: If you can't afford to WASTE the money on it, it's not worth trying. Maybe it would work for you, maybe it wouldn't... but if you can't afford to drop the price w/o concern, you aren't going to use it properly anyway, so why bother trying? Rarely will you find a supplement which works immediately, most take time (for whatever it is in that supplement your body reacts to) to build up before you feel it. I can tell you this about the Shakeology, unless your diet is VERY poor like mine was (fast food 2-3 times/day), it will not lower your food bills enough to pay for itself. It won't make you stop eating chocolate doughnuts, it won't make you stop sucking down a bottle of Vodka on Saturday nights. My food bill went down considerably and the Shakeology is an INDIRECT part of that.... the same thing would have happened had I been able to transition from garbage food to healthy without using any supplements.

    So I think what you meant by your question is: For the high price, will I REALLY benefit from Shakeology? And the answer to that is a heartfelt: Maybe. Maybe not. You might find a product considerably cheaper which will make you feel like a God. Or a beggar. I've even seen one which ultimately cost twice as much as Shakeology and was basically whey protein with a multivitamin crushed up in it, maybe that one will work like magic for you.

    Hopefully you haven't been chased away by now, and may even read or get some benefit from my opinion.

    Don't listen to bro science. Don't listen to an unknown coach either. Listen to your body, your wallet and nothing else. Because most of the science provided for supplements is crap, and so are the opinions. I'd love to hear what you DO decide to try or if you find something that works for you. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Lol, think he broke this rule in the "Coach" agreement?

    3.30 Online Conduct
    Coaches shall be expressly prohibited from engaging in any fraudulent, harassing, offensive or any other form of prohibited conduct on or through any online or electronic forum, including without limitation through blogs, message forums, Web sites, text messages, instant messages, electronic mail, message boards, and social networking sites.


    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I'll be honest, I read a few of the pages in the beginning of this thread, mostly because I'm at work and would rather explore somebody else's drama than mine right now :) I didn't read the whole thing.

    I'll be honest further and disclose that I AM a coach for Team Beachbody, and I do drink Shakeology myself.

    In response to the OP only (because I will not engage in "debates" with no possible conclusion): If it works for you, it's worth the price. If it doesn't, it isn't worth a pot to piss in. You can listen to bro logic or scientific discussions of chemical breakdown all day long (by the vested companies) and at the end of the day, it's only going to come down to this: What works for you is worth your time and effort. What doesn't, isn't. Shakeology isn't a magic pill any more than any other supplement on the market. I know people who fall asleep after taking caffeine, and I know people who get wired. Might as well ask them if caffeine is worth using for a boost, you'll get the same bullcrap spectrum of responses.

    In the perfect world, with a perfect diet, NO supplement is worth the price. Personally, when I first started in fitness, my nutrition was terrible and I knew next to nothing about nutrition. The Shakeology did help me feel better and have more energy, less cravings etc, all the stuff the advertising hoopla tries to sell you. My brother, not so much. I still drink it, he doesn't. That's fine - it's about what works for YOU. Me, who knows, maybe something in MY body reacts positively to it, maybe MY body is foolish and it's a placebo effect. Either way, I feel it so I'm still drinking *shrug*.

    I drink ON protein powder too, because I don't have time to cook leaner proteins all the time. I use a few other supplements as well, because I know the weak points in my nutrition. And I've cut out some because I felt no benefit.

    Coach argument aside, blah blah blah, here's my philosophy on taking ANY supplement: If you can't afford to WASTE the money on it, it's not worth trying. Maybe it would work for you, maybe it wouldn't... but if you can't afford to drop the price w/o concern, you aren't going to use it properly anyway, so why bother trying? Rarely will you find a supplement which works immediately, most take time (for whatever it is in that supplement your body reacts to) to build up before you feel it. I can tell you this about the Shakeology, unless your diet is VERY poor like mine was (fast food 2-3 times/day), it will not lower your food bills enough to pay for itself. It won't make you stop eating chocolate doughnuts, it won't make you stop sucking down a bottle of Vodka on Saturday nights. My food bill went down considerably and the Shakeology is an INDIRECT part of that.... the same thing would have happened had I been able to transition from garbage food to healthy without using any supplements.

    So I think what you meant by your question is: For the high price, will I REALLY benefit from Shakeology? And the answer to that is a heartfelt: Maybe. Maybe not. You might find a product considerably cheaper which will make you feel like a God. Or a beggar. I've even seen one which ultimately cost twice as much as Shakeology and was basically whey protein with a multivitamin crushed up in it, maybe that one will work like magic for you.

    Hopefully you haven't been chased away by now, and may even read or get some benefit from my opinion.

    Don't listen to bro science. Don't listen to an unknown coach either. Listen to your body, your wallet and nothing else. Because most of the science provided for supplements is crap, and so are the opinions. I'd love to hear what you DO decide to try or if you find something that works for you. Good luck!
    Most insightful post that I've EVER READ from a Beach Body Coach. :drinker:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    of course you don't NEED shakeology. no one needs ANY supplementation if they can eat clean 100% of the time. unfortunately that's literally impossible because GMOs, hormones, and antibiotics in today's food supply.
    By your logic used earlier, all Monsanto needs to do is hire some celebrities to endorse GMOs and that would prove they are good for you.

    in what world did I say that? read Shaylam's post. My clients' blood work consistently comes back better. cholesterol levels drop dramatically. those are actual results, not celebrity endorsements... and Beachbody doesn't even USE celebrity endorsements! Tony Horton is only a celebrity BECAUSE it works. hilarious.

    Yet I've achieved the same without Shakeology, have a resting hr of 67/68, and I eat McD's 3-4 times a week. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    hey man, if you don't mind eating cow entrails and chemicals, then more power to ya!

    with that, I am done.

    we're all free to make our own choices. that's what's cool about all this. have a good one y'all. :)

    FYI Shakeology is full of chemicals
  • jdooks
    jdooks Posts: 91 Member
    All this shakeology blah blah blah aside. The idea that supplements rarely works is something easily debunked. Protein supplementation post-workout does indeed work. You can literally feel it the next day and even an hour after you down it post-workout. How so? Well, you will feel considerably less sore, that's one thing. Other things like beta alanine, creatine, citruline malate, those things are effective and have tangible effects (if at proper dosing). It's the sounds too good or gimmicky to be true stuff that usually falls under the "this stuff probably doesn't work or work that well" category. Scales with price too. Usually the tried and proven supplements end up being the cheaper stuff you can buy whilst the ones that are ineffective but carries miracle claiming labels to be the expensive products.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Looks like they have divulged the proprietary blend:

    It only has 16g of protein? in 170 calories? there are other ones out there with less calories and higher protein levels. and lower in sodium, and sugar all at the same time...
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    My clients' blood work consistently comes back better. cholesterol levels drop dramatically.
    Is that before or after it cures their cancer, brings their dead pets back to life, and makes them incredibly attractive to the opposite sex?
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    My clients' blood work consistently comes back better. cholesterol levels drop dramatically.
    Is that before or after it cures their cancer, brings their dead pets back to life, and makes them incredibly attractive to the opposite sex?
    Ha. ...and finds that lost slipper that has been hiding behind the chaise lounge this whole time.
  • My clients' blood work consistently comes back better. cholesterol levels drop dramatically.
    Is that before or after it cures their cancer, brings their dead pets back to life, and makes them incredibly attractive to the opposite sex?
    Ha. ...and finds that lost slipper that has been hiding behind the chaise lounge this whole time.

    Ok, don't be ridiculous! The top two quotes I believe, but NOTHING will find that lost slipper! I suppose next you'll say it can find all those socks the clothes dryer eats?? <-- Skeptical.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    You must not visit the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, etc. much. SPAM is a staple in Asia!! Yes, I am Asian and was there 2 years ago, so unless they changed everything in 2 years, your assumption is wrong. There are tons of processed foods in Asia. So why no issue with weight? Because of portion control.:laugh:

    And the China Study? Lol, you're influenced by some shoddy research bud.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    had to come back to post this:

    We in the US have shorter life expectancies than 27 other countries.

    " "The tragedy is not that the United States is losing a contest with other countries," the report states, "but that Americans are dying and suffering from illness and injury at rates that are demonstrably unnecessary."

    The report outlines nine health areas where the United States lags behind other rich nations, including infant mortality, homicides, teen pregnancy, drug-related deaths, obesity and disabilities.

    Americans have the highest prevalence of AIDS in the group. Seniors are at a greater risk of developing and dying from heart disease. And our children are less likely than children in peer countries to reach their fifth birthday."
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    You must not visit the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, etc. much. SPAM is a staple in Asia!! Yes, I am Asian and was there 2 years ago, so unless they changed everything in 2 years, your assumption is wrong. There are tons of processed foods in Asia. So why no issue with weight? Because of portion control.:laugh:

    And the China Study? Lol, you're influenced by some shoddy research bud.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    had to come back to post this:

    We in the US have shorter life expectancies than 27 other countries.

    " "The tragedy is not that the United States is losing a contest with other countries," the report states, "but that Americans are dying and suffering from illness and injury at rates that are demonstrably unnecessary."

    The report outlines nine health areas where the United States lags behind other rich nations, including infant mortality, homicides, teen pregnancy, drug-related deaths, obesity and disabilities.

    Americans have the highest prevalence of AIDS in the group. Seniors are at a greater risk of developing and dying from heart disease. And our children are less likely than children in peer countries to reach their fifth birthday."
    Lol, what's your point? That drinking Shakeology will lower the risk of AIDS, homicide, infant mortality, drug use, and teen pregnancy?:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    To each their own.

    I drink shakeology. I enjoy it. I can afford it. I have no interest in other products because I have seen the results for MYSELF. It works for me and i stick with what works. I'm not a beach body coach nor do I want to ever be one. However, I won't go on some nerd rage because somebody likes and is passionate about a different product.

    The level of hate on this site is beyond disgusting.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Whenever I see a BB Coach defending their products I can't help but get this image in my head


    AS A SIDE NOTE, this is my take on every conversation with a BB coach ever:

    Do you have any proof or peer reviewed studies to substantiate the claims made of BB products: uuummmm, no.

    Given that you made a host of lifestyle and diet changes at the same time as starting on the shakes, isn't it more reasonable to attribute most of the results to this? Well sure, some of the results, but the shake is just awesome, I know it in my bones!

    Isn't it an excuse to charge a heap of people a ridiculous premium for an average protein shake with some cheap supps tossed in? Of course not, its a super secret special blend of awesomesauceness!!

    Don't you think it's counterproductive and ethically questionable to put people on a program that requires the ongoing purchase of a product that keeps them on a low cal diet while actively avoiding the biggest hurdle most people have to making a successful lifestyle change, learning how to eat a sensible calorie controlled diet: umm, well... shut up!

    end scene.
  • Skatduder
    Skatduder Posts: 4 Member
    This seems to work well with people in Japan, Canada and other places that offer free heathcare.
    And you gotta be naive if you think that a supplement company wants you perfectly healthy and not needing their products.:laugh: Your altruism is to Beach Body.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    People in Japan and China don't eat as badly as Americans do. Red meat, processed foods, etc are not NEARLY as prevalent in the East.

    Read The China Study before saying things of which you know not. :P
    You must not visit the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, etc. much. SPAM is a staple in Asia!! Yes, I am Asian and was there 2 years ago, so unless they changed everything in 2 years, your assumption is wrong. There are tons of processed foods in Asia. So why no issue with weight? Because of portion control.:laugh:

    And the China Study? Lol, you're influenced by some shoddy research bud.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Now that is funny.. I visit the Philippines and Thailand twice a year.. Very popular fast food places, Jollybee, KFC, Kenny Rogers they all sell a variety of chicken.. its deep fried so I kring when I go there.. and the piece of chicken you get is so so small.. you get like a breast of a robin.. tiny.. there is no way I can fuel my workouts there.. I find that I'm eating everything down to the bone like the locals..
    The western world does not know about portion control. That's why were on MFP .. well unless your a BB coach..