40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Yep, I'm doing yet another night shift tonight. It's just for one night, then I go back to day shift on Tuesday. We had our Grandson for a nice visit over the weekend. He is such a joy, and a bit of a character, too! He loves trains, so we were watching "Thomas" as well as other train CDs all weekend. At least it is better than some of the cartoons out there.

    Not too much exercise over the weekend due to the visit. That's ok. I've been hitting the weights pretty hard lately.

    Boy, I'm glad that we are not dealing with the volcano cloudsfrom Iceland. All of the airports in Germany are closed. I would be really sad if this happened in May (keep praying). At least if we were there, we could stay somewhere until the danger lifted. I always have plenty of extra money (atm) when we travel for emergencies. And a few more days in Bavaria would not bother me a bit!

    I hope everyone has a peaceful night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm sorry to see you are having to work a night again, singfree, but I'm glad it is just for one night. And it sounds like you had a great visit with your grandson.

    I had a good weekend. I started my Saturday with a 6 mile run, and then I finished my last STS workout for this rotation. :drinker: It felt really good. I didn't do too well with my eating this weekend, but that's okay. I'm slowly finding a balance right now (something I truly need), and I didn't go too crazy with my eating, so.....

    We leave for Hawaii tomorrow. :happy: I'm so looking forward to this. I'm hoping to run most days while we're down there, but I'm also taking along some cardio DVDs in case I need to carve out an hour to workout in the room. And, of course, if need be, I can always go to the gym on base. Somehow, I'll find a way to workout most of the days if I can. As far as my diet....I'm hoping I keep it relatively under control. My husband's and my 20th wedding anniversary is on Wednesday, and we have reservations at a hotel on the north shore of Oahu and will have a dinner that night in a restaurant right on the beach. Sounds rough, doesn't it? :laugh: The good thing about the restaurant is they serve all natural, organic and fresh food. The bad thing....I'm sure I'll be able to find a natural, organic, fresh dessert to go with dinner. :blushing: But this is a celebration, and we're going to celebrate. :drinker:

    I don't know if I'll be checking in much over the next couple of weeks, but I'll try. But if not, I hope you all have a great two weeks. Stay healthy and strong!
  • relkins
    relkins Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Roxanne and I hope it's not too late to join. I have been in a slump for the last month and have finally found my drive back. I am 42 and have been stuck around the 180's. My husband tells me it's my mind telling me my body is comfortable, but I'm not. Have recently got back on to mfp to track my calories and workouts. Any help on juggling kids, work, school, and me is greatly appreciated. I feel guilty when I don't stop what I am doing when my family needs something. I am slowly working on this and trying to explain to myself (my kids understand), that I have to work on me first.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and I know it will be a great week. Thanks,
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all!

    Went to Austin over the weekend to see our daughter who is a junior at UT. Did a lot of walking including the stairs to the top of Mt. Bonnell. Wildflowers are just beautiful.
    Stressful week at work, but they seem to all be stressful now. Oh well.
    Stiring, Have a wonderful time in Hawaii!
    Relkins, welcome! This is a great group.
    Sing: Glad you got to spend time with your grandson. I don't know how you switch from day shift to night shift.
    Everyone with allergies: I am there too. Never had a problem until we moved out here to Texas from Mississippi. My problem is that my eyelids break out and I have to use steriod cream on them. Taking a benedryl at night helps too.
    Looking to have a week of clean eating and working out. Take care everyone. TxMs
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone, and Happy Patriots' Day if you live in Massachusetts or Maine. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for the responses of how you deal with feeling unmotivated. I know that the changes I have made in my life through working out and eating for health are changes that I will have to continue for the rest of my life. Sometimes, though, when I don't see significant change for awhile, I do get discouraged. And when that happens, I turn to this thread for inspiration. You people really do help me see that we are all fighting similar battles.

    I went out and bought a couple of new workout shirts this weekend and for some silly reason, that cheered me up!:laugh: And I set a new goal for myself...I am also determined to run a 5k this year. I've been running intervals on the treadmill for awhile now, and have decided to try to increase my running time and distance. You know what? Running is HARD!!!!!:sad: But hopefully, I will soon start feeling the "endorphin high" of running and the difficult part of it will be worth it.

    Supposed to be nice weather here in Boston for all the marathoners that could get here, and the rest of the week. Hope everyone gets to go outside and do something enjoyable at least once this week!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Monday All!

    Welcome newcomers, too.

    Stiring have a wonderful trip and HAPPY Annniversary. Its an amazing accomplishment to stay married for 20 years.

    I ate a lot of filet mignon last night. Rough life, eh?? Its just that my husband can't eat beef, so I was on my own and the little package from Trader Joe's had a big piece and a small piece, and I cooked them both, and I hate leftover beef, so ate almost all of it. Scale hasn't punished me yet. I usually see the results the day after I have a bad meal. I didn't count yesterday, but since I worked out two hours, and didn't have any lunch, I may have actually been within my calorie range anyhow. I only buy filet about once every six months, but next time, maybe I can talk myself into cutting the big piece in half, and making three meals out of it instead of one. Or the Whole Foods will be open by us by the next time, and I can buy one individual piece!!!

    OK enough about me. I hope everyelse is doing great!
  • JuliaSoCal

    Julia, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And happy birthday to your daughter!! Tell us about the concert. I like Taylor Swift.

    , Sing, Stiring...good to hear from you, as always!!!

    The concert was a lot of fun... You can tell that she appeals to tween girls, 'cause there were TONS of them there. Katie had tons of energy at the start of the concert, but it was over 2 hours past her regular bed time...and she was TIRED, but happy.

    Thanks for asking.

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I am so happy that it looks like the clouds are parting and I am able to get back onto a schedule and better yet... Come back and visit with you all!!!

    Today I am going over to one of our rentals and vacuuming and steam cleaning the carpets. We finally got the man out that hasn't paid rent in 7 months but he left all of his stuff so we had to rent a moving van and move all of his belongings into a storage unit. I know the guy and he's not a bad person just had a rough couple of years and because of that turned to drugs. Sad situation he's gotten himself into there.

    Last night I went online and looked for hiking trails in my area. Yesterday we went to Red Hills and a friend said it was 6 miles.... Try more like 8.2 according to all of the web sights. Dang!!! And speaking of hiking I looked at mu husbands text messages to his friend and they are secretly planning on making me go back down the grand canyon AND on angels landing in Zion both of which I DONT want to do. Already did the Grand Canyon last year I dont ever need to do it again.

    Swiss... I'm sorry to hear about your daughter and the break up. I really hate girl/boy friends now that my kids are dating age. Well 2 are married now but I really have to worry about my son because he is VERY sensitive and his girlfriend knows it and takes advantage of that

    Sing... Doesn't that really mess with your sleeping schedule having to switch off working days and nights like that?

    String... Happy Anniversary!!! Have a great time in Hawaii!

    Relkins..... Welcome

    Cardi..... I think running is hard too. I can fast walk on my treadmill at a 6.5 for hours but as soon as I add the jogging motion even at a lower speed it gets much harder. Just keep going and little by little you will be able to go even further.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Ooops! This posted twice...
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday All!

    Had my doctors appointment and the Xray looked good so probably not a stress fracture. Doctor thinks it is probably a Neuroma in my foot. The good news is that if it doesn't hurt I can do whatever I want right now. So my 25K is out since anything over 5 miles is hurting but at least I can do a little light running.

    I started Hip Hop Abs this weekend. I find it hard to believe that I will see a huge improvement from the program. It really didn't wipe me out at all. But is another cardio option for me while this foot problem works itself out. Week 2 of the Lean for Life with Chalene.

    Enjoy your mondays!
  • charliecat
    Hello!! It is my second Monday in MFP and I lost 5lbs up until Saturday. I feel I have been doing all the right things. I've been doing extra walking, and tonight I even went for a breif bikeride, just to burn a few extra last minute calories. I feel good about it. Now, if I see more pounds come off, I'm good to go!
    My biggest drawback has always been my chocolate cravings. I did good till yesterday. I got myself a Yoplait Whips and had a fudgecicle. I would normally go out and get myself a big bag of chocolate something, but this was good enough.
    When at the grocery store, I managed to stay on the outer aisles and didn't let temptation get to me. Reading about all the success ideas on MFP is an inspiration. I need to prove to myself that I can do this....thank you everyone!!
    I am going camping for 2 nites in May. Any fun and unique food ideas would be greatly appreciated. It is just my hubby and I and he doesn't like a variety of foods, however, I do!
    I will be walking to/from work (almost 3 miles RT) whenever the weather allows. When I see you, other members writing of the exercises you do - and there is alot of walking - I feel guilty if I don't do as much, because I am capable!
    Well, my day is done. I need to catch up on rest, so good nite all, and I'll be reading your inspiring letters! Thanks!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    Hey Everyone...Swiss-hope your allergies are better now? I suffered last week as I reallly did not want to take anything except the eye drops. I heard from others that the Benedryl causes one to become sleepy. Are you doing better this week?
    Cardi-Just curious when you tread mill run do maintain the same speed or go up and down? When I do the tread mill I have to adjust the speed up and down...it is VERY hard to run!

    Welcome to the newbies....join the crowd I have only been in this group for a couple of months. They keep you going!

    This week will be interesting as I had a big craving for homemade choc chip oatmeal cookies, so I made and had. Will also be going out w/the girls for happy hour this week..oh boy!

    I am doing some tough workouts at the gym since I know my plans.

    Well, I have to run ttyl
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    charleycat, you are doing great with the weight lose. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks tron. I was very concerned about her but she has a friend (a boy) at church that she likes a lot and she is going to ask him if he will go to the prom just as friends. I am so hoping that he does. She talked to his mother and told her the circumstances and she is also hoping that her son will be willing to do this.

    pepper06...YES, my allergies are much better, in fact, I am not having any problems at all.

    Now for the bad news....I bent over at work this morning and my lower back started to spasm. I actually fell onto my knees and stayed for a few minutes until I could get back up. I am not too bad as long as I remain standing. But, if I sit than I can't straighten back up. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am afraid that I will not be able to go to work tomorrow.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I survived the one-night stand at work, and now I am back on day shift for the rest of the week. Yes, it is tough on the sleeping schedule. When I am on a crazy shift like this, I need to take a piece of an Ambien so I can get some rest during the day. It really affects every aspect of my life, especially eating and exercise.

    Stiring, have a great time on your trip to Hawaii. It really sounds wonderful!

    Swiss, I'm sorry to hear about your back. I wish that I could suggest something, but I've never experienced anything like it before.

    Duffy, it sounds like encouraging news from the doctor. I hope you are back to normal soon!

    Tron, that's the drawback about being a landlord. I just don't think that I could stand those hassles. Good luck!

    I am looking at the Munich airport's website and it looks like they've resumed operations again. That's a relief! I hope things are back to normal in 5 weeks.

    I did a 15 mile bike ride yesterday. I was going to lift weights, but I was kinda tired from ight shift. I will go back to the gym today.

    Have a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Swiss: Ice Ice Ice for the first day or two coupled with 600 mg of Ibuprofen 3Xs a day. After 48 hours alternate ice and heat. I've been told that tight hamstrings are the main cause of most lower back problems. If you can light stretching of the hamstrings if you aren't able to right now just remember to add hamstring stretching in the future. My mom has a lot of these problems and she has found that laying on her back with legs bent on a chair is the safest position for recovery. Hope today is better.

    I'm going out for little run today - after 24 hours on the Ibuprofen my foot is feeling really good this morning.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Tuesday Morning Everyone!

    Swiss: Sorry to hear about your back, I hope you feel better soon.

    Tron: I feel your landlord pain. I have to get tenants to move out less than a month after they moved in. Its really a building for active adults over age 55, but allows for 20% under age 55, but no one under age 18 ever. So this couple signed an affadavit saying they would be the only ones living there, and a lease that re-stated the no one under age 18 rule, and it turns out she is pregnant. Now technically they would not be breaking the rules for another 6 months, but the vicious condo board is already writing me a letter telling me how much of a fee they will charge should there be a violation, and my lawyer says get them out now.

    On the happy side, the scale is going on despite my filet mignon feast on Sunday!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Exercise update: My little 2 mile run went very well - Foot felt fine and so far it is still good but I haven't taken off my shoes yet. Update on Hip Hop Abs. Okay so the Cardio isn't intense but holy cow the Ab Sculpt just about killed me. So I guess that is making the program worthwhile after all.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Zebras... Thats a sad situation having to evict a pregnant person. But I bet they are expecting it.

    Sing... My husband deals with all of the confrontational stuff when it comes to the rentals but I tell you what... Dont ever get a rental unless you expect to get it back ruined. Most people have the mindset of "it's not mine so who cares". If I had a choice I would get rid of all of them.

    Swiss... I hope he goes to I would see her miss out on the prom.

    Yesterday I cleaned the rental til 9:30pm. Although I did a lot of vacuuming and raking pine needles I still feel like I didn't get much of a workout in. Today its snowing so I wont go back over there today so hopefully inbetween catching up on my own house work I will get in a few good workouts.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, a lady that I work with owns an apartment building and she has the same problems as you. She wants to sell the place, but her husband wants to keep it. At this stage in my life I don't want any more headaches. Also, I would have a hard time getting tough with the tenants. It's just not in my nature.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Wednesday...one day closer to the weekend!

    Yesterday was a good day for exercise. I did a strong upper body workout at the gym and then 15 miles on my bike after work. As predicted, my body is now (finally) responding to all of my hard work. If I had to guess, I think that 5 more lbs of fat loss will do it. Now when I look in the mirror, there is very little body fat remaining. During these last few weeks before Europe I will need to really clean up my act with my nutrition. It's been pretty good lately, but I still have my weak moments.

    Today the plan of attack is lower body and core training at the gym and one hour on my bike before Church choir rehearsal tonight. I've tried and failed to do a complete total body workout in one day. I just don't have the time. It would take me at least 2 hours just for the strength training. I then would have little energy for cardio.

    Enough of me. I hope everyone is well and has a nice day!